977 resultados para Oceanic mythology.


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The Southern Granulite Terrain in India is a collage of crustal blocks ranging in age from Archean to Neoproterozoic. This study investigate the tectonic evolution of one of the northernmost block- the Biligiri Block (BRB) through a multidisciplinary approach involving field investigation, petrographic studies, LA-ICPMS zircon U-Pb geochronology, Hf isotopic analyses, metamorphic P-T phase diagram computations, and crustal thickness modeling. The garnet bearing quartzofeldspathic gneiss from the central BRB preserve Mesoarchean magmatic zircons with ages between 3207 and 2806 Ma and positive epsilon Hf value (+2.7) which possibly indicates vestiges of a Mesoarchean primitive continental crust. The occurrence of quartzite-iron formation intercalation as well as ultramafic lenses along the western boundary of the BRB is interpreted to indicate that the Kollegal structural lineament is a possible paleo-suture. Phase diagram computation of a metagabbro from the southwestern periphery of the Kollegal suture zone reveals high-pressure (similar to 18.5 kbar) and medium-temperature (similar to 840 degrees C) metamorphism, likely during eastward subduction of the Western Dharwar oceanic crust beneath the Mesoarchean BRB. In the model presented here, slab subduction, melting and underplating processes generated arc magmatism and subsequent charnockitization within the BRB between ca. 2650 Ma and ca. 2498 Ma. These results thus reveal Meso- to Neoarchean tectonic evolution of the BRB. The spatial variation of crustal thickness, derived from flexure inversion technique, provides additional constraints on the tectonic linkage of the BRB with its surrounding terrains. In conjunction with published data, the Moyar and the Kollegal suture zones are considered to mark the trace of ocean closure along which the Nilgiri and Biligiri Rangan Blocks accreted on to the Western Dharwar Craton. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have addressed the question of whether the massive deficit of 42% in rainfall over the Indian region in June 2014 can be attributed primarily to the El Nino. We have shown that the variation of convection over the Northern part of the Tropical West Pacific (NWTP: 120-150E, 20-30N) plays a major role in determining the all-India rainfall in June with deficit (excess) in rainfall associated with enhancement (suppression) of convection over NWTP. In June 2014, the outgoing long wave radiation (OLR) anomaly over this region was unfavourable, whereas in June 2015, the OLR anomaly over NWTP was favourable and the all-India rainfall was 16% higher than the long-term average. We find that during El Nino, when the convection over the equatorial central Pacific intensifies, there is a high propensity for intensification of convection over NWTP. Thus, El Nino appears to have an impact on the rainfall over the Indian region via its impact on the convection over the West Pacific, particularly over NWTP. This occurred in June 2014, which suggests that the large deficit in June 2014, could be primarily attributed to the El Nino acting via intensification of convection over NWTP.


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Vulnerability of communities and natural ecosystems, to potential impacts of climate change in developing countries like India, and the need for adaptation are rapidly emerging as central issues in the debate around policy responses to climate change. The present study presents an approach to identify and prioritize the most vulnerable districts, villages and households in Karnataka State, through a multi-scale assessment of inherent vulnerability to current climate variability. It also identifies the drivers of inherent vulnerability, thereby providing a tool for developing and mainstreaming adaptation strategies, in ongoing developmental or dedicated adaptation programmes. The multi-scale assessment was made for all 30 districts at the state level in Karnataka, about 1220 villages in Chikballapur district, and at the household level for two villages - Gundlapalli and Saddapalli - in Bagepalli taluk of Chikballapur district. At the district, village and household levels, low levels of education and skills are the dominant factors contributing to vulnerability. At the village and household level, the lack of income diversification and livelihood support institutions are key drivers of vulnerability. The approach of multi-scale vulnerability assessment facilitates identification and prioritization of the drivers of vulnerability at different scales, to focus adaptation interventions to address these drivers.


