920 resultados para Optic Vesicle


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Neste trabalho, é feita a análise dos modos de plasmon que se propagam em um filme metálico que cobre uma fibra óptica generalizada. Os modos de plasmon estudados são: Fuga pela Cobertura (lcv), Ligado Simétrico (Sb), Fuga pelo Núcleo (lcr) e Ligado Assimétrico (ab). Os filmes metálicos, para efeito de comparação, utilizados neste trabalho, são: a prata, o ouro e o paládio. Desenvolveu-se um modelo matemático do fenômeno eletromagnético e um software, que gerou um banco de dados que facilitasse a análise de estruturas, com diversas combinações de parâmetros. Com o banco de dados, foram obtidos diversos gráficos, que permitiram: analisar os modos de plasmon, verificar a atenuação das ondas e o comportamento do campo eletromagnético em cada região da estrutura. As confrontações entre as estruturas com filmes de: prata, ouro e paládio, permitiram concluir que aquelas elaboradas com os filmes de prata e de ouro são as que apresentam menores perdas, portanto, as recomendadas na confecção de sensores. Como a prata é mais acessível que o ouro, aconselha-se a sua utilização. A análise e os resultados deste trabalho são originais na literatura especializada.


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We report a fibre-optic wireless distribution system, which allows antenna-remoting of a dual-service IEEE 802.11b/g WLAN operating at 2.4GHz up to 700m over low-bandwidth 62.5/125μm MMF using highly linear uncooled directly modulated laser diodes. © 2004 Optical Society of America.


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The first demonstration of a directly modulated microring laser array is presented for on-off keyed, wavelength- division- multiplexed fiber-optic data transmission. GaInAsP-InP microring resonators oscillating at separate wavelengths in the 1.5-μm band are vertically coupled to a common passive waveguide bus, which is fabricated on the reverse side of the InP membrane. Two microrings defined with radii for a wavelength channel separation of 6 nm have been assessed for both individual and simultaneous operation. Negligible power penalty (<0.2 dB) is observed for wavelength-division-multiplexed operation with and without transmission over a 25-km fiber span in a manner which indicates low crosstalk between the integrated sources. A device area of less than 0.12 mm2 per microring on a common passive bus allows a highly scalable solution for short-reach wavelength-multiplexed links. © 2008 IEEE.


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4 bps/Hz 40 Gb/s carrierless amplitude and phase (CAP) modulation is investigated for next-generation datacommunication links. The 40 Gb/s link achieves double the length of a conventional NRZ scheme, despite using a low-bandwidth source. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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The effect of antenna separation in a 3×3 MIMO system using RoF DAS technology is investigated. Larger antenna separation is found to improve the throughput due to reduced channel correlation and improved SNR. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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An integrated EOM VCSELs is shown to offer high linearity (92dB/Hz 2/3 at 6GHz) and by extrapolation ∼90dB/Hz2/3 up to 20GHz. Successful modulation with IEEE 802.11g signals is demonstrated at 6GHz with a 12dB dynamic range. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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This paper reviews the development of system techniques using advanced modulation formats that have arisen in recent years for use in datacommunications. Simulations are provided to allow comparison of the emerging schemes. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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In this paper, we report on the flexoelastic and viscoelastic ratios for a number of bimesogens compounds with the same generic structure. Values are obtained indirectly by measuring the flexoelectro-optic response in the chiral nematic phase. By varying the molecular structure we alter the bend angle, transverse dipole moment, and length of the molecule. First, to examine the influence of the bend angle we use a homologous series whereby the only alteration in the molecular structure is the number of methylene units in the aliphatic spacer, n . Results show that the flexoelastic ratio, e/K , and the effective flexoelectric coefficient, e , both exhibit an odd-even effect with values for n=odd being greater than that for n=even . This is understood in terms of an increase in the bend angle of the molecule and an increase in the transverse dipole moment. Second, in order to investigate the impact of the dipole moment, we have altered the mesogenic units so as to vary the longitudinal dipole moment and used different linkages in the aliphatic spacer in an attempt to alter the transverse dipole moment. Qualitatively, the results demonstrate that the odd-spaced bimesogen with larger transverse dipole moments exhibit larger flexoelastic ratios.


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This study examines genetic variation at five microsatellite loci and at the vesicle membrane protein locus, pantophysin, of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) from Browns Bank, Georges Bank, and Nantucket Shoals. The Nantucket Shoals sample represents the first time cod south of Georges Bank have been genetically evaluated. Heterogeneity of allelic distribution was not observed (P>0.05) between two temporally separated Georges Bank samples indicating potential genetic stability of Georges Bank cod. When Bonferroni corrections (α=0.05, P<0.017) were applied to pairwise measures of population differentiation and estimates of FST, significance was observed between Nantucket Shoals and Georges Bank cod and also between Nantucket Shoals and Browns Bank cod. However, neither significant differentiation nor significant estimates of FST were observed between Georges Bank and the Browns Bank cod. Our research suggests that the cod spawning on Nantucket Shoals are genetically differentiated from cod spawning on Browns Bank and Georges Bank. Managers may wish to consider Nantucket Shoals cod a separate stock for assessment and management purposes in the future.


