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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer in Finland. Of all CRC tumors, 15% display microsatellite-instability (MSI) caused by defective cellular mismatch repair. Cells displaying MSI accumulate a high number of mutations genome-wide, especially in short repeat areas, microsatellites. When targeting genes essential for cell growth or death, MSI can promote tumorigenesis. In non-coding areas, microsatellite mutations are generally considered as passenger events. Since the discovery of MSI and its linkage to cancer, more that 200 genes have been investigated for a role in MSI tumorigenesis. Although various criteria have been suggested for MSI target gene identification, the challenge has been to distinguish driver mutations from passenger mutations. This study aimed to clarify these key issues in the research field of MSI cancer. Prior to this, background mutation rate in MSI cancer has not been studied in a large-scale. We investigated the background mutation rate in MSI CRC by analyzing the spectrum of microsatellite mutations in non-coding areas. First, semenogelin I was studied for a possible role in MSI carcinogenesis. The intronic T9 repeat of semenogelin I was frequently mutated but no evidence for selection during tumorigenesis was obtained. Second, a sequencing approach was utilized to evaluate the general background mutation rate in MSI CRC. Both intronic and intergenic repeats harbored extremely high mutation rates of ≤ 87% and intergenic repeats were more unstable than the intronic repeats. As mutation rates of presumably neutral microsatellites can be high in MSI CRC in the absence of apparent selection pressure, high mutation frequency alone is not sufficient evidence for identification of driver MSI target genes. Next, an unbiased approach was designed to identify the mutatome of MSI CRC. By combining expression array data and a database search we identified novel genes possibly related to MSI CRC carcinogenesis. One of the genes was studied further. In the functional analysis this gene was observed to cause an abnormal cancer-prone cellular phenotype, possibly through altered responses to DNA damage. In our recent study, smooth muscle myosin heavy chain 11 (MYH11) was identified as a novel MSI CRC gene. Additionally, MYH11 has a well established role in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) through an oncogenic fusion protein CBFB-MYH11. We investigated further the role of MYH11 in AML by sequencing. Three novel missense variants of MYH11 were identified. None of the variants were present in the population-based control material. One of the identified variants, V71A, lies in the N-terminal SH3-like domain of MYH11 of unknown function. The other two variants, K1059E and R1792Q are located in the coil-coiled myosin rod essential for the regulation and filament formation of MYH11. The variant K1059E lies in the close proximity of the K1044N that has been functionally assessed in our earlier work of CRC and has been reported to cause total loss of MYH11 protein regulation. As the functional significance of the three novel variants examined in this work remains unknown, future studies should clarify the further role of MYH11 in AML leukaemogenesis and in other malignancies.


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Photovoltaic (PV) panels and electric domestic water heater with storage (DWH) are widely used in households in many countries. However, DWH should be explored as an energy storage mechanism before batteries when households have excess PV energy. Through a residential case study in Queensland, Australia, this paper presents a new optimized design and control solution to reduce water heating costs by utilizing existing DWH energy storage capacity and increasing PV self-consumption for water heating. The solution is produced by evaluating the case study energy profile and numerically maximizing the use of PV for DWH. A conditional probability matrix for different solar insolation and hot water usage days is developed to test the solution. Compared to other tariffs, this solution shows cost reduction from 20.8% to 63.3% This new solution could encourage solar households move to a more economical and carbon neutral water heating method.


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t is shown that three neutral molecules can form a stable trimer if one of them is in the excited state. The formation of termolecular electron donor-acceptor complexes of sequence DDA and DAA arises from charge-resonance interaction.


