980 resultados para Pb-isotope
We have previously reported the effectiveness of TiO2 photocatalysis in the destruction of species generated by cyanobacteria, specifically geosmin and microcystin-LR. In this paper we report an investigation of factors which influence the rate of the toxin destruction at the catalyst surface. A primary kinetic solvent isotope effect of approximately 1.5 was observed when the destruction was performed in a heavy water solvent. This is in contrast to previous reports of a solvent isotope effect of approximately 3, however, these studies were undertaken with a different photocatalyst material. The solvent isotope effect therefore appears to be dependent on the photocatalyst material used. The results of the study support the theory that the photocatalytic decomposition occurs on the catalyst surface rather than in the bulk of the solution. Furthermore it appears that the rate determining step is not oxygen reduction as previously reported.
The coupling between magnetization and polarization in a room temperature multiferroic (Pb(Zr,Ti)O3–Pb(Fe,Ta)O3) is explored by monitoring changes in capacitance that occur when a magnetic field is applied in each of three orthogonal directions. Magnetocapacitance effects, consistent with P2M2 coupling, are strongest when fields are applied in the plane of the single crystal sheet investigated.
Purpose: Despite the significant interest in molecular hydrogen as an antioxidant in the last eight years, its quantitative metabolic parameters in vivo are still lacking, as is an appropriate method for determination of hydrogen effectivity in the mammalian organism under various conditions.
Basic Procedures: Intraperitoneally-applied deuterium gas was used as a metabolic tracer and deuterium enrichment was determined in the body water pool. Also, in vitro experiments were performed using bovine heart submitochondrial particles to evaluate superoxide formation in Complex I of the respiratory chain.
Main Findings: A significant oxidation of about 10% of the applied dose was found under physiological conditions in rats, proving its antioxidant properties. Hypoxia or endotoxin application did not exert any effect, whilst pure oxygen inhalation reduced deuterium oxidation. During in vitro experiments, a significant reduction of superoxide formation by Complex I of the respiratory chain was found under the influence of hydrogen. The possible molecular mechanisms of the beneficial effects of hydrogen are discussed, with an emphasis on the role of iron sulphur clusters in reactive oxygen species generation and on iron species-dihydrogen interaction.
Principal Conclusions: According to our findings, hydrogen may be an efficient, non-toxic, highly bioavailable and low-cost antioxidant supplement for patients with pathological conditions involving ROS-induced oxidative stress.
Ten medieval permanent teeth were subjected to incremental dentine sectioning and stable isotope analysis to investigate dietary changes in high resolution. In addition to this, eight increments were also selected for 14C measurements to examine possible intra-individual age differences. Results reveal the cessation of weaning, various dietary profiles and in some cases significantly different 14C ages obtained from a single tooth. This case study illustrates how 14C measurements can function as a proxy alongside the commonly used carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values to interpret the diet of past individuals
With biochar becoming an emerging soil amendment and a tool to mitigate climate change, there are only a few studies documenting its effects on trace element cycling in agriculture. Zn and Cu are deficient in many human diets, whilst exposures to As, Pb and Cd need to be decreased. Biochar has been shown to affect many of them mainly at a bench or greenhouse scale, but field research is not available. In our experiment we studied the impact of biochar, as well as its interactions with organic (compost and sewage sludge) and mineral fertilisers (NPK and nitrosulfate), on trace element mobility in a Mediterranean agricultural field (east of Madrid, Spain) cropped with barley. At harvesting time, we analysed the soluble fraction, the available fraction (assessed with the diffusive gradients in thin gels technique, DGT) and the concentration of trace elements in barley grain. No treatment was able to significantly increase Zn, Cu or Ni concentration in barley grain, limiting the application for cereal fortification. Biochar helped to reduce Cd and Pb in grain, whereas As concentration slightly increased. Overall biochar amendments demonstrated a potential to decrease Cd uptake in cereals, a substantial pathway of exposure in the Spanish population, whereas mineral fertilisation and sewage sludge increased grain Cd and Pb. In the soil, biochar helped to stabilise Pb and Cd, while marginally increasing As release/mobilisation. Some of the fertilisation practises or treatments increased toxic metals and As solubility in soil, but never to an extent high enough to be considered an environmental risk. Future research may try to fortify Zn, Cu and Ni using other combinations of organic amendments and different parent biomass to produce enriched biochars.