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Oceanic intraplate earthquakes are known to occur either on active ridge-transform structures or by reactivation of their inactive counterparts, generally referred to as fossil ridges or transforms. The Indian Ocean, one of the most active oceanic intraplate regions, has generated large earthquakes associated with both these types of structures. The moderate earthquake that occurred on 21 May 2014 (M-w 6.1) in the northern Bay of Bengal followed an alternate mechanism, as it showed no clear association either with active or extinct ridge-transform structures. Its focal depth of >50 km is uncommon but not improbable, given the similar to 90 Ma age of the ocean floor with 12-km-thick overlying sediments. No tectonic features have been mapped in the near vicinity of its epicenter, the closest being the 85 degrees E ridge, located similar to 100 km to its west, hitherto regarded as seismically inactive. The few earthquakes that have occurred here in the past are clustered around its southern or northern limits, and a few are located midway, at around 10 degrees N. The 2014 earthquake, sourced close to the northern cluster, seems to be associated with a northwest-southeast-oriented fracture, located on the eastern flanks of the 85 degrees E ridge. If this causal association is possible, we believe that reactivation of fossil hotspot trails could be considered as another mechanism for oceanic intraplate seismicity.


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From observed data on lithospheric plates, a unified empirical law for plate motion,valid for continental as well as oceanic plates, is obtained in the following form: The speedof plate motion U depends linearly on a geometric parameter T_d, ratio of the sum of effectiveridge length and trench arc length to the sum of area of continental part of plate and total areaof cold sinking slab. Based on this unified law, a simple mechanical analysis shows that, themain driving forces for lithospheric plates come from push along the mid-ocean ridge andpull by the cold sinking slab, while the main drag forces consist of the viscous traction beneaththe continental part of plate and over both faces of the sinking slab. Moreover, the specific-push along ridge and pull by slab are found to be of equal magnitude.


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PICES in transition: The 3rd inter-sessional Science Board and Governing Council meeting (pdf 0.3 MB) New and upcoming PICES publications (pdf 0.3 MB) PICES hosts GLOBEC Symposium on “Climate Variability and Sub-Arctic Marine Ecosystems” in Victoria (pdf 0.4 MB) First CREAMS/PICES Workshop on East Asian Seas Time-series (pdf 0.4 MB) PICES workshop discusses Oceanic Ecodynamics COmparison in the Subarctic Pacific (OECOS) - a project proposal (pdf 0.3 MB) The state of the western North Pacific in the second half of 2004 (pdf 0.4 MB) The Bering Sea: Current status and recent events (pdf 0.3 MB) Recent trends in waters of the subarctic NE Pacific (pdf 0.3 MB) CFAME workshop on “Developing a working plan for CCCC synthesis” (pdf 0.5 MB) What is winter? (pdf 0.5 MB) The first specimens of Humboldt squid in British Columbia (pdf 0.4 MB) Obituary - Dr. Daniel M. Ware (pdf 0.3 MB) PICES Calendar (pdf 0.3 MB)


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The state of PICES science - 2003 (pdf 281 KB) 2003 Wooster Award (pdf 764 KB) The state of the eastern North Pacific through summer 2003 (pdf 448 KB) The Bering Sea: Current status and recent events (pdf 951 KB) The state of the western North Pacific in the first half of 2003 (pdf 684 KB) The status of oceanic zooplankton in the eastern North Pacific (pdf 390 KB) The precautionary approach to the PDO (pdf 976 KB) Photo highlights of PICES XII (pdf 2.79 MB) William G. Pearcy: Renaissance oceanographer (pdf 2.86 MB) KORDI/PICES/CoML Workshop on "Variability and status of the Yellow Sea and East China Sea ecosystems (pdf 785 KB) PICES/IOC Workshop on "Harmful algal blooms - Harmonization of data" (pdf 330 KB) From physics to predators: Monitoring North Pacific ecosystem dynamics (pdf 270 KB) Toward a coast-wide network of Northeast Pacific coastal-ocean monitoring programs - a brief workshop report (pdf 640) PICES publications (pdf 103 KB) PICES calendar (pdf 45 KB)


