991 resultados para PI-ASTERISK
Background: The establishment of an in vitro production (IVP) of embryo in swine allows the generation of embryos with the same quality as in vivo produced embryos with less costs and time. In order to achieve successful fertilization under normal circumstances in vivo, mammalian spermatozoa must first undergo capacitation and then acrosome reaction. The purpose of this study was compared the efficacious of IP/CFDA fluorescence and Coomassie Blue G (CB) staining to detect capacitated sperm cells in refrigerated and fresh semen. Morever, it was investigated the efficacious of caffeine and chondroitin sulphate to promote in vitro sperm capacitation and in vitro embryo produced (IVP) of swine embryos. Materials, Methods & Results: A sperm-rich fraction from ejaculate was obtained using the gloved-hand method and the gel-free fraction was separated using sterile gauze. The semen was diluted in BTS at a final concentration of 1.5 x 10(8) cells/mL. The sperm suspension was incubated for 2 h at 25 degrees C, refrigerated and maintained for 1 h at 15-18 degrees C (refrigerated group) or used immediately (fresh group). Sperm capacitation was assessed by IP/CFDA fluorescence and CB staining for both fresh and refrigerated semen. For PI/CFDA evaluation, a final solution containing 1.7 mM formaldehyde, 7.3 mM PI and 20 mM CFDA in 950 mu L saline was prepared. In the dark, 40 mu L PI/CFDA final solution was added to 10 mu L semen and after 8 min, slides were analyzed on epifluorescence microscopy. For CB evaluation, sperm cells were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 10 min and centrifuged twice at 320 x g in ammonium acetate pH 9 for 8 min. A smear was made and stained with 2.75 mg/mL CB in solution containing 12.5% methanol, 25% glacial acetic acid and 62.5% water, for 2 min. The smear was washed in running water, air dried and sealed with Permount (R), diluted 2:1 in xilol to avoid staining oxidation. Our results showed that refrigeration did not affect sperm capacitation and comparing staining methods, the PI/CFDA combination was more efficient to detect capacitated sperm, when compared to CB staining. In experiment 2, we evaluated the effect of different incubation time (1 - 5 h) with chondroitin sulfate and caffeine on sperm capacitation. For in vitro fertilization, oocytes were obtained from slaughterhouse ovaries. Oocytes with a thick and intact cumulus oophurus layer and cytoplasm with homogenous granules were selected for in vitro maturation for 44 h. According to the results of experiment 2, it was used for in vitro fertilization refrigerated semen was capacitated with 50 mu g/mL chondroitin sulfate for 2 h or capacitated with 5 mu g/mL caffeine for 3 h. Six hours after insemination, cumulus oophorus cells were mechanically removed and oocytes were washed and incubated in microdrops of culture medium. Embryo development after fertilization with sperm capacitated with caffeine or chondroitin sulfate was evaluated on days 3, 5 and 7 of culture. No differences were observed in days 3 or 5 of in vitro culture. However, it was observed an increase on blastocyst rate on Day 7 of culture when caffeine was used as the capacitor agent. Discussion: Molecular basis of sperm capacitation is still poor understood. Sperm capacitation can occur in vitro spontaneously in defined media without addition of biological fluids. We observed that sperm capacitation increased as incubation period enlarged and it was observed using Coomassie blue G and PI/CFDA for fresh semen and for refrigerated semen. It can be concluded that the cooling of semen did not change their pattern of sperm capacitation and this is best assessed by IP/CFDA than by CB. In addition to the use of caffeine in sperm capacitation produces more blastocysts than the chondroitin sulfate after in vitro fertilization.
