908 resultados para O-STAR
The present work shows the growth of nordstrandile microcrystals observed by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Nordstrandite was synthesised from non-crystalline aluminium hydroxide reacted in 20% ethylene glycol/water solution, at room temperature. This material was characterized by TEM, SEM, SAED, XRD and EDS/TEM, during six month and revealed the formation and growth of nordstrandite. Fibrillar pseudoboehmite is the only aluminium hydroxide which could be identified during the first two weeks. The nuclei grow, from complete dissolution/recrystallization of pseudoboehmite fibrils, into platy rectangular microscrystals of nordstrandite. Some tabular microcrystals recrystallise, forming after six months only the mufti-point nordstrandite stars. This electron-optical study suggest that the star shape results from the overlapping of rectangular plates, and pseudoboehmite fibrils act as the precursor of nordstrandite crystallisation in ethylene glycol/water solution.
Hydrodynamics has been rather successful at describing results obtained in relativistic nuclear collisions at RHIC. Here we show results obtained with NeXSPheRIO on Au+Au collisions and the less studied Cu+Cu collisions. We study elliptic flow and its connection with eccentricity suggested by PHOBOS, as well as present elliptic flow fluctuations. We also show results for directed flow and compare with PHOBOS and STAR data.
In a recent paper, the hydrodynamic code NEXSPheRIO was used in conjunction with STAR analysis methods to study two-particle correlations as a function of Delta(eta) and Delta phi. The various structures observed in the data were reproduced. In this work, we discuss the origin of these structures as well as present new results.
Event-by-event hydrodynamics (or hydrodynamics with fluctuating initial conditions) has been developed in the past few years. Here we discuss how it may help to understand the various structures observed in two-particle correlations. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
It is known that the actions of field theories on a noncommutative space-time can be written as some modified (we call them theta-modified) classical actions already on the commutative space-time (introducing a star product). Then the quantization of such modified actions reproduces both space-time noncommutativity and the usual quantum mechanical features of the corresponding field theory. In the present article, we discuss the problem of constructing theta-modified actions for relativistic QM. We construct such actions for relativistic spinless and spinning particles. The key idea is to extract theta-modified actions of the relativistic particles from path-integral representations of the corresponding noncommutative field theory propagators. We consider the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations for the causal propagators in such theories. Then we construct for the propagators path-integral representations. Effective actions in such representations we treat as theta-modified actions of the relativistic particles. To confirm the interpretation, we canonically quantize these actions. Thus, we obtain the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations in the noncommutative field theories. The theta-modified action of the relativistic spinning particle is just a generalization of the Berezin-Marinov pseudoclassical action for the noncommutative case.
Using the Sao Paulo potential and the barrier penetration formalism we have calculated the astrophysical factor S(E) for 946 fusion reactions involving stable and neutron-rich isotopes of C, O, Ne, and Mg for center-of-mass energies E varying from 2 to approximate to 18-30 MeV (covering the range below and above the Coulomb barrier). We have parameterized the energy dependence, S(E), by an accurate universal 9-parameter analytic expression and present tables of fit parameters for all the reactions. We also discuss the reduced 3-parameter version of our fit which is highly accurate at energies below the Coulomb barrier, and outline the procedure for calculating the reaction rates. The results can be easily converted to thermonuclear or pycnonuclear reaction rates to simulate various nuclear burning phenomena, in particular, stellar burning at high temperatures and nucleosynthesis in high density environments. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved
We present measurements of the charge balance function, from the charged particles, for diverse pseudorapidity and transverse momentum ranges in Au + Au collisions at root S(NN) = 200 GeV using the STAR detector at RHIC. We observe that the balance function is boost-invariant within the pseudorapidity coverage vertical bar-1.3, 1.3 vertical bar. The balance function properly scaled by the width of the observed pseudorapidity window does not depend on the position or size of the pseudorapidity window. This scaling property also holds for particles in different transverse momentum ranges. In addition, we find that the width of the balance function decreases monotonically with increasing transverse momentum for all centrality classes. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nuclear collisions recreate conditions in the universe microseconds after the Big Bang. Only a very small fraction of the emitted fragments are light nuclei, but these states are of fundamental interest. We report the observation of antihypertritons-comprising an antiproton, an antineutron, and an antilambda hyperon-produced by colliding gold nuclei at high energy. Our analysis yields 70 +/- 17 antihypertritons (3/Lambda(H) over bar) and 157 +/- 30 hypertritons ((3)(Lambda)H). The measured yields of (3)(Lambda)H (3/Lambda(H) over bar) and (3)He ((3)(He) over bar) are similar, suggesting an equilibrium in coordinate and momentum space populations of up, down, and strange quarks and antiquarks, unlike the pattern observed at lower collision energies. The production and properties of antinuclei, and of nuclei containing strange quarks, have implications spanning nuclear and particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology.