Com o intuito de estudar as principais vias de transporte de sedimentos finos recentes na zona central da margem continental Oeste Portuguesa, parâmetros geoquímicos, mineralógicos e granulométricos foram analisados em sedimentos superficiais e em matéria particulada colhida em armadilhas de sedimentos e integrados com observações da hidrodinâmica de fundo. Os parâmetros geoquímicos foram também estudados na coluna de sedimentos depositada nos últimos 150 anos e em sedimentos pré-industriais. Os referidos parâmetros determinados foram: concentrações elementares, isótopos estáveis de Pb, teores em materiais litogénicos, carbonato de cálcio e carbono orgânico. Os canhões de Lisboa-Setúbal e Cascais tiveram especial destaque no presente estudo dado que, até à data, encontram-se menos estudados que o Canhão da Nazaré. Os resultados mostram que a distribuição de sedimentos na zona central da margem ocidental Portuguesa é particionada pelos canhões e que a exportação de sedimentos da plataforma para zonas mais profundas da margem é restringida pelas correntes do talude, excepto onde os canhões funcionam como corredores para o transporte de sedimentos. Enquanto no Canhão de Lisboa-Setúbal, e provavelmente no Canhão de Cascais, o transporte de sedimentos até à zona inferior é limitada, provavelmente apenas despoletado por eventos de elevada energia, no Canhão da Nazaré o transporte ao longo do todo o canhão parece eficiente. As zonas superiores dos canhões de Lisboa-Setúbal e Cascais presentemente actuam como armadilhas de sedimentos finos, aprisionando partículas em suspensão provenientes da plataforma adjacente. A introdução directa de sedimentos provenientes das plumas dos rios Tejo e Sado nas zonas superiores dos canhões parece limitada, contudo a resuspensão dos sedimentos do prodelta do Tejo como resultado de ondas de tempestade e ondas de maré interna permite o transporte de sedimentos para os canhões adjacentes. Na plataforma de Lisboa-Setúbal-Sines foram identificadas as assinaturas geoquímicas e mineralógicas de diferentes fontes de sedimentos finos (e.g. estuários do Tejo e Sado, arribas costeiras, lagoas de St. André e Melides). As concentrações elementares pré-industriais são muito semelhantes nos canhões da Nazaré e Lisboa-Setúbal, mas variados graus de enriquecimento antrópico de metais traço estão presentes nos sedimentos recentes. A mais acentuada influência antrópica na última área referida é consistente com a sua proximidade a áreas densamente povoadas e industrializadas e com input de sedimentos originários dos rios Tejo e Sado, potenciais transportadores de partículas poluentes. A dispersão de Pb atmosférico parece também significativa sendo que toda a zona da plataforma continental adjacente aos canhões de Lisboa-Setúbal e Cascais apresenta-se enriquecida. A principal fonte de Pb antrópico identificada através de isótopos estáveis de Pb é consistente com a assinatura das cinzas de incineradoras. No Canhão de Lisboa a imersão de dragados contaminados parece ser também uma potencial importante fonte de metais traço antropogénicos.
Resumo indisponível
A toxicidade dos metais é uma problemática que envolve a saúde humana e o ambiente, sendo necessária uma vigilância constante e uma avaliação dos danos precisa e robusta. As plantas, como principal fonte alimentar e de produtos, são de vital importância à sociedade humana. Devido a serem seres sesseis, este grupo é um dos mais afectados por poluentes, tornandoos objectos de estudo extremamente interessantes. O objectivo desta tese foi avaliar os efeitos genotóxicos e citotóxicos do Cr(VI) e Pb2+ na espécie modelo Pisum sativum L. No capitulo I é introduzida a problemática da toxicidade de ambos os metais, com especial relevo nas plantas, bem como as abordagens mais actuais no estudo da geno e citotoxicidade. No capitulo II são apresentados os resultados dos estudos da genotoxicidade do Pb2+ (II-1) e Cr(VI) (II-2 e II-3), tendo sido realizados analises de dano ao DNA a vários níveis e alterações do ciclo celular (II-1 e II-2), bem como a detecção de instabilidade de microssatelites (II-1 e II-3), que é um indicador do estado funcional do mecanismo de reparação do DNA. O capítulo III aborda o efeito de stresses abióticos na capacidade fotossintética da espécie modelo. No capítulo III-1, realizou-se um estudo pioneiro de avaliação da aplicabilidade da citometria de fluxo no estudo da fotossíntese, mais concretamente no estado funcional e estrutural dos cloroplastos, quando expostos a um inibidor da fotossíntese (Paraquat). Os dados obtidos neste estudo encorajaram a aplicação da técnica nos capítulos III-2 e III-3, nos quais se analisaram os efeitos dos metais Pb2+ (III- 2) e Cr(VI) (III-3) na capacidade fotossintética de plantas expostas a este metal; em estudos que envolveram vários marcadores clássicos, para alem dos da citometria de fluxo. Finalmente, no capítulo IV são apresentadas as conclusões finais do trabalho, uma comparativa entre os efeitos e níveis de toxicidade dos dois metais em estudo e são apontadas algumas perspectivas para futuros estudos, levantadas pelos dados obtidos.
