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O câncer, manifestação originada pelo crescimento descontrolado de células, afeta milhões de indivíduos. Os macrófagos são as primeiras células a serem ativadas para participar de uma resposta imunológica propriamente dita, são células capazes de secretar mais de cem produtos biologicamente ativos, entre esses, espécies reativas de nitrogênio e citocinas que atuam no contexto da resposta imunológica e/ou inflamatória. Sabendo que compostos de paládio (II) podem apresentar potenciais atividades antitumorais, neste trabalho foram testado os compostos de fórmula geral PdI2 (tdmPz) e Pd (SCN)2 (tdmPz), quanto a atividade anti-inflamatória e antitumoral. Como droga padrão das reações realizadas foi utilizada a cisplatina. Foi determinada a ação destes compostos frente ao sistema imunológico através, de ensaios de determinação de índice de citotoxicidade mediano (IC50) pela técnica de MTT, óxido nítrico (NO) e determinação das citocinas pró-inflamatórias TNF- e IL-12. Além disso, foi determinada a atividade antitumoral dos compostos frente à célula tumoral de Ehrlich. Os resultados não mostraram produção de NO e das citocinas IL-12 e TNF- pelos macrófagos peritoneais de animais normais e animais portadores do tumor de Ehrlich na sua forma sólida. No que se referem à atividade tóxica dos compostos testados, estes mostraram efeito citotóxico sobre os macrófagos e sobre a linhagem tumoral testada. Sendo assim mesmo não havendo a produção de mediadores próinflamatórios, os compostos apresentaram uma considerável citotoxicidade frente às células tumorais de Ehrlich e macrófagos peritoneais
This paper tries, across research, books, magazines and charts that relate to the architecture of today, establishing a direction as to the technological advances that may be involved in the architecture project. Such that the configuration space has flexibility to meet the basic architectural principles and the wishes of the user, who should participate as a key character of the decisions of spatialization - interface. Both the personal point of view of their social relations within the housing, and the functional environments equipped and qualified to meet expectations during its use. Respecting the power of free choice of human beings, not to put yourself to the detriment by excessive use of technology. And still look for ways to integrate the individual to society connected to your network - home. Keywords: interface, information, technology, space flexibility
With reference to curricular changes proposed by the CNE Resolution 1 /2002 and CNE 2/2002 on Teacher Education in Basic Education teaching degree - this study aims to analyze the new professional profile proposed in curriculum pedagogy , Physical Education , Science Biology , Mathematics , Physics and Geography . Within the curriculum guidelines was observed in a more normative articulated curriculum, focused on action-reflection- action. A guided design in practical rationality and the skills set without breaking the commitment of the public university with emancipation and quality education . Although there is this understanding we must also attend to the care that must be given to the new guidelines , based on the same reveal great concern with vocational training , with its instrumentation , with the pragmatic and utilitarian dimension of the training process . It is noteworthy that throughout the twentieth century in Brazil , where he fought for educational policies that were to solidify the construction of teacher identity , but the gains have largely remained restricted to the issue of educational reforms and a roster of disciplines , called pedagogical varnish . Therefore, this work is to deepen this thematic perspective , studying the identity of the teacher in the new curriculum design presented by undergraduate courses . Therefore , the central objective seeks to understand how the identity of teacher ( professional profile ) was presented in the proposals for teacher training , as well as the different elements that make up this identity process . Specifically if you want to ( a) identify the proposals of courses for Teachers of Primary Education , UNESP / RC - Institute of Biosciences and Geosciences and Exact Sciences - Biological Sciences , Physical Education , Physics , Geography , Mathematics and Pedagogy - the proposed profile and ( b ) analyze the fundamental knowledge that this professional listing the elements...
The purpose of this work is to study the incorporation of hydrogen production (Case A) and the process of gasification of sugarcane bagasse associated with combined cycle gas turbine and steam turbine (Case B) for Distillery Pioneers process. These technologies can be used to improve the energy supply in the sugarcane mill. Initially the processes for obtaining sugar and ethanol from sugarcane is discussed, with a theoretical introduction to hydrogen, the process of steam reforming and gasification of biomass (bagasse) by inserting a turbine associated with the recovery boiler gas. Subsequently makes up the energy and exergy analysis of the incorporation of the above technologies. In end stage makes it an ecological analysis considering or not the carbon cycle (photosynthesis), to determine the levels of emissions of pollutants, carbon dioxide equivalent, indicators of pollution and ecological efficiencies associated with technological developments proposed. It is concluded that hydrogen production by steam reforming of ethanol and gasification of bagasse are viable alternatives from the point of view of technical and environmental applications in the biofuels industry, contributing to the development of the sector in the country
This paper aims to discuss the approach of sentences concessive on grammars and teaching books in Portuguese in order to ascertain to what extent is closer or more distant from the description of sentences concessive in real interaction from the perspective of Functional Discourse Grammar. Were consulted normative grammars, descriptive and five textbooks used in primary schools. In some, the grant was not addressed, as in others, we note that, in general, have definitions which simply equate concessive clauses a concept syntactic and sometimes semantic, detaching it from the domain of pragmatic language. This level of analysis is not left out, however, by the prospect Functional Discourse, which analyzes the pragmatic as the broader component within which we analyze the semantics and syntax. From this point of view, we intend to propose new emphases in approach given the award by the grammars and the teaching materials.
