943 resultados para Naevius, Gnaeus, ca. 270-ca. 200 B.C.
Tb3+ doped CaZrO3 has been prepared by an easy solution combustion synthesis method. The combustion derived powder was investigated by X-ray diffraction, Fourier-transform infrared spectrometry and scanning electron microscopy techniques. A room temperature photoluminescence study showed that the phosphors can be efficiently excited by 251 nm light with a weak emission in the blue and orange region and a strong emission in green light region. CaZrO3:Tb3+ exhibits three thermoluminescence (TL) glow peaks at 126 degrees C, 200 degrees C and 480 degrees C. Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) studies were carried out to study the defect centres induced in the phosphor by gamma irradiation and also to identify the centres responsible for the TL peaks. The room temperature ESR spectrum of irradiated phosphor appears to be a superposition of two distinct centres. One of the centres (centre I) with principal g-value 2.0233 is identified as an O- ion. Centre II with an axial symmetric g-tensor with principal values g(parallel to) = 1.9986 and g(perpendicular to) = 2.0023 is assigned to an F+ centre (singly ionised oxygen vacancy). An additional defect centre is observed during thermal annealing experiments and this centre (assigned to F+ centre) seems to originate from an F centre (oxygen vacancy with two electrons). The F centre and also the F+ centre appear to correlate with the observed high temperature TL peak in CaZrO3:Tb3+ phosphor. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Abstract Background The naturally-acquired immune response to Plasmodium vivax variant antigens (VIR) was evaluated in individuals exposed to malaria and living in different endemic areas for malaria in the north of Brazil. Methods Seven recombinant proteins representing four vir subfamilies (A, B, C, and E) obtained from a single patient from the Amazon Region were expressed in Escherichia coli as soluble glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins. The different recombinant proteins were compared by ELISA with regard to the recognition by IgM, IgG, and IgG subclass of antibodies from 200 individuals with patent infection. Results The frequency of individuals that presented antibodies anti-VIR (IgM plus IgG) during the infection was 49%. The frequencies of individuals that presented IgM or IgG antibodies anti-VIR were 29.6% or 26.0%, respectively. The prevalence of IgG antibodies against recombinant VIR proteins was significantly lower than the prevalence of antibodies against the recombinant proteins representing two surface antigens of merozoites of P. vivax: AMA-1 and MSP119 (57.0% and 90.5%, respectively). The cellular immune response to VIR antigens was evaluated by in vitro proliferative assays in mononuclear cells of the individuals recently exposed to P. vivax. No significant proliferative response to these antigens was observed when comparing malaria-exposed to non-exposed individuals. Conclusion This study provides evidence that there is a low frequency of individuals responding to each VIR antigens in endemic areas of Brazil. This fact may explain the host susceptibility to new episodes of the disease.
We evaluated the expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), glutamine synthetase (GS), ionized calcium binding adaptor protein-1 (Iba-1), and ferritin in rats after single or repeated lipopolysaccharide (LPS) treatment, which is known to induce endotoxin tolerance and glial activation. Male Wistar rats (200-250 g) received ip injections of LPS (100 µg/kg) or saline for 6 days: 6 saline (N = 5), 5 saline + 1 LPS (N = 6) and 6 LPS (N = 6). After the sixth injection, the rats were perfused and the brains were collected for immunohistochemistry. After a single LPS dose, the number of GFAP-positive cells increased in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (ARC; 1 LPS: 35.6 ± 1.4 vs control: 23.1 ± 2.5) and hippocampus (1 LPS: 165.0 ± 3.0 vs control: 137.5 ± 2.5), and interestingly, 6 LPS injections further increased GFAP expression in these regions (ARC = 52.5 ± 4.3; hippocampus = 182.2 ± 4.1). We found a higher GS expression only in the hippocampus of the 6 LPS injections group (56.6 ± 0.8 vs 46.7 ± 1.9). Ferritin-positive cells increased similarly in the hippocampus of rats treated with a single (49.2 ± 1.7 vs 28.1 ± 1.9) or repeated (47.6 ± 1.1 vs 28.1 ± 1.9) LPS dose. Single LPS enhanced Iba-1 in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN: 92.8 ± 4.1 vs 65.2 ± 2.2) and hippocampus (99.4 ± 4.4 vs 73.8 ± 2.1), but had no effect in the retrochiasmatic nucleus (RCA) and ARC. Interestingly, 6 LPS increased the Iba-1 expression in these hypothalamic and hippocampal regions (RCA: 57.8 ± 4.6 vs 36.6 ± 2.2; ARC: 62.4 ± 6.0 vs 37.0 ± 2.2; PVN: 100.7 ± 4.4 vs 65.2 ± 2.2; hippocampus: 123.0 ± 3.8 vs 73.8 ± 2.1). The results suggest that repeated LPS treatment stimulates the expression of glial activation markers, protecting neuronal activity during prolonged inflammatory challenges.
