966 resultados para Optical Motion Capture


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Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) techniques, by far, had been applied to LAN problems by many investigators, An analytical study of well known algorithms for generation of Orthogonal codes used in FO-CDMA systems like those for prime, quasi-Prime, Optical Orthogonal and Matrix codes has been presented, Algorithms for OOCs like Greedy/Modified Greedy/Accelerated Greedy algorithms are implemented. Many speed-up enhancements. for these algorithms are suggested. A novel Synthetic Algorithm based on Difference Sets (SADS) is also proposed. Investigations are made to vectorise/parallelise SADS to implement the source code on parallel machines. A new matrix for code families of OOCs with different seed code-words but having the same (n,w,lambda) set is formulated.


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The recent development of several organic materials with large nonlinear susceptibilities, high damage threshold and low melting points encouraged researchers to employ these materials in fiber form to efficiently couple diode laser pumps and obtain enhanced second harmonic generation (SHG). In this paper we report the growth of single crystal cored fibers of 4-nitro-4'-methylbenzylidene aniline, ethoxy methoxy chalcone and (-)2-((alpha) -methylbenzylamino)-5- nitropyridine by inverted Bridgman-Stockbarger technique. The fibers were grown in glass capillaries with varying internal diameters and lengths and were characterized using x-ray and polarizing microscope techniques. The propagation loss at 632.8 nm and 1300 nm were measured and SHG was studied using 1064 nm pump.


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Cu (0.1 mol%) doped ZnO nanopowders have been successfully synthesized by a wet chemical method at a relatively low temperature (300 degrees C). Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, UV-Visible spectroscopy, Photoluminescence (PL) and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) measurements were used for characterization. PXRD results confirm that the nanopowders exhibit hexagonal wurtzite structure of ZnO without any secondary phase. The particle size of as-formed product has been calculated by Williamson-Hall (W-H) plots and Scherrer's formula is found to be in the range of similar to 40 nm. TEM image confirms the nano size crystalline nature of Cu doped ZnO. SEM micrographs of undoped and Cu doped ZnO show highly porous with large voids. UV-Vis spectrum showed a red shift in the absorption edge in Cu doped ZnO. PL spectra show prominent peaks corresponding to near band edge UV emission and defect related green emission in the visible region at room temperature and their possible mechanisms have been discussed. The EPR spectrum exhibits a broad resonance signal at g similar to 2.049, and two narrow resonances one at g similar to 1.990 and other at g similar to 1.950. The broad resonance signal at g similar to 2.049 is a characteristic of Cu2+ ion whereas the signal at g similar to 1.990 and g similar to 1.950 can be attributed to ionized oxygen vacancies and shallow donors respectively. The spin concentration (N) and paramagnetic susceptibility (X) have been evaluated and discussed. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Quantum cell models for delocalized electrons provide a unified approach to the large NLO responses of conjugated polymers and pi-pi* spectra of conjugated molecules. We discuss exact NLO coefficients of infinite chains with noninteracting pi-electrons and finite chains with molecular Coulomb interactions V(R) in order to compare exact and self-consistent-field results, to follow the evolution from molecular to polymeric responses, and to model vibronic contributions in third-harmonic-generation spectra. We relate polymer fluorescence to the alternation delta of transfer integrals t(1+/-delta) along the chain and discuss correlated excited states and energy thresholds of conjugated polymers.


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Polycrystalline samples of oxides of the general formula LiM(V)M(VI)O(6) (M(V) = Nb, Ta; M(VI) = Mo, W), crystallizing in a non-centrosymmetric (space group P (4) over bar 2(1)m) trirutile structure, exhibit second harmonic generation (SHG) of 1064 nm radiation with efficiencies 15-45 times that of alpha-quartz; interestingly, the SHG response is retained by the protonated derivatives HM(V)M(VI)O(6) . xH(2)O, and their n-alkylamine intercalates as well.


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Single crystals of the metalorganic nonlinear optical material zinc tris (thiourea) sulfate (ZTS) were grown from aqueous solution. The morphology of the crystals was indexed. The grown crystals were characterized by recording the powder X-ray diffraction pattern and by identifying the diffracting planes. Spectrophotometric studies on ZTS reveal that it has good transparency for the Nd: YAG laser fundamental wavelength. Differential thermal analysis of ZTS indicates that the material does not sublime before melting but decomposes immediately after melting. The defect content of the crystals was estimated using etching and X-ray topography. The mechanical hardness anisotropy was evaluated in the (100) plane, which indicates the presence of soft directions.


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A simple but self-consistent microscopic theory for the time dependent solvation energy of both ions and dipoles is presented which includes, for the first time, the details of the self-motion of the probe on its own solvation dynamics. The theory leads to several interesting predictions. The most important of them is that, for dipolar solvation, both the rotational and the translational motions of the dipolar solute probe can significantly accelerate the rate of solvation. In addition, the rotational self-motion of the solute can also give rise to an additional mechanism of nonexponentiality in solvation time correlation functions in otherwise slow liquids. A comparison between the present theoretical predictions and the recent experimental studies of Maroncelli et al. on solvation dynamics of aniline in l-propanol seems to indicate that the said experiments have missed the initial solvent response up to about 45 ps. After mapping the experimental results on the redefined time scale, the theoretical results can explain the experimental results for solvation of aniline in 1-propanol very well. For ionic solvation, the translational motion is significant for light solutes only. For example, for Li+ in water, translational motion speeds up the solvation by about 20%. The present theory demonstrates that in dipolar solvation the partial quenching of the self-motion due to the presence of specific solute-solvent interactions (such as H-bonding) may lead to a much slower solvation than that when the self-motion is present. This point has been discussed. In addition, we present the theoretical results for solvation of aniline in propylene carbonate, Here, the solvation is predicted to be complete within 15-20 ps.


