934 resultados para PHOSPHOLIPID-BILAYER


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A acne vulgar é uma das doenças cutâneas mais comuns, apresentando como um de seus fatores fisiopatológicos primários a colonização pelo microrganismo Propionibacterium acnes. Atualmente, têm-se buscado terapias alternativas para o combate ao P. acnes, destacando-se alguns ácidos graxos, como o ácido laúrico (LA). O LA é uma molécula pouco solúvel em água, sendo possível sua incorporação em lipossomas. Os lipossomas apresentam capacidade de encapsulação/ liberação de ativos e impedem a desidratação da pele, tornando-se ingredientes inovadores na área de cosméticos. Foram preparados lipossomas de dipalmitoilfosfatidilcolina (DPPC) contendo diferentes concentrações de LA, que variaram de 0 a 50% da concentração total em mol, em quatro pHs: 9,0, 7,4, 5,0 e 3,0. Nestes pHs o estado de protonação do LA muda variando de 0 a -1. Os lipossomas foram extrusados por filtros com poros de 100 nm de diâmetro visando à obtenção de vesículas unilamelares grandes (LUV). As LUV foram caracterizadas quanto a sua estabilidade em condições de prateleira, temperatura de transição de fase da bicamada, encapsulamento no interior aquoso, liberação do LA, difusão das vesículas na pele e seus aspectos morfológicos foram caracterizados por espalhamento de raios-X a baixo ângulo (SAXS) e crio-microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. Estudos de estabilidade mostraram que independentemente da concentração de LA, as formulações são mais estáveis em pHs mais altos, quando LA está em sua maioria na forma de laurato. Os experimentos de DSC revelaram que em pHs 3,0 e 5,0 e concentrações maiores de LA, a interação deste ácido graxo com as bicamadas é favorecida, havendo um aumento da temperatura de transição de fase (Tm) e diminuição da cooperatividade. Análises de taxa de incorporação de sondas hidrofílicas confirmaram a presença de um compartimento aquoso interno para as vesículas de DPPC:LA. O LA conseguiu permear a pele no período avaliado e pouco LA foi liberado das vesículas em condições de temperatura ambiente. A morfologia das LUV se mostrou bem diferente da esperada e se observaram vesículas com mais de uma bicamada e outros formatos que não o esférico. Estes resultados podem auxiliar na otimização das condições para uma formulação que poderá ser usada no tratamento da acne, aumentando a eficácia do LA no sítio alvo.


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Sticholysin I and II (StnI and StnII) are pore-forming toxins that use sphingomyelin (SM) for membrane binding. We examined how hydrogen bonding among membrane SMs affected the StnI- and StnII-induced pore formation process, resulting in bilayer permeabilization. We compared toxin-induced permeabilization in bilayers containing either SM or dihydro-SM (lacking the trans 4 double bond of the long-chain base), since their hydrogen-bonding properties are known to differ greatly. We observed that whereas both StnI and StnII formed pores in unilamellar vesicles containing palmitoyl-SM or oleoyl-SM, the toxins failed to similarly form pores in vesicles prepared from dihydro-PSM or dihydro-OSM. In supported bilayers containing OSM, StnII bound efficiently, as determined by surface plasmon resonance. However, StnII binding to supported bilayers prepared from dihydro-OSM was very low under similar experimental conditions. The association of the positively charged StnII (at pH 7.0) with unilamellar vesicles prepared from OSM led to a concentration-dependent increase in vesicle charge, as determined from zeta-potential measurements. With dihydro-OSM vesicles, a similar response was not observed. Benzyl alcohol, which is a small hydrogen-bonding compound with affinity to lipid bilayer interfaces, strongly facilitated StnII-induced pore formation in dihydro-OSM bilayers, suggesting that hydrogen bonding in the interfacial region originally prevented StnII from membrane binding and pore formation. We conclude that interfacial hydrogen bonding was able to affect the membrane association of StnI- and StnII, and hence their pore forming capacity. Our results suggest that other types of protein interactions in bilayers may also be affected by hydrogen-bonding origination from SMs.