The conjugated frustrated phosphane/borane Lewis pairs formed by 1,1-carboboration of a substituted diphenylphosphino acetylene, undergo a synergistic 1,1-addition reaction to n-butyl isocyanide with formation of new B-C and P-C bonds to the former isonitrile carbon atom. Using tert-butyl isocyanide dynamic behaviour between the isocyanide-[B] adduct and the 1,1-addition product formation was observed in solution. The different modes of isocyanide binding to the FLPs in the solid state were characterized using X-ray crystal structure analyses and comprehensive 11B and 31P solid-state magicangle- spinning (MAS-) NMR experiments. The free FLP, the Lewis adduct at the borane group, and the cyclic product resulting from isocyanide addition to both reaction centers, can be differentiated via 11B and 31P isotropic chemical shifts, 11B nuclear electric quadrupole coupling constants, isotropic indirect 11B-31P spin-spin coupling constants, and 11B...31P internuclear distances measured by rotational echo double resonance.
La presente dissertazione illustra lo studio, svolto in ambito di Tesi di Laurea Specialistica, della difesa delle aree di pianura prospicienti il tratto medio inferiore del Fiume Po dalle cosiddette piene al limite della prevedibilità, ovvero quelle aventi intensità al di sopra della quale le procedure di stima statistica perdono di significato a causa della mancanza di eventi osservati confrontabili (Majone, Tomirotti, 2006). In questo contesto si è definito come evento di piena al limite della prevedibiltà un evento con tempo di ritorno pari a cinquecento anni. Lo studio ha necessariamente preso in considerazione e riprodotto attraverso una schematizzazione concettuale le esondazioni all'esterno delle arginature maestre che si verificherebbero in conseguenza ad un evento estremo, quale quello preso in esame, nei comparti idraulici prospicienti l'asta fluviale. Detti comparti sono costituiti dalle zone di pianura latistanti l’asta fluviale, classificate dall'Autorità di Bacino come Fascia C e suddivise in base alla presenza degli affluenti principali del fiume Po e delle principali infrastrutture viarie e ferroviarie situate in tale fascia. Il presente studio persegue l’obiettivo di analizzare alcune politiche di intervento per la mitigazione del rischio alluvionale alternative al sovralzo e ringrosso arginale e ricade all'interno delle linee strategiche individuate dall' AdB-Po per la mitigazione del rischio residuale, ossia quello che permane anche in presenza di opere di difesa progettate e verificate con riferimento ad un ben preciso tempo di ritorno (nel caso in esame Trit = 200 anni). Questa linea di intervento si traduce praticamente individuando sul territorio aree meno "sensibili", in virtù del minor valore o dell'inferiore vulnerabilità dei beni in esse presenti, e dunque adatte ad accogliere i volumi di piena esondabili in occasione di quegli eventi di piena incompatibili con i presidi idraulici preesistenti, le sopra richiamate piene al limite della prevedibilità. L'esondazione controllata dei volumi di piena in tali aree avrebbe infatti il fine di tutelare le aree di maggior pregio, interessate da centri abitati, infrastrutture e beni di vario tipo; tale controllo è da considerarsi auspicabile in quanto sedici milioni di persone abitano la zona del bacino del Po e qui sono concentrati il 55% del patrimonio zootecnico italiano, il 35% della produzione agricola e il 37% delle industrie le quali però sostengono il 46% dei posti di lavoro (fonte AdB-Po). Per questi motivi il Po e il suo bacino sono da considerare come zone nevralgiche per l’intera economia italiana e una delle aree europee con la più alta concentrazione di popolazione, industrie e attività