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  锌指蛋白在植物生长发育中具有重要功能,它们可以识别并结合特定的DNA序列进行转录调控,还能够参与蛋白之间相互作用的调节。我们根据锌指蛋白等转录因子特征结构域的序列特点,从来自10 K水稻芯片的EST数据库中筛选出编码58个EST序列。通过对器官表达特异性的比较分析,从中选出七个只在单一器官表达的基因,并对这七个基因的功能进行研究。对其转基因水稻的表型分析发现,C1基因调节水稻的株高和穗的发育;LIM 家族的F9影响小花的形态,主要体现在雌蕊与雄蕊的发育;锌指蛋白S34调控叶倾角的变化;F14基因编码一个核定位的TFIIIA类锌指蛋白,具体功能尚不清楚;锌指蛋白F35转基因水稻主根缩短,侧根数目显著减少。它编码一个推测的ArfGAP (Arf GTPase activating protein),据此我们将其命名为OsAGAP,并对其进行深入研究。   OsAGAP的cDNA全长为1328bp,编码的蛋白由320个氨基酸组成,含有两个保守结构域:锌指结构域和C2 结构域。其中锌指结构域属于CX2CX16CX2C类,即ArfGAP domain的特征结构。GTP酶活性测定试验表明,OsAGAP蛋白能够激活水稻Arf的GTP酶活性,另外,OsAGAP还能够恢复酵母ArfGAP缺失突变体的表型。说明OsAGAP编码的蛋白是水稻中的一个ArfGAP。   OsAGAP在水稻各器官中均有表达,但强弱有所不同。RNA原位杂交结果显示,它在茎尖分生组织与侧生原基及侧根部位表达强烈;它在根尖主要分布于中央维管组织、分生区、皮层细胞,最有趣的是恰好与生长素在根尖极性运输路径相吻合。在亚细胞水平,OsAGAP广泛分布于细胞膜、细胞质、细胞核。   OsAGAP超表达水稻主根、不定根长度缩短,侧根数目显著减少表现出类似于生长素极性运输突变体的表型。其主根伸长对TIBA的抑制作用不敏感,这暗示OsAGAP超表达水稻的生长素极性运输被破坏;另外,其对各种生长素的作用敏感性也发生变化,对IAA、2,4-D的不敏感,而对NAA的反应与野生型一致,根据各类生长素进出细胞机制不同,可以推测超表达水稻的输入能力存在缺陷。极性运输实验结果表明,超表达水稻极性运输能力被破坏;对生长素输入能力的测定进一步表明,超表达水稻根载体的介导的生长素输入能力显著下降。另外,NAA处理能够恢复超表达水稻中侧根发育受抑的表型缺陷。由此可见,OsAGAP在水稻中超表达破坏了生长素极性运输的输入能力。   FM1-43是一类特异标记囊泡运输的荧光染料。经其染色标记后,OsAGAP超表达水稻细胞内囊泡成片聚集,形成“BFA区间”,表现出囊泡运输被破坏的典型特征。透射电镜观察发现,超表达水稻细胞内有大量的小液泡,其中积累了电子密度很高的颗粒物质。由此推测,可能由于细胞的囊泡运输被破坏,导致胞内的代谢物质不能被正常运送或分泌,而在液泡中暂时贮存以维持细胞环境的稳定。   在酵母和动物细胞中的研究表明, ArfGAP是调控囊泡运输的一个重要因子,然而目前还没有关于ArfGAP在植物细胞中生理作用的报道。我们的结果说明,OsAGAP作为的一个ArfGAP,它通过调控水稻中的囊泡运输,而影响了生长素的极性运输,具体表现在对生长素输入能力的调控。由此,我们推测ArfGAP可能在生长素的极性运输中也起着重要的调控作用。   但OsAGAP在拟南芥中却通过调控植株生长素的水平,而影响了转基因拟南芥根的发育。每种生物都有多个ArfGAP,它们之间的分工存在联系,但各不相同。OsAGAP是拟南芥的外源基因,它在拟南芥中可能以不同于水稻的机制起作用。