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O aumento da resistência microbiana devido a fatores como uso excessivo e ineficiente de antibióticos convencionais acarreta a necessidade da busca por novos compostos bioativos que atuem por mecanismos de ação diferentes aos fármacos já conhecidos. Na agricultura, o uso intensivo de pesticidas para o combate de microrganismos que comprometem principalmente a parte alimentícia também traz diversos problemas relacionados à resistência antimicrobiana e a riscos ambientais, oriundos do acúmulo dessas substâncias no solo. Dentro deste aspecto, o pseudofungo Pythium aphanidermatum, da classe dos oomicetos, destaca-se por ser uma espécie agressiva e altamente resistente a fungicidas comuns, apodrecendo raízes e frutos de cultivos de tomate, beterraba, pepino, pimentão, etc. A própolis verde, constituída em sua grande parte por material resinoso coletado e processado pela abelha da espécie Apis mellifera tem sido utilizada na medicina tradicional devido ao seu amplo espectro de ações preventivas e tratamentos de doenças, possuindo propriedades anti-inflamatórias, antimicrobianas, anticancerígenas e antioxidantes, tornando-se um produto de grande interesse na busca de novos compostos bioativos. Dentro destes aspectos apresentados, neste trabalho investigamos a ação da própolis verde contra o fitopatógeno P. aphanidermatum e identificamos através da técnica de cromatografia e bioensaios que a Artepillin C (3,5-diprenil-4-ácido-hidroxicinâmico), majoritária na própolis verde, foi o principal composto nesta ação. Os efeitos terapêuticos desta molécula tem sido foco de muitos estudos, porém ainda não há evidência em sua interação com agregados anfifílicos que mimetizam membranas celulares. O caráter anfifílico do composto, elevado pela presença dos grupos prenilados ligados ao ácido cinâmico, favoreceram a sua inserção nas membranas modelo, principalmente em seu estado agregado. Estas conclusões puderam ser inferidas devido às alterações nas propriedades das bicamadas lipídicas na presença da Artepillin C, podendo causar, especificamente para o caso de fitopatógenos como o P. aphanidermatum, perdas funcionais das proteínas de membranas, liberação de eletrólitos intracelulares e desintegração citoplasmática dos micélios e esporos. Ainda, as diferentes composições lipídicas nas vesículas influenciam no modo de interação do composto e consequentes alterações em suas estruturas, principalmente na presença do colesterol, que auxilia na manutenção da permeabilidade da bicamada lipídica, que pode contribuir para a integridade do conteúdo citoplasmático da célula.


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Este trabalho descreve a síntese, caracterização e aplicação de sistemas poliméricos baseados em polímeros condutores em sistemas de liberação controlada de drogas. Esta tese pode ser dividida em duas partes: na primeira se apresentam os resultados da aplicação de filmes de polianilina e polipirrol na liberação de drogasmodelo como a dopamina protonada e o ácido salicílico. Na liberação de salicilato utilizou-se um filme polianilina eletrosintetizado e dopado com íons cloreto. Já para a liberação de dopamina protonada (um cátion) a liberação foi conduzida a partir de um sistema bicamadas, com um filme de polianilina recoberta com uma camada de Náfion. É mostrada a liberação controlada nos dois casos, porém também se discutem limitaçãoes deste tipo de sistema que levaram ao estudo de uma forma alternativa de controle eletroquímico utilizando polímeros condutores. A segunda parte do trabalho mostra então esta nova metodologia que se baseia em compósitos de poianilina eletropolimerizada no interior de hidrogéis de poliacrilamida. É mostrado que este novo material é eletroativo e mantém as características de intumescimento dos hidrogéis, tanto necessárias ao desenvolvimento destes sistemas de liberação controlada. Mecanismos para o crescimento e distribuição da polianilina na matriz isolante e para a atuação do compósito no controle eletroquímico da liberação são propostos com base nos dados de microscopia de força atômica, Raman e eletrônica de varredura, além de testes de liberação controlada com moléculas de diferentes cargas.


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With advances in drug research, the use of biological therapeutics is becoming a reality. Unfortunately, methods for processing and delivering these fragile macromolecules often limit their therapeutic potential. For this dissertation, we explore the aerosolization of macromolecules by way of electrohydrodynamic atomization (EHDA) and how this method can be used to process and deliver therapeutics. EHDA employs a high voltage to break a column of liquid into drops. It was unknown if or how the residual charge left of the resulting droplets would affect lung cells. An in vitro experiment was conducted to spray aerosolized DNA, by way of EHDA, onto human derived lungs cells to test for immunogenic and toxic effects. The lung cells displayed no immunogenic or toxic response to the DNA or high voltage. Previous researchers have used EHDA to aerosolize proteins with mixed results. This work sets forth a simplified thermodynamic theory and provides recommendations to pharmaceutical companies on how to design more stable protein formulations for aerosol processing or delivery. Finally, a new method of producing liposomes was created. It constructs the liposome one layer at a time. The inside of the liposome is sprayed by EHDA, with the lipid and drug in solution together. As the sprayed monolayer passes through a pool containing a solution of lipid in water, the second part of the bilayer attaches to the inner layer creating a complete bilayer liposome.