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I. Scientific Issues Posed by OECOS II. Participant Contributions to the OECOS Workshop A. ASPECTS OF PHYTOPLANKTON ECOLOGY IN THE SUBARCTIC PACIFIC Microbial community compositions by Karen E. Selph Subarctic Pacific lower trophic interactions: Production-based grazing rates and grazing-corrected production rates by Nicholas Welschmeyer Phytoplankton bloom dynamics and their physiological status in the western subarctic Pacific by Ken Furuya Temporal and spatial variability of phytoplankton biomass and productivity in the northwestern Pacific by Sei-ichi Saitoh, Suguru Okamoto, Hiroki Takemura and Kosei Sasaoka The use of molecular indicators of phytoplankton iron limitation by Deana Erdner B. IRON CONCENTRATION AND CHEMICAL SPECIATION Iron measurements during OECOS by Zanna Chase and Jay Cullen 25 The measurement of iron, nutrients and other chemical components in the northwestern North Pacific Ocean by Kenshi Kuma The measurement of iron, nutrients and other chemical components in the northwestern North Pacific Ocean by Kenshi Kuma C. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY, FINE-SCALE DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS AND AUTONOMOUS DRIFTERS The use of drifters in Lagrangian experiments: Positives, negatives and what can really be measured by Peter Strutton The interaction between plankton distribution patterns and vertical and horizontal physical processes in the eastern subarctic North Pacific by Timothy J. Cowles D. MICROZOOPLANKTON Microzooplankton processes in oceanic waters of the eastern subarctic Pacific: Project OECOS by Suzanne Strom Functional role of microzooplankton in the pelagic marine ecosystem during phytoplankton blooms in the western subarctic Pacific by Takashi Ota and Akiyoshi Shinada E. MESOZOOPLANKTON Vertical zonation of mesozooplankton, and its variability in response to food availability, density stratification, and turbulence by David L. Mackas and Moira Galbraith Marine ecosystem characteristics and seasonal abundance of dominant calanoid copepods in the Oyashio region by Atsushi Yamaguchi, Tsutomu Ikeda and Naonobu Shiga OECOS: Proposed mesozooplankton research in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific by Tsutomu Ikeda Some background on Neocalanus feeding by Michael Dagg Size and growth of interzonally migrating copepods by Charles B. Miller Growth of large interzonal migrating copepods by Toru Kobari F. MODELING Ecosystem and population dynamics modeling by Harold P. Batchelder III. Reports from Workshop Breakout Groups A. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL ASPECTS WITH EMPHASIS ON IRON AND IRON SPECIATION B. PHYTOPLANKTON/MICROZOOPLANKTON STUDIES C. MESOZOOPLANKTON STUDIES IV. Issues arising during the workshop A. PHYTOPLANKTON STOCK VARIATIONS IN HNLC SYSTEMS AND TROPHIC CASCADES IN THE NANO AND MICRO REGIMES B. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN EAST AND WEST IN SITE SELECTION FOR OECOS TIME SERIES C. TIMING OF OECOS EXPEDITIONS D. CHARACTERIZATION OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY V. Concluding Remarks VI. References (109 page document)


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This is an identification guide for cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises), that was designed to assist laymen in identifying cetaceans encountered in eastern North Pacific and Arctic waters. It was intended for use by ongoing cetacean observer programs. This is a revision of an earlier guide with the same title published in 1972 by the Naval Undersa Center and the National Marine Fisheries Service. It includes sections on identifying cetaceans at sea as well as stranded animals on shore. Species accounts are divided by body size and presence or lack of a dorsal fin. Appendices include illustrations of tags on whales, dolphins, and porpoises, by Larry Hobbs; how to record data from observed cetaceans at sea and for stranded cetaceans; and a list of cetacean names in Japanese and Russian. (Document contains 245 pages - file takes considerable time to open)


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This is an identification guide for cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises). It was designed to assist laypersons in identifying cetaceans encountered in the western North Atlantic Ocean and was intended for use by ongoing cetacean observer programs. This publication includes sections on identifying cetaceans at sea as well as stranded animals on shore. Species accounts are divided by body size and presence or lack of a dorsal fin. Appendices cover tags used on cetacean species; how to record and report cetacean observations at see and for stranded cetaceans; and a list of contacts for reporting cetacean strandings. (Document pdf contains 183 pages - file takes considerable time to open)


