971 resultados para PCR analysis


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BACKGROUND: Spontaneously hypertensive rats develop left ventricular hypertrophy, increased blood pressure and blood pressure variability, which are important determinants of heart damage, like the activation of renin-angiotensin system. AIMS: To investigate the effects of the time-course of hypertension over 1) hemodynamic and autonomic patterns (blood pressure; blood pressure variability; heart rate); 2) left ventricular hypertrophy; and 3) local and systemic Renin-angiotensin system of the spontaneously hypertensive rats. METHODS: Male spontaneously hypertensive rats were randomized into two groups: young (n=13) and adult (n=12). Hemodynamic signals (blood pressure, heart rate), blood pressure variability (BPV) and spectral analysis of the autonomic components of blood pressure were analyzed. LEFT ventricular hypertrophy was measured by the ratio of LV mass to body weight (mg/g), by myocyte diameter (μm) and by relative fibrosis area (RFA, %). ACE and ACE2 activities were measured by fluorometry (UF/min), and plasma renin activity (PRA) was assessed by a radioimmunoassay (ng/mL/h). Cardiac gene expressions of Agt, Ace and Ace2 were quantified by RT-PCR (AU). RESULTS: The time-course of hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats increased BPV and reduced the alpha index in adult spontaneously hypertensive rats. Adult rats showed increases in left ventricular hypertrophy and in RFA. Compared to young spontaneously hypertensive rats, adult spontaneously hypertensive rats had lower cardiac ACE and ACE2 activities, and high levels of PRA. No change was observed in gene expression of Renin-angiotensin system components. CONCLUSIONS: The observed autonomic dysfunction and modulation of Renin-angiotensin system activity are contributing factors to end-organ damage in hypertension and could be interacting. Our findings suggest that the management of hypertensive disease must start before blood pressure reaches the highest stable levels and the consequent established end-organ damage is reached.


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Nerve injury leads to a neuropathic pain state that results from central sensitization. This phenomenom is mediated by NMDA receptors and may involve the production of nitric oxide (NO). In this study, we investigated the expression of the neuronal isoform of NO synthase (nNOS) in the spinal cord of 3-month-old male, Wistar rats after sciatic nerve transection (SNT). Our attention was focused on the dorsal part of L3-L5 segments receiving sensory inputs from the sciatic nerve. SNT resulted in the development of neuropathic pain symptoms confirmed by evaluating mechanical hyperalgesia (Randall and Selitto test) and allodynia (von Frey hair test). Control animals did not present any alteration (sham-animals). The selective inhibitor of nNOS, 7-nitroindazole (0.2 and 2 µg in 50 µL), blocked hyperalgesia and allodynia induced by SNT. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that nNOS was increased (48% by day 30) in the lumbar spinal cord after SNT. This increase was observed near the central canal (Rexed’s lamina X) and also in lamina I-IV of the dorsal horn. Real-time PCR results indicated an increase of nNOS mRNA detected from 1 to 30 days after SNT, with the highest increase observed 1 day after injury (1469%). Immunoblotting confirmed the increase of nNOS in the spinal cord between 1 and 15 days post-lesion (20%), reaching the greatest increase (60%) 30 days after surgery. The present findings demonstrate an increase of nNOS after peripheral nerve injury that may contribute to the increase of NO production observed after peripheral neuropathy.


