944 resultados para PERIPHERAL AIRWAYS
This thesis investigates various aspects of peripheral vision, which is known not to be as acute as vision at the point of fixation. Differences between foveal and peripheral vision are generally thought to be of a quantitative rather than a qualitative nature. However, the rate of decline in sensitivity between foveal and peripheral vision is known to be task dependent and the mechanisms underlying the differences are not yet well understood. Several experiments described here have employed a psychophysical technique referred to as 'spatial scaling'. Thresholds are determined at several eccentricities for ranges of stimuli which are magnified versions of one another. Using this methodology a parameter called the E2 value is determined, which defines the eccentricity at which stimulus size must double in order to maintain performance equivalent to that at the fovea. Experiments of this type have evaluated the eccentricity dependencies of detection tasks (kinetic and static presentation of a differential light stimulus), resolution tasks (bar orientation discrimination in the presence of flanking stimuli, word recognition and reading performance), and relative localisation tasks (curvature detection and discrimination). Most tasks could be made equal across the visual field by appropriate magnification. E2 values are found to vary widely dependent on the task, and possible reasons for such variations are discussed. The dependence of positional acuity thresholds on stimulus eccentricity, separation and spatial scale parameters is also examined. The relevance of each factor in producing 'Weber's law' for position can be determined from the results.
The observation that performance in many visual tasks can be made independent of eccentricity by increasing the size of peripheral stimuli according to the cortical magnification factor has dominated studies of peripheral vision for many years. However, it has become evident that the cortical magnification factor cannot be successfully applied to all tasks. To find out why, several tasks were studied using spatial scaling, a method which requires no pre-determined scaling factors (such as those predicted from cortical magnification) to magnify the stimulus at any eccentricity. Instead, thresholds are measured at the fovea and in the periphery using a series of stimuli, all of which are simply magnified versions of one another. Analysis of the data obtained in this way reveals the value of the parameter E2, the eccentricity at which foveal stimulus size must double in order to maintain performance equivalent to that at the fovea. The tasks investigated include hyperacuities (vernier acuity, bisection acuity, spatial interval discrimination, referenced displacement detection, and orientation discrimination), unreferenced instantaneous and gradual movement, flicker sensitivity, and face discrimination. In all cases tasks obeyed the principle of spatial scaling since performance in the periphery could be equated to that at the fovea by appropriate magnification. However, E2 values found for different spatial tasks varied over a 200-fold range. In spatial tasks (e.g. bisection acuity and spatial interval discrimination) E2 values were low, reaching about 0.075 deg, whereas in movement tasks the values could be as high as 16 deg. Using a method of spatial scaling it has been possible to equate foveal and peripheral perfonnance in many diverse visual tasks. The rate at which peripheral stimulus size had to be increased as a function of eccentricity was dependent upon the stimulus conditions and the task itself. Possible reasons for these findings are discussed.
Development of a multicellular co-culture model of normal and cystic fibrosis human airways in vitro
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common lethal inherited disease among Caucasians and arises due to mutations in a chloride channel, called cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator. A hallmark of this disease is the chronic bacterial infection of the airways, which is usually, associated with pathogens such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, S. aureus and recently becoming more prominent, B. cepacia. The excessive inflammatory response, which leads to irreversible lung damage, will in the long term lead to mortality of the patient at around the age of 40 years. Understanding the pathogenesis of CF currently relies on animal models, such as those employing genetically-modified mice, and on single cell culture models, which are grown either as polarised or non-polarised epithelium in vitro. Whilst these approaches partially enable the study of disease progression in CF, both types of models have inherent limitations. The overall aim of this thesis was to establish a multicellular co-culture model of normal and CF human airways in vitro, which helps to partially overcome these limitations and permits analysis of cell-to-cell communication in the airways. These models could then be used to examine the co-ordinated response of the airways to infection with relevant pathogens in order to validate this approach over animals/single cell models. Therefore epithelial cell lines of non-CF and CF background were employed in a co-culture model together with human pulmonary fibroblasts. Co-cultures were grown on collagen-coated permeable supports at air-liquid interface to promote epithelial cell differentiation. The models were characterised and essential features for investigating CF infections and inflammatory responses were investigated and analysed. A pseudostratified like epithelial cell layer was established at air liquid interface (ALI) of mono-and co-cultures and cell layer integrity was verified by tight junction (TJ) staining and transepithelial resistance measurements (TER). Mono- and co-cultures were also found to secrete the airway mucin MUC5AC. Influence of bacterial infections was found to be most challenging when intact S. aureus, B. cepacia and P. aeruginosa were used. CF mono- and co-cultures were found to mimic the hyperinflammatory state found in CF, which was confirmed by analysing IL-8 secretions of these models. These co-culture models will help to elucidate the role fibroblasts play in the inflammatory response to bacteria and will provide a useful testing platform to further investigate the dysregulated airway responses seen in CF.