We analyze the intrinsic polarization of two classical Be stars in the process of losing their circumstellar disks via a Be to normal B star transition originally reported by Wisniewski et al. During each of five polarimetric outbursts which interrupt these disk-loss events, we find that the ratio of the polarization across the Balmer jump (BJ+/BJ-) versus the V-band polarization traces a distinct loop structure as a function of time. Since the polarization change across the Balmer jump is a tracer of the innermost disk density whereas the V-band polarization is a tracer of the total scattering mass of the disk, we suggest that such correlated loop structures in Balmer jump-V-band polarization diagrams (BJV diagrams) provide a unique diagnostic of the radial distribution of mass within Be disks. We use the three-dimensional Monte Carlo radiation transfer code HDUST to reproduce the observed clockwise loops simply by turning ""on/off"" the mass decretion from the disk. We speculate that counterclockwise loop structures we observe in BJV diagrams might be caused by the mass decretion rate changing between subsequent ""on/off"" sequences. Applying this new diagnostic to a larger sample of Be disk systems will provide insight into the time-dependent nature of each system's stellar decretion rate.
Context. TWA22 was initially regarded as a member of the TW Hydrae association (TWA). In addition to being one of the youngest (approximate to 8 Myr) and nearest (approximate to 20 pc) stars to Earth, TWA22 has proven to be very interesting after being resolved as a tight, very low-mass binary. This binary can serve as a very useful dynamical calibrator for pre-main sequence evolutionary models. However, its membership in the TWA has been recently questioned despite due to the lack of accurate kinematic measurements. Aims. Based on proper motion, radial velocity, and trigonometric parallax measurements, we aim here to re-analyze the membership of TWA22 to young, nearby associations. Methods. Using the ESO NTT/SUSI2 telescope, we observed TWA22 AB during 5 different observing runs over 1.2 years to measure its trigonometric parallax and proper motion. This is a part of a larger project measuring trigonometric parallaxes and proper motions of most known TWA members at a sub-milliarcsec level. HARPS at the ESO 3.6 m telescope was also used to measure the system's radial velocity over 2 years. Results. We report an absolute trigonometric parallax of TWA22 AB, pi = 57.0 +/- 0.7 mas, corresponding to a distance 17.5 +/- 0.2 pc from Earth. Measured proper motions of TWA 22AB are mu(alpha) cos(delta) = -175.8 +/- 0.8 mas/yr and mu delta = -21.3 +/- 0.8 mas/yr. Finally, from HARPS measurements, we obtain a radial velocity V(rad) = 14.8 +/- 2.1 km s(-1). Conclusions. A kinematic analysis of TWA22 AB space motion and position implies that a membership of TWA22 AB to known young, nearby associations can be excluded except for the beta Pictoris and TW Hydrae associations. Membership probabilities based on the system's Galactic space motion and/or the trace-back technique support a higher chance of being a member to the beta Pictoris association. Membership of TWA22 in the TWA cannot be fully excluded because of large uncertainties in parallax measurements and radial velocities and to the uncertain internal velocity dispersion of its members.
Context. Mass-loss occurring in red supergiants (RSGs) is a major contributor to the enrichment of the interstellar medium in dust and molecules. The physical mechanism of this mass loss is however relatively poorly known. Betelgeuse is the nearest RSG, and as such a prime object for high angular resolution observations of its surface (by interferometry) and close circumstellar environment. Aims. The goal of our program is to understand how the material expelled from Betelgeuse is transported from its surface to the interstellar medium, and how it evolves chemically in this process. Methods. We obtained diffraction-limited images of Betelgeuse and a calibrator (Aldebaran) in six filters in the N band (7.76 to 12.81 mu m) and two filters in the Q band (17.65 and 19.50 mu m), using the VLT/VISIR instrument. Results. Our images show a bright, extended and complex circumstellar envelope at all wavelengths. It is particularly prominent longwards of approximate to 9-10 mu m, pointing at the presence of O-rich dust, such as silicates or alumina. A partial circular shell is observed between 0.5 and 1.0 '' from the star, and could correspond to the inner radius of the dust envelope. Several knots and filamentary structures are identified in the nebula. One of the knots, located at a distance of 0.9 '' west of the star, is particularly bright and compact. Conclusions. The circumstellar envelope around Betelgeuse extends at least up to several tens of stellar radii. Its relatively high degree of clumpiness indicates an inhomogeneous spatial distribution of the material lost by the star. Its extension corresponds to an important intermediate scale, where most of the dust is probably formed, between the hot and compact gaseous envelope observed previously in the near infrared and the interstellar medium.
