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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Current guidelines for the management of acute coronary syndrome clearly recommend that clopidogrel should be started before diagnostic coronary angiography. If patients undergo coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) early after clopidogrel loading or during continued exposure, it seems reasonable to expect an increase in bleeding complications. RECENT FINDINGS: Earlier studies may have overestimated the risk of bleeding in patient undergoing CABG with prior clopidogrel exposure (5-10-fold increase). Some conflicting results are reported in literature. As reexploration because of excessive bleeding is concerned, a two to three-fold increase must be expected, which is demonstrated in actual trials properly matched to confounding factors. Discontinuation of clopidogrel for 5-7 days prior to urgent CABG as recommended by guidelines is not well adopted in clinical practice for several reasons. SUMMARY: There is a moderately elevated risk of bleeding complications after CABG due to prior clopidogrel exposure alone. However, in clinical practice this risk is added often to patients who carry already elevated surgical risks (urgent procedures, worse coronary anatomy, history of previous myocardial infarction and prior percutaneous intervention), and after bleeding complications singular patients may suffer from consecutive adverse outcome. Cessation of clopidogrel in patients before CABG clearly prolongs hospitalization time and has an estimated 1% risk of coronary events during the waiting period. Risk and benefit have to be balanced in every individual case.


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Most recently discussion about the optimal treatment for different subsets of patients suffering from coronary artery disease has re-emerged, mainly because of the uncertainty caused by doctors and patients regarding the phenomenon of unpredictable early and late stent thrombosis. Surgical revascularization using multiple arterial bypass grafts has repeatedly proven its superiority compared to percutaneous intervention techniques, especially in patients suffering from left main stem disease and coronary 3-vessels disease. Several prospective randomized multicenter studies comparing early and mid-term results following PCI and CABG have been really restrictive, with respect to patient enrollment, with less than 5% of all patients treated during the same time period been enrolled. Coronary artery bypass grafting allows the most complete revascularization in one session, because all target coronary vessels larger than 1 mm can be bypassed in their distal segments. Once the patient has been turn-off for surgery, surgeons have to consider the most complete arterial revascularization in order to decrease the long-term necessity for re-revascularization; for instance patency rate of the left internal thoracic artery grafted to the distal part left anterior descending artery may be as high as 90-95% after 10 to 15 years. Early mortality following isolated CABG operation has been as low as 0.6 to 1% in the most recent period (reports from the University Hospital Berne and the University Hospital of Zurich); beside these excellent results, the CABG option seems to be less expensive than PCI with time, since the necessity for additional PCI is rather high following initial PCI, and the price of stent devices is still very high, particularly in Switzerland. Patients, insurance and experts in health care should be better and more honestly informed concerning the risk and costs of PCI and CABG procedures as well as about the much higher rate of subsequent interventions following PCI. Team approach for all patients in whom both options could be offered seems mandatory to avoid unbalanced information of the patients. Looking at the recent developments in transcatheter valve treatments, the revival of cardiological-cardiosurgical conferences seems to a good option to optimize the cooperation between the two medical specialties: cardiology and cardiac surgery.


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Cystic adventitial degeneration is a rare non-atherosclerotic cause of peripheral arterial occlusive disease, mainly seen in young men without other evidence of vascular disease. Diagnosis will be established by clinical findings and by ultrasound or angiography and can be treated by excision or enucleation of the affected arterial segment or by percutaneous ultrasound-guided aspiration. However, the etiology of adventitial cysts remains unknown. We report a case of cystic adventitial degeneration showing a connection between the joint capsule and the adventitial cyst, supporting the theory that cystic adventitial degeneration may represent ectopic ganglia from adjacent joint capsules.


