941 resultados para Multivariate data analysis


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR


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Estudos sobre a violência urbana vêm sendo realizados no Brasil buscando encontrar correlações e associações significativas entre taxas de homicídio e/ou tráfico de drogas e indicadores sociais ou econômicos. Esses estudos costumam utilizar como unidade de análise as divisões administrativas oficiais: regiões, estados, municípios e bairros. Entretanto, não tem sido tarefa simples o desafio de encontrar evidências empíricas a respeito da relação positiva entre fenômenos socioeconômicos e taxas de homicídio e/ou tráfico de drogas no nível intraurbano. Neste sentido este trabalho tem o objetivo de estudar as relações espaciais e multivariada dos crimes de tráfico de drogas e homicídio e a urbanizaçã do município de Belém-PA. Inicialmente aplicou-se a técnica estatística análise descritiva para evidenciar as taxas dos crimes de tráfico de drogas e homicídio nos bairros de Belém. Em seguida, aplicou-se a técnica estatística multivariada análise fatorial, o que permitiu estimar os escores fatoriais, a partir dos quais pôde-se construir o índice de qualidade de urbanização (IQU), baseado em indicadores socioeconômicos e ambientais da cidade de Belém, permitindo a classificação dos bairros em péssimo, ruim, regular, bom e ótimo, de acordo com os atributos de cada bairro. Em seguida, de posse do índice de urbanização e das taxas de tráfico de drogas e homicídio pôde-se submeter esses dados a técnica estatística multivariada análise de correspondência, cujo objetivo foi averiguar o nível de correlação (associação positiva ou negativa) entre essas variáveis. Dessa maneira, dentre os principais resultados pôde-se observar que bairros com baixa urbanização estão associados à moderada ou alta taxa de tráfico de drogas e alta taxa de homicádio. Bairros com alta urbanização estão associados à baixa taxa de tráfico de drogas e baixa taxa de homicídio. Assim como, bairros com baixa taxa de tráfico de drogas possuem baixa taxa de homicídio e bairros com alta taxa de tráfico de drogas possuem alta taxa de homicídio no município de Belém.


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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Pós-graduação em Biometria - IBB


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Pós-graduação em Matematica Aplicada e Computacional - FCT


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AIM: In this study, we evaluated and compared community attributes from a tropical deforested stream, located in a pasture area, in a period before (PRED I) and three times after (POSD I, II, and III) a flash flood, in order to investigate the existence of temporal modifications in community structure that suggests return to conditions previous to the flash flood. METHODS: Biota samples included algae, macrophytes, macroinvertebrates, and fish assemblages. Changes in stream physical structure we also evaluated. Similarity of the aquatic biota between pre and post-disturbance periods was examined by exploratory ordination, known as Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling associated with Cluster Analysis, using quantitative and presence/absence Bray-Curtis similarity coefficients. Presence and absence data were used for multivariate correlation analysis (Relate Analysis) in order to investigate taxonomic composition similarity of biota between pre and post-disturbance periods. RESULTS: Our results evidenced channel simplification and an expressive decrease in richness and abundance of all taxa right after the flood, followed by subsequent increases of these parameters in the next three samples, indicating trends towards stream community recovery. Bray-Curtis similarity coefficients evidenced a greater community structure disparity among the period right after the flood and the subsequent ones. Multivariate correlation analysis evidenced a greater correlation between macroinvertebrates and algae/macrophytes, demonstrating the narrow relation between their recolonization dynamics. CONCLUSIONS: Despite overall community structure tended to return to previous conditions, recolonization after the flood was much slower than that reported in literature. Finally, the remarkably high flood impact along with the slow recolonization could be a result of the historical presence of anthropic impacts in the region, such as siltation, riparian forest complete depletion, and habitat simplification, which magnified the effects of a natural disturbance.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We present an implementation of the F-statistic to carry out the first search in data from the Virgo laser interferometric gravitational wave detector for periodic gravitational waves from a priori unknown, isolated rotating neutron stars. We searched a frequency f(0) range from 100 Hz to 1 kHz and the frequency dependent spindown f(1) range from -1.6(f(0)/100 Hz) x 10(-9) Hz s(-1) to zero. A large part of this frequency-spindown space was unexplored by any of the all-sky searches published so far. Our method consisted of a coherent search over two-day periods using the F-statistic, followed by a search for coincidences among the candidates from the two-day segments. We have introduced a number of novel techniques and algorithms that allow the use of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm in the coherent part of the search resulting in a fifty-fold speed-up in computation of the F-statistic with respect to the algorithm used in the other pipelines. No significant gravitational wave signal was found. The sensitivity of the search was estimated by injecting signals into the data. In the most sensitive parts of the detector band more than 90% of signals would have been detected with dimensionless gravitational-wave amplitude greater than 5 x 10(-24).


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The head is the most important and specialized region in the body because it contains a range of specialized organs and, because it has interconnections between specialized organs, there is a great overlap of images. Thus, computed tomography (CT) helps in diagnosing diseases in this region, such as oral conditions, as they provide millimetric slices or cuts and demonstrate the relationship between the various anatomical structures involved, in volume and depth. Within dentistry, CT helps in the identification of pathological processes such as infection, tumors, visualization of embedded teeth and bone bed. This study aimed to assess the density of the mandibular alveolar bone at a determined point to later predict how periodontal disease is involved in bone resorption. For this, we performed a blind retrospective study (n = 124) of the CT scan files of dog skulls at FMVZ-UNESP in order to determine the density of the jaw bone using a Hounsfield scale, in the region of the dental apex of the cranial root of the first molar tooth in dogs. The results obtained were evaluated using mean and standard deviation (27.28 +/- 9.53 HU) in order to predict the normal density of the mandibular alveolar bone in the studied region. Thus, this data analysis allows a more concise evaluation of bone resorption of mandibular alveolar bone and, therefore, provides an adequate surgical planning in cases of osteosynthesis given mainly by the presence of installed periodontal disease.