890 resultados para PERIAQUEDUCTAL GREY


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Comunicación presentada en el VII Symposium Nacional de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes, SNRFAI, Barcelona, abril 1997.


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Fundamentos: En los ámbitos científico e institucional existe controversia sobre cuándo recomendar la práctica del cribado visual en la población. El objetivo de este trabajo es valorar el nivel de evidencia científica que existe sobre el cribado visual para determinar si las recomendaciones existentes son o no adecuadas. Métodos: Revisión sistemática de artículos científicos consultando las bases de datos MedLine y The Cochranre Library Plus, sin restricción de fecha, en los idiomas español e inglés. Se incluyó literatura gris mediante búsqueda manual. No se hicieron restricciones respecto al tipo de estudio. Se revisaron los abstracts y en los casos necesarios los artículos completos, teniéndose en cuenta finalmente todos los artículos que incluían recomendaciones sobre cribado de agudeza visual y eliminando el resto. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 6 artículos. La mayoría de las recomendaciones realizadas por las sociedades fueron a través de guías de práctica clínica o artículos de opinión. Respecto a los diseños de los artículos científicos localizados hubo 2 ensayos aleatorios controlados, 3 ensayos no controlados y 1 estudio transversal. Conclusiones: Los estudios sobre adultos no permiten determinar que las recomendaciones realizadas por las sociedades científicas tengan una base científica sólida. En el caso de los niños, los estudios y las sociedades científicas no aclaran cuál es la edad más idónea para realizar cribado visual.


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Notes concerning verses of the Bible, and moral and religious issues.


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David Phips wrote this letter to Colonel Jonathan Snelling from Cambridge on July 12, 1773, to inform him that Massachusetts Governor Thomas Hutchinson had requested the accompaniment of guards during his travels from Milton to Cambridge on July 21, 1773, to attend the Harvard College Commencement exercises. In the letter, Phips informs Snelling that he has issued warrants to the guards, instructing them to congregate at the Sign of the Grey Hound in Roxbury, Massachusetts at eight o'clock on the morning of the 21st. He explains that twelve other men will march, under the command of Sub-Brigadier Sumner, to the Governor's home in Milton to escort him to Roxbury, where the larger party will assemble. These heightened security measures were certainly prompted by political unrest, although this is not stated explicitly in the letter. Phips concludes by saying: "I shall order a dinner for us at Bradish's, where I hope to have the pleasure to dine with you."


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According to the colophon (f. 117v), copy completed in the hand of ʻAbd al-Razzāq ibn Muḥammad Ḥusayn al-Yazdī in 1240 AH [December 1824-5 AD].


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Title from f. 1r.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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BACKGROUND Previous neuroimaging studies indicate abnormalities in cortico-limbic circuitry in mood disorder. Here we employ prospective longitudinal voxel-based morphometry to examine the trajectory of these abnormalities during early stages of illness development. METHOD Unaffected individuals (16-25 years) at high and low familial risk of mood disorder underwent structural brain imaging on two occasions 2 years apart. Further clinical assessment was conducted 2 years after the second scan (time 3). Clinical outcome data at time 3 was used to categorize individuals: (i) healthy controls ('low risk', n = 48); (ii) high-risk individuals who remained well (HR well, n = 53); and (iii) high-risk individuals who developed a major depressive disorder (HR MDD, n = 30). Groups were compared using longitudinal voxel-based morphometry. We also examined whether progress to illness was associated with changes in other potential risk markers (personality traits, symptoms scores and baseline measures of childhood trauma), and whether any changes in brain structure could be indexed using these measures. RESULTS Significant decreases in right amygdala grey matter were found in HR MDD v. controls (p = 0.001) and v. HR well (p = 0.005). This structural change was not related to measures of childhood trauma, symptom severity or measures of sub-diagnostic anxiety, neuroticism or extraversion, although cross-sectionally these measures significantly differentiated the groups at baseline. CONCLUSIONS These longitudinal findings implicate structural amygdala changes in the neurobiology of mood disorder. They also provide a potential biomarker for risk stratification capturing additional information beyond clinically ascertained measures.


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En La lengua de las mariposas y El lápiz del carpintero Manuel Rivas presenta conflictos y personajes inmersos en el contexto de violencia y opresión desatados por el accionar de las fuerzas franquistas triunfantes en Galicia. Por su parte, uno de los hilos narrativos desarrollados por Eduardo Sacheri en La pregunta de sus ojos, se interna en la relación entre el delito, la impunidad y el castigo en el marco de la violencia estatal que se instala en Argentina en los años anteriores al golpe militar de 1976. En los tres relatos los comportamientos indignos o criminales, cuya génesis es inseparable del terror impuesto por una dictadura u otras formas de violencia emanadas de un poder opresor, disparan interrogantes de complejas respuestas. El concepto de zona gris que acuñó Primo Levi en su obra dedicada a testimoniar su experiencia de deportado en Auschwitz ofrece una vía de reflexión para volver más inteligible la respuesta del ser humano en situaciones límite.


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In the nodule field of the Peru Basin, situated south of the zone of high bioproductivity, a relatively high flux of biogenic matter explains a distinct redox boundary at about 10 cm depth separating very soft oxic surface sediments from stiffer suboxic sediments. Maximum abundance (50 kg/m**2) of diagenetic nodules is found near the calcite compensation depth (CCD), currently at 4250 m. There, the accretion rate of nodules is much higher (100 mm/Ma) than on ridges (5 mm/Ma). Highest accretion rates are found at the bottom of large nodules that repeatedly sink to a level immediately above the redox boundary. There, distinct diagenetic growth conditions prevail and layers of dense laminated Mn oxide of very pure todorokite are formed. The layering of nodules is mainly the result of organisms moving nodules within the oxic surface sediment from diagenetic to hydrogenetic environments. The frequency of such movements is much higher than that of climatic changes. Two types of nodule burial occur in the Peru Basin. Large nodules are less easily moved by organisms and become buried. Consequently, buried nodules generally are larger than surface nodules. This type of burial predominates in basins. At ridges where smaller nodules prevail, burial is mainly controlled by statistical selection where some nodules are not moved up by organisms.


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A compilation, edited by Ernesto Begni, James C. Grey and Thomas J. Kennedy.


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Sadleir, M. 19th cent. fiction,


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Some recipes include liquor as an ingredient.


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Includes index.