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We aimed to study patterns of variation and factors influencing the evolutionary dynamics of a satellite DNA, pBuM, in all seven Drosophila species from the buzzatii cluster (repleta group). We analyzed 117 alpha pBuM-1 (monomer length 190 bp) and 119 composite alpha/beta (370 bp) pBuM-2 repeats and determined the chromosome location and long-range organization on DNA fibers of major sequence variants. Such combined methodologies in the study of satDNAs have been used in very few organisms. In most species, concerted evolution is linked to high copy number of pBuM repeats. Species presenting low-abundance and scattered distributed pBuM repeats did not undergo concerted evolution and maintained part of the ancestral inter-repeat variability. The alpha and alpha/beta repeats colocalized in heterochromatic regions and were distributed on multiple chromosomes, with notable differences between species. High-resolution FISH revealed array sizes of a few kilobases to over 0.7 Mb and mutual arrangements of alpha and alpha/beta repeats along the same DNA fibers, but with considerable changes in the amount of each variant across species. From sequence, chromosomal and phylogenetic data, we could infer that homogenization and amplification events involved both new and ancestral pBuM variants. Altogether, the data on the structure and organization of the pBuM satDNA give insights into genome evolution including mechanisms that contribute to concerted evolution and diversification.
A two-component survival mixture model is proposed to analyse a set of ischaemic stroke-specific mortality data. The survival experience of stroke patients after index stroke may be described by a subpopulation of patients in the acute condition and another subpopulation of patients in the chronic phase. To adjust for the inherent correlation of observations due to random hospital effects, a mixture model of two survival functions with random effects is formulated. Assuming a Weibull hazard in both components, an EM algorithm is developed for the estimation of fixed effect parameters and variance components. A simulation study is conducted to assess the performance of the two-component survival mixture model estimators. Simulation results confirm the applicability of the proposed model in a small sample setting. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) for cancer is a therapeutic modality in the treatment of tumors in which visible light is used to activate a photosensitizer. Cell membranes have been identified as an important intracellular target for singlet oxygen produced during the photochemical pathway. This study analyzed the cytotoxicity in specific cellular targets of a photosensitizer used in PDT in vitro. The photosensitizing effects of chloroaluminum phthalocyanine liposomal were studied on the mitochondria, cytoskeleton and endoplasmic reticulum of HeLa cells. Cells were irradiated with a diode laser working at 670 nm, energy density of 4.5 J/cm(2) and power density of 45 mW/cm(2). Fluorescence microscopic analysis of the mitochondria showed changes in membrane potential. After PDT treatment, the cytoskeleton and endoplasmic reticulum presented basic alterations in distribution. The combined effect of AlPHCl liposomal and red light in the HeLa cell line induced photodamage to the mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum and actin filaments in the cytoskeleton. (c) 2008 International Federation for Cell Biology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The mantis shrimp Squilla biformis is the most conspicuous and abundant stomatopod captured during benthic trawling operations off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Due to its abundance, this species is considered a potential fisheries resource for the region. Nevertheless, its life history is practically unknown. The present study describes the population demography, spatial distribution and behaviour of S. biformis from Pacific Costa Rica. The population was principally composed of individuals between 20 and 32 mm carapace length (CL), forming 2 age groups. Individuals of 35 to 45 mm CL and > 45 mm CL were poorly represented. We assume that larger individuals are more frequent at greater depths (probably on the continental slope), thus out of the reach of the fishing vessels used in our study. Males outnumbered females, as observed in other stomatopods. Visual evidence of their behaviour demonstrates that the adults in this species possess a benthic and pelagic life style. Largest numbers of individuals (50% of the total) were found between 240 to 260 m, the same bathymetric range that was historically occupied by commercial shrimps. This shift may be related to intense fishing activities. We observed a synchronized moulting of females and males during less luminous (third and fourth) lunar phases. The evolutionary development of a group moulting system could confer advantages to S. biformis in comparison to other stomatopods whose moulting process is individual and asynchronous.
The states, diffusion, and concentration distribution of water in radiation-formed PVA/PVP hydrogels
Hydrogels with various compositions of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and poly(1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone) (PVP) were prepared by irradiating mixtures of PVA and PVP in aqueous solutions with gamma-rays from Co-60 sources at room temperature. The states of water in the hydrogels were characterized using DSC and NMR T-2 relaxation measurements and the kinetics of water diffusion in the hydrogels were studied by sorption experiments and NMR imaging. The DSC endothermic peaks in the temperature range -10 to +10 degrees C implied that there are at least two kinds of freezable water present in the matrix. The difference between the total water content and the freezable water content was refer-red to as bound water, which is not freezable. The weight fraction of water at which only nonfreezable water is present in a hydrogel with F-VP = 0.19 has been estimated to be g(H2O)/g(Polymer) = 0.375. From water sorption experiments, it was demonstrated that the early stage of the diffusion of water into the hydrogels was Fickian. A curve-fit of the early-stage experimental data to the Fickian model allowed determination of the water diffusion coefficient, which was found to lie between 1.5 x 10(-11) m(2) s(-1) and 4.5 x 10(-11) m(2) s(-1), depending on the polymer composition, the cross-link density, and the temperature. It was also found that the energy barrier for diffusion of water molecules into PVA/PVP hydrogels was approximate to 24 kJ mol(-1). Additionally, the diffusion coefficients determined from NMR imaging of the volumetric swelling of the gels agreed well with the results obtained by the mass sorption method.
