994 resultados para Muscle fiber


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The combination of light carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite materials with structurally efficient sandwich panel designs offers novel opportunities for ultralight structures. Here, pyramidal truss sandwich cores with relative densities ρ̄ in the range 1-10% have been manufactured from carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminates by employing a snap-fitting method. The measured quasi-static shear strength varied between 0.8 and 7.5 MPa. Two failure modes were observed: (i) Euler buckling of the struts and (ii) delamination failure of the laminates. Micro-buckling failure of the struts was not observed in the experiments reported here while Euler buckling and delamination failures occurred for the low (ρ̄≤1%) and high (ρ̄>1%) relative density cores, respectively. Analytical models for the collapse of the composite cores by these failure modes are presented. Good agreement between the measurements and predictions based on the Euler buckling and delamination failure of the struts is observed while the micro-buckling analysis over-predicts the measurements. The CFRP pyramidal cores investigated here have a similar mechanical performance to CFRP honeycombs. Thus, for a range of multi-functional applications that require an "open-celled" architecture (e.g. so that cooling fluid can pass through a sandwich core), the CFRP pyramidal cores offer an attractive alternative to honeycombs. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A severe shortage of good quality donor cornea is now an international crisis in public health. Alternatives for donor tissue need to be urgently developed to meet the increasing demand for corneal transplantation. Hydrogels have been widely used as scaffolds for corneal tissue regeneration due to their large water content, similar to that of native tissue. However, these hydrogel scaffolds lack the fibrous structure that functions as a load-bearing component in the native tissue, resulting in poor mechanical performance. This work shows that mechanical properties of compliant hydrogels can be substantially enhanced with electrospun nanofiber reinforcement. Electrospun gelatin nanofibers were infiltrated with alginate hydrogels, yielding transparent fiber-reinforced hydrogels. Without prior crosslinking, electrospun gelatin nanofibers improved the tensile elastic modulus of the hydrogels from 78±19 kPa to 450±100 kPa. Stiffer hydrogels, with elastic modulus of 820±210 kPa, were obtained by crosslinking the gelatin fibers with carbodiimide hydrochloride in ethanol before the infiltration process, but at the expense of transparency. The developed fiber-reinforced hydrogels show great promise as mechanically robust scaffolds for corneal tissue engineering applications.


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This paper proposed a non-intrusive method of measuring the optical beam profile at the surface of the liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) device in an optical fiber switch. This method is based on blazed grating and can be employed in situ (on-line) for two-dimensional beam profiling in the LCOS-based optical fiber switches without introducing additional components or rearranging the system. The measured beam radius was in excellent agreement with that measured by the knife-edge technique. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Although musculoskeletal models are commonly used, validating the muscle actions predicted by such models is often difficult. In situ isometric measurements are a possible solution. The base of the skeleton is immobilized and the endpoint of the limb is rigidly attached to a 6-axis force transducer. Individual muscles are stimulated and the resulting forces and moments recorded. Such analyses generally assume idealized conditions. In this study we have developed an analysis taking into account the compliances due to imperfect fixation of the skeleton, imperfect attachment of the force transducer, and extra degrees of freedom (dof) in the joints that sometimes become necessary in fixed end contractions. We use simulations of the rat hindlimb to illustrate the consequences of such compliances. We show that when the limb is overconstrained, i.e., when there are fewer dof within the limb than are restrained by the skeletal fixation, the compliances of the skeletal fixation and of the transducer attachment can significantly affect measured forces and moments. When the limb dofs and restrained dofs are matched, however, the measured forces and moments are independent of these compliances. We also show that this framework can be used to model limb dofs, so that rather than simply omitting dofs in which a limb does not move (e.g., abduction at the knee), the limited motion of the limb in these dofs can be more realistically modeled as a very low compliance. Finally, we discuss the practical implications of these results to experimental measurements of muscle actions.


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Recent studies have demonstrated a role for the elastic protein titin in active muscle, but the mechanisms by which titin plays this role remain to be elucidated. In active muscle, Ca(2+)-binding has been shown to increase titin stiffness, but the observed increase is too small to explain the increased stiffness of parallel elastic elements upon muscle activation. We propose a 'winding filament' mechanism for titin's role in active muscle. First, we hypothesize that Ca(2+)-dependent binding of titin's N2A region to thin filaments increases titin stiffness by preventing low-force straightening of proximal immunoglobulin domains that occurs during passive stretch. This mechanism explains the difference in length dependence of force between skeletal myofibrils and cardiac myocytes. Second, we hypothesize that cross-bridges serve not only as motors that pull thin filaments towards the M-line, but also as rotors that wind titin on the thin filaments, storing elastic potential energy in PEVK during force development and active stretch. Energy stored during force development can be recovered during active shortening. The winding filament hypothesis accounts for force enhancement during stretch and force depression during shortening, and provides testable predictions that will encourage new directions for research on mechanisms of muscle contraction.