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Thin films of Bismuth Vanadate Bi2VO5.5 (BiV) have been deposited on amorphous quartz and polycrystalline silicon substrates by r.f. sputtering technique and characterised for their structural and optical properties. The os-deposited films at room temperature are found to be amorphous and transparent over the spectral range of 0.55 mu m to 12 mu m. Post-deposition annealing at 400 degrees C in air shows the formation of the BiV crystalline phase. The optical constants namely refractive index. extinction coefficient and optical bandgap of both amorphous and crystalline films have been determined. The refractive index of the as-deposited film is around 2.4 at 0.7 mu m and drops to 2.26 at 1.56 mu m. The optical bandgap of the material has been determined from the computed values of the absorption coefficients.


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The catalytic conversion ATP + AMP -> 2ADP by the enzyme adenylate kinase (ADK) involves the binding of one ATP. molecule to the LID domain and one AMP molecule to the NMP domain. The latter is followed by a. phosphate transfer and then the release of two ADP molecules. We have computed a novel two-dimensional configurational free energy surface (2DCFES), with one reaction coordinate each for the LID and the NMP domain motions, while considering explicit water interactions. Our computed 2DCFES clearly reveals the existence of a stable half-open half-closed (HOHC) intermediate stale of the enzyme. Cycling of the enzyme through the HOHC state reduces the conformational free energy barrier for. the reaction by about 20 kJ/mol. We find that the stability of the HOHC state (missed in all earlier studies with implicit solvent model) is largely because of the increase of specific interactions of the polar amino acid side chains with water, particularly with the arginine and the histidine residues. Free energy surface of the LID domain is rather rugged, which can conveniently slow down LID's conformational motion, thus facilitating a new substrate capture after the product release in the catalytic cycle.


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Improvements in optical and electrical properties were observed after ruthenium passivation of gallium antimonide surfaces. On passivation, luminescence efficiency increased up to 50 times and surface state density reduced by two orders of magnitude. Also, the reverse leakage current was found to decrease by a factor of 30�40 times. Increase in carrier mobility as a result of grain boundary passivation in polycrystalline GaSb was observed. © 1995 American Institute of Physics.


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A general kind of Brownian vortices is demonstrated by applying an external nonconservative force field to a colloidal particle bound by a conservative optical trapping force at a liquid-air interface. As the liquid medium is translated at a constant velocity with the bead trapped at the interface, the drag force near the surface provides enough rotational component to bias the particle's thermal fluctuations in a circulatory motion. The interplay between the thermal fluctuations and the advection of the bead in constituting the vortex motions is studied, and we infer that the angular velocity of the circulatory motion offers a comparative measure of the interface fluctuations.


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The effect of hydrogen-plasma passivation on the optical and electrical properties of gallium antimonide bulk single crystals is presented. Fundamental changes of the radiative recombination after hydrogenation in undoped, zinc-doped, tellurium-doped, and codoped (with Zn and Te) GaSb are reported. The results of optical measurements indicate that passivation of acceptors is more efficient than that of the donors and, in general, the passivation efficiency depends on the doping level. Passivation of deep nonradiative centers is reflected by the gain of photoluminescence intensity and decrease in deep-level transient spectroscopy peak height. Extended defects like grain boundaries and dislocations have also been found to be passivated. The thermal stability of the passivated deep level and extended defects is higher than that of the shallow level. The kinetics of thermally released hydrogen in the bulk has been studied by reverse-bias annealing experiments.


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A novel technique to generate forward phase conjugate wave by two-wave mixing (TWM) in photorefractive iron-doped lithium niobate crystal has been demonstrated. An optical beam from a positive transparency was forward phase conjugated by TWM technique. The experimental scheme was then extended to a specific interferometric application.


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Organic polymeric electro-optic (E-O) materials have attracted significant attention because of their potential use as fast and efficient components of integrated photonic devices (1,2). However, the practical application of these materials in optical devices is somewhat limited by the stringent material requirements imposed by the device design, fabrication processes and operating environments. Among the various material requirements, the most notable ones are large electro-optic coefficients (r(33)) and high thermal stability (3). The design of poled polymeric materials with high electro-optic activity (r(33)) involves the optimization of the percent incorporation of efficient (large beta mu) second order nonlinear optical (NLO) chromophores into the polymer matrices and the effective creation of poling-induced non-centrosymmetric structures. The factors that affect the material stability are a) the inherent thermal stability of the NLO chromophores, b) the chemical stability of the NLO chromophores during the polymer processing conditions, and c) the long-term dipolar alignment stability at high temperatures. Although considerable progress has been made in achieving these properties (4), organic polymeric materials suitable for practical E-O device applications are yet to be developed. This chapter highlights some of our approaches in the optimization of molecular and material nonlinear optical and thermal properties.