937 resultados para OFFSHORE WIND FARMS
Transonic tests in linear cascade wind tunnels can suffer
from significant test section boundary interference effects in pitch. A slotted tailboard has been designed and optimised with an in-house Euler numerical method to reduce such ef- fects. Wind tunnel measurements on an overspeed Mach 1.27 discharge from a Rolls-Royce T2 cascade, featuring strong end-wall shock-induced interference, showed a 77% reduction in the flow pitchwise periodicity error with the optimised tail- board, with respect to the baseline open-jet cascade flow. Two-dimensional Euler predictions were also cross-validated against a three-dimensional Reynolds averaged computation, to explore the three-dimensionality of the discharge
Wind energy projects face increasing opposition from host communities throughout the western world. Governments have responded in a range of ways, including enhanced local control over consenting (England), reform of planning regulations (Australia) or community ownership (Denmark). However, there is no effective mechanism for monitoring levels of social acceptance and thus, no means of evaluating the effectiveness of these approaches. There have been attempts to understand how social framing of wind energy in the media (e.g. Van de Velde et al 2010, Barry and Ellis, 2008, Hindmarsh 2014), highlighting how this changes over time. However, no research has focussed on Ireland and critically, none have examined whether this can help monitor overall levels of social acceptance. In order to explore this, this paper will present a media analysis of wind energy in the Republic of Ireland, which witnessed a rapid increase in wind energy capacity and has the highest energy penetration of wind in the world (19%). However, this has been accompanied by increasing public opposition and (assumed) declining levels of social acceptance.
This paper will describe the results of analysing over 8000 articles on wind energy that have appeared in three Irish newspapers. These are assessed through historical-diachronic (over time) and comparative –synchronic (differences between newspapers) analyses (Carvalho 2007) to highlight changing trends in framing wind energy and changing concerns over wind energy in Ireland. The paper will consider whether such media analysis could form a tool for monitoring the trends in social acceptance of wind energy.
Large-scale commercial exploitation of wave energy is certain to require the deployment of wave energy converters (WECs) in arrays, creating ‘WEC farms’. An understanding of the hydrodynamic interactions in such arrays is essential for determining optimum layouts of WECs, as well as calculating the area of ocean that the farms will require. It is equally important to consider the potential impact of wave farms on the local and distal wave climates and coastal processes; a poor understanding of the resulting environmental impact may hamper progress, as it would make planning consents more difficult to obtain. It is therefore clear that an understanding the interactions between WECs within a farm is vital for the continued development of the wave energy industry.To support WEC farm design, a range of different numerical models have been developed, with both wave phase-resolving and wave phase-averaging models now available. Phase-resolving methods are primarily based on potential flow models and include semi-analytical techniques, boundary element methods and methods involving the mild-slope equations. Phase-averaging methods are all based around spectral wave models, with supra-grid and sub-grid wave farm models available as alternative implementations.The aims, underlying principles, strengths, weaknesses and obtained results of the main numerical methods currently used for modelling wave energy converter arrays are described in this paper, using a common framework. This allows a qualitative comparative analysis of the different methods to be performed at the end of the paper. This includes consideration of the conditions under which the models may be applied, the output of the models and the relationship between array size and computational effort. Guidance for developers is also presented on the most suitable numerical method to use for given aspects of WEC farm design. For instance, certain models are more suitable for studying near-field effects, whilst others are preferable for investigating far-field effects of the WEC farms. Furthermore, the analysis presented in this paper identifies areas in which the numerical modelling of WEC arrays is relatively weak and thus highlights those in which future developments are required.
