983 resultados para PSI
En el presente proyecto se realiza un estudio para la construcción de una cabecera de televisión por cable. Se trata de un proyecto puramente teórico en el que se especifican cada una de las partes que forman una cabecera de televisión y cómo funciona cada una de ellas. En un principio, se sitúa la cabecera de televisión dentro de una plataforma general de transmisión, para indicar sus funciones. Posteriormente, se analizan las distintas tecnologías que implementan esta transmisión y los estándares DVB que las rigen, como son DVB-C y DVB-C2 para las transmisiones por cable propiamente dichas y DVB-IPTV para las transmisiones por IP, para elegir cuál de las opciones es la más acertada y adaptar la cabecera de televisión a la misma. En cuanto al desarrollo teórico de la cabecera, se estudia el proceso que sigue la señal dentro de la misma, desde la recepción de los canales hasta el envío de los mismos hacia los hogares de los distintos usuarios, pasando previamente por las etapas de codificación y multiplexación. Además, se especifican los equipos necesarios para el correcto funcionamiento de cada una de las etapas. En la recepción, se reciben los canales por cada uno de los medios posibles (satélite, cable, TDT y estudio), que son demodulados y decodificados por el receptor. A continuación, son codificados (en este proyecto en MPEG-2 o H.264) para posteriormente ser multiplexados. En la etapa de multiplexación, se forma una trama Transport Stream por cada canal, compuesta por su flujo de video, audio y datos. Estos datos se trata de una serie de tablas (SI y PSI) que guían al set-topbox del usuario en la decodificación de los programas (tablas PSI) y que proporcionan información de cada uno de los mismos y del sistema (tablas SI). Con estas últimas el decodificador forma la EPG. Posteriormente, se realiza una segunda multiplexación, de forma que se incluyen múltiples programas en una sola trama Transport Stream (MPTS). Estos MPTS son los flujos que les son enviados a cada uno de los usuarios. El mecanismo de transmisión es de dos tipos en función del contenido y los destinatarios: multicast o unicast. Por último, se especifica el funcionamiento básico de un sistema de acceso condicional, así como su estructura, el cual es imprescindible en todas las cabeceras para asegurar que cada usuario solo visualiza los contenidos contratados. In this project, a study is realized for the cable television head-end construction . It is a theoretical project in which there are specified each of the parts that form a television headend and how their works each of them. At first, the television head-end places inside a general platform of transmission, to indicate its functions. Later, the different technologies that implement this transmission and the standards DVB that govern them are analyzed, since the standards that govern the cable transmissions (DVB-C and DVB-C2) to the standard that govern the IP transmissions (DVB-IPTV), to choose which of the options is the most guessed right and to adapt the television head-end to the same one. The theoretical development of the head-end, there is studied the process that follows the sign inside the same one, from the receipt of the channels up to the sending of the same ones towards the homes of the different users, happening before for the stages of codification and multiplexación. In addition, there are specified the equipments necessary for the correct functioning of each one of the stages. In the reception, the channels are receiving for each of the possible systems(satellite, cable, TDT and study), and they are demodulated and decoded by the receiver. Later, they are codified (in this project in MPEG-2 or H.264). The next stage is the stage of multiplexing. In the multiplexing stage, the channels are packetized in Transport Stream, composed by his video flow, audio and information. The information are composed by many tables(SI and PSI). The PSI tables guide the set-top-box of the user in the programs decoding and the SI tables provide information about the programs and system. With the information mentioned the decoder forms the EPG. Later, a second multiplexación is realized, so that there includes multiple programs in an alone Transport Stream (MPTS). These MPTS are the flows that are sent to each of the users. Two types of transmission are possible: unicast (VoD channels) and multicast (live channels). Finally, the basic functioning of a conditional access system is specified and his structure too, which is indispensable in all the head-end to assure that every users visualizes the contracted contents only.
