994 resultados para Open Archives Initiative


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Répétitions, représentations, distributions, leçons, rendez-vous, etc.


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Résumé Introduction et objectif : l'articulation du coude est vulnérable à l'enraidissement, en particulier après un traumatisme. Le but de cette étude est d'évaluer les résultats du traitement chirurgical des raideurs post-traumatiques du coude. Type d'étude : étude rétrospective de cohorte. Les patients : dix-huit patients ont été évalués cliniquement par un observateur indépendant dans un intervalle moyen de 16 mois (6 à 43) après avoir subi une arthrolyse ouverte du coude, avec comme indication opératoire une raideur post traumatique du coude. Les traumatismes subis étaient : 11 fractures isolées, 1 luxation isolée, 6 fracture-luxations complexes. Les prises en charge initiales étaient : non-chirurgicales pour 3 patients, résection de la tête radiale pour 1 patient, réduction ouverte et ostéosynthèse pour 14 patients. Les patients ont présenté des types de raideurs mixtes pour la plupart d'entre eux. Type d'intervention : arthrolyse ouverte du coude. Evaluation : la fonction du coude et la satisfaction des patients furent les principales données récoltées. Lacs de l'évaluation, les scores de SECEC (Société Européenne de Chirurgie d'Epaule et du Coude) ont été calculés. Une analyse radiologique a aussi été effectuée. Résultats : trois patients ont présenté des complications postopératoires mineures : 1 déhiscence de plaie, 1 infection sous-cutanée, 1 sérome. Aucune de ces complications n'a eu de répercussion sur le résultat final. Le gain d'amplitude articulaire moyen était de 40°, avec un gain moyen en flexion du coude de 14° (0°-45°), et de 26° en extension (5°-67°) Aucun patient n'a présenté d'instabilité du coude. Il n'y a pas eu de signe de progression d'arthrose sur les clichés radiographiques à la revue. Nous n'avons pas mis en évidence de rapport entre le type de raideur et la voie d'abord sur les résultats. Les patients ayant présentés les raideurs les plus importantes ont bénéficiés des meilleurs résultats en terme de mobilité (p<0.001). Les meilleurs résultats ont été obtenus pour les patients opérés dans la première année aptes le traumatisme initial (p=0.008). Le score SECEC moyen était de 88 points pour les coudes opérés (52-100), et de 96 points pour les coudes sains (88-100). Conclusion : l'arthrolyse ouverte confère de bons résultats pour les patients présentant une raideur post traumatique du coude. Les meilleurs résultats sont obtenus pour les patients présentant une raideur sévère, prise en charge dans l'année qui suit le traumatisme initial.


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Con este nuevo número, la revista Intangible Capital, inicia el cuarto volumen avanzando hacia el quinto año de publicación. Como ya es tradición en la revista, iniciamos este nuevo volumen evaluando el anterior y presentando las nuevas direcciones. Como principales aportaciones del 2007, se destacan hechos relevantes como la renovación de convenios para la indexación científica de la revista, el cambio de plataforma a OJS, la inclusión de un nuevo editor, la nueva composición del editorial board, el equipo de revisores, el cambio a un modelo bilingüe de revista, la nueva financiación obtenida y el trabajo que estamos realizando gran número de editores científicos de acceso abierto en España para el reconocimiento por parte de la Comisión Nacional Evaluadora de la Actividad Investigadora.This issue opens the fourth volume of the Intangible Capital journal, which makes its way towards the fifth year of publication. As usually, we start this volume by evaluating the previous one and tracing new directions. Among the main contributions during the year 2007, we consider important to highlight the following aspects: the renewal of the scientific indexation agreements, the platform change to OJS, the appointment of a new editor, new members included in the editorial board, the board of reviewers, the change towards a bilingual model, the new financing obtained and, the last but not the least, the work undertaken together with many scientific editors of open access Spanish journals for obtaining the positive evaluation of the CNEAI (National Commission for the Evaluation of the Research Activity) and thus, being a proof of scientific excellence


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A team representing Iowa Workforce Development, the Office of Energy Independence, the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Public Safety, the Iowa Utilities Board, the Department of Economic Development and Iowa Community Colleges reviewed many reports on green jobs published by states, associations and private research companies with the purpose of determining whether the number of “green collar” jobs in Iowa’s economy can be quantified. The team found that there was no standard on definition, identifying jobs or occupations, or level of inclusion for counting green collar jobs. All reports were tailored to their own audiences, without regard to the ability to measure their results against findings made by other states or organizations. Green collar jobs can be found in construction, manufacturing, installation, maintenance, agriculture and many other sectors of the economy. While some of the green collar jobs are in new occupations and industries, most are existing jobs that demand new green collar skills.