A área de Aguiar da Beira está integrada nos terrenos autóctones da Zona Centro-ibérica e é constituída essencialmente por rochas granitóides variscas instaladas durante e após a terceira fase de deformação (D3). As relações de campo mostram que estes granitóides intruíram formações metassedimentares de idade proterozóica superior-câmbrica e as sequências do Ordovícico e do Carbónico do sinclinal Porto-Sátão, cujo extremo SE aflora na área de estudo. Com base na cartografia publicada e nos dados de campo colhidos no âmbito deste trabalho, foi possível individualizar oito intrusões distintas: o granodiorito -granito biotítico de Sernancelhe, o granito gnaissoso de duas micas, o granito moscovítico-biotítico de Vila Nova de Paiva, o granodiorito-granito biotítico-moscovítico de Lagares e os granitos de Touro (biotítico-moscovítico), Aguiar da Beira (moscovítico-biotítico), Pera Velha / Vila da Ponte (biotítico-moscovítico) e Rei Mouro (moscovítico-biotítico). A presença de encraves microgranulares em cinco dos granitóides estudados sugere que os processos de mistura de magmas desempenharam um papel importante na sua petrogénese. As datações U-Pb obtidas em zircões e monazites durante o presente estudo permitiram subdividir os granitóides de Aguiar da Beira em três grupos, de acordo com as suas relações com a terceira fase de deformação (D3): granitóides sin-tectónicos (Sernancelhe e granito gnaissoso; 322-317 Ma), tardi-tectónicos (Vila Nova de Paiva, Lagares e Touro; 308-306 Ma), e tardi- a pós-tectónicos (Aguiar da Beira, Pera Velha / Vila da Ponte e Rei Mouro; 303297 Ma). As assinaturas geoquímicas de elementos maiores e traço dos granitóides estudados, em conjunto com os dados isotópicos Sr-Nd e δ18 (rocha total e zircão) apontam para uma contribuição significativa de protólitos crustais na génese destes magmas. Á excepção do granito gnaissoso, todos os granitóides possuem um carácter transicional entre os granitos do tipo I e do tipo S, o que apoiado pelos dados de geoquímica de rocha total e isotópica, e pela presença de encraves microgranulares de composição mais máfica presentes em muitos deles, indicia uma forte intervenção de processos de hibridização de líquidos de proveniência distinta (crustais e mantélicos), em diferentes proporções, na sua origem. Pelo contrário, as características geoquímicas e isotópicas do granito gnaissoso revelam claras afinidades com os granitos do tipo S, e sugerem que tenha derivado da anatexia de fontes exclusivamente supracrustais. No entanto, parte da variabilidade geoquímica e isotópica observada em todos os granitóides estudados só poderá ser explicada pela actuação de processos de cristalização fraccionada, especialmente intensos no caso do granito gnaissoso e dos granitos tardi- a PÓS-D3.
Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445
The present work has as objective to contribute for the elucidation of the mechanism associated with Pb detoxification, using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model organism. The deletion of GTT1 or GTT2 genes, coding for functional glutathione transferases (GST) enzymes in S. cerevisiae, caused an increased susceptibility to high Pb concentrations (500-1000 μmol L(-1)). These results suggest that the formation of glutathione-Pb conjugate (GS-Pb), dependent of GSTs, is important in Pb detoxification. The involvement of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) vacuolar transporters, belonging to class C subfamily (ABCC) in vacuolar compartmentalization of Pb, was evaluated. For this purpose, mutant strains disrupted in YCF1, VMR1, YBT1 or BPT 1 genes were used. All mutants tested, without vacuolar ABCC transporters, presented an increased sensitivity to 500-1000 μmol L(-1) Pb comparative to wild-type strain. Taken together, the obtained results suggest that Pb detoxification, by vacuolar compartmentalization, can occur as a result of the concerted action of GSTs and vacuolar ABCC transporters. Pb is conjugated with glutathione, catalysed by glutathione transferases and followed to the transport of GS-Pb conjugate to the vacuole by ABCC transporters.