commerciali. Dal punto di vista economico, l’area è strategica per il Paese garantendo un PIL che copre il 40% di quello nazionale, grazie alla presenza di grandi industrie e di una quota rilevante di piccole e medie imprese, nonché d’attività agricole e zootecniche diffuse. Il punto di partenza è stato il modello numerico quasi-bidimensionale precedentemente sviluppato dal DISTART nel 2008 con il software HEC-RAS, la cui schematizzazione geometrica copriva unicamente l'alveo del Fiume (Fasce A e B secondo la denominazione adottata dall'AdB-Po) e le cui condizioni iniziali e al contorno rispecchiavano un evento con tempo di ritorno pari a duecento anni. Si è proceduto dunque alla definizione di nuove sollecitazioni di progetto, volte a riprodurre nelle sezioni strumentate del Po gli idrogrammi sintetici con tempo di ritorno di cinquecento anni messi a punto dal D.I.I.A.R. (Dipartimento di Ingegneria Idraulica, Ambientale e del Rilevamento, DIIAR, 2001) del Politecnico di Milano. Il modello stesso è stato poi aggiornato e considerevolmente modificato. Il risultato consiste in un nuovo modello matematico idraulico di tipo quasi-bidimensionale che, attraverso una schematizzazione concettuale, riproduce il comportamento idraulico in occasione di eventi di piena al limite della prevedibilità per tutte e tre le Fasce Fluviali considerate nel Piano stralcio per l’Assetto Idrogeologico redatto dall'AdB-Po (Fasce A, B C, v. PAI, 1999). I diversi comparti idraulici in cui può essere suddivisa la Fascia C sono stati inseriti nel modello e geometricamente descritti in termini di curve di riempimento, ricavate a partire dal DTM del Bacino del Po attraverso opportune elaborazioni in ambiente GIS (Geographic Information System). Una volta predisposto il modello sono state condotte due tipologie di simulazioni. Una prima serie è stata volta alla definizione in maniera iterativa dei punti critici degli argini maestri, ovvero quelli nei quali si prevedeva avvenisse la tracimazione, e alla modellazione in essi della formazione di brecce, decisive per una corretta riproduzione del fenomeno di esondazione all'esterno delle arginature maestre nell'attuale configurazione; bisogna infatti considerare che le arginature maestre vengono comunemente progettate con il solo fine di contenere le portate di piena in alveo, e che dunque un’eventuale tracimazione induce fenomeni erosivi che solitamente portano all'apertura di una breccia nel manufatto (rotta arginale). Un'ulteriore simulazione ha permesso di valutare l'evoluzione del fenomeno sotto l'ipotesi di un intervento di consolidamento degli argini maestri nei tratti critici (interessati dai sormonti) e quindi di rotta arginale impedita. Il confronto dei risultati ottenuti ha evidenziato i benefici associati ad una laminazione controllata dell'evento di piena all'esterno delle arginature. In questo contesto il termine "controllata" è esclusivamente associato al fenomeno di rotta arginale, come detto inibita per lo scenario ipotetico. I benefici di tale controllo si hanno in termini di volumi, di portate esondate e di tiranti attesi nei comparti idraulici. Lo strumento modellistico predisposto nell’ambito della Tesi di Laurea Specialistica si presta ad essere utilizzato a supporto dell’identificazione su ampia scala delle zone della Fascia C meno “sensibili”, in quanto meno vulnerabili ai fenomeni di allagamento. Questo ulteriore passaggio costituisce il punto di partenza per delineare le strategie ottimali di laminazione controllata in Fascia C degli eventi al limite della prevedibilità al fine della riduzione del rischio idraulico nelle aree di pianura prospicienti il Po, aspetto che verrà affrontato in sviluppi successivi del presente lavoro.
Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden im Zuge derAjmalinbiosynthese in Rauvolfia serpentina die NADPH2abhängigen Reduktionsschritte des Alkaloids Vomilenin zu 17O Acetylnorajmalin genauer untersucht.Dabei konnte erstmals die exakte Reaktionsreihenfolgeaufgedeckt und die daran beteiligten Enzyme ausPflanzenzellsuspensionskulturen isoliert und aufgereinigtwerden. Die ausgearbeiteten, optimierten Reinigungsprotokolleführten in wenigen Stufen gezielt zu den voneinandergetrennten Reduktase Fraktionen. Durch die Trennung derReduktase Aktivitäten war der Grundstein gelegt, dasZwischenprodukt der Reaktion anzureichern und mitverschiedenen analytischen Verfahren als 2?-(R)-1.2Dihydrovomilenin zu identifizieren. Die daraufhin vergebenenBezeichnungen Vomilenin Reduktase (EC. und 1.2Dihydrovomilenin Reduktase (EC. zielen auf dasumzusetzende Substrat ab.Für die Vomilenin Reduktase konnte eine 4 stufige Reinigungüber (NH4)2SO4 Fällung, Anionen-austauschchromatographie mitSOURCE 30Q, Hydrophobe Interaktionschromatographie an SOURCE15Phe und Affinitätschromatographie mit 2,5 ADP Sepharoseausgearbeitet werden. Hierbei konnte die 1.2Dihydrovomilenin Reduktase schon nach dem erstensäulenchromatogra-phischen Schritt (S 30Q) abgetrenntwerden. Das am Ende der Proteinreinigung angefertigte SDSGel zeigte nur noch 3 Banden, von denen die beiden bei ca.40 und 43 kDa gelegenen Banden mit dem Aktivitätsverlaufder Vomilenin Reduktase korrelierten. Diese wurden einempartiellen Verdau mit der Endoproteinase LysC unterworfen,wobei jeweils 2 Spaltpeptide erhalten werden konnten.Die 1.2 Dihydrovomilenin Reduktase Reinigung umfaßte 6Reinigungsschritte mit (NH4)2SO4-Fällung, SOURCE 30QAnionenaustauschchromatographie, HydroxylapatitChromatographie, 2,5 ADP Sepharose-Chromatographie,Anionenaustausch an DEAE Sepharose und abschließen-denAnionenaustausch über MonoQ. Die resultierendeProteinfraktion wies eine ca. 200 fache Anreicherung an 1.2Dihydrovomilenin Reduktase auf. Auch hierbei wurde die nachSDS Gelelek-trophorese als 1.2 Dihydrovomilenin Reduktasebestimmte Proteinbande (bei ca. 48 kDa) sequen-ziert. Eskonnten vier Peptidfragmente erhalten werden, die ebenso wiedie sequenzierten Peptidstücke der 40 und 43 kDa Bande einehohe Homologie zu Oxidoreduktasen, im einzelnen zuCinnamoylalcohol- und Mannitol Dehydrogenasen, aufwiesen.Um die Identität der sequenzierten Proteinbanden zubestätigen, wurde über reverse genetics die jeweilscodierende cDNA eruiert. Dafür wurden - ausgehend von denPeptidstücken der Mikro-sequenzierung - degenerierte Primerentwickelt und über PCR Teilbereiche der cDNA amplifiziert.Diese konnten für eine radioaktive Durchmusterung einerRauvolfia cDNA Bank herangezogen werden. Alternativ botallein die Kenntnis der spezifischen Nukleotidabfolge dieMöglichkeit der Gewinnung von 5 und 3 Ende derVollängenklone durch RACE PCR.Nach Abschluß dieser Arbeiten konnten für die 40 und 48 kDaBande je ein Vollängenklon und für die 43 kDa Bande 2Vollängenklone (Isoformen) gefunden werden. SämtlicheVollängenklone besitzen einen offenen Leserahmen, der durchnicht zu translatierende Bereiche am 5 und 3 Endeeingefaßt wird. Um die entsprechenden Proteine produzierenzu können, mußten die dafür codierenden cDNA Bereiche dereinzelnen Klone in ein geeignetes Vektor Wirt-System(Expressionssystem) eingebracht werden.Nach erfolgreicher Umklonierung wurde die Expression durchIPTG Zugabe kontrolliert und Proteinrohextrakte aus denBakterienstämmen isoliert. Als Substrate wurden Vomilenin,das strukturisomere Alkaloid Perakin und aufgrund derHomologien zu Cinnamoylalcohol und Mannitol Dehydrogenasen Zimtaldehyd, Dihydrozimtaldehyd und D(-)Fructose getestet. In allen E. coli Stämmen konnte ein unspezifischesReduktionspotential nachgewiesen werden, ohne daß jedochVomilenin reduziert wurde. Die Testung der 1.2Dihydrovomilenin Reduktase Klone mußte wegen Substratmangelentfallen.Die weitere Charakterisierung der pflanzlichen Enzymeerbrachte eine enorm hohe Substratspezifität mit einer sichauf Rauvolfia beschränkenden taxonomischen Verbreitung.Die Molekulargewichtsbestimmung für die Vomilenin Reduktaseergab nach Größenausschluß-chromatographie an Superdex 75ein Gewicht von etwa 43 kDa. Das ebenfalls über Superdex 75ermittelte Molekulargewicht für die 1.2 DihydrovomileninReduktase lag bei ca. 49.8 kDa. Weiterhin wurde eine Metallionenabhängigkeit für dieVomilenin Reduktase aufgezeigt und die Cofaktorspezifitätsowie die pH und Temperatur Optima für beide Reduktasenbestimmt.