This work studies the incorporation of new technologies in the sugarcane sector. Are considered the ethanol steam reforming and the gasification of sugarcane bagasse(by-product) processes associated with combined cycle systems (Gas Turbine + Steam Turbine), aggregating hydrogen production and increased electricity supply in the sector, respectively. To verify the technical feasibility of the incorporation processes was performed a thermodynamic analysis, considering data from a typical Brazilian Sugar Cane Industry. In another step the economic viability study of the hydrogen production process was made, with consideration on hydrated and anhydrous ethanol steam reform, comparing the cost of hydrogen production. Also considered studies of economic engineering of the gasification process and the generation of electricity associated. As conclusions, it follows that the ethanol steam reforming is a great alternative for hydrogen production, presenting production cost relatively low, especially when is considered the steam reforming of hydrated ethanol. For the gasification process associated with combined cycle, can be observed an increase of 8.56 times of the electricity production in the sugar cane industry, indicating a positive annual saving when the sales price of the supply electricity is greater than 0.070 US$/kWh. Finally it can be concluded that the incorporation of these new processes allow greater profitability and operational flexibility of Brazilian sugarcane mills
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
The process of steel production emits a large quantity of greenhouse gases, specifically carbon dioxide (CO2), and the reduction of such emissions is one of the main challenges for the industry in the 21st. Century. To quantify these emissions, the Worldsteel Association (association of the 170 large steel manufacturers of the world) published a methodology (CO2 Emission Data Collection) for calculation and comparison of CO2 emissions among its members. After that, in 2010, this methodology became an ISO (International Organization for Standardization) norm. Today, the calculation of the CO2 emissions in steel making companies follow the ISO 14404-1 for units with blast furnaces and the ISO 14404-2 for units with electric furnaces. In the last years, new technologies were and continue to be developed for the steel making sector aiming at energetic improvements and greenhouse gas reductions (mainly CO2) by the several processes involved in the production of steel. This work had the objective of producing a tool to calculate the CO2 emissions for the steel making sector. An Excel spreadsheet was developed to calculate the emission intensities of CO2 of a steel plant, the Usina Presidente Vargas, of the Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN). The spreadsheet furnishes results of CO2 emissions and energetic fluxes, and simulates the benefits that some of the new technologies can give to the company. The spreadsheet calculates the emissions in two ways: a) based on the carbon fluxes that enter the unit, and b) based on the emissions of each specific process within the unit (coking, sinterization, blast furnace, among others)
We aim to contribute to studies on the restructuring of the city with a focus on consumption. In the context where cities become the main place of action of man, a deep set of transformations has occurred. We are interested in understanding the redefinition of the logical production and appropriation of urban spaces for consumption of materials and services. For the analysis of delimitation of those commercial and service areas was made to compare the reality observed on the ground and indirectly through data acquisition and mapping obtained from the National Address List for Statistical Purposes, with the boundaries established by zoning and / or by municipal director plans of the cities studied, together with the classification of commercial establishments and in accordance with the standards of the National Classification of Economic Activities Services. We believe the importance of analyzing the process of concentration and dispersion of stores and / or services of Londrina (PR), Presidente Prudente (SP) and Ribeirão Preto (SP)...
Este texto discorre sobre diferentes concepções de avaliação, que, uma vez materializadas nos instrumentos, devem possibilitar reflexões sobre o estado do objeto avaliado e sobre as práticas educativas que promovem mudanças ou se perpetuam pela reprodução. Destaca a questão do uso de indicadores de forma crítica e busca, nos argumentos que fundamentam essa criticidade, o respaldo para reorientar a gestão educativa. Nesse sentido, discute a intencionalidade da avaliação institucional e dos programas de avaliação de resultados dos sistemas de ensino. Oferece ainda algumas pistas para que, na perspectiva da gestão, as ações avaliativas, pelo seu potencial regulador, tenham participação efetiva na qualificação dos processos educativos. A avaliação, enquanto instrumento de regulação do processo de gestão, o reconstrói.
This study investigated, by descriptive documental research, the intervention models in Sexual Education in the school with the participation of the family and use of new technologies. The methodological stages were: collects in bases of data, selection and reading of the studies and elaboration of thematic groupings, by the content analysis. Four thematic group were elaborated: 1) intervention models with professionals; 2) intervention models with adolescents; 3) intervention models with the direct participation of the family and 4) Appreciation of the family’s participation in sexual education. The analised articles prioritize the adolescent population, when descrive the intervention. Few studies consider the family as important to sexual education and the techniques of the computer science are not very explored as pedagogic resources.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)