We summarize the various strands of research on peripheral vision and relate them to theories of form perception. After a historical overview, we describe quantifications of the cortical magnification hypothesis, including an extension of Schwartz's cortical mapping function. The merits of this concept are considered across a wide range of psychophysical tasks, followed by a discussion of its limitations and the need for non-spatial scaling. We also review the eccentricity dependence of other low-level functions including reaction time, temporal resolution, and spatial summation, as well as perimetric methods. A central topic is then the recognition of characters in peripheral vision, both at low and high levels of contrast, and the impact of surrounding contours known as crowding. We demonstrate how Bouma's law, specifying the critical distance for the onset of crowding, can be stated in terms of the retinocortical mapping. The recognition of more complex stimuli, like textures, faces, and scenes, reveals a substantial impact of mid-level vision and cognitive factors. We further consider eccentricity-dependent limitations of learning, both at the level of perceptual learning and pattern category learning. Generic limitations of extrafoveal vision are observed for the latter in categorization tasks involving multiple stimulus classes. Finally, models of peripheral form vision are discussed. We report that peripheral vision is limited with regard to pattern categorization by a distinctly lower representational complexity and processing speed. Taken together, the limitations of cognitive processing in peripheral vision appear to be as significant as those imposed on low-level functions and by way of crowding.
We undertook a clinical trial to compare the efficacy of 2% (w/v) chlorhexidine gluconate in 70% (v/v) isopropyl alcohol with the efficacy of 70% (v/v) isopropyl alcohol alone for skin disinfection to prevent peripheral venous catheter colonization and contamination. We found that the addition of 2% chlorhexidine gluconate reduced the number of peripheral venous catheters that were colonized or contaminated. © 2008 by The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America. All rights reserved.
Areolae of the crustose lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.) DC., are present on the peripheral prothallus (marginal areolae) and also aggregate to form confluent masses in the centre of the thallus (central areolae). To determine the relationships between these areolae and whether growth of the peripheral prothallus is dependent on the marginal areolae, the density, morphology, and size frequency distributions of marginal areolae were measured in 23 thalli of R. geographicum in north Wales, UK using image analysis (Image J). Size and morphology of central areolae were also studied across the thallus. Marginal areolae were small, punctate, and occurred in clusters scattered over the peripheral prothallus while central areolae were larger and had a lobed structure. The size-class frequency distributions of the marginal and central areolae were fitted by power-law and log-normal models respectively. In 16 out of 23 thalli, central areolae close to the outer edge were larger and had a more complex lobed morphology than those towards the thallus centre. Neither mean width nor radial growth rate (RaGR) of the peripheral prothallus were correlated with density, diameter, or area fraction of marginal areolae. The data suggest central areolae may develop from marginal areolae as follows: (1) marginal areolae develop in clusters at the periphery and fuse to form central areolae, (2) central areolae grow exponentially, and (3) crowding of central areolae results in constriction and fragmentation. In addition, growth of the peripheral prothallus may be unrelated to the marginal areolae. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
