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The management of municipal solid waste (MSW), particularly the role of incineration, is currently a subject of public debate. Incineration shows to be a good alternative of reducing the volume of waste and eliminating certain infectious components. Moreover, Municipal Waste Incinerators (MWI), are reported to be highly hygienic and apart from that MWIs are immediately effective in terms of transport (incinerators can be built close to the waste sources) and incineration's nature. Nevertheless, the emissions of many hazardous substances make the Municipal Waste Incineration (MWI) plants to be unpopular. Metals (especially lead, manganese, cadmium, chromium and mercury) are concentrated in fly and bottom ashes. Furthermore, incomplete combustion produces a wide variety of potentially hazardous organic compounds, such as aldehydes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), chlorinated hydrocarbons including polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDD) and dibenzofurans (PCDF), and even acid gases, including NOx. Many of these hazardous substances are carcinogenic and some have direct systemic toxicity.


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Biodiesel é um biocombustível que consiste na mistura de ésteres monoalquílicos de ácidos graxos de cadeia longa. O processo usual de produção deste combustível é a transesterificação de óleos vegetais com álcoois de cadeia curta. Nesse processo, a matéria prima deve conter baixo conteúdo de ácido graxos livres ( ≤ 1%) e água (≤ 0,5%). Como alternativa ao processo de transesterificação, destaca-se o emprego de matérias-primas de baixo custo, com elevado teor de ácidos graxos livres, para a síntese de ésteres alquílicos através de reações de esterificação. As reações de produção do biodiesel podem ser catalisadas por via química (ácida e básica) ou enzimática. Na catálise enzimática, os biocatalisadores empregados são as lipases, que catalisam a hidrólise e síntese de ésteres e podem ser obtidas a partir de microrganismos, plantas ou tecido animal, sendo as de origem microbiana as mais utilizadas. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial da lipase de Yarrowia lipolytica, uma levedura não convencional, na síntese de ésteres do ácido oleico visando à obtenção de ésteres alquílicos (biodiesel). Foram estudados os efeitos da temperatura (25, 30, 35, 40, 50 e 60oC), do teor enzimático (5, 10, 20, 30 e 40% v/v) e do tipo de álcool (metanol, etanol, n-propanol e n-butanol ) nas reações de esterificação do ácido oleico empregando o extrato enzimático líquido produzido por Yarrowia lipolytica. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as reações conduzidas a 30oC e com 10% v/v do extrato enzimático apresentaram maior taxa inicial de reação. Também foi avaliada a utilização do extrato enzimático liofilizado (5% m/v) e do PES (produto enzimático sólido) (5% m/v) de Yarrowia lipolytica na reação de esterificação do ácido oleico com n-butanol a 30oC. O maior consumo de ácido oleico ocorreu na reação conduzida com o PES. O efeito da temperatura (25, 30, 35, 40 e 50oC) na síntese de oleato de butila foi, então, investigado nas reações empregando PES como biocatalisador e a maior conversão de ácido oleico foi verificada na temperatura de 40oC