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Variations in the physical deformation of the plasma membrane play a significant role in the sorting and behavior of the proteins that occupy it. Determining the interplay between membrane curvature and protein behavior required the development and thorough characterization of a model plasma membrane with well defined and localized regions of curvature. This model system consists of a fluid lipid bilayer that is supported by a dye-loaded polystyrene nanoparticle patterned glass substrate. As the physical deformation of the supported lipid bilayer is essential to our understanding of the behavior of the protein occupying the bilayer, extensive characterization of the structure of the model plasma membrane was conducted. Neither the regions of curvature in the vicinity of the polystyrene nanoparticles or the interaction between a lipid bilayer and small patches of curved polystyrene are well understood, so the results of experiments to determine these properties are described. To do so, individual fluorescently labeled proteins and lipids are tracked on this model system and in live cells. New methods for analyzing the resulting tracks and ensemble data are presented and discussed. To validate the model system and analytical methods, fluorescence microscopy was used to image a peripheral membrane protein, cholera toxin subunit B (CTB). These results are compared to results obtained from membrane components that were not expected to show an preference for membrane curvature: an individual fluorescently-labeled lipid, lissamine rhodamine B DHPE, and another protein, streptavidin associated with biotin-labeled DHPE. The observed tendency for cholera toxin subunit B to avoid curved regions of curvature, as determined by new and established analytical methods, is presented and discussed.


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A Araucaria angustifolia é uma conífera endêmica das regiões sul e sudeste do Brasil sendo considerada uma espécie em extinção devido ao extenso extrativismo madeireiro. Atualmente, existem inúmeros projetos visando o reflorestamento e o uso sustentável deste pinheiro. Em vista destes pontos, o estudo das propriedades dos componentes das folhas com o intuito da utilização destes com fins comerciais tornou-se de extrema importância. As suas folhas foram submetidas à extração com solventes e foram identificados seis biflavonóides majoritários, dentre estes a amentoflavona e a ginkgetina, que são apontados como agentes contra inflamações e artrites. A fração rica de biflavonóides (BFF) extraída da araucaria foi testada frente a sua atividade em proteger contra danos em biomoléculas provocadas por espécies reativas de oxigênio, capacidade em quelar metais e proteção contra raios UV. A capacidade do BFF em proteger contra danos provocados por espécies reativas de oxigênio foi comparado com compostos conhecidamente antioxidantes, como o α-tocoferol, Trolox®, quercetina, rutina e com padrões de biflavonóides, a amentoflavona e ginkgetina. O BFF demonstrou que possui uma constante de supressão do 1O2 (50 x 106 M-1s-1), superior ao da quercetina (9 x 106 M-1s-1) e foi o mais eficiente na proteção contra quebras de simples fita em DNA plasmidial, provocado por esta espécie reativa. Ainda em relação à proteção de DNA plasmidial o BFF foi capaz de proteger também contra estes danos provocados através da reação de Fenton, apesar de não demonstrar a mesma eficiência da quercetina que mostrou ser um potente protetor destes danos. O BFF protegeu contra lipoperoxidação em lipossomos de fosfatidilcolina induzida por raios UV e reação de Fenton. Em análises realizadas com espectrometria de massas foi observada a formação de complexos destes biflavonóides com íons metálicos como ferro, cobre e alumínio que possuem um papel importante na formação de radicais livres. Em relação à capacidade fotoprotetora do BFF, este inibiu a formação de dímeros de pirimidina que são apontados como causadores de câncer de pele induzidos, principalmente por radiação UV-B. Esta ação protetora foi superior àquela conferida ao p-metoxicinamato de octila, um conhecido fotoprotetor. Com o intuito de permitir a solubilização do BFF em soluções aquosas e assim, avaliar a ação do BFF em células, incorporou-se o BFF em ciclodextrina. Essa inclusão favoreceu a incorporação de BFF em células CV1-P na concentração aproximada de 0,4 µg/ml após 24 horas de incubação. Essa concentração incorporada não demonstrou ser tóxica para as células no teste com MTT. Assim, o BFF tem despertado grande interesse em relação ao seu potencial na utilização nas mais variadas áreas como cosmética, alimentos e fitoterápicos.