El suelo es un importante recurso natural que necesita ser preservado y mejorado para permitirle mantener su calidad y capacidad productiva, para ello se deben proponer y aplicar prácticas sostenibles que permitan recuperar aquellos suelos degradados por un mal manejo del hombre, como por ejemplo la salinización. El objetivo planteado fue evaluar la biorecuperación de un suelo con problemas salino-sódico con la aplicación de dos proporciones (1,5 y 3% (p/p)) de tres enmiendas orgánicas: compost, vermicompost sólido y Lemna mesclados o no con el 100% de los requerimientos de fosfoyeso, generándose 15 tratamientos (incluyendo tres controles). La evaluación se realizó a través de tres ensayos: 1. Columnas simuladas de suelo. 2. Evolución de CO2 y 3. Crecimiento de plántulas de tomate. El suelo objeto de estudio está clasificado my como Fluventic Haplustepts, y fue tomado de una zona de la Hacienda Alto Viento, con una latitud de 10° 2' 15 N y una longitud de 72 ° 34' 15 W, en el estado de Zulia – Venezuela. Se tomó una muestra compuesta por 20 submuestras de 20 cm de profundidad del área problema, se secó al aire (2,3% de humedad), se tamizó y homogenizó. El suelo y las enmiendas orgánicas fueron caracterizadas. Los materiales orgánicos; compost y vermicompost fueron procesados en la misma Hacienda con el uso de estiércol de ganado bovino; la Lemna fue recolectada de orillas del Lago de Maracaibo en la ciudad de Maracaibo. El suelo se mezcló a las proporciones indicadas se le midió respiración basal y el efecto sobre la germinación de semillas de tomate y se empaquetó en un tubo de polietileno de 7,1 cm de diámetro y 70 a 90 cm de longitud, según la altura de la mezcla del suelo con la enmienda. El fondo de cada columna fue rellenado con 40 cm de arena lavada para facilitar el drenaje. En cada columna se utilizó la misma cantidad de suelo (1055 mg), la altura que ocupó dentro de las columnas dependió del tipo de enmienda orgánica y su proporción, la cual modificó la Da del suelo (1,328±0,05 g•cm-3). La altura dentro de la columna varió desde 20 cm para el suelo sin enmienda hasta 38,33±0,8 cm para el suelo enmendado con Lemna al 3,0%. Transcurrido el periodo de tres meses tiempo en el cual el suelo enmendado y colocado en las columnas fue lavado con una cantidad de agua que equivalente a la tasa de infiltración, la cual se calculó a partir de la precipitación anual de la zona y las perdidas por evaporación y escorrentía; se fraccionó en tres secciones de 7, 7 y 6 cm de longitud, y el suelo de cada fracción se secó al aire y se tamizó, y se le midió CEextr, pH, cationes en solución y cationes extraíbles para calcular el RAS y el PSI. Se tomó una cantidad equivalente de cada sección para conformar una muestra de 50 g de suelos a los cuales se le midió respiración basal e igualmente se tomó suelo para evaluar la germinación y crecimiento de plántulas de tomate. Se detectaron diferencias significativa (p<0,05) entre tratamientos, según la prueba de Tukey, para la variables evaluadas, aunque no hubo diferencias entre las proporciones ni entre la utilización del fosfoyeso mezclado con las enmiendas orgánicas. La enmienda que mostró menos potencial en la bio remediación fue la Lemna por sus altos contenidos de Na+. La metodología de las columnas simuladas del suelo, bajo las condiciones de estudio, no fue del todo adecuada para evaluar la bio remediación debido que en el suelo control por efecto de la aplicación de agua también hubo recuperación del mismo por su disminución en el la CE, RAS y PSI y en algunas variables su recuperación fue mayor que en aquellos enmendados con Lemna. Tomando en la respuesta del cultivo la mejor enmienda fue el vermicompost Abstract The soil is an important natural resource that needs to be preserved and improved to maintain its quality and production potential. Therefore, it is necessary to propose and apply sustainable practices that permit the recovery of soils that have been degraded by inadequate management, among these saline soils. The objective of this study was to evaluate the bioremediation of a saline-sodic soil through the application of two proportions (1,5 and 3% (p/p) of three organic amendments: compost, vermicompost and Lemna, mixed or not with gypsum phosphate, resulting in 15 treatments (including 3 controls). The evaluation was conducted through three tests: 1. Simulated soil columns. 