A new species of Spiranthera A. St.-Hil. (Rutaceae, Galipeinae) is illustrated and described from Espirito Santo, Brazil. Spiranthera atlantica Pi rani represents the first species record for the genus in the Atlantic Forest of eastern Brazil. The new (axon resembles the Amazonian S. guianensis Sandwith but differs by its smaller, few-flowered inflorescences and by the fruit and leaflet morphology.
Background: Mites (Acari) have traditionally been treated as monophyletic, albeit composed of two major lineages: Acariformes and Parasitiformes. Yet recent studies based on morphology, molecular data, or combinations thereof, have increasingly drawn their monophyly into question. Furthermore, the usually basal (molecular) position of one or both mite lineages among the chelicerates is in conflict to their morphology, and to the widely accepted view that mites are close relatives of Ricinulei. Results: The phylogenetic position of the acariform mites is examined through employing SSU, partial LSU sequences, and morphology from 91 chelicerate extant terminals (forty Acariformes). In a static homology framework, molecular sequences were aligned using their secondary structure as guide, whereby regions of ambiguous alignment were discarded, and pre-aligned sequences analyzed under parsimony and different mixed models in a Bayesian inference. Parsimony and Bayesian analyses led to trees largely congruent concerning infraordinal, well-supported branches, but with low support for inter-ordinal relationships. An exception is Solifugae + Acariformes (P. P = 100%, J. = 0.91). In a dynamic homology framework, two analyses were run: a standard POY analysis and an analysis constrained by secondary structure. Both analyses led to largely congruent trees; supporting a (Palpigradi (Solifugae Acariformes)) clade and Ricinulei as sister group of Tetrapulmonata with the topology (Ricinulei (Amblypygi (Uropygi Araneae))). Combined analysis with two different morphological data matrices were run in order to evaluate the impact of constraining the analysis on the recovered topology when employing secondary structure as a guide for homology establishment. The constrained combined analysis yielded two topologies similar to the exclusively molecular analysis for both morphological matrices, except for the recovery of Pedipalpi instead of the (Uropygi Araneae) clade. The standard (direct optimization) POY analysis, however, led to the recovery of trees differing in the absence of the otherwise well-supported group Solifugae + Acariformes. Conclusions: Previous studies combining ribosomal sequences and morphology often recovered topologies similar to purely morphological analyses of Chelicerata. The apparent stability of certain clades not recovered here, like Haplocnemata and Acari, is regarded as a byproduct of the way the molecular homology was previously established using the instrumentalist approach implemented in POY. Constraining the analysis by a priori homology assessment is defended here as a way of maintaining the severity of the test when adding new data to the analysis. Although the strength of the method advocated here is keeping phylogenetic information from regions usually discarded in an exclusively static homology framework; it still has the inconvenience of being uninformative on the effect of alignment ambiguity on resampling methods of clade support estimation. Finally, putative morphological apomorphies of Solifugae + Acariformes are the reduction of the proximal cheliceral podomere, medial abutting of the leg coxae, loss of sperm nuclear membrane, and presence of differentiated germinative and secretory regions in the testis delivering their products into a common lumen.
