967 resultados para Osteoclast precursor
Addition of insulin, IGF I or IGF II to serum-free cultures of fetal rat brain cells (gestation day 15/16) significantly stimulates DNA synthesis. The dose-response curves show that IGF I is more potent than insulin; half maximal stimulation of [3H]thymidine incorporation is obtained at about 0.4 nM IGF I and 14 nM insulin, respectively. Cultures initiated 2 days later (gestation day 17/18) showed a decreased responsiveness to both peptides. No additive effect was observed after combined addition of both peptides at near-maximal doses. Both peptides show a latency of action of about 12-18 h. In the presence of either IGF or insulin, neuronal as well as glial enzymes are increased, suggesting that neuronal and glial precursor cell division is influenced. IGF I and IGF II interact with a specific binding site for which insulin competes very weakly; however IGF I and IGF II bind with relatively high affinity to the insulin specific binding site. The present results support the hypothesis that both insulin and IGF stimulate mitotic activity by interacting with specific somatomedin receptors and suggest a physiological role of IGF in the developing brain.
Although NK cells in the mouse are thought to develop in the bone marrow, a small population of NK cells in the thymus has been shown to derive from a GATA3-dependent pathway. Characteristically, thymic NK cells express CD127 and few Ly49 molecules and lack CD11b. Because these NK cells develop in the thymus, the question of their relationship to the T cell lineage has been raised. Using several different mouse models, we find that unlike T cells, thymic NK cells are not the progeny of Rorc-expressing progenitors and do not express Rag2 or rearrange the TCRγ locus. We further demonstrate that thymic NK cells develop independently of the Notch signaling pathway, supporting the idea that thymic NK cells represent bona fide NK cells that can develop independently of all T cell precursors.
The arenaviruses are an important family of emerging viruses that includes several causative agents of severe hemorrhagic fevers in humans that represent serious public health problems. A crucial step of the arenavirus life cycle is maturation of the envelope glycoprotein precursor (GPC) by the cellular subtilisin kexin isozyme 1 (SKI-1)/site 1 protease (S1P). Comparison of the currently known sequences of arenavirus GPCs revealed the presence of a highly conserved aromatic residue at position P7 relative to the SKI-1/S1P cleavage side in Old World and clade C New World arenaviruses but not in New World viruses of clades A and B or cellular substrates of SKI-1/S1P. Using a combination of molecular modeling and structure-function analysis, we found that residueY285 of SKI-1/S1P, distal from the catalytic triad, is implicated in the molecular recognition of the aromatic "signature residue" at P7 in the GPC of Old World Lassa virus. Using a quantitative biochemical approach, we show that Y285 of SKI-1/S1P is crucial for the efficient processing of peptides derived from Old World and clade C New World arenavirus GPCs but not of those from clade A and B New World arenavirus GPCs. The data suggest that during coevolution with their mammalian hosts, GPCs of Old World and clade C New World viruses expanded the molecular contacts with SKI-1/S1P beyond the classical four-amino-acid recognition sequences and currently occupy an extended binding pocket.
While the influence of HLA-AB and -DRB1 matching on the outcome of bone marrow transplantation (BMT) with unrelated donors is clear, the evaluation of HLA-C has been hampered by its poor serological definition. Because the low resolution of standard HLA-C typing could explain the significant number of positive cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursor frequency (CTLpf) tests found among HLA-AB-subtype, DRB1/B3/B5-subtype matched patient/donor pairs, we have identified by sequencing the incompatibilities recognized by CD8+ CTL clones obtained from such positive CTLpf tests. In most cases the target molecules were HLA-C antigens that had escaped detection by serology (e.g. Cw*1601, 1502 or 0702). Direct recognition of HLA-C by a CTL clone was demonstrated by lysis of the HLA class I-negative 721.221 cell line transfected with Cw*1601 cDNA. Because of the functional importance of Cw polymorphism, a PCR-SSO oligotyping procedure was set up allowing the resolution of 29 Cw alleles. Oligotyping of a panel of 382 individuals (including 101 patients and their 272 potential unrelated donors, 5 related donors and 4 platelet donors) allowed to determine HLA-C and HLA A-B-Cw-DRB1 allelic frequencies, as well as a number of A-Cw, B-Cw, and DRB1-Cw associations. Two new HLA-Cw alleles (Cw*02023 and Cw*0707) were identified by DNA sequencing of PCR-amplified exon 2-intron 2-exon 3 amplicons. Furthermore, we determined the degree of HLA-C compatibility in 287 matched pairs that could be formed from 73 patients and their 184 potential unrelated donors compatible for HLA-AB by serology and for HLA-DRB1/ B3/B5 by oligotyping. Cw mismatches were identified in 42.1% of these pairs, and AB-subtype oligotyping showed that 30% of these Cw-incompatible pairs were also mismatched for A or B-locus subtype. The degree of HLA-C incompatibility was strongly influenced by the linkage with B alleles and by the ABDR haplotypes. Cw alleles linked with B*4403, B*5101, B18, and B62 haplotypes were frequently mismatched. Apparently high resolution DNA typing for HLA-AB does not result in full matching at locus C. Since HLA-C polymorphism is recognized by alloreactive CTLs, such incompatibilities might be as relevant as AB-subtype mismatches in clinical transplantation.