(abreviated) We aim to study the inner-wind structure (R<250 Rstar) of the well-known red supergiant VY CMa. We analyse high spatial resolution (~0".24x0".13) ALMA Science Verification (SV) data in band 7 in which four thermal emission lines of gaseous sodium chloride (NaCl) are present at high signal-to-noise ratio. For the first time, the NaCl emission in the inner wind region of VY CMa is spatially resolved. The ALMA observations reveal the contribution of up to four different spatial regions. The NaCl emission pattern is different compared to the dust continuum and TiO2 emission already analysed from the ALMA SV data. The emission can be reconciled with an axisymmetric geometry, where the lower density polar/rotation axis has a position angle of ~50 degrees measured from north to east. However, this picture can not capture the full morphological diversity, and discrete mass ejection events need to be invoked to explain localized higher-density regions. The velocity traced by the gaseous NaCl line profiles is significantly lower than the average wind terminal velocity, and much slower than some of the fastest mass ejections, signalling a wide range of characteristic speeds for the mass loss. Gaseous NaCl is detected far beyond the main dust condensation region. Realising the refractory nature of this metal halide, this hints at a chemical process preventing all NaCl from condensing onto dust grains. We show that in the case of the ratio of the surface binding temperature to the grain temperature being ~50, only some 10% of NaCl remains in gaseous form, while for lower values of this ratio thermal desorption efficiently evaporates NaCl. Photodesorption by stellar photons seems not to be a viable explanation for the detection of gaseous NaCl at 220 Rstar from the central star, and instead, we propose shock-induced sputtering driven by localized mass ejection events as alternative.
O presente trabalho propõe estudar alguns aspectos da modelação ecológica na Costa Portuguesa, nomeadamente o efeito físico na distribuição de nutrientes e biomassa fitoplanctónica. O principal propósito foi implementar e validar um modelo acoplado tridimensional físico e ecológico, para a costa portuguesa, e aplicá-lo numa área limitada, a norte, por Vila do Conde e a sul pela Figueira da Foz centrada na região de Aveiro, para estudar a distribuição, vertical e horizontal, de temperatura, nutrientes e biomassa fitoplanctónica. A região em estudo está situada na costa oeste da Península Ibérica e faz parte da Região de Afloramento do Atlântico Norte. É caracterizada por condições meteorológicas onde a predominância e prevalência, durante uma grande parte do ano, de ventos de norte/noroeste, constitui um dos principais elementos forçadores do transporte para o largo das águas costeiras e consequente subida das águas mais frias e profundas, ricas em nutrientes. A estas condições juntam-se as boas condições de luminosidade e temperatura essenciais ao desenvolvimento fitoplanctónico, que servirá de alimento às espécies marinhas. Este facto, torna esta região, uma zona de elevada riqueza biológica favorável ao desenvolvimento de várias espécies marinhas, transformando este local num ecossistema de forte produtividade. O modelo foi calibrado e validado para a área em estudo e simulou com sucesso, a resposta do sistema à situação de ventos favoráveis ao afloramento costeiro para a região em estudo. Quando comparada com dados observados, os resultados mostram que o modelo é capaz de prever satisfatoriamente as distribuições superficiais e na coluna de água: da temperatura, dos nutrientes, do oxigénio e da clorofila-a. Os resultados evidenciam o crucial papel desempenhado pelos processos físicos no aumento de fitoplâncton que ocorre ao longo de uma estreita área da costa norte portuguesa, mostrando a estreita ligação entre a distribuição costeira de fitoplâncton e a distribuição costeira de temperatura, à superfície. A produtividade do fitoplâncton que ocorre nas águas costeiras não só é atribuída à disponibilidade de nutrientes mas também à intensidade luminosa. A luz e a intensidade dos ventos de norte/noroeste são os factores chave no controlo dos blooms de fitoplâncton observados nesta região de afloramento, sobretudo no Verão, nomeadamente na camada de mistura pouco profunda e junto à nutriclina. Deste modo os modelos numéricos em associação com dados in situ e imagens de satélite poderão ser considerados uma excelente ferramenta para a análise e previsão de cenários, presentes e futuros, de acções praticadas sobre o meio ambiente.