Metal contamination of the environment is frequently associated to the presence of two or more metals. This work aimed to study the impact of a mixture of metals (Cd, Pb and Zn) on the physiology of the non-conventional yeast Pichia kudriavzevii. The incubation of yeast cells with 5 mg/l Cd, 10 mg/l Pb and 5 mg/l Zn, for 6 h, induced a loss of metabolic activity (assessed by FUN-1 staining) and proliferation capacity (evaluated by a clonogenic assay), with a small loss of membrane integrity (measured by trypan blue exclusion assay). The staining of yeast cells with calcofluor white revealed that no modification of chitin deposition pattern occurred during the exposure to metal mixture. Extending for 24 h, the exposure of yeast cells to metal mixture provoked a loss of membrane integrity, which was accompanied by the leakage of intracellular components. A marked loss of the metabolic activity and the loss of proliferation capacity were also observed. The analysis of the impact of a single metal has shown that, under the conditions studied, Pb was the metal responsible for the toxic effect observed in the metal mixture. Intracellular accumulation of Pb seems to be correlated with the metals' toxic effects observed.
White micas in carbonate-rich tectonites and a few other rock types of large thrusts in the Swiss Helvetic fold-and-thrust belt have been analyzed by Ar-40/Ar-39 and Rb/Sr techniques to better constrain the timing of Alpine deformation for this region. Incremental Ar-40/Ar-39 heating experiments of 25 weakly metamorphosed (anchizone to low greenschist) samples yield plateau and staircase spectra. We interpret most of the staircase release spectra result from variable mixtures of syntectonic (neoformed) and detrital micas. The range in dates obtained within individual spectra depends primarily on the duration of mica nucleation and growth, and relative proportions of neoformed and detrital mica. Rb/Sr analyses of 12 samples yield dates of ca. 10-39 Ma (excluding one anomalously young sample). These dates are slightly younger than the Ar-40/Ar-39 total gas dates obtained for the same samples. The Rb/ Sr dates were calculated using initial Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios obtained from the carbonate-dominated host rocks, which are higher than normal Mesozoic carbonate values due to exchange with fluids of higher Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios (and lower O-18/O-16 ratios). Model dates calculated using Sr-87/Sr-86 values typical of Mesozoic marine carbonates more closely approximate the Ar-40/Ar-39 total gas dates for most of the samples. The similarities of Rb/Sr and Ar-40/Ar-39 total gas dates are consistent with limited amounts of detrital mica in the samples. The delta(18)O values range from 24-15%. (VSMOW) for 2-6 mum micas and 27-16parts per thousand for the carbonate host rocks. The carbonate values are significantly lower than their protolith values due to localized fluid-rock interaction and fluid flow along most thrust surfaces. Although most calcite-mica pairs are not in oxygen isotope equilibrium at temperatures of ca. 200-400 degreesC, their isotopic fractionations are indicative of either 1) partial exchange between the minerals and a common external fluid, or 2) growth or isotopic exchange of the mica with the carbonate after the carbonate had isotopically exchanged with an external fluid. The geological significance of these results is not easily or uniquely determined, and exemplifies the difficulties inherent in dating very fine-grained micas of highly deformed tectonites in low-grade metamorphic terranes. Two generalizations can be made regarding the dates obtained from the Helvetic thrusts: 1) samples from the two highest thrusts (Mt. Gond and Sublage) have all of their Ar-40/Ar-39 steps above 20 Ma, and 2) most samples from the deepest Helvetic thrusts have steps (often accounting for more than 80% of Ar-39 release) between 15 and 25 Ma. These dates are consistent with the order of thrusting in the foreland-imbricating system and increase proportions of neoformed to detrital mica in the more metamorphosed hinterland and deeply buried portions of the nappe pile. Individual thrusts accommodated the majority of their displacement during their initial incorporation into the foreland-imbricating system, and some thrusts remained active or were reactivated down to 15 Ma.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The determination of the carbon isotope ratio in androgen metabolites has been previously shown to be a reliable, direct method to detect testosterone misuse in the context of antidoping testing. Here, the variability in the 13C/12C ratios in urinary steroids in a widely heterogeneous cohort of professional soccer players residing in different countries (Argentina, Italy, Japan, South Africa, Switzerland and Uganda) is examined. METHODS: Carbon isotope ratios of selected androgens in urine specimens were determined using gas chromatography/combustion/isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS). RESULTS: Urinary steroids in Italian and Swiss populations were found to be enriched in 13C relative to other groups, reflecting higher consumption of C3 plants in these two countries. Importantly, detection criteria based on the difference in the carbon isotope ratio of androsterone and pregnanediol for each population were found to be well below the established threshold value for positive cases. CONCLUSIONS: The results obtained with the tested diet groups highlight the importance of adapting the criteria if one wishes to increase the sensitivity of exogenous testosterone detection. In addition, confirmatory tests might be rendered more efficient by combining isotope ratio mass spectrometry with refined interpretation criteria for positivity and subject-based profiling of steroids.