We present the multiplicity and pseudorapidity distributions of photons produced in Au + Au and Cu + Cu collisions at root(s)NN = 62.4 and 200 GeV. The photons are measured in the region -3.7 < eta < -2.3 using the photon Multiplicity detector in the STAR experiment at RHIC. The number of photons produced per average number of participating nucleon pairs increases with the beam energy and is independent of (lie collision centrality. For collisions with similar average numbers of participating nucleons the photon multiplicities are observed to be similar for An + Au and Cu + Cu collisions at a given beam energy. The ratios of the number of charged particles to photons in the measured pseudorapidity range are found to be 1.4 +/- 0.1 and 1.2 +/- 0.1 for root(s)NN = 62.4 and 200 GeV, respectively. The energy dependence of this ratio could reflect varying contributions from baryons to charged particles, while mesons are the dominant contributors to photon production in the given kinematic region. The photon pseudorapidity distributions normalized by average number of participating nucleon pairs, when plotted as a function of eta-Y(beam), are found to follow a longitudinal scaling independent of centrality and colliding ion species at both beam energies. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
High-energy nuclear collisions create an energy density similar to that of the Universe microseconds after the Big Bang(1); in both cases, matter and antimatter are formed with comparable abundance. However, the relatively short-lived expansion in nuclear collisions allows antimatter to decouple quickly from matter, and avoid annihilation. Thus, a high-energy accelerator of heavy nuclei provides an efficient means of producing and studying antimatter. The antimatter helium-4 nucleus ((4)(He) over bar), also known as the anti-alpha ((alpha) over bar), consists of two antiprotons and two antineutrons (baryon number B = -4). It has not been observed previously, although the alpha-particle was identified a century ago by Rutherford and is present in cosmic radiation at the ten per cent level(2). Antimatter nuclei with B -1 have been observed only as rare products of interactions at particle accelerators, where the rate of antinucleus production in high-energy collisions decreases by a factor of about 1,000 with each additional antinucleon(3-5). Here we report the observation of (4)<(He) over bar, the heaviest observed antinucleus to date. In total, 18 (4)(He) over bar counts were detected at the STAR experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC; ref. 6) in 10(9) recorded gold-on-gold (Au+Au) collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 200 GeV and 62 GeV per nucleon-nucleon pair. The yield is consistent with expectations from thermodynamic(7) and coalescent nucleosynthesis(8) models, providing an indication of the production rate of even heavier antimatter nuclei and a benchmark for possible future observations of (4)(He) over bar in cosmic radiation.