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We study the electronic structure of a heterojunction made of two monolayers of MoS2 and WS2. Our first-principles density functional calculations show that, unlike in the homogeneous bilayers, the heterojunction has an optically active band gap, smaller than the ones of MoS2 and WS2 single layers. We find that the optically active states of the maximum valence and minimum conduction bands are localized on opposite monolayers, and thus the lowest energy electron-holes pairs are spatially separated. Our findings portray the MoS2-WS2 bilayer as a prototypical example for band-gap engineering of atomically thin two-dimensional semiconducting heterostructures.


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We report electrical conductance measurements of Bi nanocontacts created by repeated tip-surface indentation using a scanning tunneling microscope at temperatures of 4 and 300 K. As a function of the elongation of the nanocontact, we measure robust, tens of nanometers long plateaus of conductance G0=2e2/h at room temperature. This observation can be accounted for by the mechanical exfoliation of a Bi(111) bilayer, a predicted quantum spin Hall (QSH) insulator, in the retracing process following a tip-surface contact. The formation of the bilayer is further supported by the additional observation of conductance steps below G0 before breakup at both temperatures. Our finding provides the first experimental evidence of the possibility of mechanical exfoliation of Bi bilayers, the existence of the QSH phase in a two-dimensional crystal, and, most importantly, the observation of the QSH phase at room temperature.


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Different types of crystalline carbon nanomaterials were used to reinforce polyaniline for use in electromechanical bilayer bending actuators. The objective is to analyze how the different graphitic structures of the nanocarbons affect and improve the in situ polymerized polyaniline composites and their subsequent actuator behavior. The nanocarbons investigated were multiwalled carbon nanotubes, nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes, helical-ribbon carbon nanofibers and graphene oxide, each one presenting different shape and structural characteristics. Films of nanocarbon-PAni composite were tested in a liquid electrolyte cell system. Experimental design was used to select the type of nanocarbon filler and composite loadings, and yielded a good balance of electromechanical properties. Raman spectroscopy suggests good interaction between PAni and the nanocarbon fillers. Electron microscopy showed that graphene oxide dispersed the best, followed by multiwall carbon nanotubes, while nitrogen-doped nanotube composites showed dispersion problems and thus poor performance. Multiwall carbon nanotube composite actuators showed the best performance based on the combination of bending angle, bending velocity and maximum working cycles, while graphene oxide attained similarly good performance due to its best dispersion. This parallel testing of a broad set of nanocarbon fillers on PAni-composite actuators is unprecedented to the best of our knowledge and shows that the type and properties of the carbon nanomaterial are critical to the performance of electromechanical devices with other conditions remaining equal.


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Increased temperature and precipitation in Arctic regions have led to deeper thawing and structural instability in permafrost soil. The resulting localized disturbances, referred to as active layer detachments (ALDs), may transport organic matter (OM) to more biogeochemically active zones. To examine this further, solid state cross polarization magic angle spinning 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (CPMAS NMR) and biomarker analysis were used to evaluate potential shifts in riverine sediment OM composition due to nearby ALDs within the Cape Bounty Arctic Watershed Observatory, Nunavut, Canada. In sedimentary OM near ALDs, NMR analysis revealed signals indicative of unaltered plant-derived material, likely derived from permafrost. Long chain acyclic aliphatic lipids, steroids, cutin, suberin and lignin occurred in the sediments, consistent with a dominance of plant-derived compounds, some of which may have originated from permafrost-derived OM released by ALDs. OM degradation proxies for sediments near ALDs revealed less alteration in acyclic aliphatic lipids, while constituents such as steroids, cutin, suberin and lignin were found at a relatively advanced stage of degradation. Phospholipid fatty acid analysis indicated that microbial activity was higher near ALDs than downstream but microbial substrate limitation was prevalent within disturbed regions. Our study suggests that, as these systems recover from disturbance, ALDs likely provide permafrost-derived OM to sedimentary environments. This source of OM, which is enriched in labile OM, may alter biogeochemical patterns and enhance microbial respiration within these ecosystems.