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BACKGROUND: Open lung biopsy (OLB) is helpful in the management of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) of unknown etiology. We determine the impact of surgical lung biopsies performed at the bedside on the management of patients with ARDS. METHODS: We reviewed all consecutive cases of patients with ARDS who underwent a surgical OLB at the bedside in a medical intensive care unit between 1993 and 2005. RESULTS: Biopsies were performed in 19 patients mechanically ventilated for ARDS of unknown etiology despite extensive diagnostic process and empirical therapeutic trials. Among them, 17 (89%) were immunocompromised and 10 patients experienced hematological malignancies. Surgical biopsies were obtained after a median (25%-75%) mechanical ventilation of 5 (2-11) days; mean (+/-SD) Pao(2)/Fio(2) ratio was 119.3 (+/-34.2) mm Hg. Histologic diagnoses were obtained in all cases and were specific in 13 patients (68%), including 9 (47%) not previously suspected. Immediate complications (26%) were local (pneumothorax, minimal bleeding) without general or respiratory consequences. The biopsy resulted in major changes in management in 17 patients (89%). It contributed to a decision to limit care in 12 of 17 patients who died. CONCLUSION: Our data confirm that surgical OLB may have an important impact on the management of patients with ARDS of unknown etiology after extensive diagnostic process. The procedure can be performed at the bedside, is safe, and has a high diagnostic yield leading to major changes in management, including withdrawal of vital support, in the majority of patients.


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This report fulfills the requirements of the following Code of Iowa sections: Section 327J.3(1): “The director may expend moneys from the fund to pay the costs associated with the initiation, operation, and maintenance of rail passenger service. The director shall report by February 1 of each year to the legislative services agency concerning the status of the fund including anticipated expenditures for the following fiscal year.” Section 327J.3(5): "The director shall report annually to the general assembly concerning the development and operation of the midwest regional rail system and the state's passenger rail service."


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In recent years, several authors have revised the calibrations used to compute physical parameters (tex2html_wrap_inline498, tex2html_wrap_inline500, log g, [Fe/H]) from intrinsic colours in the tex2html_wrap_inline504 photometric system. For reddened stars, these intrinsic colours can be computed through the standard relations among colour indices for each of the regions defined by Strömgren (1966) on the HR diagram. We present a discussion of the coherence of these calibrations for main-sequence stars. Stars from open clusters are used to carry out this analysis. Assuming that individual reddening values and distances should be similar for all the members of a given open cluster, systematic differences among the calibrations used in each of the photometric regions might arise when comparing mean reddening values and distances for the members of each region. To classify the stars into Strömgren's regions we extended the algorithm presented by Figueras et al. (1991) to a wider range of spectral types and luminosity classes. The observational ZAMS are compared with the theoretical ZAMS from stellar evolutionary models, in the range tex2html_wrap_inline506 K. The discrepancies are also discussed.


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Introduction. The DRIVER I project drew up a detailed report of European repositories based on data gathered in a survey in which Spain's participation was very low. This created a highly distorted image of the implementation of repositories in Spain. This study aims to analyse the current state of Spanish open-access institutional repositories and to describe their characteristics. Method. The data were gathered through a Web survey. The questionnaire was based on that used by DRIVER I: coverage; technical infrastructure and technical issues; institutional policies; services created; and stimulators and inhibitors for establishing, filling and maintaining their digital institutional repositories. Analysis. Data were tabulated and analysed systematically according responses obtained from the questionnaire and grouped by coverage. Results. Responses were obtained from 38 of the 104 institutions contacted, which had 29 institutional repositories. This represents 78.3% of the Spanish repositories according to the BuscaRepositorios directory. Spanish repositories contained mainly full-text materials (journal articles and doctoral theses) together with metadata. The software most used was DSpace, followed by EPrints. The metadata standard most used was Dublin Core. Spanish repositories offered more usage statistics and fewer author-oriented services than the European average. The priorities for the future development of the repositories are the need for clear policies on access to scientific production based on public funding and the need for quality control indicators. Conclusions.This is the first detailed study of Spanish institutional repositories. The key stimulants for establishing, filling and maintaining were, in order of importance, the increase of visibility and citation, the interest of decision-makers, simplicity of use and search services. On the other hand the main inhibitors identified were the absence of policies, the lack of integration with other national and international systems and the lack of awareness efforts among academia.


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Frequently the choice of a library management program is conditioned by social, economic and/or political factors that result in the selection of a system that is not altogether suitable for the library’s needs, characteristics and functions. Open source software is quickly becoming a preferred solution, owing to the freedom to copy, modify and distribute it and the freedom from contracts, as well as for greater opportunities for interoperability with other applications. These new trends regarding open source software in libraries are also reflected in LIS studies, as evidenced by the different courses addressing automated programs, repositorymanagement, including the Linux/GNU operating system, among others. The combination of the needs of the centres and the new trends for open source software is the focus of a virtual laboratory for the use of open source software for library applications. It was the result of a project, whose aim was to make a useful contribution to the library community, that was carried out by a group of professors of the School of Library and Information Science of the University of Barcelona, together with a group of students, members of a Working Group on Open Source Software for Information Professionals, of the Professional Library Association of Catalonia.