Purpose. To evaluate the influence of soft contact lens midperipheral shape profile and edge design on the apparent epithelial thickness and indentation of the ocular surface with lens movement. Methods. Four soft contact lens designs comprising of two different plano midperipheral shape profiles and two edge designs (chiseled and knife edge) of silicone-hydrogel material were examined in 26 subjects aged 24.7 ± 4.6 years, each worn bilaterally in randomized order. Lens movement was imaged enface on insertion, at 2 and 4 hours with a high-speed, high-resolution camera simultaneous to the cross-section of the edge of the contact lens interaction with the ocular surface captured using optical coherence tomography (OCT) nasally, temporally, and inferiorly. Optical imaging distortions were individually corrected for by imaging the apparent distortion of a glass slide surface by the removed lens. Results. Apparent epithelial thickness varied with edge position (P < 0.001). When distortion was corrected for, epithelial indentation decreased with time after insertion (P = 0.010), changed after a blink (P < 0.001), and varied with position on the lens edge (P < 0.001), with the latter being affected by midperipheral lens shape profile and edge design. Horizontal and vertical lens movement did not change with time postinsertion. Vertical motion was affected by midperipheral lens shape profile (P < 0.001) and edge design (P < 0.001). Lens movement was associated with physiologic epithelium thickness for lens midperipheral shape profile and edge designs. Conclusions. Dynamic OCT coupled with high-resolution video demonstrated that soft contact lens movement and image-corrected ocular surface indentation were influenced by both lens edge design and midperipheral lens shape profiles. © 2013 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc.
Biopharmaceuticals are finding wide applications in the management of diverse disease conditions. Pulmonary delivery of proteins may constitute an effective and efficient non-invasive alternative to parenteral delivery, which is currently the main route of administration of biopharmaceutical drugs. A particular area, in which pulmonary delivery of peptides and proteins may find ready application, is in the local delivery of antimicrobial peptides and proteins to the airway, a measure that could potentially bring about improvements to currently available antipseudomonal therapies. This thesis has therefore sought to develop inhalable antimicrobial proteins in combination with antibiotics that have particularly good antimicrobial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections in the respiratory tract of people with cystic fibrosis (CF). Through process optimisation, a suitable spray drying method was developed and used for the preparation of active, inhalable dry powder formulations of the antimicrobial protein, lactoferrin, and aminoglycosides (tobramycin and gentamicin). The physicochemical properties, aerosolisation performance and the antibacterial properties of the various spray-dried formulations were assessed. In addition, a relevant in vitro cellular model was employed to investigate the potential cytotoxic and pro-inflammatory effects of the various formulations on four bronchial human epithelial cells together with their effectiveness at reducing bacterial colonies when administered on to biofilm co-cultured on the epithelial cells. It was found that following spray drying the particles obtained were mostly spherical, amorphous and possessed suitable aerosolisation characteristics. The various spray-dried antimicrobial proteins (lactoferrin or apo lactoferrin) and co-spray dried combinations of the proteins and aminoglycosides were found to exhibit bactericidal activity against planktonic and biofilms of P. aeruginosa. In general, the spray drying process was found not to significantly affect the antimicrobial activities of the protein. Treatment of the different bronchial epithelial cell lines with the antimicrobial formulations showed that the various formulations were non-toxic and that the co-spray dried combinations significantly reduced established P. aeruginosa biofilms on the four bronchial epithelial cells. Overall, the results from this thesis demonstrates that spray drying could potentially be employed to prepare inhalable antimicrobial agents comprised of proteins and antibiotics. These new combinations of proteins and aminoglycosides has promising applications in the management of P. aeruginosa in the airway of cystic fibrosis patients.