Short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) have recently attracted attention as potential mediators of the effects of gut microbiota on intestinal inflammation. Some of these effects have been suggested to occur through the direct actions of SCFAs on the GPR43 receptor in neutrophils, though the precise role of this receptor in neutrophil activation is still unclear. We show that mouse bone marrow derived neutrophils (BMNs) can chemotax effectively through polycarbonate filters towards a source of acetate, propionate or butyrate. Moreover, we show that BMNs move with good speed and directionality towards a source of propionate in an EZ-Taxiscan chamber coated with fibrinogen. These effects of SCFAs were mimicked by low concentrations of the synthetic GPR43 agonist phenylacetamide-1 and were abolished in GPR43(-/-) BMNs. SCFAs and phenylacetamide-1 also elicited GPR43-dependent activation of PKB, p38 and ERK and these responses were sensitive to pertussis toxin, indicating a role for Gi proteins. Phenylacetamide-1 also elicited rapid and transient activation of Rac1/2 GTPases and phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6. Genetic and pharmacological intervention identified important roles for PI3K gamma, Rac2, p38 and ERK, but not mTOR, in GPR43-dependent chemotaxis. These results identify GPR43 as a bona fide chemotactic receptor for neutrophils in vitro and start to define important elements in its signal transduction pathways.
We use QCD sum rules (QCDSR) to calculate the width of the radiative decay of the meson X(3872), assumed to be a mixture between charmonium and exotic molecular [c (q) over bar][q (c) over bar] states with J(PC) = 1(++). We find that in a small range for the values of the mixing angle, 5 degrees <= theta <= 13 degrees, we get the branching ratio Gamma(X -> J/psi gamma)/Gamma(X -> J/psi pi(+)pi(-)) = 0.19 +/- 0.13, which is in agreement, with the experimental value. This result is compatible with the analysis of the mass and decay width of the mode J/psi(n pi) performed in the same approach.
We evaluate the mass of the B(s0) scalar meson and the coupling constant in the B(s0)BK vertex in the framework of QCD sum rules. We consider the B(s0) as a tetraquark state to evaluate its mass. We get m(Bs0) = (5.85 +/- 0.13) GeV, which is in agreement, considering the uncertainties, with predictions supposing it as a b (s) over bar state or a B (K) over bar bound state with J(P) = 0(+). To evaluate the g(Bs0BK) coupling, we use the three-point correlation functions of the vertex, considering B(s0) as a normal b (s) over bar state. The obtained coupling constant is: g(Bs0BK) = (16.3 +/- 3.2) GeV. This number is in agreement with light-cone QCD sum rules calculation. We have also compared the decay width of the B(s0) -> BK process considering the B(s0) to be a b (s) over bar state and a BK molecular state. The width obtained for the BK molecular state is twice as big as the width obtained for the b (s) over bar state. Therefore, we conclude that with the knowledge of the mass and the decay width of the B(s0) meson, one can discriminate between the different theoretical proposals for its structure.
Using the published KTeV samples of K(L) -> pi(+/-)e(-/+)nu and K(L) -> pi(+/-)mu(-/+)nu decays, we perform a reanalysis of the scalar and vector form factors based on the dispersive parametrization. We obtain phase-space integrals I(K)(e) = 0.15446 +/- 0.00025 and I(K)(mu) = 0.10219 +/- 0.00025. For the scalar form factor parametrization, the only free parameter is the normalized form factor value at the Callan-Treiman point (C); our best-fit results in InC = 0.1915 +/- 0.0122. We also study the sensitivity of C to different parametrizations of the vector form factor. The results for the phase-space integrals and C are then used to make tests of the standard model. Finally, we compare our results with lattice QCD calculations of F(K)/F(pi) and f(+)(0).
The temperature of the upper atmosphere affects the height of primary cosmic ray interactions and the production of high-energy cosmic ray muons which can be detected deep underground. The MINOS far detector at Soudan, MN, has collected over 67 X 10(6) cosmic ray induced muons. The underground muon rate measured over a period of five years exhibits a 4% peak-to-peak seasonal variation which is highly correlated with the temperature in the upper atmosphere. The coefficient, alpha(T), relating changes in the muon rate to changes in atmospheric temperature was found to be alpha(T) 0: 873 +/- 0: 009(stat) +/- 0.010(syst). Pions and kaons in the primary hadronic interactions of cosmic rays in the atmosphere contribute differently to alpha(T) due to the different masses and lifetimes. This allows the measured value of alpha(T) to be interpreted as a measurement of the K/pi ratio for E(p) greater than or similar to 7 TeV of 0.12(-0.05)(+0.07), consistent with the expectation from collider experiments.