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Acute pneumothorax is a frequent complication after percutaneous pulmonary radiofrequency (RF) ablation. In this study we present three cases showing delayed development of pneumothorax after pulmonary RF ablation in 34 patients. Our purpose is to draw attention to this delayed complication and to propose a possible approach to avoid this major complication. These three cases occurred subsequent to 44 CT-guided pulmonary RF ablation procedures (6.8%) using either internally cooled or multitined expandable RF electrodes. In two patients, the pneumothorax, being initially absent at the end of the intervention, developed without symptoms. One of these patients required chest drain placement 32 h after RF ablation, and in the second patient therapy remained conservative. In the third patient, a slight pneumothorax at the end of the intervention gradually increased and led into tension pneumothorax 5 days after ablation procedure. Underlying bronchopleural fistula along the coagulated former electrode track was diagnosed in two patients. In conclusion, delayed development of pneumothorax after pulmonary RF ablation can occur and is probably due to underlying bronchopleural fistula, potentially leading to tension pneumothorax. Patients and interventionalists should be prepared for delayed onset of this complication, and extensive track ablation following pulmonary RF ablation should be avoided.


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OBJECTIVES: Pulmonary valve insufficiency remains a leading cause for reoperations in congenital cardiac surgery. The current percutaneous approach is limited by the size of the access vessel and variable right ventricular outflow tract morphology. This study assesses the feasibility of transapical pulmonary valve replacement based on a new valved stent construction concept. METHODS: A new valved stent design was implanted off-pump under continuous intracardiac echocardiographic and fluoroscopic guidance into the native right ventricular outflow tract in 8 pigs (48.5 +/- 6.0 kg) through the right ventricular apex, and device function was studied by using invasive and noninvasive measures. RESULTS: Procedural success was 100% at the first attempt. Procedural time was 75 +/- 15 minutes. All devices were delivered at the target site with good acute valve function. No valved stents dislodged. No animal had significant regurgitation or paravalvular leaking on intracardiac echocardiographic analysis. All animals had a competent tricuspid valve and no signs of right ventricular dysfunction. The planimetric valve orifice was 2.85 +/- 0.32 cm(2). No damage to the pulmonary artery or structural defect of the valved stents was found at necropsy. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms the feasibility of direct access valve replacement through the transapical procedure for replacement of the pulmonary valve, as well as validity of the new valved stent design concept. The transapical procedure is targeting a broader patient pool, including the very young and the adult patient. The device design might not be restricted to failing conduits only and could allow for implantation in a larger patient population, including those with native right ventricular outflow tract configurations.


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Positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) has gained widespread acceptance as a staging investigation in the diagnostic workup of malignant tumours and may be used to visualize metabolic changes before the evolution of morphological changes. To make histology of PET findings without distinctive structural changes available for treatment decisions, we developed a protocol for multimodal image-guided interventions using an integrated PET-CT machine. We report our first experience in 12 patients admitted for staging and restaging of breast cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, cervical cancer, soft tissue sarcoma, and osteosarcoma. Patients were repositioned according to the findings in PET-CT and intervention was planned based on a subsequent single-bed PET-CT acquisition of the region concerned. The needle was introduced under CT guidance in a step-by-step technique and correct needle position in the centre of the FDG avid lesion was assured by repetition of a single-bed PET-CT acquisition before sampling. The metabolically active part of lesions was accurately targeted in all patients and representative samples were obtained in 92%. No major adverse effects occurred. We conclude that PET-CT guidance for interventions is feasible and may be promising to optimize the diagnostic yield of CT-guided interventions and to make metabolically active lesions without morphological correlate accessible to percutaneous interventions.


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PURPOSE: We assessed the efficacy of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL, Dornier Medical Systems, Inc., Marietta, Georgia) for distal ureteral calculi with the HM3 (Dornier Medical Systems, Inc.) lithotriptor. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 585 consecutive patients with distal ureteral calculi were treated with ESWL using an unmodified HM3 lithotriptor. Of these patients 67 referred for treatment only for whom no followup was available were excluded from further analysis. The remaining 518 cases were followed until they were radiologically documented to be stone-free or considered treatment failures. Before ESWL additional procedures were performed in 144 patients, including stone push back, ureteral catheter or Double-J (Medical Engineering Corp., New York, New York) stent placement, percutaneous nephrostomy, ureteral endoscopic maneuvers or stone basket manipulation. A total of 374 patients needed no preliminary treatment before ESWL. RESULTS: Of the 518 patients 469 (91%) were successfully treated with 1 ESWL session, while 49 (9%) needed 2 or 3. Manipulation after ESWL was performed in 22 cases, including stent placement, percutaneous nephrostomy, ureteral endoscopic stone removal and a stone basket procedure. On day 1 after ESWL 327 patients (63%) were stone-free, 158 (30%) had less than 5 mm. fragments and 33 (7%) had more than 5 mm. fragments. At 3 months the stone-free rate increased to 97%. CONCLUSIONS: These data show that ESWL for distal ureteral calculi with the powerful unmodified HM3 lithotriptor has a high success rate with a low rate of minimally traumatic manipulations before and after intervention. Results in terms of the re-treatment and stone-free rates are superior to those of any other second or third generation lithotriptor and comparable to the results of the best ureteroscopic series.


