861 resultados para Mytilus edulis.


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Vol. 3-5, "Auf grund des nachlasses fortgeführt von A.A.W. Hubrecht ... H. Strahl ... und F. Keibel."


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With the increasing environmental awareness, maximizing biodegradability and minimizing ecotoxicity is the main driving force for new technological developments. Thus, can be developed new biodegradable lubricants for use in environmentally sensitive areas. The aim of this study was to obtain new bio-lubricants from passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Degener) and moringa (Moringa oleifera Lamarck) epoxidized oils and develop a new additive package using experimental design for their use as a hydraulic fluid. In the first stage of this work was performed the optimization of the epoxidation process of the oils using fractional experimental design 24-1 , varying the temperature, reaction time, ratio of formic acid and hydrogen peroxide. In the second step was investigated the selectivity, thermodynamics and kinetics of the reaction for obtaining the two epoxides at 30, 50 and 70 °C. The result of the experimental design confirmed that the epoxidation of passion fruit oil requires 2 hours of reaction, 50 °C and a ratio H2O2/C=C/HCOOH (1:1:1). For moringa oil were required 2 hours reaction, 50 °C and a ratio of H2O2/C=C/HCOOH (1:1:1.5). The results of the final conversions were equal to 83.09% (± 0.3) for passion fruit oil epoxide and 91.02 (±0,4) for moringa oil epoxide. Following was made the 23 factorial design to evaluate which are the best concentrations of corrosion inhibitor and anti-wear (IC), antioxidant (BHA) and extreme pressure (EP) additives. The bio-lubricants obtained in this step were characterized according to DIN 51524 (Part 2 HLP) and DIN 51517 (Part 3 CLP) standards. The epoxidation process of the oils was able to improve the oxidative stability and reduce the total acid number, when compared to the in natura oils. Moreover, the epoxidized oils best solubilized additives, resulting in increased performance as a lubricant. In terms of physicochemical performance, the best lubricant fluid was the epoxidized moringa oil with additives (EMO-ADI), followed by the epoxidized passion fruit oil with additives (EPF-ADI) and, finally, the passion fruit in natura oil without additives (PFO). Lastly, was made the investigation of the tribological behavior under conditions of boundary lubrication for these lubricants. The tribological performance of the developed lubricants was analyzed on a HFRR equipment (High Frequency Reciprocating Rig) and the coefficient of friction, which occurs during the contact and the formation of the lubricating film, was measured. The wear was evaluated through optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that the addition of extreme pressure (EP) and anti-wear and corrosion inhibitor (CI) additives significantly improve the tribological properties of the fluids. In all assays, was formed a lubricating film that is responsible for reducing the coefficient of metal-to-metal wear. It was observed that the addition of EP and IC additives in the in natura vegetable oils of passion fruit and moringa did not favor a significant reduction in wear. The bio-lubricants developed from passion fruit and moringa oils modified via epoxidation presented satisfactory tribological properties and shown to be potential lubricants for replacement of commercial mineral-based fluids.


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Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations are expectedto decrease surface ocean pH by 0.3-0.5 units by 2100, lowering the carbonate ion concentration of surfacewaters. This rapid acidification is predicted to dramatically decrease calcification in many marine organisms. Reduced skeletal growth under increased CO2 levels has already been shown for corals, molluscs and many other marine organisms. The impact of acidification on the ability of individual species to calcify has remained elusive, however, as measuring net calcification fails to disentangle the relative contributions of gross calcification and dissolution rates on growth. Here, we show that corals and molluscs transplanted along gradients of carbonate saturation state at Mediterranean CO2 vents are able to calcify and grow at even faster than normal rates when exposed to the high CO2 levels projected for the next 300 years. Calcifiers remain at risk, however, owing to the dissolution of exposed shells and skeletons that occurs as pH levels fall. Our results show that tissues and external organic layers play a major role in protecting shells and skeletons from corrosive sea water, limiting dissolution and allowing organisms to calcify. Our combined field and laboratory results demonstrate that the adverse effects of global warming are exacerbated when high temperatures coincide with acidification.