The study of the objects LaTène type found in middle-eastern alpine region (Trentino Alto Adige-Südtirol, Engadina, North Tirol, Voralberg and Villach basin) is aimed to a better comprehension of the complex net of relationships established among the Celts, settled both in the central Europe territories and, since the IV century b.C., in the Po Plain, and the local populations. The ancient authors, who called the inhabitants of this area Raeti, propose for this territory the usual pattern according to which, the population of a region was formed consequently to a migration or was caused by the hunting of pre-existing peoples. The archaeologists, in the last thirty years, recognized a cultural facies typical of the middle-eastern alpine territory during the second Iron Age, and defined that as Fritzens-Sanzeno culture (from the sites of Fritzens, Inn valley, and Sanzeno, Non Valley). The so-called Fritzens-Sanzeno culture spread out without breaks from the material culture of the final Bronze Age and the first Iron Age. This local substratum, characterized by a ceramic repertoire strongly standardized, by peculiar architectural solutions and by a particular typology of rural sacred places (Brandopferplätze), accepted, above all during the second Iron Age, the strong influences coming from the Etruscan world and from the Celtic one (evident in the presence of objects of ornament, of glass artefacts, of elements of the weaponry and of coins). The objects LaTène type become, with different degrees of reliability, important markers of the relationships existing between the Celts and the Raeti, although the ways of interaction (cultural influence, people's movements, commercial exchanges, gifts among élites etc.) is not still clear. The revision of published data and the study of unpublished materials allows to define a rich and articulated picture both to chronological level and to territorial one.
Zusammenfassung Das 2,7-Polyfluoren (2,7-PF) wurde in neuer Zeit sowohl wegen seiner einfachen Synthese und hohen Fluoreszenzquantenausbeuten als auch seiner chemischen und thermischen Stabilität intensiv untersucht. Leider liegt das Emissionsmaximum von 2,7-PF in einem Bereich, bei dem das menschliche Auge nicht genügend Sensitivität aufweist. Das Leiter-Poly(p-phenylen) (LPPP) besitzt die optimale Wellenlänge. Jedoch zeigt das LPPP wegen seines steifen Rückgrates große Aggregationstendenz im Film auf, wodurch die Emissionsfarbe bathochrom verschoben und die Photolumineszenzquantenausbeute verringert wird. Es ist deshalb wünschenswert, Polymere zu synthetisieren, die eine längerwellige Emissionsbande als 2,7-PF und eine geringere Aggregationstendenz als LPPP 20 besitzen. Eine Reihe neuer blau emittierender Polymere auf der Basis von Indenofluoren- und Fluoren-Bausteinen mit geringer Aggregationstendenz, hoher thermischer und chemischer Stabilität sowie guter Verarbeitbarkeit wurden dargestellt. Die Polymere weisen eine hohe thermische Stabilität auf (Zersetzung ca.: 310 °C) und sind sehr gut löslich in organischen Lösungsmitteln. Das Absorptionsmaximum des 2,8-Polyindenofluoren (2,8-PIF) in Chloroform liegt bei 416 nm, das Emissionsmaximun bei 432 nm. Die Phasenumwandlungstemperatur beim PIF liegt ca. bei 260 °C. Leider zeigen 2,8-PIF Aggregationstendenzen im Film. Um die Aggregation komplett zu unterbinden, wurden Polyphenylene als Seitenketten an das Dibromfluoren angebracht. Anschließend wurde nach Yamamoto polymerisiert. Das dendritnische PF (DPF) weist die gleiche thermische Stabilität wie die PIFs 28 auf (Zersetzung: 340 °C). Das Polymer 62a ist sehr gut löslich in Toluol, Xylol und chlorierten organischen Lösungsmitteln. Die Absorptions- und Emissionsmaxima des DPFs in Lösung (Chloroform) weisen keine Veränderung gegenüber PF auf. Die Emissionsmaxima des DPFs im Film und nach dem Tempern (100 °C, 24 h) zeigen lediglich eine Verschiebung um 8 nm. Eine Aggregatenbande entsteht jedoch nicht. Dies unterstreicht die abschirmende Eigenschaft der dendritischen Substituenten. Durch Copolymerisation lassen sich die Eigenschaften von Polymeren variieren. Um die Aggregationstendenz der PIF-Derivate zu verringern, wurden die entsprechenden Monomere in verschiedenen Verhältnissen copolymerisiert. Durch die Copolymerisation wurde die PL-Quantenausbeute auf 50 % erhöht. Weiterhin wurden Copolymere von Indenofluoren und 9,10-Dibromanthracen, und erschiedenen Perylenen hergestellt, um zu blau, rot und grün emittierenden Polymeren zu gelangen. Alle blau emittierenden Polymeren wurden in Leuchtdioden untersucht. Das DPF und das Copolymer aus Indenofluoren und Anthracene wiesen die besten Eigenschaften hierfür auf.