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In the late course of chronic pancreatitis (CP), weight loss is often seen because of reduced caloric intake and a reduction of pancreatic enzyme secretion, resulting in maldigestion. Most of these patients can be managed by dietary recommendations and pancreatic enzyme supplementation. However, approximately 5% of these patients are reported to be candidates for enteral nutrition support during their course of CP. Although small bowel access for enteral feeding can be easily obtained by percutaneous endoscopic gastrojejunostomy (PEG/J) or direct percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy (DPEJ), to date there are no data regarding clinical outcome and safety of long-term jejunal feeding in CP.


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AIM To report a rare case of a spinal WHO grade I meningioma extending through intervertebral foramina C7 to D4 with an extensive mediastinal mass and infiltration of the vertebrae, and to discuss the malignant behavior of a tumor classified as benign. METHODS (Clinical Presentation, Histology, and Imaging): A 54-year-old man suffered from increasing lower back pain with gait difficulties, weakness and numbness of the lower extremities, as well as urge incontinence. CT scan of the thorax and MRI scan of the spine revealed a large prevertebral tumor, which extended to the spinal canal and caused compression of the spinal cord at the levels of C7 to D4 leading to myelopathy with hyperintense signal alteration on T2-weighted MRI images. The signal constellation (T1 with and without contrast, T2, TIR) was highly suspicious for infiltration of vertebrae C7 to D5. Somatostatin receptor SPECT/CT with (111)In-DTPA-D: -Phe-1-octreotide detected a somatostatin receptor-positive mediastinal tumor with infiltration of multiple vertebrae, dura, and intervertebral foramina C7-D4, partially with Krenning score >2. Percutaneous biopsies of the mediastinal mass led to histopathological findings of WHO grade I meningioma of meningothelial subtype. RESULTS (Therapy): C7 to D4 laminoplasty was performed, and the intraspinal, extradural part of the tumor was microsurgically removed. Postoperative stereotactic radiation therapy was done using the volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) technique (RapidArc). No PRRNT with (90)Y-DOTA-TOC was done. CONCLUSIONS Due to the rare incidence and complex presentation of this disease not amenable to complete surgical resection, an individualized treatment approach should be worked out interdisciplinarily. The treatment approach should be based not only on histology but also on clinical and imaging findings. Close clinical and radiological follow-up may be mandatory even for benign tumors.