Understanding the biology of offshore species is hardened by the difficulties of sampling in the deep-sea environment. Additionally, due to the vastness of the open ocean, knowledge of early life histories of pelagic larvae is still relatively scarce. In decapod species with bentho-pelagic lifestyle, the transition from life in the seafloor to the water column not only is associated with drastic morphological metamorphosis, but also with changes in behavior and feeding ecology. The purpose of the present thesis was to investigate physiological, biochemical and behavioral adaptation occurring during early development of such species. The Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus, and the crab Monodaeus couchi were used as a model as these two species are encountered off the NE Atlantic shelf at depth greater than 300 m. Chapter 1 introduces the challenges faced by both adult and larvae inhabiting such remote habitats, including the effect of food availability on development and oceanographic processes on dispersal and recruitment. The thesis follows early life histories, starting with within-brood variability in the fatty acid (FA) profile displayed by developing N. norvegicus embryos. There were no differences in the FA composition of embryos sampled from both sides of the brooding chamber in most females. However, all females exhibited significant differences in the FA profiles of embryos sampled from different pleopods. Potential causes for the variations recorded may be differential female investment during oocyte production or shifts in FA catabolism during the incubation period promoted by embryo’s location within the brooding chamber. Next, feeding rates and digestive enzymes activity of the early stage larvae was investigated in N. norvegicus. Both stages were able to maximize food intake when larvae were scarce and showed increased feeding rate following periods of starvation. Amylase activity indicated that carbohydrates are not the primary energy reserve and that feeding may be required soon after hatching to trigger amylase activity. Protease activity indicated that protein reserves are catabolized under starvation. These results indicate that larvae may maximize prey ingestion in the presence of plankton patches with higher food abundance and minimize the deleterious effects induced by previous periods of intermittent starvation or unsuitable prey densities/types. Additionally, changes in enzymatic activity may allow newly hatched N. norvegicus larvae to metabolize protein reserves to overcome short-term starvation. Vertical migration behavior and the influence of oceanographic properties were studied next. All zoeal stages of M. couchi displayed reverse diel vertical migration. Abundance of early stages was correlated with chlorophyll a levels. An ontogenic shift in vertical distribution explained the results; earlier zoeal stages remain in the food-rich upper water column while later stages migrate to the bottom for settlement. This vertical migration behavior is likely to affect horizontal distribution of larvae. Indeed, global current patterns will result in low inter-annual variations in decapod larvae recruitment, but short term variations such as upwelling events will cause deviation from the expected dispersal pattern. Throughout development, from the embryo to metamorphosis into benthic juvenile, offshore decapods face many challenges. For the developing individual survivorship will depend heavily on food availability but also on the reserves passed on by the mother. Even though vertical migration behavior can allow the larvae to take advantage of depth varying currents for transport, the effect of general circulation pattern will superimpose local current and influence feeding conditions and affect dispersal and recruitment.
The Minho River, situated 30 km south of the Rias Baixas is the most important freshwater source flowing into the Western Galician Coast (NW of the Iberian Peninsula). This discharge is important to determine the hydrological patterns adjacent to its mouth, particularly close to the Galician coastal region. The buoyancy generated by the Minho plume can flood the Rias Baixas for long periods, reversing the normal estuarine density gradients. Thus, it becomes important to analyse its dynamics as well as the thermohaline patterns of the areas affected by the freshwater spreading. Thus, the main aim of this work was to study the propagation of the Minho estuarine plume to the Rias Baixas, establishing the conditions in which this plume affects the circulation and hydrographic features of these coastal systems, through the development and application of the numerical model MOHID. For this purpose, the hydrographic features of the Rias Baixas mouths were studied. It was observed that at the northern mouths, due to their shallowness, the heat fluxes between the atmosphere and ocean are the major forcing, influencing the water temperature, while at the southern mouths the influence of the upwelling events and the Minho River discharge were more frequent. The salinity increases from south to north, revealing that the observed low values may be caused by the Minho River freshwater discharge. An assessment of wind data along the Galician coast was carried out, in order to evaluate the applicability of the study to the dispersal of the Minho estuarine plume. Firstly, a comparative analysis between winds obtained from land meteorological stations and offshore QuikSCAT satellite were performed. This comparison revealed that satellite data constitute a good approach to study wind induced