We study the beam-energy and system-size dependence of phi meson production (using the hadronic decay mode phi -> K(+) K(-)) by comparing the new results from Cu + Cu collisions and previously reported Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 62.4 and 200 GeV measured in the STAR experiment at RHIC. Data presented in this Letter are from mid-rapidity (vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.5) for 0.4 < p(T) < 5 GeV/c. At a given beam energy, the transverse momentum distributions for phi mesons are observed to be similar in yield and shape for Cu + Cu and Au + Au colliding systems with similar average numbers of participating nucleons. The phi meson yields in nucleus-nucleus collisions, normalized by the average number of participating nucleons, are found to be enhanced relative to those from p + p collisions. The enhancement for phi mesons lies between strange hadrons having net strangeness = 1 (K(-) and <(A)over bar>) and net strangeness = 2 (Xi). The enhancement for phi mesons is observed to be higher at root s(NN) = 200 GeV compared to 62.4 GeV. These observations for the produced phi(s (s) over bar) mesons clearly suggest that, at these collision energies, the source of enhancement of strange hadrons is related to the formation of a dense partonic medium in high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions and cannot be alone due to canonical suppression of their production in smaller systems. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The question posed in the title has been addressed by studying the swelling of celluloses at 20 C by twenty protic solvents, including water; linear- and branched-chain aliphatic alcohols; unsaturated aliphatic alcohols, and alkoxyalcohols. The biopolymers investigated included microcrystalline cellulose, MC, native and never-dried mercerized cotton cellulose, cotton and M-cotton, and native and never-dried mercerized eucalyptus cellulose, eucalyptus and M-eucalyptus, respectively. In most cases, better correlations with the physico-chemical properties of the solvents were obtained when the swelling was expressed as number of moles of solvent/anhydroglucose unit, nSw, rather than as % increase in sample weight. The descriptors employed in these correlations included, where available, Hildebrand`s solubility parameters, Gutmann`s acceptor and donor numbers, solvent molar volume, V(S), as well as solvatochromic parameters. The latter, employed for the first time for correlating the swelling of biopolymers, included empirical solvent polarity, E(T)(30), solvent ""acidity"", alpha(S), ""basicity"", beta(S), and dipolarity/polarizability, pi(S)*, respectively. Small regression coefficients and large sums of the squares of the residues were obtained when values of nSw were correlated with two solvent parameters. Much better correlations were obtained with three solvent parameters. The most statistically significant descriptor in the correlation equation depends on the cellulose, being pi(S)* for MC, cotton, and eucalyptus, and V(S) for M-cotton and M-eucalyptus. The best correlations were obtained with the same set of four parameters for all celluloses, namely, solvent pKa (or alpha(S)) beta(S), pi(S)*, and V(S), respectively. These results indicate that the supra-molecular structure of the biopolymer, in particular the average sizes of crystallites and micro-pores, and the presence of its chains in parallel (cellulose I) or anti-parallel (cellulose II) arrangements control its swelling. At least for the present biopolymer/solvent systems, use of solvatochromic parameters is a superior alternative to Hildebrand`s solubility parameters and/or Gutmann`s acceptor and donor numbers. The relevance of these results to the accessibility of the hydroxyl groups of cellulose, hence to its reactivity, is briefly discussed.
In this article, a novel polydimethylsiloxane/activated carbon (PDMS-ACB) material is proposed as a new polymeric phase for stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE). The PDMS-ACB stir bar, assembled using a simple Teflon (R)/glass capillary mold, demonstrated remarkable stability and resistance to organic solvents for more than 150 extractions. The SBSE bar has a diameter of 2.36 mm and a length of 2.2 cm and is prepared to contain 92 mu L of polymer coating. This new PDMS-ACB bar was evaluated for its ability to determine the quantity of pesticides in sugarcane juice samples by performing liquid desorption (LD) in 200 mu L of ethyl acetate and analyzing the solvent through gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS). A fractional factorial design was used to evaluate the main parameters involved in the extraction procedure. Then, a central composite design with a star configuration was used to optimize the significant extraction parameters. The method used demonstrated a limit of quantification (LOQ) of 0.5-40 mu g/L, depending on the analyte detected; the amount of recovery varied from 0.18 to 49.50%, and the intraday precision ranged from 0.072 to 8.40%. The method was used in the analysis of real sugarcane juice samples commercially available in local markets.