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OBJECTIVES Percutaneous closure of the transapical (TA) access site for large-calibre devices is an unsolved issue. We report the first experimental data on the TA PLUG device for true-percutaneous closure following large apical access for transcatheter aortic valve implantation. METHODS The TA PLUG, a self-sealing full-core closure device, was implanted in an acute animal study in six pigs (60.2 ± 0.7 kg). All the pigs received 100 IU/kg of heparin. The targeted activated clotting time was left to normalize spontaneously. After accessing the left ventricular apex with a 39 French introducer, the closure plug device was delivered with a 33 French over-the-wire system under fluoroscopic guidance into the apex. Time to full haemostasis as well as rate of bleeding was recorded. Self-anchoring properties were assessed by haemodynamic push stress under adrenalin challenge. An additional feasibility study was conducted in four pigs (58.4 ± 1.1 kg) with full surgical exposure of the apex, and assessed device anchoring by pull-force measurements with 0.5 Newton (N) increments. All the animals were electively sacrified. Post-mortem analysis of the heart was performed and the renal embolic index assessed. RESULTS Of six apical closure devices, five were correctly inserted and fully deployed at the first attempt. One became blocked in the delivery system and was placed successfully at the second attempt. In all the animals, complete haemostasis was immediate and no leak was recorded during the 5-h observation period. Neither leak nor any device dislodgement was observed under haemodynamic push stress with repeated left ventricular peak pressure of up to 220 mmHg. In the feasibility study assessing pull-stressing, device migration occurred at a force of 3.3 ± 0.5 N corresponding to 247.5 mmHg. Post-mortem analyses confirmed full expansion of all devices at the intended target. No macroscopic damage was identified at the surrounding myocardium. The renal embolic index was zero. CONCLUSIONS True-percutaneous left ventricular apex closure following large access is feasible with the self-sealing TA PLUG. The device allows for immediate haemostasis and a reliable anchoring in the acute animal setting. This is the first report of a true-percutaneous closure for large-calibre transcatheter aortic valve implantation access.


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Aims: As part of the EAPCI Young Initiative, the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI) conducted a survey to address the educational needs of young interventional cardiologists. Methods and results: A questionnaire was distributed to all individuals registered in the ESC database aged <36 years with an interest in interventional cardiology. Nearly two-thirds of participants (60%) indicated that they had difficulty in finding a fellowship training position. The desire for a fellow's course at European level was expressed by 95%, while 94% were in favour of developing a network of young interventional cardiologists in Europe. More than three-quarters of respondents (79%) said they had had difficulty in obtaining funding to attend EuroPCR. Multiple difficulties were identified in setting up a research programme, two of the more frequent being problematic access to research networks and the difficulties of finding a mentor. Career orientation was identified as another issue, with more than half of respondents (59%) declaring they followed career options by chance. Conclusions: The survey underlines the need to fill a gap in order to address the needs of young interventional cardiologists. It may serve as a starting point for developing educational initiatives targeted at young interventional cardiologists.


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BACKGROUND The safety and efficacy of drug-eluting stents (DES) in the treatment of coronary artery disease have been assessed in several randomised trials. However, none of these trials were powered to assess the safety and efficacy of DES in women because only a small proportion of recruited participants were women. We therefore investigated the safety and efficacy of DES in female patients during long-term follow-up. METHODS We pooled patient-level data for female participants from 26 randomised trials of DES and analysed outcomes according to stent type (bare-metal stents, early-generation DES, and newer-generation DES). The primary safety endpoint was a composite of death or myocardial infarction. The secondary safety endpoint was definite or probable stent thrombosis. The primary efficacy endpoint was target-lesion revascularisation. Analysis was by intention to treat. FINDINGS Of 43,904 patients recruited in 26 trials of DES, 11,557 (26·3%) were women (mean age 67·1 years [SD 10·6]). 1108 (9·6%) women received bare-metal stents, 4171 (36·1%) early-generation DES, and 6278 (54·3%) newer-generation DES. At 3 years, estimated cumulative incidence of the composite of death or myocardial infarction occurred in 132 (12·8%) women in the bare-metal stent group, 421 (10·9%) in the early-generation DES group, and 496 (9·2%) in the newer-generation DES group (p=0·001). Definite or probable stent thrombosis occurred in 13 (1·3%), 79 (2·1%), and 66 (1·1%) women in the bare-metal stent, early-generation DES, and newer-generation DES groups, respectively (p=0·01). The use of DES was associated with a significant reduction in the 3 year rates of target-lesion revascularisation (197 [18·6%] women in the bare-metal stent group, 294 [7·8%] in the early-generation DES group, and 330 [6·3%] in the newer-generation DES group, p<0·0001). Results did not change after adjustment for baseline characteristics in the multivariable analysis. INTERPRETATION The use of DES in women is more effective and safe than is use of bare-metal stents during long-term follow-up. Newer-generation DES are associated with an improved safety profile compared with early-generation DES, and should therefore be thought of as the standard of care for percutaneous coronary revascularisation in women. FUNDING Women in Innovation Initiative of the Society of Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions.