This work comprises three different types of unconventional correlated systems.rnChapters 3-5 of this work are about the open shell compounds Rb4O6 and Cs4O6. These mixed valent compounds contain oxygen in two different modifications: the closed-shell peroxide anion is nonmagnetic, whereas the hyperoxide anion contains an unpaired electrons in an antibonding pi*-orbital. Due to this electron magnetic ordering is rendered possible. In contrast to theoretical predictions, which suggested half-metallic ferromagnetism for Rb4O6,rndominating antiferromagnetic interactions were found in the experiment. Besidesrna symmetry reduction due to the mixed valency, strong electronic correlations of this highly molecular system determine its properties; it is a magnetically frustrated insulator. The corresponding Cs4O6 was found to show similar properties.rnChapters 6-9 of this work are about intermetallic Heusler superconductors. rnAll of these superconductors were rationally designed using the van Hove scenario as a working recipe. A saddle point in the energy dispersion curve of a solid leads to a van Hove singularity in the density of states. In the Ni-based and Pd-based Heusler superconductors presented in this work this sort of a valence instability occurs at the high-symmetry L point and coincides or nearly coincides with the Fermi level. The compounds escape the high density of states at the Fermi energy through a transition into the correlated superconducting state.rnChapter 10 of this work is about the tetragonally distorted ferrimagnetic DO22 phase of Mn3Ga. This hard-magnetic modification is technologically useful for spin torque transfer applications. The phase exhibits two different crystallographic sites that are occupied by Mn atoms and can thus be written as Mn2MnGa. The competition between the mainly itinerant moments of the Mn atoms at the Wyckoff position 4d and the localized moments of the Mn atoms at the Wyckoff position 2b leads to magnetic correlations. The antiferromagnetic orientation of these moments determines the compound to exhibit a resulting magnetic moment of approximately 1 µB per formula unit in a partially compensated ferrimagnetic configuration.