2. Evolution of CO2 and 3. Growth of tomato seedlings The soil under evaluation was classified as Fluventic Haplustepts and was collected from the Alto Viento farm located at 10° 2' 15 North Latitude and 72° 34' 15 West longitude, in Zulia State, Venezuela. A composite soil sample, integrated of 20 subsamples taken to a depth of 20 cm collected in the problem area, was air dried (2.3 % moisture), sieved and homogenized. Soil and organic amendments were characterized. Organic material for the compost and vermicompost were obtained on the farm using cattle manure, whereas the Lemna was collected from the shores of Lake Maracaibo outside Maracaibo city. The soil was mixed in the above-mentioned proportions and its baseline respiration rate and effect on the germination of tomato seeds were recorded. Soil was packed in a PVC pipe (7,1 cm diameter and 70-90 cm length) to simulate a soil column. The bottom of each column was filled out with 40 cm of washed sand to facilitate drainage. The same amount of soil was used in each column (1,055 mg), but the height of the column varied according to the organic amendment and its proportion, which modified the apparent density of the soil (1,328±0,05 g•cm-3). The height of each column varied from 20 cm for the soil without amendment to 38,33±0,8 cm for the soil with 3% Lemna. After three months, the soil was treated with water (using the equivalent of the problem area infiltration rate), and was divided into three sections (7, 7 and 6 cm length). The soil from each section was air dried, sieved and its cationic exchange capacity, pH, cation solutions and extractable cations were measured to estimate RAS and PSI. An equivalent portion of each section was collected to compose a 50 g soil sample, and baseline respiration rate and tomato seedlings growth were recorded. Statistical differences (p<0,05) were observed among treatments for the variables under evaluation. Tukey test showed no differences among the proportions of organic amendments nor with the addition of gypsum phosphate to the organic amendments. The amendment which showed the lowest bioremediation potential was the Lemna, as a result of its high Na+ concentration. Under the conditions of this study, the soil column methodology used showed limitations to evaluate bioremediation because the control soil column, after being rinsed with water, also showed improvements as CE, RAS and PSI values were reduced. For some variables, the improvement noted in the control soil column surpassed those obtained with the soil amended with Lemna. Based on the best crop response amendment was vermicompost 3%.
Este trabajo, «Una aproximación a Ia integración en Open Data de los recursos Inspire de Ia IDEE », tiene por objetivo el construir un puente entre las Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales (IDE) y el mundo de los «datos abiertos » aprovechando el marco legal de la Reutilización de la Información del Sector Público (RISP). Tras analizar qué es RISP y en particular los datos abiertos, y cómo se implementa en distintas Administraciones, se estudian los requisitos técnicos y legales necesarios para construir el «traductor» que permita canalizar la información IDE en el portal central de reutilización de información español datos.gob.es, dando una mayor visibilidad a los recursos INSPIRE. El trabajo se centra específicamente en dos puntos: en primer lugar en proporcionar y documentar la solución técnica que sirva en primera instancia para que el Instituto Geográfico Nacional aporte con más eficiencia sus recursos a datos.gob.es. En segundo lugar, a estudiar la aplicabilidad de esta misma solución al ámbito de la IDE de España (IDEE), señalando problemas detectados en el análisis de su contenido y sugiriendo recomendaciones para minimizar los problemas de su potencial reutilización. ABSTRACT: This work titled «Analysis of the integration of INSPIRE resources coming from Spanish Spatial Data Infrastructure within the National Public Sector Information portal», aims to build a bridge between the Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI ) and the world of "Open Data" taking advantage of the legal framework on the Re-use of Public Sector Information (PSI) . After analyzing what PSI reuse and Open Data is and how it is implemented by different administrations, a study to extract the technical and legal requirements is done to build the "translator" that will allow adding SDI resources within the Spanish portal for the PSI reuse data .gob.es while giving greater visibility to INSPIRE. This document specifically focuses on two aspects: first to provide and document the technical solution that serves primarily for the National Geographic Institute to supply more efficiently its resources to datos.gob.es. Secondly, to study the applicability of the proposed solution to the whole Spanish SDI (IDEE), noting identified problems and suggesting recommendations to minimize problems of its potential reuse.
Within the European Union, member states are setting up official data catalogues as entry points to access PSI (Public Sector Information). In this context, it is important to describe the metadata of these data portals, i.e., of data catalogs, and allow for interoperability among them. To tackle these issues, the Government Linked Data Working Group developed DCAT (Data Catalog Vocabulary), an RDF vocabulary for describing the metadata of data catalogs. This topic report analyzes the current use of the DCAT vocabulary in several European data catalogs and proposes some recommendations to deal with an inconsistent use of the metadata across countries. The enrichment of such metadata vocabularies with multilingual descriptions, as well as an account for cultural divergences, is seen as a necessary step to guarantee interoperability and ensure wider adoption.