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INTRODUÇÃO E OBJETIVO: Sabe-se que o tabagismo pode provocar alterações cardiovasculares e redução na sensibilidade à insulina, e que o exercício físico melhora este quadro. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o efeito do tabagismo e da prática de atividade física sobre a sensibilidade à insulina em músculo cardíaco de ratos, através da avaliação de expressão do transportador de glicose GLUT4. MÉTODOS: Ratos machos Wistar foram divididos em quatro grupos: (CS) controle, (CE) controle exercitado, (FS) fumante sedentário e (FE) fumante submetido ao exercício físico. Os grupos FS e FE foram submetidos à combustão de quatro cigarros/30 min/60 dias, 2x/dia. Os grupos CE e FE executaram corrida em esteira rolante durante 60 min/60 dias. Foi realizado teste de tolerância à insulina, e a expressão de GLUT4 no coração foi feita através de Western Blotting - ECL e RT-PCR. Foi utilizado método estatístico descritivo e o teste ANOVA, e as diferenças entre os grupos foram consideradas significantes quando P < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Nem o tabagismo nem a atividade física alteraram o peso corpóreo (CS: 364,7 ± 9,7; CE: 372,4 ± 7,2, FS: 368,9 ± 6,7; FE: 376,4 ± 7,8g) e o peso do coração (CS: 1,12 ± 0,05; CE: 1,16 ± 0,04; FS: 1,14 ± 0,05; FE: 1,19 ± 0,05g). A sensibilidade à insulina foi reduzida no grupo fumante, porém, a prática de exercício físico melhorou este quadro (CS: 3,7 ± 0,3; CE: 5,28 ± 0,5*; FS: 2,1 ± 0,7*; FE: 4,8 ± 0,09** %/min; *P < 0,05 vs. CS, **P < 0,05 vs. FS). Os conteúdos de RNAm e de proteína não se alteraram entre os grupos. Porém, quando se calculou o conteúdo total de proteína GLUT4 por grama de tecido, observou-se que o tabagismo causou redução e que o exercício induziu aumento neste parâmetro (CS: 119,72 ± 9,98; CE: 143,09 ± 9,09; FS: 84,36 ± 10,99*; FE: 132,18 ± 11,40# UA/g tecido, *P < 0,05 vs. CS, #P < 0,01 vs. FS). CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que o tabagismo reduz a sensibilidade à insulina e a capacidade do coração captar glicose. Já a prática de exercício físico moderado reverte este quadro por completo.


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O objetivo de nosso estudo foi realizar tipagem molecular de 25 amostras clínicas de Candida spp, isoladas de crianças com candidemia, internadas na unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal de um Hospital Universitário entre 1998 a 2006. Dados demográficos e clínicos foram obtidos de prontuários para conhecimento dos aspectos clínicos e epidemiológicos. Identificação das leveduras foi feita por método convencional e a susceptibilidade antifúngica por método de microdiluição. O perfil genético foi determinado pela técnica de RAPD-PCR. Candida albicans (11; 44%) e Candida parapsilosis (10; 40%) foram as mais isoladas. Dezessete (68%) dos recém-nascidos tinham peso inferior a 1.500g. Prematuridade (92%), uso de cateter venoso central (100%), foram as condições de risco mais associados. Dezenove (76%) pacientes foram a óbito. Apenas uma cepa de Candida parapsilosis, mostrou ser sensível dose dependente ao fluconazol. Na análise molecular, foram observados 11 padrões genéticos distintos. Somente em dois casos foi observada relação epidemiológica, sugerindo mesma fonte de infecção.


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The genus Brycon, the largest subunit of the Bryconinae, has 42 valid species distributed from southern Mexico to the La Plata River in Argentina. Henochilus is a monotypic genus, comprising a single species (H. wheatlandii) found in the upper Rio Doce basin. In the present study, partial sequences of the mitochondrial gene 16S were obtained for fifteen species of Brycon and for Henochilus wheatlandii. The results showed that the genus Brycon is paraphyletic, since Henochilus is the sister-group of B. ferox and B. insignis. The most basal species analyzed were the trans-Andean species B. henni, B. petrosus, and B. chagrensis.


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The enzyme purine nucleoside phosphorylase from Schistosoma mansoni (SmPNP) is an attractive molecular target for the development of novel drugs against schistosomiasis, a neglected tropical disease that affects about 200 million people worldwide. In the present work, enzyme kinetic studies were carried out in order to determine the potency and mechanism of inhibition of a series of SmPNP inhibitors. In addition to the biochemical investigations, crystallographic and molecular modeling studies revealed important molecular features for binding affinity towards the target enzyme, leading to the development of structure-activity relationships (SAR).


