977 resultados para Mythological figures
35 p.
Factors affecting the fitness of juvenile salmon are discussed. Although fitness from the genetic point of view is defined as the relative capacity of carriers of a given genotype to transmit their genes to the gene pool of the following generations, growth and survival of individuals are also components of fitness, and are influenced by responses to competition, which is the major topic of this article including implications for management. In order to better understand the relationships of density-dependent survival in Newfoundland, egg depositions were manipulated experimentally in the Freshwater River. Figures demonstrate the relationship between stock (number of eggs per 100 m2 of river) and recruitment (number of smolts per l00 m2 of Atlantic salmon, and also the percentage survival from egg to smolt stage related to potential egg depositions.
As reflexões acerca desta pesquisa iniciaram-se tendo como ponto de partida o interesse pelas questões relacionadas às experiências mais primitivas que estão na base da constituição da subjetividade. Pensa-se, tal como alguns autores, que as vivências iniciais de um bebê são bastante importantes para a formação de seu aparato psíquico, sobretudo, as que dizem respeito ao conjunto de sensações nas quais o mesmo está imerso. Mas, então, o que se passa quando o bebê nasce com alguma deficiência em seu aparato sensório-motor, como no caso de bebês cegos de nascença? Sabe-se que as pessoas cegas precisam utilizar outros meios para estabelecer relações com o mundo dos objetos, pessoas e coisas que as cercam, implicando um processo de profunda reorganização perceptiva no qual os estímulos proporcionados pelo ambiente desempenharão um papel fundamental. No entanto, vários estudos apontam que muitas destas crianças cegas desde o nascimento não conseguem se desenvolver de modo harmônico manifestando distúrbios freqüentemente semelhantes ao autismo em crianças videntes, entre outros. Parece que, nestes casos, a incapacidade visual do bebê afetou profundamente as capacidades de vínculo com as figuras de apego e este fato originou seqüelas importantes na evolução da criança. No outro extremo, bebês que conseguiram um nível de desenvolvimento adequado, mostraram vínculos saudáveis com a família, em especial com a mãe. Assim, a finalidade da presente pesquisa prende-se, por um lado, à compreensão do caminho percorrido por crianças que não contam com o auxílio do sentido da visão e, por outro, ao entendimento do papel dos primeiros vínculos tanto para os casos de saúde quanto para os casos em que a patologia e o sofrimento psíquico surgem.
This translation includes selected passages of a longer paper on Mastigophora and Rhizopoda found in saline lakes Weissovo and Repnoie. The translation focuses on describing taxonomy and morphology of Ochromonas species and Pedinella. Plates and figures of the original paper are not included in the translation.
The dynamics of the fecundity of roach, with emphasis on Rutilus rutilus (L.), were studied in waters in the European parts of the USSR. This translation provides conclusions, and figures and table captions only.
The consumption of oxygen in Asellus aquaticus was measured to find if there existed a periodicity in the consumption of oxygen and how this showed itself during the course of the day, year and in various experimental conditions. From the figures obtained comparative values were calculated and from these curves were plotted of the changes in the consumption of oxygen during the day and year.
An article looking at the numerical distribution of bacteria in lakes, the types most commonly present and the nitrogen-cycle, in Lake Windermere. The methodology is explained, including the sampling frequency and depths, and bacteria culturing techniques. Water bodies other than Lake Windermere were also sampled and these are detailed, including a water reservoir. A summary of the work into horizontal of bacteria is given, including a table showing the number of bacteria per millilitre at different distances from inflow into Windermere. A summary of the work into vertical distribution is also given, including two figures, one showing seasonal variation during 1938-9 in numbers of bacteria at different depths in Winderemere, and the other showing the relationship between the numbers of bacteria at 10 metres depth in Windermere and the rainfull during the previous 7 days. A summary of the types of bacteria found, as well as work on the nitrogen cycle in Esthwaite Water, Lake Windermere and Blelham Tarn are given.
A review article which discusses the ecology and management of common water plants in lowland streams, with an introduction containing a review of previous studies on the subject. The article covers the significance of seasonal growth, the significance of stand structure (particularly in relation to hydraulic resistence), an assessment of current river management, improvements to plant management techniques (in relation to cutting), and alternatives to the traditional techniques of river plant management. There are a number of accompanying figures.