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水稻是世界上最重要的粮食作物,也是单子叶植物的模式植物,它为全球近一半的人口提供食物,但是低温、高盐、干旱等非生物胁迫,每年都会在全世界范围内造成水稻大面积减产。G蛋白介导的信号途径是传递胞外信号比较保守的作用机制之一。动物细胞对于G蛋白及其受体(GPCRs)的研究已经取得了很大的进展。而植物细胞中对它们的研究刚刚起步。本文从越冬稻低温响应芯片上筛选到一个膜蛋白,它编码一个推测的G蛋白偶联受体(G protein-coupledreceptor, GPCR),据此我们将其命名为OsGPCR1,并对其进行深入研究。 OsGPCR1的cDNA全长为1407bp,编码468个氨基酸,在蛋白水平上的同源性比较结果显示,该基因与动物中研究的比较多的异源三聚体G蛋白偶联受体(G Protein- Coupled Receptor)同源性达到44%。经过跨膜结构域预测表明OsGPCR1具有9TMs结构,以GFP为标签的亚细胞定位表明OsGPCR1定位在膜上。GTP酶活性测定试验表明,OsGPCR1蛋白能够激活水稻RGA的GTP酶活性,此外,以泛素裂解体系为基础的酵母双杂交实验表明,OsGPCR1能够与RGA相互作用。说明OsGPCR1编码的蛋白是水稻中的一个G蛋白偶联受体。 OsGPCR1的表达受低温、干旱、高盐的诱导,但不受ABA,GA,ACC,IAA的诱导。在『F常生长条件下,OsGPCR1在水稻各器官中均有表达,但强弱有所不同。 在拟南芥和水稻中超表达OsGPCR1都能显著增强转基因植物对干旱、高盐、低温的耐受性。而在水稻中抑制OsGPCR1的表达,转基因水稻呈现出干旱、高盐、低温的敏感性。对转基因拟南芥下游基因的分析表明,超表达OsGPCR1能够在非胁迫条件下激活CBF途径中相关基因的表达。结合OsGPCR1不受ABA诱导的表达模式,我们推测OsGPCR1可能是通过不依赖于ABA这条途径而传递信号的。借助超表达和转反义水稻材料,利用水稻全基因组芯片研究OsGPCR1靶基因的结果表明,不论OsGPCR1基因表达量的降低或上升,都导致大约30%的与转运相关的基因的表达量发生改变。这暗示OsGPCR1可能通过囊泡运输传递胞外信号。此外FM4-64对超表达和转反义水稻幼根细胞染色标记后,OsGPCR1反义抑制水稻细胞内囊泡在细胞两端呈聚集状,即形成“BFA区间”,而超表达OsGPCRI水稻细胞内囊泡呈密集状。这些结果都表明OsGPCR1可能通过调控囊泡运输而将胞外胁迫信号传递进胞内。


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Two series of ferroelectric liquid crystalline organo-siloxanes containing a laterally attached halogen on the phenyl ring have been synthesised and characterised to determine the impact of the siloxane group and the halogen on the mesomorphism and electro-optic switching properties. Both monomesogenic and bimesogenic compounds have been studied. The monomesogenic derivatives were found to be ferroelectric with high tilt and Ps. The tilt angle of 45° and the Ps of 95nC/cm2 are almost temperature independent. The bimesogenic bromo substituted derivatives showed mainly ferroelectric phases about 60°C wide. Maximum values for the spontaneous polarisation and the tilt angle were only slightly influenced by the length of the siloxane spacer. Altering the halogen to a fluorine shifted the liquid cystalline phase slightly to higher temperatures whilst maintaining the mesophase range of 60°C.


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The recent developments in nanotechnology are reviewed, with particular emphasis on its application in microsystem technology where increased reliability is achieved by integrating the sensor and the readout electronics on the same substrate. New applications may be possible using integrated micromechanical clips to connect optic fibers and components in integrated silicon systems. Some of the key developments in enabling technologies are also described, including the control of thin film deposition, nanostructuring to tailor the properties of thin film, silicon micromachining to make sensors, and microclips for the low-cost assembly of integrated optical microsystems.


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The flexoelectric behaviour of a hypertwisted chiral nematic bimesogenic liquid crystal is presented. Through detailed electro-optic measurements, with particular emphasis on the switching properties, we demonstrate remarkably high optical axis tilt angles. The material studied possessed a room temperature nematic phase and aligned easily on cooling under the application of a moderate electric field. Switching times of the order of 500 μs and contrast ratios of 90:1 are readily achieved. The tilt angles, measured using the rotating analyser technique, were found to be practically temperature independent and linear with the applied field. Tilt angles of 22.5° were obtained with moderate applied fields of 9.4 V/μm whilst fields of 25 V/μm yielded tilt angles of 45°. We believe these are the highest tilt angles ever recorded for such fields. © 2001 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group.


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In order to develop materials that exhibit enhanced flexoelectric switching in the chiral nematic phase we have identified mesogenic units that display inherently strong flexoelectric coupling capabilities. Here we examine the oxycyanobiphenyl (OCB) moiety: homologues from the nOCB series exhibit significant electro-optic switching effects when doped with a highly chiral additive. Here we have examined lower dielectric anisotropy materials, since they allow the flexoelectric response to be extended to high field amplitudes. We show that dielectric coupling strength can be low in symmetric bimesogenic molecules. The flexoelectric response of such a molecular structure is tested by doping a homologue from the series CBOnOCB with a chiral additive: very significantly we find that the optic axis is rotated through 2φ=45° in <50 μs on reversing the polarity of the field (amplitude E=±6 V μm-1). Subsequently we have synthesized room temperature chiral nematic materials that exhibit 2φ≥90° at E≈10 V μm-1. © 2001 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group.