Diamant ist das härteste Mineral – und dazu ein Edelstein -, das unter höchstem Druck und hohen Temperaturen in tiefen kontinentalen Regionen der Erde kristallisiert. Die Mineraleinschlüsse in Diamanten werden durch die physikalische Stabilität und chemische Beständigkeit der umgebenden – eigentlich metastabilen -Diamant-Phase geschützt. Aufgrund der koexistierenden Phasenkombination ermöglichen sie, die Mineral-Entwicklung zu studieren, während deren der Einschlüssen und die Diamanten kristallisierten. rnDie Phasenkombinationen von Diamant und Chrom-Pyrop, Chrom-Diopsid, Chromit, Olivin, Graphit und Enstatit nebeneinander (teilweise in Berührungsexistenz) mit Chrom-Pyrop Einschlüssen wurden von neunundzwanzig Diamant-Proben von sechs Standorten in Südafrika (Premier, Koffiefontein, De Beers Pool, Finsch, Venetia und Koingnaas Minen) und Udachnaya (Sibirien/Russland) identifiziert und charakterisiert. Die Mineraleinschlüsse weisen z.T. kubo-oktaedrische Form auf, die unabhängig von ihren eigenen Kristallsystemen ausgebildet werden können. Das bedeutet, dass sie syngenetische Einschlüsse sind, die durch die sehr hohe Formenergie des umgebenden Diamanten morphologisch unter Zwang stehen. Aus zweidiemnsionalen Messungen der ersten Ordnung von charakteristischen Raman-Banden lassen sich relative Restdrucke in Diamanten zwischen Diamant und Einschlussmineral gewinnen; sie haben charakteristische Werte von ca. 0,4 bis 0,9 GPa um Chrom-Pyrop-Einschlüsse, 0,6 bis 2,0 GPa um Chrom-Diopsid-Einschlüsse, 0,3 bis 1,2 GPa um Olivin-Einschlüsse, 0,2 bis 1,0 GPa um Chromit-Einschlüsse, beziehungsweise 0,5 GPa um Graphit Einschlüsse.rnDie kristallstrukturellen Beziehung von Diamanten und ihren monomineralischen Einschlüssen wurden mit Hilfe der Quantifizierung der Winkelkorrelationen zwischen der [111] Richtung von Diamanten und spezifisch ausgewählten Richtungen ihrer mineralischen Einschlüsse untersucht. Die Winkelkorrelationen zwischen Diamant [111] und Chrom-Pyrop [111] oder Chromit [111] zeigen die kleinsten Verzerrungen von 2,2 bis zu 3,4. Die Chrom-Diopsid- und Olivin-Einschlüsse zeigen die Missorientierungswerte mit Diamant [111] bis zu 10,2 und 12,9 von Chrom-Diopsid [010] beziehungsweise Olivin [100].rnDie chemische Zusammensetzung von neun herausgearbeiteten (orientiertes Anschleifen) Einschlüssen (drei Chrom-Pyrop-Einschlüsse von Koffiefontein-, Finsch- und Venetia-Mine (zwei von drei koexistieren nebeneinander mit Enstatit), ein Chromit von Udachnaya (Sibirien/Russland), drei Chrom-Diopside von Koffiefontein, Koingnaas und Udachnaya (Sibirien/Russland) und zwei Olivin Einschlüsse von De Beers Pool und Koingnaas) wurden mit Hilfe EPMA und LA-ICP-MS analysiert. Auf der Grundlage der chemischen Zusammensetzung können die Mineraleinschlüsse in Diamanten in dieser Arbeit der peridotitischen Suite zugeordnet werden.rnDie Geothermobarometrie-Untersuchungen waren aufgrund der berührenden Koexistenz von Chrom-Pyrop- und Enstatit in einzelnen Diamanten möglich. Durchschnittliche Temperaturen und Drücke der Bildung sind mit ca. 1087 (± 15) C, 5,2 (± 0,1) GPa für Diamant DHK6.2 von der Koffiefontein Mine beziehungsweise ca. 1041 (± 5) C, 5,0 (± 0,1) GPa für Diamant DHF10.2 von der Finsch Mine zu interpretieren.rn
La Tesi Materiale epigrafico per la ricostruzione dei contatti nel Mediterraneo tra il 1200 a.C. e il 500 a.C. si propone di illustrare i complessi rapporti instauratisi tra i vari popoli che si affacciarono sulle rive del Mediterraneo e nelle sue vicinanze, tra il 1200 e il 500 a.C. circa, quali emergono dalle iscrizioni disponibili, principalmente greche e semitiche (soprattutto fenicie, ebraiche, aramaiche e assire), prendendo tuttavia in esame anche iscrizioni ittite, egiziane, frigie, etrusche e celtiche. Le date suddette riguardano due eventi cruciali, che sconvolsero il Mediterraneo: gli attacchi dei Popoli del Mare, che distrussero l'Impero Ittita e indebolirono l'Egitto, e le guerre Persiane. Le iscrizioni riportate sono 1546, quasi sempre traslitterate, tradotte, e accompagnate da un'immagine, da riferimenti bibliografici essenziali e da una breve motivazione del collegamento proposto. Il quadro che si delinea ben testimonia la complessità dei rapporti che si intrecciarono in quel periodo: si pensi alle centinaia di graffiti greci trovati a Naucrati, in Egitto, o alle decine di iscrizioni greche trovate a Gravisca. Anche le iscrizioni aramaiche e assire attestano gli stretti rapporti che si formarono tra Siria e Mesopotamia; ugualmente Iran e Arabia sono, direttamente o indirettamente, collegati a Etruria e Grecia; così troviamo un'iscrizione greca nel cuore dell'Impero Persiano, e un cratere laconico nel centro della Gallia. In realtà lo scopo di questo lavoro è anche quello di mettere in contatto due mondi sostanzialmente separati, ossia quello dei Semitisti e quello dei Grecisti, che solo apparentemente si conoscono e collaborano. Inoltre vorrei soavemente insinuare l'idea che la tesi di Joseph Naveh, che ipotizzò che gli alfabeti greci abbiano tratto origine in prima istanza dalle iscrizioni protocananaiche, nel XII sec. a.C., è valida, e che solo in un secondo tempo i Fenici abbiano dato il loro apporto.