Apart from its role during labor and lactation, oxytocin is involved in several other functions. Interestingly, oxytocin- and oxytocin receptor-deficient mice develop late-onset obesity with normal food intake, suggesting that the hormone might exert a series of beneficial metabolic effects. This was recently confirmed by data showing that central oxytocin infusion causes weight loss in diet-induced obese mice. The aim of the present study was to unravel the mechanisms underlying such beneficial effects of oxytocin. Chronic central oxytocin infusion was carried out in high fat diet-induced obese rats. Its impact on body weight, lipid metabolism and insulin sensitivity was determined. We observed a dose-dependent decrease in body weight gain, increased adipose tissue lipolysis and fatty acid β-oxidation, as well as reduced glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. The additional observation that plasma oxytocin levels increased upon central infusion suggested that the hormone might affect adipose tissue metabolism by direct action. This was demonstrated using in vitro, ex vivo, as well as in vivo experiments. With regard to its mechanism of action in adipose tissue, oxytocin increased the expression of stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase 1, as well as the tissue content of the phospholipid precursor, N-oleoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine, the biosynthetic precursor of the oleic acid-derived PPAR-alpha activator, oleoylethanolamide. Because PPAR-alpha regulates fatty acid β-oxidation, we hypothesized that this transcription factor might mediate the oxytocin effects. This was substantiated by the observation that, in contrast to its effects in wild-type mice, oxytocin infusion failed to induce weight loss and fat oxidation in PPAR-alpha-deficient animals. Altogether, these results suggest that oxytocin administration could represent a promising therapeutic approach for the treatment of human obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Maturation of the arenavirus GP precursor (GPC) involves proteolytic processing by cellular signal peptidase and the proprotein convertase subtilisin kexin isozyme 1 (SKI-1)/site 1 protease (S1P), yielding a tripartite complex comprised of a stable signal peptide (SSP), the receptor-binding GP1, and the fusion-active transmembrane GP2. Here we investigated the roles of SKI-1/S1P processing and SSP in the biosynthesis of the recombinant GP ectodomains of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) and Lassa virus (LASV). When expressed in mammalian cells, the LCMV and LASV GP ectodomains underwent processing by SKI-1/S1P, followed by dissociation of GP1 from GP2. The GP2 ectodomain spontaneously formed trimers as revealed by chemical cross-linking. The endogenous SSP, known to be crucial for maturation and transport of full-length arenavirus GPC was dispensable for processing and secretion of the soluble GP ectodomain, suggesting a specific role of SSP in the stable prefusion conformation and transport of full-length GPC.
Renin is cleaved from its precursor prorenin into mature renin. We investigated the impact of the renin proregion on the generation and secretion of enzymatically active renin. We compared the effects of the following sequences of human prorenin with those of wild type prorenin[1-383]: prosequence [1-43], hinge sequence [1-62], Des[1-43]prorenin ("renin"), Des[1-62]prorenin and prorenin[N260]. These sequences were individually expressed in CV1 cells (constitutive pathway model) and AtT20 cells (regulated and constitutive pathways model), and Des[1-43]prorenin was also coexpressed together with the different prosequences. Renin concentration and activity were measured in cell extracts and culture media. Deletion of the prosequence reduces renin activity in both cell types, but it leaves (total) renin concentration unchanged. Coexpression of the prosequence with renin enhances renin secretion in both cell types: Constitutively secreted renin is enhanced by coexpression of renin together with any of the prosequence containing molecules [1-43], [1-62] or prorenin[N260]. Immunofluorescence in AtT20 cells shows lysosomal typical labeling of prorenin and Des[1-43]prorenin. In AtT20 cells expressing prorenin[1-383], stimulation of regulated secretion increases prorenin but not renin release. The renin prosequence [1-43] optimizes renin activity possibly through appropriate protein folding and it enhances the constitutive secretion of (pro)renin. The major part of generated renin may be targeted to lysosomes.