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Dentre os óxidos de nitrogênio, o N2O é um gás do efeito estufa altamente nocivo. Devido ao potencial contaminante que este possui, torna-se importante a implementação de processos capazes de reduzir a sua emissão, bem como a dos NOx. Tradicionalmente, têm-se empregado catalisadores baseados em metais nobres, porém estes apresentam como principal desvantagem o elevado custo. Desse modo, sempre houve o interesse pelo uso de outros tipos de catalisadores e metais neste sistema de reação. Nesse contexto, na presente dissertação procurou-se sintetizar precursores de catalisadores tipo hidrotalcita Cu-AlCO3 e avaliar o seu desempenho na reação de redução do NO pelo CO, visando melhorar a atividade e a seletividade a N2. Foram estudados diversos parâmetros de síntese e diferentes composições. Os parâmetros mais influentes na síntese foram a relação molar H2O/(Al+Cu) e a temperatura de secagem do sólido, cujos melhores valores foram 434 e 25C, respectivamente. Testaram-se dois sólidos, o primeiro composto pela fase hidrotalcita quase pura e o segundo com uma clara mistura entre fases hidrotalcita e malaquita. As análises térmica e química revelaram presença da fase malaquita em ambos os materiais com porcentagens de 14 e 40%, respectivamente. Os resultados de difração de raios X indicaram a presença da fase CuO para os catalisadores provenientes da calcinação dos materiais tipo hidrotalcita, porém a espectroscopia Raman evidenciou a presença de Cu2O no catalisador proveniente do material com maior mistura de fases. Os ciclos redox mostraram uma melhora na redutibilidade dos catalisadores após um ciclo de oxidação-redução. Além disso, foi estudado o impacto do envelhecimento térmico a 900C por 12 h no desempenho dos catalisadores. Pelos resultados de teste catalítico os melhores desempenhos foram alcançados pelos catalisadores envelhecidos, contudo o catalisador proveniente do precursor mais puro apresentou-se melhor tanto novo como envelhecido em termos de menor rendimento de N2O. Uma comparação com catalisadores à base de metal nobre mostrou um bom desempenho dos catalisadores à base de cobre, com a vantagem destes apresentarem menor emissão de N2O em temperaturas menores


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To search for compounds with superior anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) activity, ten 5,5'-(p-phenylenebisazo)-8-hydroxyquinoline sulfonates (4a-j) were synthesized and preliminarily evaluated as HIV-1 inhibitors in vitro for the first time. Some compounds demonstrated anti-HIV-1 activity, especially 5,5'-(p-phenylenebisazo)-8-hydroxyquinoline p-ethylbenzenesulfonate (4g) and 5,5'-(p-phenylenebisazo)-8-hydroxyquinoline p-chlorobenzenesulfonate (41) showed the more potent anti-HIV-1 activity with 50% effective concentration (EC50) values of 2.59 and 4.01 mu g/ml, and therapeutic index (TI) values of 31.77 and 24.51, respectively.


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Large area uniform nanocrystalline graphene is grown by chemical vapor deposition on arbitrary insulating substrates that can survive ∼1000°C. The as-synthesized graphene is nanocrystalline with a domain size in the order of ∼10 nm. The material possesses a transparency and conductivity similar to standard graphene fabricated by exfoliation or catalysis. A noncatalytic mechanism is proposed to explain the experimental phenomena. The developed technique is scalable and reproducible, compatible with the existing semiconductor technology, and thus can be very useful in nanoelectronic applications such as transparent electronics, nanoelectromechanical systems, as well as molecular electronics. © 2012 IEEE.