The present study aimed to determine the richness, occurrence constancy, reproductive modes. standard of abundance distribution, season of vocalization and to test correlation among climatic variables and activity of vocalization of anurans in a region of the Pampa Biome, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul State. During the period of Novernber/2001 to October/2002 monthly collections were carried out utilizing the `survey at breeding site` method and examination of specimens kept in the Colecao Herpetologica do Setor de Zoologia da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (ZUFSM). Tire Occurrence of 25 species of anurans was recorded. The anurofauna recorded represents 30% of the species known to Occur in Rio Grande do Sul, and comprises species generally associated with grasslands in this state and neighboring countries. Four reproductive modes were recorded: mode 1 (14 species: 58.3%) mode 11 and 30 (9 species` 37.5%) and mode 24 (1 species; 4.2%). The low diversification of reproductive modes is likely related to the homogeneity of the grassland habitat. Most species were constant or accessory in the Study area and the species abundance distribution patterns fit in the Broken Stick and Log-normal models. characterized by homogeneity of species abundance distribution. Most species showed great plasticity in habitat. but few were plastic in vocalization sites use. There was a weak positive correlation between species richness and precipitation. There was also a weak positive correlation between the abundance of species calling activity and maximum average temperatures. These correlations indicated that, in the study area. the abundance of calling males is more affected by the temperature, and species richness is more affected by precipitation, despite the fact that significantly higher species richness occurs during the hottest period of the year. These results showed that the climatological variables examined were not enough to explain the seasonal occurrence of species, thus the influence of other environmental variables merit to be tested in future studies.
The origin of the saline lakes in the Pantanal wetland has been classically attributed to processes occurring in past periods. However, recent studies have suggested that saline water is currently forming from evaporative concentration of fresh water, which is provided annually by seasonal floods. Major elements (Ca, Mg, K) and alkalinity appear to be geochemically controlled during the concentration of waters and may be involved in the formation of carbonates and clay minerals around the saline lakes. The mineralogy of soils associated with a representative saline lake was investigated using XRD, TEM-EDS, and ICP-MS in order to identify the composition and genesis of the secondary minerals suspected to be involved in the control of major elements. The results showed that Ca, Mg, and K effectively undergo oversaturation and precipitation as the waters become more saline. These elements are incorporated in the authigenically formed carbonates, smectites, and micas surrounding the saline lake. The control of Ca occurs by precipitation of calcite and dolomite in nodules while Mg and K are mainly involved in the neoformation of Mg-smectites (stevensitic and saponitic minerals) and, probably, iron-enriched micas (ferric-illite) in surface and subsurface horizons. Therefore, our study confirms that the salinity of Pantanal, historically attributed to inheritance from former regimes, has a contribution of current processes. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Four viruses have been reported from taro; Dasheen mosaic virus (DsMV), Taro bacilliform virus (TaBV) and two putative rhabdoviruses, Colocasia bobone disease virus (CBDV) and Taro vein chlorosis virus (TaVCV). A fifth virus, tentatively named Taro reovirus (TaRV), has also been recently identified. The distribution of these viruses throughout the Pacific Islands, and the symptoms associated with their infection, are unknown in many cases due to a lack of sensitive diagnostic tests. We have used recently developed PCR-based diagnostic tests to survey taro growing in 11 Pacific Island countries for the presence of known viruses. DsMV and TaBV were widespread, whereas TaVCV and TaRV were more restricted in their distribution. CBDV was restricted to PNG and Solomon Islands and was always associated with the two most serious viral diseases of taro; alomae disease and bobone disease, but the causal agent of these two diseases remains unclear.
Hatschekia plectropomi, an ectoparasitic copepod found on the gills, infected Plectropomus leopardus from Heron Island Reef with 100% prevalence (n = 32) and a mean +/- S.E. infection intensity of 131.9 +/- 22.1. The distribution of 4222 adult female parasites across 32 individual host fish was investigated at several organizational levels ranging from the level of holobranch pairs to that of individual filaments. Parasites demonstrated a site preference for the two central holobranchs (2 and 3). Along the lengths of hemibranchs, filaments near the dorsal and ventral ends and those in the proximity of the bend region were rarely occupied. The probability of coming into contact with a suitable attachment site and the ability to withstand ventilation forces at that site were proposed as the major factors affecting distribution. Two H. plectropomi morphotypes were identified based on the direction of body curvature. Regardless of morphotype, 99.9% of individuals were attached such that the convex side of the body was oriented towards the oncoming ventilating water currents. Further, 93.3% of individuals attached to the posterior faces of filaments, leading to a predictable pattern of attachment for this species. It is suggested that the direction of body curvature develops in response to the direction of the ventilating water currents. (c) 2006 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.
Unauthorized accesses to digital contents are serious threats to international security and informatics. We propose an offline oblivious data distribution framework that preserves the sender's security and the receiver's privacy using tamper-proof smart cards. This framework provides persistent content protections from digital piracy and promises private content consumption.