coastal phenomena. However, since the numerical model MOHID requires wind data with high spatial and temporal resolution close to the coast, results of the forecasted model WRF were added to the previous study. The analyses revealed that the WRF model data is a consistent tool to obtain representative wind data near the coast, showing good results when comparing with in situ wind observations from oceanographic buoys. To study the influence of the Minho buoyant discharge influence on the Rias Baixas, a set of three one-way nested models was developed and implemented, using the numerical model MOHID. The first model domain is a barotropic model and includes the whole Iberian Peninsula coast. The second and third domains are baroclinic models, where the second domain is a coarse representation of the Rias Baixas and adjacent coastal area, while the third includes the same area with a higher resolution. A bi-dimensional model was also implemented in the Minho estuary, in order to quantify the flow (and its properties) that the estuary injects into the ocean. The chosen period for the Minho estuarine plume propagation validation was the spring of 1998, since a high Minho River discharge was reported, as well as favourable wind patterns to advect the estuarine plume towards the Rias Baixas, and there was field data available to compare with the model predictions. The obtained results show that the adopted nesting methodology was successful implemented. Model predictions reproduce accurately the hydrodynamics and thermohaline patterns on the Minho estuary and Rias Baixas. The importance of the Minho river discharge and the wind forcing in the event of May 1998 was also studied. The model results showed that a continuous moderate Minho River discharge combined with southerly winds is enough to reverse the Rias Baixas circulation pattern, reducing the importance of the occurrence of specific events of high runoff values. The conditions in which the estuarine plume Minho affects circulation and hydrography of the Rias Baixas were evaluated. The numerical results revealed that the Minho estuarine plume responds rapidly to wind variations and is also influenced by the bathymetry and morphology of the coastline. Without wind forcing, the plume expands offshore, creating a bulge in front of the river mouth. When the wind blows southwards, the main feature is the offshore extension of the plume. Otherwise, northward wind spreads the river plume towards the Rias Baixas. The plume is confined close to the coast, reaching the Rias Baixas after 1.5 days. However, for Minho River discharges higher than 800 m3 s-1, the Minho estuarine plume reverses the circulation patterns in the Rias Baixas. It was also observed that the wind stress and Minho River discharge are the most important factors influencing the size and shape of the Minho estuarine plume. Under the same conditions, the water exchange between Rias Baixas was analysed following the trajectories particles released close to the Minho River mouth. Over 5 days, under Minho River discharges higher than 2100 m3 s-1 combined with southerly winds of 6 m s-1, an intense water exchange between Rias was observed. However, only 20% of the particles found in Ria de Pontevedra come directly from the Minho River. In summary, the model application developed in this study contributed to the characterization and understanding of the influence of the Minho River on the Rias Baixas circulation and hydrography, highlighting that this methodology can be replicated to other coastal systems.
Ecological studies that examine species-environment relationships are often limited to several meteorological parameters, i.e. mean air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, vapour pressure deficit and solar radiation. The impact of local wind, its speed and direction are less commonly investigated in aerobiological surveys mainly due to difficulties related to the employment of specific analytical tools and interpretation of their outputs. Identification of inoculum sources of economically important plant pathogens, as well as highly allergenic bioaerosols like Cladosporium species, has not been yet explored with remote sensing data and atmospheric models such as Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT). We, therefore, performed an analysis of 24 h intra-diurnal cycle of Cladosporium spp. spores from an urban site in connection with both the local wind direction and overall air mass direction computed by HYSPLIT. The observational method was a volumetric air sampler of the Hirst design with 1 h time resolution and corresponding optical detection of fungal spores with light microscopy. The atmospheric modelling was done using the on-line data set from GDAS with 1° resolution and circular statistical methods. Our results showed stronger, statistically significant correlation (p ≤ 0.05) between high Cladosporium spp. spore concentration and air mass direction compared to the local wind direction. This suggested that a large fraction of the investigated fungal spores had a regional origin and must be located more than a few kilometers away from the sampling point.
Concert program for '24' Wind Ensemble, Campus Band, Concert Band, Symphonic Band, March 11, 2008
Concert program for University Wind Sinfonietta, July 21, 1964
Concert program for The University Wind Sinfonietta, February 18, 1966
Concert program for The University Wind Sinfonietta, May 17, 1967
Concert program for University Wind Sinfonietta and University Percussion Ensemble, Dec. 9, 1973
Concert Program for The Wind Ensemble, December 4, 1991