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A severe shortage of good quality donor cornea is now an international crisis in public health. Alternatives for donor tissue need to be urgently developed to meet the increasing demand for corneal transplantation. Hydrogels have been widely used as scaffolds for corneal tissue regeneration due to their large water content, similar to that of native tissue. However, these hydrogel scaffolds lack the fibrous structure that functions as a load-bearing component in the native tissue, resulting in poor mechanical performance. This work shows that mechanical properties of compliant hydrogels can be substantially enhanced with electrospun nanofiber reinforcement. Electrospun gelatin nanofibers were infiltrated with alginate hydrogels, yielding transparent fiber-reinforced hydrogels. Without prior crosslinking, electrospun gelatin nanofibers improved the tensile elastic modulus of the hydrogels from 78±19. kPa to 450±100. kPa. Stiffer hydrogels, with elastic modulus of 820±210. kPa, were obtained by crosslinking the gelatin fibers with carbodiimide hydrochloride in ethanol before the infiltration process, but at the expense of transparency. The developed fiber-reinforced hydrogels show great promise as mechanically robust scaffolds for corneal tissue engineering applications. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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New materials are needed to replace degenerated intervertebral disc tissue and to provide longer-term solutions for chronic back-pain. Replacement tissue potentially could be engineered by seeding cells into a scaffold that mimics the architecture of natural tissue. Many natural tissues, including the nucleus pulposus (the central region of the intervertebral disc) consist of collagen nanofibers embedded in a gel-like matrix. Recently it was shown that electrospun micro- or nano-fiber structures of considerable thickness can be produced by collecting fibers in an ethanol bath. Here, randomly aligned polycaprolactone electrospun fiber structures up to 50 mm thick are backfilled with alginate hydrogels to form novel composite materials that mimic the fiber-reinforced structure of the nucleus pulposus. The composites are characterized using both indentation and tensile testing. The composites are mechanically robust, exhibiting substantial strain-to-failure. The method presented here provides a way to create large biomimetic scaffolds that more closely mimic the composite structure of natural tissue. © 2012 Materials Research Society.


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Multilevel PAM is investigated for a LED-based SI-POF link. Using PAM-8, transmission at a record 3 Gbit/s is demonstrated for a maximum length of 25 m step index POF with offline post-receiver processing. © 2013 OSA.


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Sandwich panels with crushable foam cores have attracted significant interest for impulsive load mitigation. We describe a method for making a lightweight, energy absorbing, glass fiber composite sandwich structure and explore it is through thickness (out-of-plane) compressive response. The sandwich structure utilized corrugated composite cores constructed from delamination resistant 3D woven E-glass fiber textiles folded over triangular cross section prismatic closed cell, PVC foam inserts. The corrugated structure was stitched to 3D woven S2-glass fiber face sheets and infiltrated with a rubber toughened, impact resistant epoxy. The quasi-static compressive stress-strain response of the panels was experimentally investigated as a function of the strut width to length ratio and compared to micromechanical predictions. Slender struts failed by elastic (Euler) buckling which transitioned to plastic microbuckling as the strut aspect ratio increased. Good agreement was observed between experimental results and micromechanical predictions over the wide range of core densities investigated in the study.


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The results of an experimental and numerical investigation involving unstrengthened reinforced concrete (RC) T-beams and precracked RC T-beams strengthened in shear with prestressed carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) straps are presented and discussed. The results provide insights into the influence of load history and beam depth on the structural behavior of both unstrengthened and strengthened beams. The strengthened beams exhibited capacity enhancements of 21.6 to 46% compared to the equivalent unstrengthened beams, demonstrating the potential effectiveness of the prestressed CFRP strap system. Nonlinear finite element (FE) predictions, which incorporated the load history, reproduced the observed experimental behavior but either underestimated or overestimated the post-cracking stiffness of the beams and strap strain at higher load levels. These limitations were attributed to the concrete shear models used in the FE analyses.


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Multilevel PAM is investigated for a LED-based SI-POF link. Using PAM-8, transmission at a record 3 Gbit/s is demonstrated for a maximum length of 25 m step index POF with offline post-receiver processing. © 2013 OSA.