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Invasive species can impact native species and alter assemblage structure, which affects associated ecosystem functioning. The pervasive Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, has been shown to affect the diversity and composition of many host ecosystems. We tested for effects of the presence of the invasive C. gigas on native assemblages by comparing them directly to assemblages associated with the declining native European oyster, Ostrea edulis. The presence of both oyster species was manipulated in intertidal and subtidal habitats and reefs were constructed at horizontal and vertical orientation to the substratum. After 12 months, species diversity and benthic assemblage structure between assemblages with C. gigas and O. edulis were similar, but differed between habitats and orientation, suggesting that both oyster species were functionally similar in terms of biodiversity facilitation. These findings support evidence, that non-native species could play an important role in maintaining biodiversity in systems with declining populations of native species.


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Two oyster species are currently present along the French coasts : the indigenous European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis), and the Pacific cupped oyster (Crassostrea gigas), that has been introduced from Japan since the beginning of the 70ies. The flat oyster successively suffered from two protozoan diseases during the 60ies and its production decreased from 20 000 tons/year by that time to 1 500 tons/year nowadays. Consequently, the oyster production is principally (99%) based upon the Pacific oyster species with approximately 150 000 tons/year among which 90% are grown from the natural spat. However, the hatchery production of this species is developing and was estimated to 400 to 800 millions spat in 2002. Moreover, strengthened relationships between IFREMER and the 5 commercial hatcheries, that all joined the SYSAAF (Union of the French poultry, shellfish and fish farming selectors), allow to plan for new genetic breeding programs. At the end of the 80ies, IFREMER initiated a genetic breeding program for the resistance of the European flat oyster to the bonamiosis, and obtained strains more tolerant to this disease. After two generations of massal selection, molecular markers had identified a reduced genetic basis in this program. It was then reoriented to an intra-familial selection. However, we were confronted to a zootechnic problem to manage such a scheme and we compromised by an intra-cohorts of families selection scheme managed using molecular markers. The program has now reached the transfer level with experimentation at a professional scale. Concerning the Pacific cupped oyster, and in parallel with the obtaining and the study of polyploids, performance of different Asian cupped oyster strains were compared to the one introduced in France thirty years ago and currently suffering from summer mortalities. The local strain exhibited better performance, certainly based upon a good local adaptation. In other respects, although early growth is a relevant criteria for selection for growth to commercial stage, it is not to be privileged in the context of an oyster producing region with a limited food availability. Contrary, the spat summer mortality became a priority for numerous teams (genetic, physiology, pathology, ecology,...) joined in the MOREST program. The first results showed important survival differences between fullsib and halsib families. They indicate a genetic determinism to this character "survival" and promote for its selection.


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The present study identifies quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in response to an experimental infection with the parasite responsible for bonamiosis, Bonamia ostreae, in two segregating families of the European flat oyster, Ostrea edulis. We first constructed a genetic-linkage map for each studied family and improved the existing genetic-linkage map for the European flat oyster with a set of SNP markers. This latter map now combines the best accuracy and the best estimate of the genome coverage available for an oyster species. Secondly, by comparing the QTLs detected in this study with those previously published for O. edulis in similar experimental conditions, we identified several potential QTLs that were identical between the different families, and also new specific QTLs. We also detected, within the confidence interval of several QTL regions, some previously predicted candidate genes differentially expressed during an infection with B. ostreae, providing new candidate genome regions which should now be studied more specifically.