En la recerca d’eines que suposen la interactivitat com a punt clau en el model de comunicació, la present investi- gació aborda l’ús de videojocs amb contingut publicitari o “advergaming” com a punt central d’estudi i pretén es- tablir els factors que determinen una experiència de joc òptima a través de l’ús de pantalles digitals com a mitjà difusor d’aquest tipus de contingut. Parlarem de “flow experience” o teoria de la psicologia po- sitiva segons el seu creador i precursor Mihály Csíkszent- mihályi, i serà la perspectiva des de la qual pretenem desenvolupar aquest estudi, entenent el “flow experience” com l’estat òptim o nivell més alt d’experiència d’usuari que es pot assolir durant una activitat
PURPOSE: To characterize the clinical, psychophysical, and electrophysiological phenotypes in a five-generation Swiss family with dominantly inherited retinitis pigmentosa caused by a T494M mutation in the Precursor mRNA-Processing factor 3 (PRPF3) gene, and to relate the phenotype to the underlying genetic mutation. METHODS: Eleven affected patients were ascertained for phenotypic and genotypic characterization. Ophthalmologic evaluations included color vision testing, Goldmann perimetry, and digital fundus photography. Some patients had autofluorescence imaging, Optical Coherence Tomography, and ISCEV-standard full-field electroretinography. All affected patients had genetic testing. RESULTS: The age of onset of night blindness and the severity of the progression of the disease varied between members of the family. Some patients reported early onset of night blindness at age three, with subsequent severe deterioration of visual acuity, which was 0.4 in the best eye after their fifties. The second group of patients had a later onset of night blindness, in the mid-twenties, with a milder disease progression and a visual acuity of 0.8 at age 70. Fundus autofluorescence imaging and electrophysiological and visual field abnormalities also showed some degree of varying phenotypes. The autofluorescence imaging showed a large high-density ring bilaterally. Myopia (range: -0.75 to -8) was found in 10/11 affected subjects. Fundus findings showed areas of atrophy along the arcades. A T494M change was found in exon 11 of the PRPF3 gene. The change segregates with the disease in the family. CONCLUSIONS: A mutation in the PRPF3 gene is rare compared to other genes causing autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP). Although a T494M change has been reported, the family in our study is the first with variable expressivity. Mutations in the PRPF3 gene can cause a variable ADRP phenotype, unlike in the previously described Danish, English, and Japanese families. Our report, based on one of the largest affected pedigree, provides a better understanding as to the phenotype/genotype description of ADRP caused by a PRPF3 mutation.
Expression of AtPHO1;H10, a member of the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) PHO1 gene family, is strongly induced following numerous abiotic and biotic stresses, including wounding, dehydration, cold, salt, and pathogen attack. AtPHO1;H10 expression by wounding was localized to the cells in the close vicinity of the wound site. AtPHO1;H10 expression was increased by application of the jasmonic acid (JA) precursor 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (OPDA), but not by JA or coronatine. Surprisingly, induction of AtPHO1;H10 by OPDA was dependent on the presence of CORONATINE INSENSITIVE1 (COI1). The induction of AtPHO1;H10 expression by wounding and dehydration was dependent on COI1 and was comparable in both the wild type and the OPDA reductase 3-deficient (opr3) mutant. In contrast, induction of AtPHO1;H10 expression by exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) was independent of the presence of either OPDA or COI1, but was strongly decreased in the ABA-insensitive mutant abi1-1. The involvement of the ABA pathway in regulating AtPHO1;H10 was distinct between wounding and dehydration, with induction of AtPHO1;H10 by wounding being comparable to wild type in the ABA-deficient mutant aba1-3 and abi1-1, whereas a strong reduction in AtPHO1;H10 expression occurred in aba1-3 and abi1-1 following dehydration. Together, these results reveal that OPDA can modulate gene expression via COI1 in a manner distinct from JA, and independently from ABA. Furthermore, the implication of the ABA pathway in coregulating AtPHO1;H10 expression is dependent on the abiotic stress applied, being weak under wounding but strong upon dehydration
En aquest treball d’investigació, s’estudiaran nanopartícules magnètiques concretament nanopartícules de magnetita (Fe3O4) on a partir de diferents precursors i amb unes condicions determinades es poden variar la seva forma i la seva mida. Aquestes mides i formes diferents són molt útils a l’hora d’introduir-les dins d’una solució de precursor del material superconductor ceràmic YBa2Cu3O7-δ (YBCO) ja que es produeix un augment significatiu de la densitat de corrent crítica. El mètode sintètic utilitzat en aquests treball d’investigació, és l’anomenat descomposició tèrmica, que ens permet sintetitzar nanopartícules de magnetita amb el corresponent control de mida i de forma desitjats.