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A practical method for the structural assignment of 3,4-O-benzylidene-D-ribono-1,5-lactones and analogues using conventional NMR techniques and NOESY measurements in solution is described. 2-O-Acyl-3,4-O-benzylidene-D-ribono-1,5-lactones were prepared in good yields by acylation of Zinner’s lactone with acyl chlorides under mildly basic conditions. Structural determination of 2-O-(4-nitrobenzoyl)-3,4-O-benzylidene-D-ribono-1,5-lactone was achieved by single crystal x-ray diffraction, which supports the results based on spectroscopic data.


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PURPOSE: The main goal of this study was to develop and compare two different techniques for classification of specific types of corneal shapes when Zernike coefficients are used as inputs. A feed-forward artificial Neural Network (NN) and discriminant analysis (DA) techniques were used. METHODS: The inputs both for the NN and DA were the first 15 standard Zernike coefficients for 80 previously classified corneal elevation data files from an Eyesys System 2000 Videokeratograph (VK), installed at the Departamento de Oftalmologia of the Escola Paulista de Medicina, São Paulo. The NN had 5 output neurons which were associated with 5 typical corneal shapes: keratoconus, with-the-rule astigmatism, against-the-rule astigmatism, "regular" or "normal" shape and post-PRK. RESULTS: The NN and DA responses were statistically analyzed in terms of precision ([true positive+true negative]/total number of cases). Mean overall results for all cases for the NN and DA techniques were, respectively, 94% and 84.8%. CONCLUSION: Although we used a relatively small database, results obtained in the present study indicate that Zernike polynomials as descriptors of corneal shape may be a reliable parameter as input data for diagnostic automation of VK maps, using either NN or DA.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate an experimental animal model to study the abdominal tissue activity considering its interaction with a polypropylene mesh, through the use of one of the optical phenomena of light Laser, the biospeckle. METHODS: Fifty Wistar male rats were divided into four groups: Group 1: ten animals not submitted to surgery; Group 2: ten animals submitted to surgery without polypropylene mesh; Group 3: 20 animals submitted to surgery followed by the mesh placement; Group 4: (sham) with ten animals. None of the animals presented post surgical complications being submitted to the optical tests at the 20th postoperative day. RESULTS: The analysis from the biospeckle tests, comparing the medians and standard deviations with T Student test, indicated that no significative difference was observed on the abdominal wall tissue activity in the four groups considered, with and without polypropylene mesh prosthesis implantation. CONCLUSION: The animal model is viable and the biospeckle open ways for a great number of experiments to be developed in evaluating tissue activity.


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Since 1964, the Center for Geochronological Research - CPGeo, one of the interdepartmental centers of the Instituto de Geociências (IG) of São Paulo University, has developed studies related to several geological processes associated with different rock types. Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry Isotopic Dilution (ID-TIMS) has been the technique widely used in the CPGeo U-Pb Laboratory. It provides reliable and accurate results in age determination of superposed events. However, the open-system behavior such as Pb-loss, the inheritance problem and metamictization processes allow and impel us to a much richer understanding of the power and limitations of U-Pb geochronology and thermochronology. In this article, we present the current methodology used at the CPGeo-IGc-USP U-Pb laboratory, the improvements on ID-TIMS method, and report high-precision U-Pb data from zircon, monazite, epidote, titanite, baddeleyite and rutile from different rock types of several domains of the Brazilian south-southeast area, Argentina and Uruguay.