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The neurotoxin BMAA (β-N-methylamino-l-alanine) and its isomer DAB (2,4-diaminobutyric acid) have been detected in seafood worldwide, including in Thau lagoon (French Mediterranean Sea). A cluster of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a neurodegenerative disease associated with BMAA, has also been observed in this region. Mussels, periphyton (i.e. biofilms attached to mussels) and plankton were sampled between July 2013 and October 2014, and analyzed using HILIC-MS/MS. BMAA, DAB and AEG (N-(2-aminoethyl)glycine) were found in almost all the samples of the lagoon. BMAA and DAB were present at 0.58 and 0.83, 2.6 and 3.3, 4.0 and 7.2 μg g−1 dry weight in plankton collected with nets, periphyton and mussels, respectively. Synechococcus sp., Ostreococcus tauri, Alexandrium catenella and eight species of diatoms were cultured and screened for BMAA and analogs. While Synechococcus sp., O. tauri and A. catenella did not produce BMAA under our culture conditions, four diatoms species contained both BMAA and DAB. Hence, diatoms may be a source of BMAA for mussels. Unlike other toxins produced by microalgae, BMAA and DAB were detected in significant amounts in tissues other than digestive glands in mussels.


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Measurement of marine algal toxins has traditionally focussed on shellfish monitoring while, over the last decade, passive sampling has been introduced as a complementary tool for exploratory studies. Since 2011, liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) has been adopted as the EU reference method (No.15/2011) for detection and quantitation of lipophilic toxins. Traditional LC-MS approaches have been based on low-resolution mass spectrometry (LRMS), however, advances in instrument platforms have led to a heightened interest in the use of high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) for toxin detection. This work describes the use of HRMS in combination with passive sampling as a progressive approach to marine algal toxin surveys. Experiments focused on comparison of LRMS and HRMS for determination of a broad range of toxins in shellfish and passive samplers. Matrix effects are an important issue to address in LC-MS; therefore, this phenomenon was evaluated for mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and passive samplers using LRMS (triple quadrupole) and HRMS (quadrupole time-of-flight and Orbitrap) instruments. Matrix-matched calibration solutions containing okadaic acid and dinophysistoxins, pectenotoxin, azaspiracids, yessotoxins, domoic acid, pinnatoxins, gymnodimine A and 13-desmethyl spirolide C were prepared. Similar matrix effects were observed on all instruments types. Most notably, there was ion enhancement for pectenotoxins, okadaic acid/dinophysistoxins on one hand, and ion suppression for yessotoxins on the other. Interestingly, the ion selected for quantitation of PTX2 also influenced the magnitude of matrix effects, with the sodium adduct typically exhibiting less susceptibility to matrix effects than the ammonium adduct. As expected, mussel as a biological matrix, quantitatively produced significantly more matrix effects than passive sampler extracts, irrespective of toxin. Sample dilution was demonstrated as an effective measure to reduce matrix effects for all compounds, and was found to be particularly useful for the non-targeted approach. Limits of detection and method accuracy were comparable between the systems tested, demonstrating the applicability of HRMS as an effective tool for screening and quantitative analysis. HRMS offers the advantage of untargeted analysis, meaning that datasets can be retrospectively analysed. HRMS (full scan) chromatograms of passive samplers yielded significantly less complex data sets than mussels, and were thus more easily screened for unknowns. Consequently, we recommend the use of HRMS in combination with passive sampling for studies investigating emerging or hitherto uncharacterised toxins.


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Un contrat de Plan État-Région Bretagne a été signé en 1983 pour financer des recherches sur la période 1984-1988 dans le but de permettre la relance de l'élevage de l'huître plate, à la suite de la deuxième épizootie due à un protozaire, Bonamia ostreae. Ce rapport présente les travaux réalisés et les résultats acquis durant l'année 1988, dans les domaines de la pathologie (étude de la maladie et des mécanismes de défense des mollusques) de la génétique (recherche de souches résistantes), de l'épidémiologie descriptive et de la zootechnie.