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Sprouting of fast-growing broad-leaved trees causes problems in young coniferous stands, under power transmission lines and along roads and railways. Public opinion and the Finnish Forest Certification System oppose the use of chemical herbicides to control sprouting, which means that most areas with problems rely on mechanical cutting. However, cutting is a poor control method for many broad-leaved species because the removal of leaders can stimulate the sprouting of side branches and cut stumps quickly re-sprout. In order to be effective, cutting must be carried out frequently but each cut increases the costs, making this control method increasingly difficult and expensive once begun. As such, alternative methods for sprout control that are both effective and environmentally sound represent a continuing challenge to managers and research biologists. Using biological control agents to prevent sprouting has been given serious consideration recently. Dutch and Canadian researchers have demonstrated the potential of the white-rot fungus Chondrostereum purpureum (Pers. ex Fr.) Pouzar as a control agent of stump sprouting in many hardwoods. These findings have focused the attention of the Finnish forestry community on the utilization of C. purpureum for biocontrol purposes. Primarily, this study sought determines the efficacy of native C. purpureum as an inhibitor of birch stump sprouting in Finland and to clarify its mode of action. Additionally, genotypic variation in Finnish C. purpureum was examined and the environmental risks posed by a biocontrol program using this fungus were assessed. Experimental results of the study demonstrated that C. purpureum clearly affects the sprouting of birch: both the frequency of living stumps and the number of living sprouts per stump were effectively reduced by the treatment. However, the treatment had no effect on the maximum height of new sprouts. There were clear differences among fungal isolates in preventing sprouting and those that possessed high oxidative activities as measured in the laboratory inhibited sprouting most efficiently in the field. The most effective treatment time during the growing season was in early and mid summer (May July). Genetic diversity in Nordic and Baltic populations of C. purpureum was found to be high at the regional scale but locally homogeneous. This natural distribution of diversity means that using local genotypes in biocontrol programs would effectively prevent the introduction of novel genes or genotypes. While a biocontrol program using local strains of C. purpureum would be environmentally neutral, pruned birches that are close to the treatment site would have a high susceptibility to infect by the fungus during the early spring.


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There are several reasons for increasing the usage of forest biomass for energy in Finland. Apart from the fact that forest biomass is a CO2 -neutral energy source, it is also a domestic resource distributed throughout the country. Usage of forest biomass in the form of logging residues decreases Finland’s dependence of energy import and increases both incomes and employment. Wood chips are mainly made from logging residues, which constitute 64 % of the raw material. A large-scale use of forest biomass requires heed also to the potential negative aspects. Forest bioenergy is used extensively, but its impacts on the forests soil nutrition and carbon balance has not been studied much. Nor have there been many studies on the heavy metal or chlorine content of logging residues. The goal of this study was to examine the content of carbon, macronutrients, heavy metals and other for the combustion harmful substances in Scots pine and Norway spruce wood chips, and to estimate the effect of harvesting of logging residues on the forests carbon and nutrient balance. Another goal was to examine the energy content of the clear cut remains. The Wood chips for this study were gathered from pine and spruce dominated clear cut sites in southern Finland, in the costal forests between Hankoo and Siuntio. The number of sample locations were 29, and the average area was 3,15 ha and the average timber volume 212,6 m3 ha -1. The average logged timber volume was for Scots pine timber 70 m3 ha -1 and for Norway spruce timber 124 m3 ha -1 and for deciduous timber (birch and alder) 18,5 m3 ha -1. The proportion of spruce in the logging residues and the stand-volume were relevant for how much nutrients were taken from the forest ecosystem when harvesting logging residues. In this study it was noted that the nutrient content of the logging residues clearly increased when the percentage of spruce in the timber volume increased. The S, K, Na and Cl -contents in the logging residues in this study increased with an increasing percentage of spruce, which is probably due to the fact that the spruce is an effective collector of atmospheric dry-deposition. The amounts of nutrients that were lost when harvesting logging residues were less than those referred to in the literature. Within a circulation period (100 years), the forest soil gets substantially more nutrients from atmospheric deposition, litter fall and weathering than is lost through harvesting of logging residues after a clear cut. Harvesting of the logging residues makes for a relatively modest increase of the quantity of carbon that is removed from the forest compared to traditional forestry. Due to the fact that the clear cut remains in my study showed a high content of chlorine, there is a risk of corrosion in connection to the incineration of the logging residues in power plants especially at coastal areas/forests. The risk of sulphur -related corrosion is probably rather small, because S concentrations are relatively low in woodchips. The clear cut remains showed rather high heavy metal contents. If the heavy metal contents in this study are representative for the clear cut remains in the coastal forests generally, there might be reason to exert some caution when using the ash for forest fertilizing purposes.


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Ferrous and ferric complexes of 2,4-dithiobiuret (Dtb) of the type Fe(Dtb)m Xn where m, n = 1-3, and X = CI–, Br–, I– and SO 4 2– , and a neutral Fe(Dtb-H)2 complex have been synthesized and characterised by elemental analyses, magnetic susceptibility, i.r., electronic and Mössbauer spectroscopic studies. From its i.r. spectrum Dtb was found to act as a S,S-coordinating bidentate chelate. The magnetic moment, electronic and Massbauer spectra are consistent with a low spin distorted octahedral structure for the ferric complexes and a high spin form for ferrous complexes.