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Key Messages [pdf, 2.5 Mb] Climate Information Gaps Ocean Productivity Information gaps Living Marine Resources Information gaps Climate [pdf, 1.8 Mb] Productivity [pdf, 5.2 Mb] Nutrients Phytoplankton Zooplankton Living Resources [pdf, 10 Mb] Subarctic coastal systems Central oceanic gyres Temperate coastal and oceanic systems Marine mammals The Human Population [pdf, 5 Mb] Contaminants and Habitat Modifications Aquaculture Knowledge Gaps Glossary Ocean and Climate Changes [pdf, 4.1Mb] Highlights Introduction Atmospheric Indices Change in 1998/99 Comparison of Atmospheric Indices Authorship Yellow Sea / East China Sea [pdf, 2.3 Mb] Highlights Background Status and Trends Hydrography Chemistry Plankton Benthos Fish and invertebrates Marine birds and mammals Issues Critical factors causing change Authorship Japan/East Sea [pdf, 3.3 Mb] Highlights Background Status and Trends Hydrography Chemistry Plankton Fish and Invertebrates Marine Birds and Mammals Critical factors causing change Issues Authorship Okhotsk Sea [pdf, 1.7 Mb] Background Status and Trends Climate Hydrography Chemistry Plankton Fish and Invertebrates Marine Birds and Mammals Issues Critical factors causing change Authorship Oyashio / Kuroshio [pdf, 4.5 Mb] Highlights Background Status and Trends Hydrography Plankton Fish and Invertebrates Marine Birds and Mammals Issues Authorship Western Subarctic Gyre [pdf, 4.5 Mb] Highlights Background Status and Trends Hydrography Chemistry Plankton Fish and Invertebrates Marine Birds and Mammals Issues Authorship Bering Sea [pdf, 2.2 Mb] Highlights Background Status and Trends Hydrography Chemistry Plankton Fish and Invertebrates Marine Birds and Mammals Critical Factors Causing Change Issues Authorship Gulf of Alaska [pdf, 2.6 Mb] Highlights Background Status and trends Hydrography Chemistry Plankton Fish and Invertebrates Marine birds and mammals Critical factors causing change Issues Authorship California Current [pdf, 2.7 Mb] Highlights Background Status and Trends Hydrography Chemistry Plankton Fish and Invertebrates Marine Birds and Mammals Critical Factors Causing Change Issues Authorship Gulf of California [pdf, 1.7 Mb] Highlights Background Status and Trends Hydrography Chemistry Plankton Fisheries Marine Birds and Mammals Critical Factors Causing Change Issues Authorship Transition Zone [pdf, 2.5 Mb] Background Status and Trends Hydrography Chemistry Plankton Fish and Invertebrates Marine Birds and Mammals Issues Authorship Tuna [pdf, 1.5 Mb] Highlights Background Pacific bluefin tuna Albacore tuna Status and trends Ecosystem model and climate forcing Authorship Pacific halibut [pdf, 1.1 Mb] Background The Fishery Climate Influences Authorship Pacific salmon [Updated, pdf, 0.4 Mb] Background Status and Trends Washington, Oregon, and California British Columbia Southeast Alaska Central Alaska Western Alaska Russia Japan Authorship References [pdf, 0.5 Mb]


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CHAP 1 - Introduction to the Guide CHAP 2 - Solution chemistry of carbon dioxide in sea water CHAP 3 - Quality assurance CHAP 4 - Recommended standard operating procedures (SOPs) SOP 1 - Water sampling for the parameters of the oceanic carbon dioxide system SOP 2 - Determination of total dissolved inorganic carbon in sea water SOP 3a - Determination of total alkalinity in sea water using a closed-cell titration SOP 3b - Determination of total alkalinity in sea water using an open-cell titration SOP 4 - Determination of p(CO2) in air that is in equilibrium with a discrete sample of sea water SOP 5 - Determination of p(CO2) in air that is in equilibrium with a continuous stream of sea water SOP 6a - Determination of the pH of sea water using a glass/reference electrode cell SOP 6b - Determination of the pH of sea water using the indicator dye m-cresol purple SOP 7 - Determination of dissolved organic carbon and total dissolved nitrogen in sea water SOP 7 en Español - Determinacion de carbono organico disuelto y nitrogeno total disuelto en agua de mar SOP 11 - Gravimetric calibration of the volume of a gas loop using water SOP 12 - Gravimetric calibration of volume delivered using water SOP 13 - Gravimetric calibration of volume contained using water SOP 14 - Procedure for preparing sodium carbonate solutions for the calibration of coulometric CT measurements SOP 21 - Applying air buoyancy corrections SOP 22 - Preparation of control charts SOP 23 - Statistical techniques used in quality assessment SOP 24 - Calculation of the fugacity of carbon dioxide in the pure gas or in air CHAP 5 - Physical and thermodynamic data Errata - to the hard copy of the Guide to best practices for ocean CO2 measurements