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Os cogumelos comestíveis são uma fonte rica de moléculas bioativas que lhes conferem importantes atividades biológicas. Moléculas como os Polissacáridos, terpenóides e os compostos fenólicos têm sido descritos como os componentes mais importantes no que respeita á atividade anti-inflamatória dos cogumelos (1). No presente trabalho, os extratos etanólicos de cogumelos comestíveis foram obtidos por maceração e caracterizados quimicamente em termos de ácidos fenólicos por técnicas de HPLC-DAD. Além disso, derivados metilados e glucuronados dos ácidos fenólicos identificados foram também sintetizados com o objetivo de mimetizar reações de metabolização no organismo e estudar a capacidade destas moléculas de manter a bioatividade exibida inicialmente. Os extratos obtidos, os ácidos fenólicos e compostos sintetizados foram avaliados pela sua atividade anti-inflamatória. De entre as amostras analisadas, B. impolitus revelou o mais elevado conteúdo em ácidos fenólicos (675 ± 23 μg/g), seguido de C. cibarius > A. caesaria > L. deliciosus > B. aereus > M. esculenta > B. edulis; devido à contribuição do ácido cinâmico que foi encontrada em maior quantidade nesta amostra (505 ± 12 μg/g). Mais ainda, B. impolitus apresentou também maior inibição da produção de NO (EC50=166 ± 10 μg/mL) seguido das amostras A. caesaria > C. cibarius > L. deliciosus > M. esculenta > B. aereus > B. edulis. No que respeita aos compostos individuais, o ácido cinâmico (CA) revelou a atividade mais forte (EC50 = 182 ± 16 μM), seguido pelos ácidos p-hidroxibenzóico (HA) (239 ± 29 μM) e p-Cumárico (CoA) (442± 33 μM), o que realça a importância destas moléculas para a atividade anti-inflamatória dos cogumelos. Comparando a atividade exibida pelos ácidos fenólicos com os respetivos derivados, é possível verificar a seguinte ordem de atividades: ácido p-hidroxibenzóico: HA > HA-M3 > HA-M2 > HA-M1 > HA-G; ácido p-cumárico : CoA-M1 > CoA-G > CoA-M2 > CoA-M3 > CoA e ácido cinâmico: CA-G > CA > CA-M1. Perante os resultados obtidos é de realçar a importância dos ácidos fenólicos na contribuição para a bioatividade exibida pelos cogumelos em estudo. Mais ainda, foi possível concluir que as alterações das moléculas pelas reações de conjugação no organismo têm influência na bioativade das moléculas iniciais, sendo que muitas vezes esta atividade é aumentada.


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Irradiation is recognized by international organizations as a conservation technology, and its application to wild mushrooms has been tested in some species. Our research group evaluated the effectiveness of gamma irradiation to conserve different samples of highly appreciated species, particularly, Lactarius deliciosus, Macrolepiota procera, Boletus edulis and Hydnum repandum. From those results and considering also international recommendations on this subject, the 2 kGy dose was chosen for further studies. Therefore, the application of gamma irradiation at 2 kGy dose was extended to Boletus pinophilus Pilát & Dermek and Clitocybe subconnexa Murrill to validate the proposed technology. Considering the obtained results, some of the analysed chemical parameters (specially sugars and fatty acids), as well as the antioxidant activity, showed significant changes after irradiation treatment, particularly in B. pinophillus, probably due to its higher water content. Nevertheless, the obtained differences did not seem to be sufficient to change the organoleptic characteristics of these mushrooms. Furthermore, the antioxidant activity was generally higher in irradiated samples. In conclusion, the detected chemical changes might be considered as acceptable, when considering the high advantages of gamma irradiation at decontamination and/or disinfestation level.


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Afin de vérifier sur un site régional la présence d'une qualité d'eau de mer permettant la réalisation d'élevages larvaires d'huîtres creuses Crassostrea gigas (et/ou d'huîtres plates Ostrea edulis) sur une base régulière tout au long de l'année, une série d'élevages comparatifs a été réalisée à la Station IFREMER de Palavas, de mars 1995 à septembre 1995. Le matériel biologique nécessaire à cette comparaison est constitué de larves d'huîtres creuses Crassostrea gigas et en algues unicellulaires provenant de l'éc1oserie commerciale de la SATMAR. Les résultats obtenus démontrent la capacité de l'eau de mer du site étudié sur Leucate à supporter la production de larves d'huîtres creuses compétentes à se métamorphoser et à se fixer. Cette étude s'inscrit dans la démarche de la Région Languedoc-Roussillon et du CEPRALMAR visant à favoriser l'implantation d'une écloserie de production de Mollusques Bivalves sur le littoral méditerranéen.