En el present treball de recerca s’ha dut a terme la síntesi esteroselectiva de tensioactius quirals ciclobutànics per tal que més endavant es puguin estudiar les seves propietats. Aquests tensioactius s’han preparat a partir dels 1,3-aminoalcohols i d’un 1,3-hidroxiàcid. Tots aquests productes són enantiopurs i se sintetitzen, en última instància, a partir d’etilè i d’anhídrid maleic. A partir d’aquests intermedis claus, i per reaccions successives, s’han sintetitzat dos tensioactius i el precursor d’un tercer.
Biosynthesis of active endothelin-1 (ET-1) implies an enzymatic processing of the inactive precursor Big ET-1 (1-39) into the mature, 21 amino acid peptide. The aim of this study was to characterize in airway and alveolar epithelial cells the enzymes responsible for this activation. BEAS-2B and A549 cells, which both produce ET-1, were studied in vitro as models for bronchiolar and alveolar cells, respectively. Both cell lines were able to convert exogenously added Big ET-1 (0.1 microM) into ET-1, suggesting a cell surface or an extracellular processing. The conversion was inhibited by phosphoramidon in both cell lines with an IC50 approximately 1 microM, but not by thiorphan, a specific inhibitor of neutral endopeptidase 24.11 (NEP). The endogenous production of serum-stimulated BEAS-2B and A549 cells was not inhibited by thiorphan, and phosphoramidon showed inhibition only at high concentration (>100 microM). Western blotting following electrophoresis in reducing conditions demonstrated a protein of MR 110 corresponding to the ECE-1 monomer in both BEAS-2B and A549 cells, as well as in whole lung extracts. By RT-PCR we revealed the mRNA encoding for the ECE-1b and/or -1c subtype, but not ECE-1a, in both cell lines. We conclude that BEAS-2B and A549 cells are able to process either endogenous or exogenous Big ET-1 by ECE-1 and that isoforms 1b and 1c could be involved in this processing with no significant role of NEP.
Earthquakes represent a major hazard for populations around the world, causing frequent loss of life,human suffering and enormous damage to homes, other buildings and infrastructure. The Technology Resources forEarthquake Monitoring and Response (TREMOR) Team of 36 space professionals analysed this problem over thecourse of the International Space University Summer Session Program and published their recommendations in the formof a report. The TREMOR Team proposes a series of space- and ground-based systems to provide improved capabilityto manage earthquakes. The first proposed system is a prototype earthquake early-warning system that improves theexisting knowledge of earthquake precursors and addresses the potential of these phenomena. Thus, the system willat first enable the definitive assessment of whether reliable earthquake early warning is possible through precursormonitoring. Should the answer be affirmative, the system itself would then form the basis of an operational earlywarningsystem. To achieve these goals, the authors propose a multi-variable approach in which the system will combine,integrate and process precursor data from space- and ground-based seismic monitoring systems (already existing andnew proposed systems) and data from a variety of related sources (e.g. historical databases, space weather data, faultmaps). The second proposed system, the prototype earthquake simulation and response system, coordinates the maincomponents of the response phase to reduce the time delays of response operations, increase the level of precisionin the data collected, facilitate communication amongst teams, enhance rescue and aid capabilities and so forth. It isbased in part on an earthquake simulator that will provide pre-event (if early warning is proven feasible) and post-eventdamage assessment and detailed data of the affected areas to corresponding disaster management actors by means of ageographic information system (GIS) interface. This is coupled with proposed mobile satellite communication hubs toprovide links between response teams. Business- and policy-based implementation strategies for these proposals, suchas the establishment of a non-governmental organisation to develop and operate the systems, are included.
Maghemite (γFe2O3) from tuffite is exceptionally rich in Mg, relatively to most of those reportedly found in other mafic lithosystems. To investigate in detail the compositional and structural variabilities of this natural magnetic iron oxide, sets of crystals were isolated from samples collected at different positions in a tuffite weathering mantle. These sets of crystal were individually powdered and studied by X-ray diffractometry, Mössbauer spectroscopy, magnetization measurements and chemical analysis. Lattice parameter of the cubic cell (a0) was found to vary from 0.834(1) to 0.8412(1) nm. Lower a0-values are characteristic of maghemite whereas higher ones are related to a magnetite precursor. FeO content ranges up to 17 mass % and spontaneous magnetization ranges from 8 to 32 J T-1 kg-1. Zero-field room temperature Mössbauer spectra are rather complex, indicating that the hyperfine field distributions due to Fe3+ and mixed valence Fe3+/2+ overlap. The structural variabilities of the (Mg, Ti)-rich iron oxide spinels is essentially related to the range of chemical composition of its precursor (Mg, Ti)-rich magnetite, and probably to the extent to which it has been oxidized during transformation in soil.