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This paper is a sequel to the work published by the first and third authors[l] on stiffened laminated shells of revolution made of unimodular materials (materials having identical properties in tension and compression). A finite element analysis of laminated bimodulus composite thin shells of revolution, reinforced by laminated bimodulus composite stiffeners is reported herein. A 48 dot doubly curved quadrilateral laminated anisotropic shell of revolution finite element and it's two compatible 16 dof stiffener finite elements namely: (i) a laminated anisotropic parallel circle stiffener element (PCSE) and (ii) a laminated anisotropic meridional stiffener element (MSE) have been used iteratively. The constitutive relationship of each layer is assumed to depend on whether the fiberdirection strain is tensile or compressive. The true state of strain or stress is realized when the locations of the neutral surfaces in the shell and the stiffeners remain unaltered (to a specified accuracy) between two successive iterations. The solutions for static loading of a stiffened plate, a stiffened cylindrical shell. and a stiffened spherical shell, all made of bimodulus composite materials, have been presented.


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The main objective of this thesis was to elucidate the effects of regrowth grass silage and red clover silage on nutrient supply and milk production of dairy cows as compared with primary growth grass silages. In the first experiment (publication I), two primary growth and four regrowth grass silages were harvested at two stages of growth. These six silages were fed to 24 lactating dairy cows with two levels of concentrate allowance. Silage intake and energy corrected milk yield (ECM) responses, and the range in these response variables between the diets, were smaller when regrowth silages rather than primary growth silages were fed. Milk production of dairy cows reflected the intake of metabolizable energy (ME), and no differences in the ME utilization were found between the diets based on silages harvested from primary growth and regrowth. The ECM response to increased concentrate allowance was, on average, greater when regrowth rather than primary growth silages were fed. In the second experiment (publication II), two silages from primary growth and two from regrowth used in I were fed to rumen cannulated lactating dairy cows. Cows consumed less feed dry matter (DM), energy and protein, and produced less milk, when fed diets based on regrowth silages rather than primary growth silages. Lower milk production responses of regrowth grass silage diets were mainly due to the lower silage DM intake, and could not be accounted for by differences in energy or protein utilization. Regrowth grass silage intake was not limited due to neutral detergent fibre (NDF) digestion or rumen fill or passage kinetics. However, lower intake may be at least partly attributable to plant diseases such as leaf spot infections, dead deteriorating material or abundance of weeds, which are all higher in regrowth compared with primary growth, and increase with advancing regrowth. In the third experiment (publications III and IV), red clover silages and grass silages harvested at two stages of growth, and a mixed diet of red clover and grass silages, were fed to five rumen cannulated lactating dairy cows. In spite of the lower average ME intake for red clover diets, the ECM production remained unchanged suggesting more efficient utilisation of ME for red clover diets compared with grass diets. Intake of N, and omasal canal flows of total non-ammonia N (NAN), microbial and non-microbial NAN were higher for red clover than for grass silage diets, but were not affected by forage maturity. Delaying the harvest tended to decrease DM intake of grass silage and increase that of red clover silage. The digestion rate of potentially digestible NDF was faster for red clover diets than for grass silage diets. Delaying the harvest decreased the digestion rate for grass but increased it for red clover silage diets. The low intake of early-cut red clover silage could not be explained by silage digestibility, fermentation quality, or rumen fill but was most likely related to the nutritionally suboptimal diet composition because inclusion of moderate quality grass silage in mixed diet increased silage DM intake. Despite the higher total amino acid supply of cows fed red clover versus grass silage diets, further milk production responses on red clover diets were possibly compromised by an inadequate supply of methionine as evidenced by lower methionine concentration in the amino acid profile of omasal digesta and plasma. Increasing the maturity of ensiled red clover does not seem to affect silage DM intake as consistently as that of grasses. The efficiency of N utilization for milk protein synthesis was lower for red clover diets than for grass diets. It was negatively related to diet crude protein concentration similarly to grass silage diets.