If you move from Sweden to Portugal to work as an Art Director at an Ad agency, there are certain things you ought to know. Perhaps even before you decide to move. There are a lot of things that are quite different if you compare Portugal to Sweden, not only the language, but also the design, software, working hours and much more. You have for example two month with double salary, you work till six p.m. and when it comes to maternity leave, you have 100% compensation with no taxes the first four months of every pregnancy. The tasks you have to handle as an Art Director in Portugal may, as in Sweden, be various. The difference is more how you solve your task and what the design looks like. As a Swede in Portugal the solution will probably look like a mixture between the Portuguese “expressive” and the Swedish “clean” design. This degree project discusses questions that might turn up when a Swede gets employed as an Art Director in Portugal. What will the salary be? When, in the morning, is it time to show up at the office? How many weeks of vacations are entitled? There are a lot of distinctions, but also a lot of similarities. The report is mainly based upon the author’s own experiences of the Ad agency McCann-Erickson in Lisbon. The history of McCann-Erickson starts in New York, 1930 and grew rapidly into one of the leading corporation with agencies all over the world. It is still today one of the world’s largest Ad company with clients like Coca-Cola and General Motors, and the slogan “truth well told” still lights up all their agencies after almost a century, just like a leading star.
”Rörlighet för ökad hälsa” i Ludvika startade 2004. Genom denna arbetsgivarring ska arbetsgivarna tillsammans hitta lösningar för att förbättra arbetshälsan och rörligheten både mellan och inom de deltagande arbetsgivarna. En ny metod som provas är terapeutisk ridning som genomförts på Väderbacken i Smedjebacken under 2005 och 2006, ledd av Helen Edwards Lutsch. Ridterapi i sig är inte innovativt. Metoden har använts inom sjukvården och psykiatrin för rehabilitering av människor med olika funktionshinder. Vad som är nytt med den terapeutiska ridningen på Väderbacken är att den vänder sig till personer som har behov av arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering. Studier visar på att djur har en lugnande och läkande effekt på människan. Syftet med terapeutisk ridning är att pröva om metoden kan vara en verksam både i förebyggande och rehabiliterande syfte i arbetslivet.Begreppen ridterapi och terapeutisk ridning är ganska lika, men ridterapi används oftast för funktionshindrade. Ridterapi fokuserar främst ridningen och arbetet med hästar och har som främsta syfte att bygga upp generell och kroppslig hälsa. Terapeutisk ridning fokuserar terapin och använder hästen och ridningen som redskap för att utveckla tillit, självkännedom, etc.Den terapeutiska metoden avser att utveckla tillit och självkänsla hos deltagarna så att de kan acceptera sig själva som de är. Samarbetet med hästen bidrar till bearbetning av ångest och ökar koncentrationsförmågan. Deltagarnas sociala och kommunikativa förmåga förväntas utvecklas och toleransen för frustration ökar. Eftersom hästar har behov av en trygg ledare så utvecklas deltagarnas ledarskapsförmåga. De lär deltagarna att ta ansvar och samarbeta. Ridning verkar avspännande och lugnande och har en antidepressiv effekt. Även smärta kan minskas.Kursen bestod av 10 träffar. Alla deltagarna var kvinnor i åldern 35-50 år. Uppföljningar gjordes med deltagarna direkt efter kursen och efter 1 år.Slutsatserna från uppföljningarna är:• Kursen ”Terapeutisk ridning” som den utvecklats och bedrivits av Helen Lutsch på Väderbacken, inom ramen för arbetsgivarringen ”Rörlighet för ökad hälsa”, har upplevts mycket positivt av deltagarna.• Kursen har haft positiva effekter på deltagarnas välbefinnande och förmåga att hantera sin livs- och arbetssituation.• Effekterna finns fortfarande kvar 1 år efter avslutad kurs. Men, det är svårt att hålla kvar det ändrade beteendet. En regelbunden uppföljning av kursen skulle ge påminnelser och påfyllning.