Objective: Previous studies have suggested that somatoform disorders (SFD) might be associated with changes in the function of the central and autonomic nervous systems. The aim of this study was to examine the possible immunological differences between SFD and healthy controls. Methods: Twenty-four patients with SFD and 13 healthy individuals completed the psychological questionnaires to assess symptom reporting [Symptom Checklist-90 Revised (SCL-90-R)] and to diagnose for SFD [Screening for Somatoform Symptoms scale (SOMS-scale)]. Participants also provided a blood sample taken in the morning, which was analysed with an automated cell counter to determine the number of leucocytes per μl and with flow cytometry to determine lymphocyte subsets. Results: With the exception of a higher T4/T8 ratio in the patient group, which was mainly because of lower CD8 counts, there were no significant differences in the absolute number of lymphocytes (subsets) between patients with SFD and healthy subjects. A positive correlation between B-lymphocyte subsets (CD19+CD22+, CD19+CD5+, CD19+CD3-) to all scales of the SCL-90-R, except somatisation, were found in SFD. Additionally, a positive correlation was found in SFD between CD14+CD16+ monocytes and somatisation (0.573) on the SCL-90-R scale. Conclusion: These data indicate that patients with SFD have an enhanced humoral immunity as shown by increased B-cell numbers and furthermore an elevated T4/T8 ratio because of lower CD8 suppressor cells. Further studies will be required to determine whether these alterations in lymphocyte subsets are directly involved in the pathophysiology of SFD. © 2007 Blackwell Munksgaard.
We summarize the various strands of research on peripheral vision and relate them to theories of form perception. After a historical overview, we describe quantifications of the cortical magnification hypothesis, including an extension of Schwartz's cortical mapping function. The merits of this concept are considered across a wide range of psychophysical tasks, followed by a discussion of its limitations and the need for non-spatial scaling. We also review the eccentricity dependence of other low-level functions including reaction time, temporal resolution, and spatial summation, as well as perimetric methods. A central topic is then the recognition of characters in peripheral vision, both at low and high levels of contrast, and the impact of surrounding contours known as crowding. We demonstrate how Bouma's law, specifying the critical distance for the onset of crowding, can be stated in terms of the retinocortical mapping. The recognition of more complex stimuli, like textures, faces, and scenes, reveals a substantial impact of mid-level vision and cognitive factors. We further consider eccentricity-dependent limitations of learning, both at the level of perceptual learning and pattern category learning. Generic limitations of extrafoveal vision are observed for the latter in categorization tasks involving multiple stimulus classes. Finally, models of peripheral form vision are discussed. We report that peripheral vision is limited with regard to pattern categorization by a distinctly lower representational complexity and processing speed. Taken together, the limitations of cognitive processing in peripheral vision appear to be as significant as those imposed on low-level functions and by way of crowding.
Objectives Particle delivery to the airways is an attractive prospect for many potential therapeutics, including vaccines. Developing strategies for inhalation of particles provides a targeted, controlled and non-invasive delivery route but, as with all novel therapeutics, in vitro and in vivo testing are needed prior to clinical use. Whilst advanced vaccine testing demands the use of animal models to address safety issues, the production of robust in vitro cellular models would take account of the ethical framework known as the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of animal use), by permitting initial screening of potential candidates prior to animal use. There is thus a need for relevant, realistic in vitro models of the human airways. Key findings Our laboratory has designed and characterised a multi-cellular model of human airways that takes account of the conditions in the airways and recapitulates many salient features, including the epithelial barrier and mucus secretion. Summary Our human pulmonary models recreate many of the obstacles to successful pulmonary delivery of particles and therefore represent a valid test platform for screening compounds and delivery systems.
Enterprise policy is increasingly favouring support for high growth firms (HGFs). However, this may be less effective in promoting new jobs and economic development in peripheral regions. This issue is addressed by a study of HGFs in Scotland. Scottish HGFs differ in a number of respects from the stylised facts in the literature. They create less employment than their counterparts elsewhere in the UK. Most have a significant physical presence outside of Scotland, thereby reducing their Scottish 'footprint' and domestic job creation. Scottish HGFs appear to have a high propensity to be acquired, increasing the susceptibility of the head office to closure. The evidence suggests that the tendency towards 'policy universalism' in the sphere of entrepreneurship policy is problematic.