The electro-optic effect in uniaxial crystals for light propagating near the optic axis with any polarization has been analyzed. The passive and the electrically induced birefringences and the rotation of polarization direction in crystals have been calculated, and the conoscopic interference figures under orthogonal polariscopes for different polarizer directions have been plotted. The extinction areas caused by the rotation of polarization direction in crystals change with the polarizer direction, but the two heads of the induced optical axes do not vary, which are always on the induced principal axis with bigger refractive index. The directions of polariscopes are always extinction, and the +/- 45 degrees directions with polarizer are always complete transmission. The conoscopic interference figures for LiNbO3 crystals have been demonstrated experimentally by rotating polariscopes directions, which accord with the theoretically calculating plots. (c) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
A review article discussing the degree of susceptibility of fish to outbreaks of disease and whether, besides from changes in the physical and chemical characteristics of the environment, this susceptibility is instrumental in determining whether or not pathogenic challenge results in disease. The article summarises a decade of work on this subject at the Windermere laboratory of the Freshwater Biological Association and suggests possible directions for future research. The article covers experimental design, effects of environmental stress (including discussion on the hypothalamic-pituitary-interrenal (HPI) axis in salmonid fish), sexual maturation, research areas for future development and evolutionary considerations. There are a number of accompanying figures and images.
An article reviewing the methods of biological surveillance of chalk-streams developed and commonly used at that time, with a focus on their application to the River Frome catchment in Dorset. In evaluating the surveillance methods, the author looks at sampling methods (including cores and kick-sampling), the level of identification of macroinvertebrates, and temporal and spatial variations. Responses of indices to organic pollution are also discussed. A number of accompanying figures are also included.
A review article detailing the background, development and functionality of the Windermere Profiler, a multi parameter environmental monitoring instrument for use in lakes, reservoirs and rivers. The article explains the requirement for regular data collection by the Freshwater Biological Association at Windermere. The article covers the requirements of a profiling instrument, the design considerations, the electronic circuitry, the computer program, the operation of the computer software, the profiler in use and further developments to the design. A number of figures and images accompany the article.
Epilithic algae, ie that growing on the surface of stones, was studied as part of the work on the energy flow of the chalk-stream ecosystem, by the River Laboratory. The study area was on Bere Stream and 2 neighbouring streams. The algal biomass was estimated from analysis of chlorophyll a. In Bere Stream the peak chlorophyll a cover occurred in April, while in the neighbouring streams, which have considerably lower nutrient levels, there was on peak. Assuming that 2% of a diatoms dry wt is chlorophyll a, then even in mid-April the biomass of epilithic algae amounted to no more than 15 g dry wt m Super(-2) of exposed gravel. Annual production was calculated to be > 15 times greater than biomass. The estimation of net primary production is always difficult for benthic floras and comparisons are especially difficult when different methods are used. But these figures contrast sharply with those for Ranunculus (water crowfoot) which has a ratio of annual production to maximal seasonal biomass of 1:16. The accumulation of algal biomass is apparently being prevented. Some organic matter may be excreted; some algae will be washed off the bed of the stream by current and grazing by herbivorous invertebrates will also tend to prevent algal accumulation.
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the effect on performance and chamber temperature of adding hydrogen to a propellant system. The systems investigated are:
(1) RFNA-Aniline
(2) Nitromethane
(3) Anhydrous hydrazene-liquid oxygen
Since a systematic investigation of the performance parameters of the RFNA-Aniline system over a wide range of mixture ratios has never been made, it was decided to make these calculations, in addition to the investigations stated above.
The results of the calculations can best be summarized by a study of the figures at the end of the thesis. A few generalizations can be made. The effect of adding hydrogen in small quantities to a high temperature system is to increase the performance considerably without too much change in the chamber temperature. As more hydrogen is added, the percentage increase in performance. If hydrogen is added in large quantities, both the performance curve (effective exhaust velocity) and the chamber temperature curve flatten out.
The behavior discussed above is characteristic of hot propellant systems such as RFNA-Aniline and anhydrous hydrazene. In a low temperature system, such as nitromethane, the effect is quite different. The addition of hydrogen in small quantities causes a rapid decrease in chamber temperature, but the increase in performance is considerably less on a percentage basis. As more hydrogen is added the changes in performance and chamber temperature are almost linear.