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OBJECTIVE: To estimate the spatial intensity of urban violence events using wavelet-based methods and emergency room data. METHODS: Information on victims attended at the emergency room of a public hospital in the city of São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, from January 1, 2002 to January 11, 2003 were obtained from hospital records. The spatial distribution of 3,540 events was recorded and a uniform random procedure was used to allocate records with incomplete addresses. Point processes and wavelet analysis technique were used to estimate the spatial intensity, defined as the expected number of events by unit area. RESULTS: Of all georeferenced points, 59% were accidents and 40% were assaults. There is a non-homogeneous spatial distribution of the events with high concentration in two districts and three large avenues in the southern area of the city of São Paulo. CONCLUSIONS: Hospital records combined with methodological tools to estimate intensity of events are useful to study urban violence. The wavelet analysis is useful in the computation of the expected number of events and their respective confidence bands for any sub-region and, consequently, in the specification of risk estimates that could be used in decision-making processes for public policies.


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Classical and operant conditioning principles, such as the behavioral discrepancy-derived assumption that reinforcement always selects antecedent stimulus and response relations, have been studied at the neural level, mainly by observing the strengthening of neuronal responses or synaptic connections. A review of the literature on the neural basis of behavior provided extensive scientific data that indicate a synthesis between the two conditioning processes based mainly on stimulus control in learning tasks. The resulting analysis revealed the following aspects. Dopamine acts as a behavioral discrepancy signal in the midbrain pathway of positive reinforcement, leading toward the nucleus accumbens. Dopamine modulates both types of conditioning in the Aplysia mollusk and in mammals. In vivo and in vitro mollusk preparations show convergence of both types of conditioning in the same motor neuron. Frontal cortical neurons are involved in behavioral discrimination in reversal and extinction procedures, and these neurons preferentially deliver glutamate through conditioned stimulus or discriminative stimulus pathways. Discriminative neural responses can reliably precede operant movements and can also be common to stimuli that share complex symbolic relations. The present article discusses convergent and divergent points between conditioning paradigms at the neural level of analysis to advance our knowledge on reinforcement.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of soil characteristics (pH, macro- and micro-nutrients), environmental factors (temperature, humidity, period of the year and time of day of collection) and meteorological conditions (rain, sun, cloud and cloud/rain) on the flavonoid content of leaves of Passiflora incarnata L., Passifloraceae. The total flavonoid contents of leaf samples harvested from plants cultivated or collected under different conditions were quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection (HPLC-UV/PAD). Chemometric treatment of the data by principal component (PCA) and hierarchic cluster analyses (HCA) showed that the samples did not present a specific classification in relation to the environmental and soil variables studied, and that the environmental variables were not significant in describing the data set. However, the levels of the elements Fe, B and Cu present in the soil showed an inverse correlation with the total flavonoid contents of the leaves of P. incarnata.


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In this work three capillary columns, one with uncoated inner wall and two with covalently-bound internal coatings - poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and poly(dimethylacrylamide) (PDMA) - both covalently covered - were used to separate DNA fragments and compared to DNA separation using replaceable polymer solutions. The separations were performed using hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) (90-105 kDa) in concentrations ranging from 0.00 to 2.00% m/v. The results indicated that the separation efficiency was higher in the PVA capillary than in the PDMA in all evaluated concentrations of HEC. In addition, higher resolution was also observed in PVA-coated capillary since in PDMA the shape of the peaks was not reproducible when subsequent runs were performed. Contrary to what has previously been reported in the literature, no reasonable separation was possible in bare fused silica.


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DNA Microarray was developed to monitor the expression of many genes from Xylella fastidiosa, allowing the side by-side comparison of two situations in a single experiment. The experiments were performed using X. fastidiosa cells grown in two culture media: BCYE and XDM2. The primers were synthesized, spotted onto glass slides and the array was hybridized against fluorescently labeled cDNAs. The emitted signals were quantified, normalized and the data were statistically analyzed to verify the differentially expressed genes. According to the data, 104 genes were differentially expressed in XDM2 and 30 genes in BCYE media. The present study showed that DNA microarray technique efficiently differentiate the expressed genes under different conditions.