991 resultados para Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598.


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Resumen: El estudio de Maquiavelo fue recurrente en Louis Althusser. Maquiavelo le permitía repensar la acción política, sin que eso supusiera la existencia a priori de un sujeto a quién la teoría le reconociera axiomáticamente la capacidad de llevar a cabo esa acción. Este artículo ofrece un análisis de la conferencia dictada por Althusser en el Instituto de Ciencias Políticas de París, en 1977, en la que no sólo propone esta lectura del florentino, sino una concepción no acumulativa de historia, que posibilita una apropiación diferenciada de la antigüedad.


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Este estudio se realizó en la finca Santa Rosa propiedad de la Universidad Nacional Agraria en Managua, con el objetivo de evaluar lascaracterísticas organolépticas (olor, color, textura), temperatura, pH y calidadbromatológica (materia seca MS, proteína bruta PB y fibra neutro detergente FND), en ensilaje de pasto Pennisetum purpureum x PennisetumtyphoidesCV. CT- 115, bajo el efecto de cuatro aditivos para conservación: melaza, fermento de malanga, fermento de yuca y fermento de papa. El pasto fue cosechado a 60 días con tamaño de picado de2.5 cm, aplicando 800g de melaza comercial y 150cc de aditivo en cada bolsa de ensilaje, la apertura de las silobolsas se realizó a 20 días, seguidamente fueron evaluados porun jurado de expertos (4 personas). El Diseño utilizado fue un DCA con cuatro tratamientos: T1 ensilaje (CT- 115+melaza), T2 ensilaje (CT-115+melaza+fermento de malanga), el T3 ensilaje (CT- 115+melaza+fermento de yuca) y T4 ensilaje (CT-115+melaza+fermento de papa) y cuatro repeticiones, para 16 unidades experimentales. Los resultados para la variable olor en aproximación al valor ideal fueron del 87.55% para T1; T2: 88.55%, T3: 72.33% y T4: 77.74%; con respecto al color el T1 alcanzó el valor: 77.08%, T2: 100%, T3: 89.58% y T4: 85.41%; en cuanto a la textura los resultados fueron para T1, T2, y T3 del 100%, para T4: 93.77%.La variable temperatura reportó resultadosde 31.75°C para T1, T2 y T3: 32.00°C y T4: 31.50°C.Para la variable pH se encontró que el T2 presentó diferencias significativas (p<0.05) con respecto al T1 y T4, al mismo tiempo presentó diferencias altamente significativas (p<0.01) con el T3. El T1 y T4 no presentaron diferencias significativas, pero presentaron diferencias significativas (p<0.05) con respecto al T3, y obtuvieron medias (por Tukey) para T1 de 4.66, T2: 4.87, T3: 4.22 y T4: 4.45.Los resultados de calidad bromatológica para MS por tratamiento fueron29.94%, 27.84%, 28.20% y 32.59%, respetivamente. La PB alcanzó valores de 5.22%, 4.64%, 4.75% y 4.76%, por tratamiento respectivamente. La FND presentó valores por tratamiento de 55.41%, 64.10%, 63.06% y 57.01%, respectivamente. Con base en estos resultados se estima que el ensilaje del T2 presentó los mejores resultados en cuanto a características organolépticas, aunque bromatológicamente no supero al testigo (T1), el uso de aditivos de fermentos en el ensilaje mejora su calidad organoléptica.


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Traz a composição das Mesas da Câmara dos Deputados desde a primeira, eleita em 1826.


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Salt-water encroachment is undoubtedly the problem of most concern to users of ground water in Florida. This is a problem in many coastal areas where water levels are lowered excessively by heavy pumping. It is a problem also in some inland areas where the water-bearing formations contain salty water at relatively shallow depths. Among the coastal areas where wells have become contaminated with salt water are Pinellas County and the Miami area of Dade County. Inland areas where wells are likely to become contaminated with salt water include Seminole County and the southwestern part of Volusia County. The purpose of the investigation is to make a detailed study of the geology and ground-water resources of the county with special emphasis on the problems associated with declining water levels and salt-water contamination. This report reviews briefly the progress of the investigation through February 1954. (PDF contains 43 pages.)


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Population characteristics of largemouth bass ( Micropterus salmoides L.) including growth, body condition (relative weight), survival, and egg production were examined in relation to abundance of submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) coverage (primarily hydrilla [ Hydrilla verticillata L.f. Royle]) in three embayments of Lake Seminole, GA, and compared to a previous study conducted in 1998. (PDF has 8 pages.)


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Inclui notas explicativas e bibliográficas.


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The aim of this paper is to propose a new solution for the roommate problem with strict preferences. We introduce the solution of maximum irreversibility and consider almost stable matchings (Abraham et al. [2])and maximum stable matchings (Ta [30] [32]). We find that almost stable matchings are incompatible with the other two solutions. Hence, to solve the roommate problem we propose matchings that lie at the intersection of the maximum irreversible matchings and maximum stable matchings, which are called Q-stable matchings. These matchings are core consistent and we offer an effi cient algorithm for computing one of them. The outcome of the algorithm belongs to an absorbing set.


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In this thesis we study Galois representations corresponding to abelian varieties with certain reduction conditions. We show that these conditions force the image of the representations to be "big," so that the Mumford-Tate conjecture (:= MT) holds. We also prove that the set of abelian varieties satisfying these conditions is dense in a corresponding moduli space.