In this work, a method for the functionalization of biocompatible, poly(lactic acid)-based nanoparticles with charged moieties or fluorescent labels is presented. Therefore, a miniemulsion solvent evaporation procedure is used in which prepolymerized poly(L-lactic acid) is used together with a previously synthesized copolymer of methacrylic acid or a polymerizable dye, respectively, and an oligo(lactic acid) macromonomer. Alternatively, the copolymerization has been carried out in one step with the miniemulsion solvent evaporation. The increased stability in salty solutions of the carboxyl-modified nanoparticles compared to nanoparticles consisting of poly(lactic acid) only has been shown in light scattering experiments. The properties of the nanoparticles that were prepared with the separately synthesized copolymer were almost identical to those in which the copolymerization and particle fabrication were carried out simultaneously. During the characterization of the fluorescently labeled nanoparticles, the focus was on the stable bonding between the fluorescent dye and the rest of the polymer chain to ensure that none of it is released from the particles, even after longer storage time or during lengthy experiments. In a fluorescence correlation spectroscopy experiment, it could be shown that even after two weeks, no dye has been released into the solvent. Besides biomedical research for which the above described, functionalized nanoparticles were optimized, nanoparticles also play a role in coating technology. One possibility to fabricate coatings is the electrophoretic deposition of particles. In this process, the mobility of nanoparticles near electrode interfaces plays a crucial role. In this thesis, the nanoparticle mobility has been investigated with resonance enhanced dynamic light scattering (REDLS). A new setup has been developed in which the evanescent electromagnetic eld of a surface plasmon that propagates along the gold-sample interface has been used as incident beam for the dynamic light scattering experiment. The gold layer that is necessary for the excitation of the plasmon doubles as an electrode. Due to the penetration depth of the surface plasmon into the sample layer that is limited to ca. 200 nm, insights on the voltage- and frequency dependent mobility of the nanoparticles near the electrode could be gained. Additionally, simultaneous measurements at four different scattering angles can be carried out with this setup, therefore the investigation of samples undergoing changes is feasible. The results were discussed in context with the mechanisms of electrophoretic deposition.
Chironomids preserved in a sediment core from Lago di Origlio (416 m a.s.l.), a lake in the foreland of the Southern Swiss Alps, allowed quantitative reconstruction of Late Glacial and Early Holocene summer temperatures using a combined Swiss–Norwegian temperature inference model based on chironomid assemblages from 274 lakes. We reconstruct July air temperatures of ca. 10 °C between 17 300 and 16 000 cal yr BP, a rather abrupt warming to ca. 12.0 °C at ca. 16 500–16 000 cal yr BP, and a strong temperature increase at the transition to the Bølling/Allerød interstadial with average temperatures of about 14 °C. During the Younger Dryas and earliest Holocene similar temperatures are reconstructed as for the interstadial. The rather abrupt warming at 16 500–16 000 cal yr BP is consistent with sea-surface temperature as well as speleothem records, which indicate a warming after the end of Heinrich event 1 (sensu stricto) and before the Bølling/Allerød interstadial in southern Europe and the Mediterranean Sea. Pollen records from Origlio and other sites in southern Switzerland and northern Italy indicate an early reforestation of the lowlands 2000–1500 yr prior to the large-scale afforestation of Central Europe at the onset of the Bølling/Allerød period at ca. 14 700–14 600 cal yr BP. Our results suggest that these early afforestation processes in the formerly glaciated areas of northern Italy and southern Switzerland have been promoted by increasing temperatures.