We use QCD sum rules to test the nature of the meson X(3872), assumed to be a mixture between charmonium and exotic molecular [c (q) over bar][q (c) over bar] states with J(PC) = 1(++). We find that there is only a small range for the values of the mixing angle theta that can provide simultaneously good agreement with the experimental value of the mass and the decay width, and this range is 5(0) <= theta <= 3(0). In this range we get m(X) = (3.77 +/- 0.18) GeV and Gamma(X -> J/psi pi(+)pi(-)) = (9.3 +/- 6.9) MeV, which are compatible, within the errors, with the experimental values. We, therefore, conclude that the X(3872) is approximately 97% a charmonium state with 3% admixture of similar to 88% D(0)D*(0) molecule and similar to 12% D(+)D*(-) molecule.
We present a new determination of the parity of the neutral pion via the double Dalitz decay pi(0) -> e(+)e(-)e(+)e(-). Our sample, which consists of 30511 candidate decays, was collected from K(L) -> pi(0)pi(0)pi(0) decays in flight at the KTeV-E799 experiment at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. We confirm the negative pi(0) parity and place a limit on scalar contributions to the pi(0) -> e(+)e(-)e(+)e(-) decay amplitude of less than 3.3% assuming CPT conservation. The pi(0)gamma(*)gamma(*) form factor is well described by a momentum-dependent model with a slope parameter fit to the final state phase-space distribution. Additionally, we have measured the branching ratio of this mode to be B(pi(0) -> e(+)e(-)e(+)e(-)) = (3.26 +/- 0.18) x 10(-5).
The Fermilab KTeV experiment has searched for lepton-flavor-violating decays of the K(L) meson in three decay modes. We observe no events in the signal region for any of the modes studied, and we set the following upper limits for their branching ratios at the 90% C.L.: BR(K(L)->pi(0)mu(+/-)e(-/+))< 7.6x10(-11); BR(K(L)->pi(0)pi(0)mu(+/-)e(-/+))< 1.7x10(-10); BR(pi(0)->mu(+/-)e(-/+))< 3.6x10(-10). This result represents a factor of 82 improvement in the branching ratio limit for K(L)->pi(0)mu(+/-)e(-/+) and is the first reported limit for K(L)->pi(0)pi(0)mu(+/-)e(-/+).
We present precise tests of CP and CPT symmetry based on the full data set of K -> pi pi decays collected by the KTeV experiment at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory during 1996, 1997, and 1999. This data set contains 16 x 10(6) K -> pi(0)pi(0) and 69 x 10(6) K -> pi(+)pi(-) decays. We measure the direct CP violation parameter Re(epsilon'/epsilon) = (19.2 +/- 2.1) x 10(-4). We find the K(L) -> K(S) mass difference Delta m = (5270 +/- 12) x 10(6) (h) over tilde s(-1) and the K(S) lifetime tau(S) = (89.62 +/- 0.05) x 10(-12) s. We also measure several parameters that test CPT invariance. We find the difference between the phase of the indirect CP violation parameter epsilon and the superweak phase: phi(epsilon) - phi(SW) =(0.40 +/- 0.56)degrees. We measure the difference of the relative phases between the CP violating and CP conserving decay amplitudes for K -> pi(+)pi(-) (phi(+-)) and for K -> pi(0)pi(0) (phi(00)): Delta phi = (0.30 +/- 0.35)degrees. From these phase measurements, we place a limit on the mass difference between K(0) and (K) over bar (0): Delta M < 4.8 x 10(-19) GeV/c(2) at 95% C.L. These results are consistent with those of other experiments, our own earlier measurements, and CPT symmetry.