The main results of the thesis are the following two theorems.

Theorem A: Let A be an absolutely simple abelian variety, End° (A) = k : imaginary quadratic field, g = dim(A). Assume either dim(A) ≤ 4, or A has bad reduction at some prime ϕ, with the dimension of the toric part of the reduction equal to 2r, and gcd(r,g) = 1, and (r,g) ≠ (15,56) or (m -1, m(m+1)/2). Then MT holds.

Theorem B: Let M be the moduli space of abelian varieties with fixed polarization, level structure and a k-action. It is defined over a number field F. The subset of M(Q) corresponding to absolutely simple abelian varieties with a prescribed stable reduction at a large enough prime ϕ of F is dense in M(C) in the complex topology. In particular, the set of simple abelian varieties having bad reductions with fixed dimension of the toric parts is dense.

Besides this we also established the following results:

(1) MT holds for some other classes of abelian varieties with similar reduction conditions. For example, if A is an abelian variety with End° (A) = Q and the dimension of the toric part of its reduction is prime to dim( A), then MT holds.

(2) MT holds for Ribet-type abelian varieties.

(3) The Hodge and the Tate conjectures are equivalent for abelian 4-folds.

(4) MT holds for abelian 4-folds of type II, III, IV (Theorem 5.0(2)) and some 4-folds of type I.

(5) For some abelian varieties either MT or the Hodge conjecture holds.


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Fuzzification is introduced into gray-scale mathematical morphology by using two-input one-output fuzzy rule-based inference systems. The fuzzy inferring dilation or erosion is defined from the approximate reasoning of the two consequences of a dilation or an erosion and an extended rank-order operation. The fuzzy inference systems with numbers of rules and fuzzy membership functions are further reduced to a simple fuzzy system formulated by only an exponential two-input one-output function. Such a one-function fuzzy inference system is able to approach complex fuzzy inference systems by using two specified parameters within it-a proportion to characterize the fuzzy degree and an exponent to depict the nonlinearity in the inferring. The proposed fuzzy inferring morphological operators tend to keep the object details comparable to the structuring element and to smooth the conventional morphological operations. Based on digital area coding of a gray-scale image, incoherently optical correlation for neighboring connection, and optical thresholding for rank-order operations, a fuzzy inference system can be realized optically in parallel. (C) 1996 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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近年来,随着激光告警、激光指示、风速测量、激光雷达尤其是激光美容等方面的需求逐渐增加,要求掺铒激光玻璃能够实现比以往更高重复频率以及更大能量的激光输出,其中对脉冲能量的要求达1~10 J。


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Inhibitory activity of a marine pigmented bacterium - Alteromonas sp. - isolated from Penaeus monodon Fabricius larva against pathogenic and environmental isolates of Vibrio harveyi was studied. All the isolates were inhibited to varying degrees by Alteromonas sp. in vitro. The antibacterial substance produced by the Alteromonas sp. was soluble in organic solvent and closely bound to the external surface of bacterial cells. The antibacterial Alteromonas sp., when allowed to colonize on shrimp larvae, suppressed the activity of V. harveyi M3 and reduced mortality of P. monodon larvae in vivo.


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Esta análise do caso Schreber de Sigmund Freud em sua intertextualidade com os escritos de Karl Abraham sobre as psicoses sugere que Freud, em sua leitura da autobiografia de Schreber para-além da intentio autoris , teria se apropriado da narrativa paranoica presente nessa obra à maneira de seu peculiar estilo literário, que mimetizaria no plano da escrita os processos sobre os quais ele teoriza. Dessa forma, a narrativa paranoica se apresentaria no caso Schreber a partir da postura querelante com a qual Freud reivindica para si os critérios de sua suposta originalidade intelectual no campo das psicoses frente ao seu precursor, Karl Abraham. Para se resgatar a historicidade do texto de Freud sobre Schreber e ter um instrumental metodológico para a abordagem desse texto de uma perspectiva sóciohistórica, recorre-se às leituras críticas do novo historicismo escola relativamente recente da teoria literária. Expõem-se, então, os três diferentes níveis de negociações presentes no caso Schreber de Freud: 1) negociações intrapsicanalíticas; 2) negociações epistemológicas; 3) negociações estilísticas. Conclui-se que o caso Schreber de Freud foi redigido em um diálogo com o contexto histórico de sua época, refletindo as relações de poder, então vigentes, nas quais Freud se percebia ameaçado em sua autoridade e em seu intuito de institucionalizar a psicanálise como disciplina científica pelos contundentes questionamentos que suas teorias recebiam dos seus discípulos dissidentes. O primeiro capítulo desta tese, introdutório, apresenta em linhas gerais o tema; o segundo capítulo expõe os escritos de Daniel Paul Schreber, com ênfase na sua autobiografia, Memórias de um doente dos nervos, e discute o estatuto de literariedade desse autor; o terceiro capítulo apresenta o panorama dos comentadores da autobiografia de Schreber, explorando as leituras empreendidas por Sigmund Freud e por Jacques Lacan dessa obra; o quarto capítulo descreve os aspectos metodológicos da abordagem que utilizamos para a leitura do texto de Freud sobre Schreber, com base nas análises críticas do novo historicismo; por fim, o quinto capítulo empreende a análise de narrativa do caso Schreber de Freud em sua intertextualidade com os escritos de Abraham sobre as psicoses.