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Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is a widely accepted alternative to surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR) among non-operable patients or selected high-risk patients with degenerative, severe aortic stenosis. TAVI is considered less invasive when compared with SAVR; however, there remain significant differences between different TAVI access routes. The transfemoral approach is considered the least invasive access route, and can be performed as a fully percutaneous procedure in a spontaneously breathing patient under local anaesthesia and mild sedation only. Moreover, transfemoral TAVI patients are typically transferred to coronary care rather than to an intensive care unit after the procedure, and benefit from early ambulation and a reduction in overall length of hospital stay. Considering these patient-specific and health-economic advantages, several TAVI centres follow the least invasive strategy for their patients and have implemented the transfemoral access route as the default access in their institutions. This article provides an overview on the prerequisites for a successful transfemoral TAVI procedure, describes the procedural advantages compared to alternative access routes, and highlights differences in clinical outcomes.


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BACKGROUND Contact force (CF) is an important determinant of lesion formation for atrial endocardial radiofrequency ablation. There are minimal published data on CF and ventricular lesion formation. We studied the impact of CF on lesion formation using an ovine model both endocardially and epicardially. METHODS AND RESULTS Twenty sheep received 160 epicardial and 160 endocardial ventricular radiofrequency applications using either a 3.5-mm irrigated-tip catheter (Thermocool, Biosense-Webster, n=160) or a 3.5 irrigated-tip catheter with CF assessment (Tacticath, Endosense, n=160), via percutaneous access. Power was delivered at 30 watts for 60 seconds, when either catheter/tissue contact was felt to be good or when CF>10 g with Tacticath. After completion of all lesions, acute dimensions were taken at pathology. Identifiable lesion formation from radiofrequency application was improved with the aid of CF information, from 78% to 98% on the endocardium (P<0.001) and from 90% to 100% on the epicardium (P=0.02). The mean total force was greater on the endocardium (39±18 g versus 21±14 g for the epicardium; P<0.001) mainly because of axial force. Despite the force-time integral being greater endocardially, epicardial lesions were larger (231±182 mm(3) versus 209±131 mm(3); P=0.02) probably because of the absence of the heat sink effect of the circulating blood and covered a greater area (41±27 mm(2) versus 29±17 mm(2); P=0.03) because of catheter orientation. CONCLUSIONS In the absence of CF feedback, 22% of endocardial radiofrequency applications that are thought to have good contact did not result in lesion formation. Epicardial ablation is associated with larger lesions.


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OBJECTIVES The aim of the study was to determine the incidence of atrial flutter and other arrhythmia recurrences (other than atrial fibrillation [AF]) during long-term follow-up after left atrial substrate modification by percutaneous radiofrequency (RF) ablation of AF. BACKGROUND RF ablation is an effective treatment for patients with AF. However, late recurrent arrhythmias may complicate the patient's course. METHODS One hundred fifty consecutive patients with paroxysmal or persistent AF were included in this prospective study. The incidence of arrhythmia recurrences after AF ablation was analyzed during long-term follow-up using repetitive 7-day ECG recording. RESULTS In 28 of 150 patients (18.7%), stable regular arrhythmias other than AF were detected during follow-up. Left atrial flutter observed in 10 patients (6.7%) was treated by recompletion of the ablation lines in all 10 patients. Left atrial flutter was associated with recurrence of AF in all 10 patients. Nine of 10 patients (90%) were free from atrial flutter and 6 of 10 patients were free from AF after the second intervention. Typical right atrial flutter occurred in 10 patients (6.7%) and was treated successfully by percutaneous RF ablation without recurrence in all patients. Additionally, atrial flutter was documented during follow-up in 7 patients (4.7%); however, invasive electrophysiologic evaluation was not performed due to various reasons. CONCLUSIONS Left atrial flutter is a relevant complication after RF catheter ablation of AF and was always associated with AF recurrence in our study population. Prevention of left atrial flutter can be achieved by induction of ablation lines as continuous and transmural as possible. However, left atrial flutter that does occur late after ablation is amenable to interventional treatment with good prospects of success.