987 resultados para NYLON-66
The article expands existing categorisations of political and economic governance by including literature on less developed countries (LDCs). In four consecutive negotiations between the US multinational Kaisers and the US and Ghana governments in the early 1960s, it is argued that the company reached levels of influence that are at odds with existing explanations. In order to understand corporate political activities in LDCs, analysis needs to go beyond static factors (political risk) and include dynamic factors such as diplomatic relations and 'arenas of power', and consider the role of the investor's home country relative to the host economy.
Trägerbände: Inc. qu. 979; Inc. oct. 271 Bd. 1; Vorbesitzer: Dominikanerkloster Frankfurt am Main
Late Cretaceous and younger sediments dredged from the upper continental slope and canyon walls in the Great Australian Bight Basin between 126° and 136°E broadly confirm the stratigraphy which had been established previously from scattered exploration wells. Late Cretaceous to Early Eocene marine and marginal marine terrigenous sediments are overlain by Middle Eocene and younger pelagic carbonate (fine limestone and calcareous ooze). The samples provide the first evidence of truly marine Maastrichtian sedimentation, with abundant calcareous nannoplankton, on the southern margin of the continent. Other samples of interest include Precambrian sheared granodiorite on the upper slope south of Eyre Terrace, Paleocene phosphatic sediment in 'Eucla' Canyon at 128° 30'E, and terrigenous Early Miocene mudstone at 133° 20' and 134° 50'E. The mudstone is of note as an exception to the uniform pelagic carbonate wackestone and ooze which characterise Middle Eocene and younger sedimentation at all other sites. Fragments of alkali basalt lava of unknown age were recovered in 'Eucla' Canyon. Cores are mostly pelagic calcareous ooze, but those from submarine canyons include terrigenous turbidites.
Fil: Buschini, José Daniel. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Prego, Carlos Alberto. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Buschini, José Daniel. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Prego, Carlos Alberto. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Buschini, José Daniel. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Prego, Carlos Alberto. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Organic geochemical studies on samples from Holes 487, 488, and 490 in the southern Mexico Middle America Trench provided an opportunity to characterize the organic fraction of the sedimentary section in an active trench environment and to project the petroleum-producing potential of the extracted lipid fractions. The samples were geologically young and of shallow burial history. Samples from Hole 487, located on the oceanic plate, range in age from late Miocene to middlelate Pleistocene. Samples from Hole 488, representing undifferentiated Quaternary sediment, were collected on the landward side of the lower trench slope. Miocene(?) to Quaternary sediments from Hole 490 were obtained from the upper slope immediately seaward of the inferred location of the continental crust.
This research presents a new design of an adjustable suture that could provide a better intraocular pressure (IOP) control in the post treatment of trabeculectomy surgery and limit associated complication with the current suturing techniques. A better control in tension suture brings a great deal of advantages to this surgical technique compared with the traditional adjustable suture. A length adjustment can be added in advance to a 10-0 nylon suture which enables suture tension to be released during the postoperative period of trabeculectomy surgery. This adjustment has a D-ring geometry made of 10-0 nylon suture adhered to a 10-0 nylon surgical suture which is used to close the scalar flap. The D ring was adhered with about 180 microdroplet of Loctite 4311that was found to form a strong joint to connect the D ring to the main 10-0 nylon suture and strong enough to carry the added tension instead after cutting the central suture between the two joints of the D ring. The geometry of adjustment is the key factor of maintaining the IOP at the normal range and keeping the scleral flap tight enough and secure so that aqueous humor continues to percolate under the subconjunctiva. It has been found that a 365, and 450 µm length extensions can release suture tension postoperatively and relieve the intraocular pressure within the eye by 33, and 66% respectively. The fabrication process of the new adjustable suture was divided into two steps: fabrication of micro jig and forming microdroplets. A micro jig was fabricated in order to form and bond a precise length extension to the new design of the adjustable suture. In addition, a new liquid separation technique has been followed in this study in order to generate micro adhesive droplets as small as 50µm for bonding the new adjustable suture structure.
The search for new materials especially those possessing special properties continues at a great pace because of ever growing demands of the modern life. The focus on the use of intrinsically conductive polymers in organic electronic devices has led to the development of a totally new class of smart materials. Polypyrrole (PPy) is one of the most stable known conducting polymers and also one of the easiest to synthesize. In addition, its high conductivity, good redox reversibility and excellent microwave absorbing characteristics have led to the existence of wide and diversified applications for PPy. However, as any conjugated conducting polymer, PPy lacks processability, flexibility and strength which are essential for industrial requirements. Among various approaches to making tractable materials based on PPy, incorporating PPy within an electrically insulating polymer appears to be a promising method, and this has triggered the development of blends or composites. Conductive elastomeric composites of polypyrrole are important in that they are composite materials suitable for devices where flexibility is an important parameter. Moreover these composites can be moulded into complex shapes.