The PsaF-deficient mutant 3bF of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was used to modify PsaF by nuclear transformation and site-directed mutagenesis. Four lysine residues in the N-terminal domain of PsaF, which have been postulated to form the positively charged face of a putative amphipathic α-helical structure were altered to K12P, K16Q, K23Q, and K30Q. The interactions between plastocyanin (pc) or cytochrome c6 (cyt c6) and photosystem I (PSI) isolated from wild type and the different mutants were analyzed using crosslinking techniques and flash absorption spectroscopy. The K23Q change drastically affected crosslinking of pc to PSI and electron transfer from pc and cyt c6 to PSI. The corresponding second order rate constants for binding of pc and cyt c6 were reduced by a factor of 13 and 7, respectively. Smaller effects were observed for mutations K16Q and K30Q, whereas in K12P the binding was not changed relative to wild type. None of the mutations affected the half-life of the microsecond electron transfer performed within the intermolecular complex between the donors and PSI. The fact that these single amino acid changes within the N-terminal domain of PsaF have different effects on the electron transfer rate constants and dissociation constants for both electron donors suggests the existence of a rather precise recognition site for pc and cyt c6 that leads to the stabilization of the final electron transfer complex through electrostatic interactions.
The parasitic bacterium Mycoplasma genitalium has a small, reduced genome with close to a basic set of genes. As a first step toward determining the families of protein domains that form the products of these genes, we have used the multiple sequence programs psi-blast and geanfammer to match the sequences of the 467 gene products of M. genitalium to the sequences of the domains that form proteins of known structure [Protein Data Bank (PDB) sequences]. PDB sequences (274) match all of 106 M. genitalium sequences and some parts of another 85; thus, 41% of its total sequences are matched in all or part. The evolutionary relationships of the PDB domains that match M. genitalium are described in the structural classification of proteins (SCOP) database. Using this information, we show that the domains in the matched M. genitalium sequences come from 114 superfamilies and that 58% of them have arisen by gene duplication. This level of duplication is more than twice that found by using pairwise sequence comparisons. The PDB domain matches also describe the domain structure of the matched sequences: just over a quarter contain one domain and the rest have combinations of two or more domains.
[PSI+] is a genetic element in yeast for which a heritable change in phenotype appears to be caused by a heritable change in the conformational state of the Sup35 protein. The inheritance of [PSI+] and the physical state of Sup35 in vivo depend on the protein chaperone Hsp104 (heat shock protein 104). Although these observations provide a strong genetic argument in support of the “protein-only” or “prion” hypothesis for [PSI+], there is, as yet, no direct evidence of an interaction between the two proteins. We report that when purified Sup35 and Hsp104 are mixed, the circular dichroism (CD) spectrum differs from that predicted by the addition of the proteins’ individual spectra, and the ATPase activity of Hsp104 is inhibited. Similar results are obtained with two other amyloidogenic substrates, mammalian PrP and β-amyloid 1-42 peptide, but not with several control proteins. With a group of peptides that span the PrP protein sequence, those that produced the largest changes in CD spectra also caused the strongest inhibition of ATPase activity in Hsp104. Our observations suggest that (i) previously described genetic interactions between Hsp104 and [PSI+] are caused by direct interaction between Hsp104 and Sup35; (ii) Sup35 and PrP, the determinants of the yeast and mammalian prions, respectively, share structural features that lead to a specific interaction with Hsp104; and (iii) these interactions couple a change in structure to the ATPase activity of Hsp104.
In order to support the structural genomic initiatives, both by rapidly classifying newly determined structures and by suggesting suitable targets for structure determination, we have recently developed several new protocols for classifying structures in the CATH domain database (http://www.biochem.ucl.ac.uk/bsm/cath). These aim to increase the speed of classification of new structures using fast algorithms for structure comparison (GRATH) and to improve the sensitivity in recognising distant structural relatives by incorporating sequence information from relatives in the genomes (DomainFinder). In order to ensure the integrity of the database given the expected increase in data, the CATH Protein Family Database (CATH-PFDB), which currently includes 25 320 structural domains and a further 160 000 sequence relatives has now been installed in a relational ORACLE database. This was essential for developing more rigorous validation procedures and for allowing efficient querying of the database, particularly for genome analysis. The associated Dictionary of Homologous Superfamilies [Bray,J.E., Todd,A.E., Pearl,F.M.G., Thornton,J.M. and Orengo,C.A. (2000) Protein Eng., 13, 153–165], which provides multiple structural alignments and functional information to assist in assigning new relatives, has also been expanded recently and now includes information for 903 homologous superfamilies. In order to improve coverage of known structures, preliminary classification levels are now provided for new structures at interim stages in the classification protocol. Since a large proportion of new structures can be rapidly classified using profile-based sequence analysis [e.g. PSI-BLAST: Altschul,S.F., Madden,T.L., Schaffer,A.A., Zhang,J., Zhang,Z., Miller,W. and Lipman,D.J. (1997) Nucleic Acids Res., 25, 3389–3402], this provides preliminary classification for easily recognisable homologues, which in the latest release of CATH (version 1.7) represented nearly three-quarters of the non-identical structures.