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Annual cycles of relative abundance are described for phytoplankton species collected from Monterey Bay, California, from July 1974 to June 1976, and the population dynamics related to the annual hydrographic cycle. Neritic diatom species dominated the population during the Upwelling and Oceanic periods, with dinoflagellate species becoming numerically more important during the Davidson period. Recurrent species groups identified using Fager's regroup analysis revealed the presence of a large neritic group of overwhelming numerical importance. This group is composed of indigenous species and is present in the bay during most of the year. Conspicuous changes in the phytoplankton population occurred predominantly among species within this group. During the Davidson period, the advection of southern waters into the bay may temporarily displace the endemic species with dinoflagellates becoming numerically more important. A red tide bloom of Gonyaulax polyedra occurred during this period in 1974, which dominated the phytoplankton population for a period of six weeks. The population dynamics of two hydrographically different stations were compared. A station located over the deep waters of the submarine canyon exhibited much lower phytoplankton standing stocks than a station located over the shelf area in the south of the bay, but seasonal changes in relative abundance and species composition were similar. Physical and chemical differences observed between the two stations appear to be the result of the presence of more recently upwelled water in the canyon area, and higher biological utilization in the south of the bay. A close correlation of species diversity with the depth of the mixed layer was observed, with diversity rising with the shoaling of the thermocline. It is suggested that this may reflect the introduction of new species from below the thermocline into the mixed layer as a result of upwelling activity. It is also suggested that this may be an artifact due to sampling problems associated with internal waves. (Document contains 100 pages.)


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The Channel Islands—sometimes called the Galapagos of North America—are known for their great beauty, rich biodiversity, cultural heritage, and recreational opportunities. In 1980, in recognition of the islands’ importance, the United States Congress established a national park encompassing 5 of California’s Channel Islands (Santa Barbara, Anacapa, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, and San Miguel Islands) and waters within 1 nautical mile of the islands. In the same year, Congress declared a national marine sanctuary around each of these islands, including waters up to 6 nautical miles offshore. Approximately 60,000 people visit the Channel Islands each year for aquatic recreation such as fishing, sailing, kayaking, wildlife watching, surfing, and diving. Another 30,000 people visit the islands for hiking, camping, and sightseeing. Dozens of commercial fishing boats based in Santa Barbara, Ventura, Oxnard, and other ports go to the Channel Islands to catch squid, spiny lobster, sea urchin, rockfish, crab, sheephead, flatfish, and sea cucumber, among other species. In the past few decades, advances in fishing technology and the rising number of fishermen, in conjunction with changing ocean conditions and diseases, have contributed to declines in some marine fishes and invertebrates at the Channel Islands. In 1998, citizens from Santa Barbara and Ventura proposed establishment of no-take marine reserves at the Channel Islands, beginning a 4-year process of public meetings, discussions, and scientific analyses. In 2003, the California Fish and Game Commission designated a network of marine protected areas (MPAs) in state waters around the northern Channel Islands. In 2006 and 2007, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) extended the MPAs into the national marine sanctuary’s deeper, federal waters. To determine if the MPAs are protecting marine species and habitats, scientists are monitoring ecological changes. They are studying changes in habitats; abundance and size of species of interest; the ocean food web and ecosystem; and movement of fish and invertebrates from MPAs to surrounding waters. Additionally, scientists are monitoring human activities such as commercial and recreational fisheries, and compliance with MPA regulations. This booklet describes some results from the first 5 years of monitoring the Channel Islands MPAs. Although 5 years is not long enough to determine if the MPAs will accomplish all of their goals, this booklet offers a glimpse of the changes that are beginning to take place and illustrates the types of information that will eventually be used to assess the MPAs’ effectiveness. (PDF contains 24 pages.)