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The circular dichroism bands of (+) gossypol in the spectral region 300–400 nm have been shown to be sensitive to interactions with proteins. Using CD spectroscopy, gossypol has been shown to interact with lactate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase, lysozyme, protamine and poly-L-lysine. Binding to proteins generally results in a pronounced red shift of the long wavelength CD band (not, vert, similar 380–430 nm) accompanied by a reduction in ellipticity. The changes in spectral parameters of the 1Lb binaphthyl transtion may reflect a distortion from a nearly perpendicular gossypol conformation, on binding to proteins.


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The isolation and characterization of the initial intermediates formed during the irreversible acid denaturation of enzyme Ribonuclease A are described. The products obtained when RNase A is maintained in 0.5 M HCl at 30° for periods up to 20 h have been analyzed by ion-exchange chromatography on Amberlite XE-64. Four distinct components were found to elute earlier to RNase A; these have been designated RNase Aa2, Aa1c, Aa1b, and Aa1a in order of their elution. With the exception of RNase Aa2, the other components are nearly as active as RNase A. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at near-neutral pH indicated that RNase Aa1a, Aa1b, and Aa1c are monodeamidated derivatives of RNase A; RNase Aa2 contains, in addition, a small amount of a dideamidated component. RNase Aa2, which has 75% enzymic activity as compared to RNase A, consists of dideamidated and higher deamidated derivatives of RNase A. Except for differences in the proteolytic susceptibilities at an elevated temperature or acidic pH, the monodeamidated derivatives were found to have very nearly the same enzymic activity and the compact folded structure as the native enzyme. Fingerprint analyses of the tryptic peptides of monodeamidated derivatives have shown that the deamidations are restricted to an amide cluster in the region 67–74 of the polypeptide chain. The initial acid-catalyzed deamidation occurs in and around the 65–72 disulfide loop giving rise to at least three distinct monodeamidated derivatives of RNase A without an appreciable change in the catalytic activity and conformation of the ribonuclease molecule. Significance of this specific deamidation occurring in highly acidic conditions, and the biological implications of the physiological deamidation reactions of proteins are discussed.


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Since the first investigation 25 years ago, the application of genetic tools to address ecological and evolutionary questions in elasmobranch studies has greatly expanded. Major developments in genetic theory as well as in the availability, cost effectiveness and resolution of genetic markers were instrumental for particularly rapid progress over the last 10 years. Genetic studies of elasmobranchs are of direct importance and have application to fisheries management and conservation issues such as the definition of management units and identification of species from fins. In the future, increased application of the most recent and emerging technologies will enable accelerated genetic data production and the development of new markers at reduced costs, paving the way for a paradigm shift from gene to genome-scale research, and more focus on adaptive rather than just neutral variation. Current literature is reviewed in six fields of elasmobranch molecular genetics relevant to fisheries and conservation management (species identification, phylogeography, philopatry, genetic effective population size, molecular evolutionary rate and emerging methods). Where possible, examples from the Indo-Pacific region, which has been underrepresented in previous reviews, are emphasized within a global perspective. (C) 2012 The Authors Journal of Fish Biology (C) 2012 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles


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The relative efficacies of three chemically different nano-silver (NS) formulations were evaluated for their potential to extend the vase life of short-lived cut Acacia holosericea foliage. The novel proprietary formulations were neutral NS, acidic NS and ionic NS. They were characterised in terms of particle size, pH value, colour and odour. The NS treatments were applied as vase (lower concentrations) or pulse (higher concentrations) solutions. Among the treatments compared, neutral NS as a 4 mg L-1 vase solution or as a 40 mg L-1 24 h pulse treatment and acidic NS as a 0.5 mg L-1 vase solution or as a 5 mg L-1 24 h pulse treatment significantly (P <= 0.05) extended the vase life of A. holosericea. Vase life extensions over the deionised water (DI) controls were associated with better maintenance of relative fresh weight and vase water uptake, suppression of bacterial growth in the vase water and stem-end, and delaying stem blockage. In contrast, ionic-NS applied as a 0.5 or 1 mg L-1 vase solution treatment or as a 5 or 10 mg L-1 pulse treatment caused severe phytotoxicity to cut A. holosericea stems. The results suggest that NS treatments, especially neutral NS and acidic NS pulse treatments, could be a potential postharvest technology for commercial application to cut A. holosericea. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Väitöskirjani käsittele mikrobien ja erilaisten kemikaalien rooleja saostumien ja biofilmien muodostumisessa paperi- ja kartonkikoneilla. "Saostuma" tässä työssä tarkoittaa kiinteän aineen kertymää konepinnoille tai rajapinnoille konekierroissa, jotka on tarkoitettu massasulppujen, lietteiden, vesien tai ilman kuljetukseen. Saostumasta tulee "biofilmi" silloin kun sen oleellinen rakennekomponentti on mikrobisolut tai niiden tuotteet. Väitöstyöni työhypoteesina oli, että i. tietämys saostumien koostumuksesta, sekä ii. niiden rakenteesta, biologisista, fysikaalis-kemiallisista ja teknisistä ominaisuuksista ohjaavat tutkijaa löytämään ympäristöä säästäviä keinoja estää epätoivottujen saostumien muodostus tai purkaa jo muodostuneita saostumia. Selvittääkseni saostumien koostumista ja rakennetta käytin monia erilaisia analytiikan työkaluja, kuten elektronimikroskopiaa, konfokaali-laser mikroskopiaa (CLSM), energiadispersiivistä röntgenanalyysiä (EDX), pyrolyysi kaasukromatografiaa yhdistettynä massaspektrometriaan (Py-GCMS), joninvaihtokromatografiaa, kaasukromatografiaa ja mikrobiologisia analyysejä. Osallistuin aktiivisesti innovatiivisen, valon takaisinsirontaan perustuvan sensorin kehittämistyöhön, käytettäväksi biofilmin kasvun mittaukseen suoraan koneen vesikierroista ja säiliöistä. Työni osoitti, että monet paperinvalmistuksessa käytetyistä kemikaaleista reagoivat keskenään tuottaen orgaanisia tahmakerroksia konekiertojen teräspinnoille. Löysin myös kerrostumia, jotka valomikroskooppisessa tarkastelussa oli tulkittu mikrobeiksi, mutta jotka elektronimikroskopia paljasti alunasta syntyneiksi, alumiinihydroksidiksi joka saostui pH:ssa 6,8 kiertokuitua käyttävän koneen viiravesistä. Monet paperintekijät käyttävät vieläkin alunaa kiinnitysaineena vaikka prosessiolot ovat muuttuneet happamista neutraaleiksi. Sitä pidetään paperitekijän "aspiriinina", mutta väitöstutkimukseni osoitti sen riskit. Löysin myös orgaanisia saostumia, joiden alkuperä oli aineiden, kuten pihkan, saippuoituminen (kalsium saippuat) niin että muodostui tahmankasvua ylläpitävä alusta monilla paperi- ja kartonkikoneilla. Näin solumuodoiltaan Deinococcus geothermalista muistuttavia bakteereita kasvamassa lujasti teräskoepalojen pintaan kiinnittyneinä pesäkkeinä, kun koepaloja upotettiin paperikoneiden vesikiertoihin. Nämä deinokokkimaiset pesäkkeet voivat toimia jalustana, tarttumisalustana muiden mikrobien massoille, joka selittäisi miksi saostumat yleisesti sisältävät deinokokkeja pienenä, muttei koskaan pääasiallisena rakenneosana. Kun paperikoneiden käyttämien vesien (raakavedet, lämminvesi, biologisesti puhdistettu jätevesi) laatua tutkitaan, mittausmenetelmällä on suuri merkitys. Koepalan upotusmenetelmällä todettu biofilmikasvu ja viljelmenetelmällä mitattu bakteerisaastuneisuus korreloivat toisiinsa huonosti etenkin silloin kun likaantumisessa oli mukana rihmamaiseti kasvavia bakteereja. Huoli ympäristöstä on pakottanut paperi- ja kartonkikoneiden vesikiertojen sulkemiseen. Vesien kierrätys ja prosessivesien uudelleenkäyttö nostavat prosessilämpötilaa ja lisäävät koneella kiertävien kolloidisten ja liuenneiden aineiden määriä. Tutkin kiertovesien pitoisuuksia kolmessa eriasteisesti suljetussa tehtaassa, joiden päästöt olivat 0 m3, 0,5 m3 ja 4 m3 jätevettä tuotetonnia kohden, perustuen puhdistetun jäteveden uudelleen käyttöön. Nollapäästöisellä tehtaalla kiertovesiin kertyi paljon orgaanisesti sidottua hiiltä (> 10 g L-1), etenkin haihtuvina happoina (maito-, etikka-, propioni- ja voi-). Myös sulfaatteja, klorideja, natriumia ja kalsiumia kertyi paljon, > 1 g L-1 kutakin. Pääosa (>40%) kaikista bakteereista oli 16S rRNA geenisekvenssianalyysien tulosten perusteella sukua, joskin etäistä (< 96%) ainoastaan Enterococcus cecorum bakteerille. 4 m3 päästävältä tehtaalta löytyi lisäksi Bacillus thermoamylovorans ja Bacillus coagulans. Tehtaiden saostumat sisälsivät arkkeja suurina pitoisuuksina, ≥ 108 g-1, mutta tunnistukseen riittävää sekvenssisamanlaisuutta löytyi vain yhteen arkkisukuun, Methanothrix. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat että tehtaan vesikiertojen sulkeminen vähensi rajusti mikrobiston monimuotoisuutta, muttei estänyt liuenneen aineen ja kiintoaineen mineralisoitumista.