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Sediment samples collected during the expedition "Arctic Ocean '96" with the Swedish ice-breaker ODEN were investigated to estimate for the first time heterotrophic activity and total microbial biomass (size range from bacteria to small metazoans) from the perennially ice-covered central Arctic Ocean. Benthic activities and biomass were evaluated analysing a series of biogenic sediment compounds (i.e. bacterial exoenzymes, total adenylates, DNA, phospholipids, particulate proteins). In contrast to the very time-consuming sorting, enumeration and weight determination, analyses of biochemical sediment parameters may represent a useful method for obtaining rapid information on the ecological situation in a given benthic system. Bacterial cell numbers and biomass were estimated for comparison with biochemically determined biomass data, to evaluate the contribution of the bacterial biomass to the total microbial biomass. It appeared that bacterial biomass made up only 8-31% (average of all stations = 20%) of the total microbial biomass, suggesting a large fraction of other small infaunal organisms within the sediment samples (most probably fungi, yeasts, protozoans such as flagellates, ciliates or amoebae, as well as a fraction of small metazoans). Activity and biomass values determined within this study were generally extremely low, and often even slightly lower than those given for other deep oceanic regions, thus characterizing the seafloor of the central Arctic Ocean as a "benthic desert". Nevertheless, some clear trends in the data could be found, e.g. generally sharply decreasing values within the sediment column, a vague tendency for declining values with increasing water depth of sampling stations, and also differences between various Arctic deep-sea regions.


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We report the results of an in situ tracer experiment in an intertidal sediment, where bacterial carbon was tagged with stable carbon-isotope label, after the injection of 13C-glucose. The appearance of label in bacteria (based on label incorporation in bacteria-specific, phospholipid-derived fatty acids) and subsequent transfer to meiobenthos (group level) and macrobenthos (species level) was followed for 36 days. The label dynamics of benthic taxa were either fitted with a simple-isotope model or evaluated against enrichment in bacteria, to derive the importance of bacterially derived carbon for the meiobenthos and macrobenthos. Although selective uptake of bacteria was evident, as 2.4 times more bacterial carbon was grazed as expected from indiscriminate feeding, bacterial carbon accounted on average for only 0.08 and 0.11 of the carbon requirements of meiobenthic and macrobenthic taxa, respectively. Additionally, the contribution of bacterial carbon to total carbon requirements did not depend on the living/feeding depth in the sediment or organism size (evaluated over a size range of four orders of magnitude). The observed overall low contribution of bacterial carbon implies that most intertidal benthic fauna depend primarily on other carbon resources that may assert a stronger control on the structure of intertidal-sediment communities.


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Isothermal-isobaric (NPT) molecular dynamics simulation has been performed to investigate the layering behavior and structure of nanoconfined quaternary alkylammoniums in organoclays. This work is focused on systems consisting of two clay layers and a number of alkylammoniums, and involves the use of modified Dreiding force field. The simulated basal spacings of organoclays agree satisfactorily with the experimental results in the literature. The atomic density profiles in the direction normal to the clay surface indicate that the alkyl chains within the interlayer space of montmorillonite exhibit an obvious layering behavior. The headgroups of long alkyl chains are distributed within two layers close to the clay surface, whereas the distributions of methyl and methylene groups are strongly dependent on the alkyl chain length and clay layer charge. Monolayer, bilayer, and pseudo-trilayer structures are found in organoclays modified with single long alkyl chains, which are identical to the structural models based on the measured basal spacings. A pseudo-quadrilayer structure, for the first time to our knowledge, is also identified in organoclays with double long alkyl chains. In the mixture structure of paraffin-type and multilayer, alkyl chains do not lie flat within a single layer but interlace, and also jump to the next layer in pseudo-trilayer as well as next nearest layer in pseudo-quadrilayer.


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Previous studies have reported that patients with schizophrenia demonstrate impaired performance during working memory (WM) tasks. The current study aimed to determine whether WM impairments in schizophrenia are accompanied by reduced slow wave (SW) activity during on-line maintenance of mnemonic information. Event-related potentials were obtained from patients with schizophrenia and well controls as they performed a visuospatial delayed response task. On 50% of trials, a distractor stimulus was introduced during the delay. Compared with controls, patients with schizophrenia produced less SW memory negativity, particularly over the right hemisphere, together with reduced frontal enhancement of SW memory negativity in response to distraction. The results indicate that patients with schizophrenia generate less maintenance phase neuronal activity during WM performance, especially under conditions of distraction.