Light-induced damage to photosystem I (PSI) was studied during low-light illumination of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) at chilling temperatures. A 4-h illumination period induced a significant inactivation of PSI electron transport activity. Flash-induced P700 absorption decay measurements revealed progressive damage to (a) the iron-sulfur clusters FA and FB, (b) the iron-sulfur clusters FA, FB, and FX, and (c) the phylloquinone A1 and the chlorophyll A0 or P700 of the PSI electron acceptor chain. Light-induced PSI damage was also evidenced by partial degradation of the PSI-A and PSI-B proteins and was correlated with the appearance of smaller proteins. Aggravated photodamage was observed upon illumination of barley leaves infiltrated with KCN, which inhibits Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase. This indicates that the photodamage of PSI in barley observed during low-light illumination at chilling temperatures arises because the defense against active oxygen species by active oxygen-scavenging enzymes is insufficient at these specific conditions. The data obtained demonstrate that photoinhibition of PSI at chilling temperatures is an important phenomenon in a cold-tolerant plant species.
We describe a heterologous, Semliki Forest virus (SFV)-driven packaging system for the production of infectious recombinant Moloney murine leukemia virus particles. The gag-pol and env genes, as well as a recombinant retrovirus genome (LTR-psi (+)-neoR-LTR), were inserted into individual SFV1 expression plasmids. Replication-competent RNAs were transcribed in vitro and introduced into the cytoplasm of BHK-21 cells using electroporation. The expressed Moloney murine leukemia virus structural proteins produced extracellular virus-like particles. In these particles the gag precursor was processed into mature products, indicating that the particles contained an active protease. The protease of the gag-pol fusion protein was also shown to be active in a trans-complementation assay using a large excess of Pr65gag. Moreover, the particles possessed reverse transcriptase (RT) activity as measured in an in vitro assay. Cotransfection of BHK-21 cells by all three SFV1 constructs resulted in the production of transduction-competent particles at 4 x 10(6) colony-forming units (cfu)/ml during a 5-hr incubation period. Altogether, 2.9 x 10(7) transduction-competent particles were obtained from about 4 x 10(6) transfected cells. Thus, this system represents the first RNA-based packaging system for the production of infectious retroviral particles. The facts that no helper virus could be detected in the virus stocks and that particles carrying the amphotropic envelope could be produced with similar efficiency as those that carry the ecotropic envelope make the system very interesting for gene therapy.
The involvement of a conserved serine (Ser196 at the mu-, Ser177 at the delta-, and Ser187 at the kappa-opioid receptor) in receptor activation is demonstrated by site-directed mutagenesis. It was initially observed during our functional screening of a mu/delta-opioid chimeric receptor, mu delta2, that classical opioid antagonists such as naloxone, naltrexone, naltriben, and H-Tyr-Tic[psi,CH2NH]Phe-Phe-OH (TIPPpsi; Tic = 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline-3-carboxylic acid) could inhibit forskolin-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity in CHO cells stably expressing the chimeric receptor. Antagonists also activated the G protein-coupled inward rectifying potassium channel (GIRK1) in Xenopus oocytes coexpressing the mu delta2 opioid receptor and the GIRK1 channel. By sequence analysis and back mutation, it was determined that the observed antagonist activity was due to the mutation of a conserved serine to leucine in the fourth transmembrane domain (S196L). The importance of this serine was further demonstrated by analogous mutations created in the mu-opioid receptor (MORS196L) and delta-opioid receptor (DORS177L), in which classical opioid antagonists could inhibit forskolin-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity in CHO cells stably expressing either MORS196L or DORS177L. Again, antagonists could activate the GIRK1 channel coexpressed with either MORS196L or DORS177L in Xenopus oocytes. These data taken together suggest a crucial role for this serine residue in opioid receptor activation.