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1. 1.|Carotene 15,15′-dioxygenase (EC has been isolated from the intestine of guinea pig and rabbit and purified 38- and 30-fold, respectively, but subjecting the intestinal homogenate to protamine sulfate treatment, (NH4)2SO4 fractionation and acetone precipitation. 2. 2.|The guinea pig enzyme showed a pH optimum at 8.5, an optimum substrate concentration of 200 nmoles of β,β-carotene per 25 ml of reaction mixture, an apparent Km with β,β-carotene as substrate of 9.5 · 10−6 M and a V 3.3 nmoles of retinal formation/mg protein per h. The reaction was linear upto 3 h and the reaction rate increased linearly with increase in enzyme protein concentration. The enzyme was activated by GSH and Fe2+ and inhibited by sodium dodecylsulfate, sulfhydryl binding and iron chelating agents. 3. 3.|The reaction catalysed by guinea pig enzyme was strictly stoichiometric. 4. 4.|Rabbit enzyme showed a close similarity with guinea pig enzyme with respect to time course, optimum substrate concentration, activation by Fe2+ and GSH, inhibition by sodium dodecylsulfate, iron chelating and sulfhydryl binding agents. However, it showed a slightly lower pH optimum (pH 7.8). 5. 5.|The enzyme from guinea pig and rabbit showed remarkable similarity with respect to cleavage of carotenoids. The enzyme from both the species was more specific for β,β-carotene but could also cleave a number of other carotenoids at the 15,15′-double bond. 6. 6.|10′-Apo-β-carotenal and 10′-apo-β-carotenol were readily cleaved compared with other apo-β-carotenals and apo-β-carotenols tested. 7. 7.|It has been conclusively shown for the first time that mono-ring substituted carotenoids are also cleaved at the 15,15′-double bond.


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1. Saline extract of sheep pancreas acetone-dried powder was shown to catalyse acyl ester hydrolysis of spinach leaf galactosyl diglycerides and also galactosylglucosyl diglyceride of Lactobacillus casei. 2. Sodium deoxycholate stimulated the enzyme activity. Ca2+ had no effect on the hydrolysis of monogalactosyl diglyceride, but it enhanced that of digalactosyl diglyceride. When added together, there was considerably less activity with both the substrates. 3. Optimal hydrolysis was observed at pH7.2. 4. The initial point of hydrolysis was at position-1, leading to the formation of monogalactosyl monoglyceride and digalactosyl monoglyceride. Further hydrolysis to the corresponding galactosylglycerols and later to galactose and glycerol was also observed, indicating the presence of a- and b-galactosidases in the enzyme preparation. 5. Formation of monogalactosyl diglyceride from digalactosyl diglyceride by the action of a-galactosidase was noted. 6. Monogalactosyl diglyceride was also hydrolysed by b-galactosidase to a limited extent, giving rise to diacylglycerol and galactose. 7. Attempts at purification of monogalactosyl diglyceride acyl hydrolase by using protamine sulphate treatment, Sephadex G-100 filtration and DEAE-cellulose chromatography gave a partially purified enzyme which showed 9- and 81-fold higher specific activity towards monogalactosyl diglyceride and digalactosyl diglyceride respectively. This still showed acyl ester hydrolysis activity towards methyl oleate, phosphatidylcholine and triacylglycerol. 8. When sheep, rat and guinea-pig tissues were compared, guinea-pig tissues showed the highest activity towards both monogalactosyl diglyceride and digalactosyl diglyceride. In all the species pancreas showed higher activity than intestine.