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Expressed sequence tag (EST) analysis is an efficient tool for gene discovery and profiling gene expression. Aeromonas hydrophila, a ubiquitous waterborne bacterium, is one of the most frequent pathogens isolated from diseased aquatic organisms. In order to understand the molecular mechanism of anti-bacteria immune response in reptile, we have investigated the differentially expressed genes in Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Trionyx sinensis) experimentally infected with A. hydrophila by suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH). Forty-two genes were identified from more than 200 clones, of which 25 genes are found for the first time in reptiles, and classified into 6 categories: 18 in defense/immunity. 4 in catalysis, 2 in retrotransposon; 2 in cell signal transduction, 5 in cell metabolism, 10 in protein expression, and 1 in cell structure. Of the 42 differentially expressed genes, 6 genes, IL-8, serum amyloid A (SAA), CD9, CD59, activating transcription factor 4 (ATF4) and cathepsin L genes, were further observed to be up-regulated in the infected turtles by virtual Northern hybridization and RT-PCR assays. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hexangular indium nitride nanoflower pattern is observed from scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The sample is grown on c-plane (0001) sapphire by metal organic chemical vapor deposition with intentional introduction of hydrogen gas. With the aid of hydrogen, a stable existence of metallic indium is achieved. This will induce the growth of InN nanoflowers via self-catalysis vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) process. It is found that the VLS process is modulated by the interface kinetics and thermodynamics among the sapphire substrate, indium, and InN, which leads to the special morphology of the authors' InN nanoflower pattern. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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In order to overcome the large lattice mismatch in the heteroepitaxy, a new patterned compliant substrate method has been introduced, which has overcome the disadvantages of previously published methods. InP film of thickness 800 nm was directly grown on this substrate. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) has shown that good surface morphology has been obtained. In addition, Photoluminescence (PL) and double crystal X-ray diffraction (DCXRD) study have shown that the residual strain has been reduced, and that the structure quality has been improved. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new metal catalysis-free method of fabricating Si or SiO2 nanowires (NWs) compatible with Si CMOS technology was proposed by annealing SiOx (x < 2) films deposited by plasma -enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). The effects of the Si content (x value) and thickness of SiOx films, the annealing process and flowing gas ambient on the NW growth were studied in detail. The results indicated that the SiOx film of a thickness below 300 rim with x value close to 1 was most favorable for NW growth upon annealing at 1000-1150 degrees C in the flowing gas mixture of N-2 and H-2. NWs of 50-100nm in diameter and tens of micrometers in length were synthesized by this method. The formation mechanism was likely to be related to a new type of oxide assisted growth (OAG) mechanism, with Si nanoclusters in SiOx films after phase separation serving as the nuclei for the growth of NWs in SiOx films > 200nm, and SiO molecules from thin SiO, film decomposition inducing the NW growth in films < 100nm. An effective preliminary method to control NW growth direction was also demonstrated by etching trenches in SiOx films followed by annealing.


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Microporous HZSM-5 zeolite and mesoporous SiO2 supported Ru-Co catalysts of various Ru adding amounts were prepared and evaluated for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) of gasoline-range hydrocarbons (C-5-C-12). The tailor-made Ru-Co/SiO2/HZSM-5 catalysts possessed both micro- and mesopores, which accelerated hydrocracking/hydroisomerization of long-chain products and provided quick mass transfer channels respectively during FTS. In the same time. Ru increased Cor reduction degree by hydrogen spillover, thus CO conversion of 62.8% and gasoline-range hydrocarbon selectivity of 47%, including more than 14% isoparaffins, were achieved simultaneously when Ru content was optimized at 1 wt% in Ru-Co/SiO2/HZSM-5 catalyst.


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Enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose was highly complex because of the unclear enzymatic mechanism and many factors that affect the heterogeneous system. Therefore, it is difficult to build a theoretical model to study cellulose hydrolysis by cellulase. Artificial neural network (ANN) was used to simulate and predict this enzymatic reaction and compared with the response surface model (RSM). The independent variables were cellulase amount X-1, substrate concentration X-2, and reaction time X-3, and the response variables were reducing sugar concentration Y-1 and transformation rate of the raw material Y-2. The experimental results showed that ANN was much more suitable for studying the kinetics of the enzymatic hydrolysis than RSM. During the simulation process, relative errors produced by the ANN model were apparently smaller than that by RSM except one and the central experimental points. During the prediction process, values produced by the ANN model were much closer to the experimental values than that produced by RSM. These showed that ANN is a persuasive tool that can be used for studying the kinetics of cellulose hydrolysis catalyzed by cellulase.


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TiO2/4A zeolite composite catalysts were prepared by coating TiO2 on 4A zeolite via liquid phase deposition. The TiO 2/4A zeolite composite catalysts wtih higher surface weak acidity and lower mediate strong acidity exhibit much better catalytic performance on ethanol dehydration to ethylene compared with 4A zeolite. It is suggested that the TiO2 promoter could improve the effective Lewis acidity of composite catalyst which consequently enhanced the catalytic performance.