928 resultados para Morris Canal and Banking Company.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate through radiographic and microscopic analysis the efficiency of the filling techniques by vertical hidraulic compression after the root canal mechanical instrumentation in vitro as well to evaluate the marginal apical leakage through macroscopic and microscopic analysis. Thirty human mandibular molars were used , they were divided on three groups, these were subdivided on six subgroups with five specimens each, come down to 106 root canals filled. Initially, the teeth were instrumented with Profile system series 29 and filled with two ways: single accessory cone or single cone associated with gutta-percha secundary cone, with Fill Canal sealer or Sealer 26. Completed the filling, the teeth were coated with araldit and finger -nail polish except for the apical 2 mm and dried for 3 hours, thep radiographs were taken of the teeth in orto and disto-radiai directions. Next, the coronal seal was carried out with composite resin photopolymerized and with their process of making impermeable. Teeth of positive controls were used without araldit and finger-nail polish whereas the negative controls were used with total coat of araldit and finger-nail polish. The specimens were placed in 2% Methylene Blue dye for 24 hours and thermocycled for 7 days. Afterwards, sections were made of each tooth at mesial and distal roat, after this the teeth were radiographed at buccolíngual direction for a macroscopic analysis and at buccolingual and mesiodistal directions for assessment of the marginal apical leakage. Cross sections were made 3 mm to 3mm since the tooth apice. The sections obtained for each group were observed with a stereomicroscope to evaluate the quality of the root canal filling and the marginal apical leakage. The results showed that: In the four techniques the marginal dye leakage was present in the apical third; in all groups the quality of the root canal filling in the radiography was better at mesial root canal and the single cone technique showed inefficient when only a single distal root canal was present. In the radiographic evaluation the best quality of the root canal filling was observed in the 1A group (single accessory cone + FiIl Canal), as in the mesial root as in the distal root wich Shcwed twe root canals: when the distaI root had only one canal. the best result was showed by 28 group (single accessory cone associated with secundary cone + Fill Canal) In the macroscopic analysis of longitudinal !eaKage (outside surface). less leakage was showed as In the mesial root as in the distal root in the negative control group (3) followed 2A group (single accessory cone + Sealer 26). When the microscopic analysis of tranversal leakage of both roots (inside surface) was carried out. the groups that showed less dye leakage were the negative control (38) followed the 28 group (single acessory cone associated with secundary cone + Sealer 26). The homogeneity o filling was best noted in the 1 A group (.single accessoty cone + Fill Canal). The groups that showed less dye penetration in the tranversal leakage (total area) were negative control (3B) and 2B


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This project was developed as a partnership between the Laboratory of Stratigraphical Analyses of the Geology Department of UFRN and the company Millennium Inorganic Chemicals Mineração Ltda. This company is located in the north end of the paraiban coast, in the municipal district of Mataraca. Millennium has as main prospected product, heavy minerals as ilmenita, rutilo and zircon presents in the sands of the dunes. These dunes are predominantly inactive, and overlap the superior portion of Barreiras Formation rocks. The mining happens with the use of a dredge that is emerged at an artificial lake on the dunes. This dredge removes sand dunes of the bottom lake (after it disassembles of the lake borders with water jets) and directs for the concentration plant, through piping where the minerals are then separate. The present work consisted in the acquisition external geometries of the dunes, where in the end a 3D Static Model could be set up of these sedimentary deposits with emphasis in the behavior of the structural top of Barreiras Formation rocks (inferior limit of the deposit). The knowledge of this surface is important in the phase of the plowing planning for the company, because a calculation mistake can do with that the dredge works too close of this limit, taking the risk that fragments can cause obstruction in the dredge generating a financial damage so much in the equipment repair as for the stopped days production. During the field stages (accomplished in 2006 and 2007) topographical techniques risings were used with Total Station and Geodesic GPS as well as shallow geophysical acquisitions with GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar). It was acquired almost 10,4km of topography and 10km of profiles GPR. The Geodesic GPS was used for the data geopositioning and topographical rising of a traverse line with 630m of extension in the stage of 2007. The GPR was shown a reliable method, ecologically clean, fast acquisition and with a low cost in relation to traditional methods as surveys. The main advantage of this equipment is obtain a continuous information to superior surface Barreiras Formation rocks. The static models 3D were elaborated starting from the obtained data being used two specific softwares for visualization 3D: GoCAD 2.0.8 and Datamine. The visualization 3D allows a better understanding of the Barreiras surface behavior as well as it makes possible the execution of several types of measurements, favoring like calculations and allowing that procedures used for mineral extraction is used with larger safety


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A imunidade na glândula mamária pode ser classificada, assim como em outros sistemas, em inata ou inespecífica e adaptativa ou específica. A imunidade inata é a defesa predominante durante os estágios iniciais da infecção. As respostas inespecíficas estão presentes no local da infecção ou são ativadas rapidamente por numerosos estímulos e não aumentam pela exposição repetida ao mesmo agente etiológico. O primeiro obstáculo enfrentado por um patógeno para adentrar o úbere é composto pela barreira formada pelo esfíncter do teto e pelo tampão de queratina formado pelo epitélio queratinizado. Uma vez que o microrganismo tenha atravessado o canal do teto e alcançado a cisterna mamária, passam a atuar diversos fatores solúveis e celulares. Dentre os fatores solúveis, estão presentes: lactoperoxidase, sistema complemento, citocinas, lactoferrina, lisozima e NAGase. As defesas celulares inespecíficas na glândula mamária são representadas pelos neutrófilos, pelos macrófagos e pelas células natural killer. Na medida em que esses mecanismos funcionam adequadamente, a maioria dos patógenos será rapidamente eliminada antes que o sistema imune específico seja ativado, sem resultar em alterações na quantidade ou qualidade do leite produzido. Uma melhor compreensão sobre os mecanismos de defesa da glândula mamária e suas alterações durante os períodos críticos da infecção é imprescindível para o desenvolvimento de métodos mais eficazes de profilaxia e controle da mastite, a principal doença dos ruminantes leiteiros. O presente estudo revisou os principais aspectos responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento da imunidade inata na glândula mamária bovina.


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The sternal gland is considered the only source of trail pheromones in termites. The morphology of the sternal gland was investigated in workers of Coptotermes gestroi using transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The results showed a small bilobed gland at the anterior part of the fifth abdominal sternite. The cuticular surface of the sternal gland showed a V-shaped structure with two peg sensilla in elevated socket and various campaniform sensilla. Pores and cuticular scale-like protuberances also occur in the glandular area. The ultrastructure showed a gland composed of class I cells and two different types of class 3 cells distinguished by location, different size and electron-density of secretory vesicles. Small class 3 cells (type 1) of the anterior lobe are inserted among class I cells and have weakly electron-dense vesicles associated with mitochondria, glycogen and smooth endoplasmic reticulum. The class 3 cells (type 2) of posterior lobe showed many round electron-lucent vesicles of secretion, abundant free ribosomes and a well-developed Golgi apparatus. Each class 3 cell is connected to the cuticle by a cuticular duct constituted by the receiving canal and the conducting canal. The secretion of class I cells is stored in an inner subcuticular reservoir that is delimited by the microvilli of these cells. This inner reservoir is large and crossed by the campaniform sensilla and ducts of two types of class 3 cells that open outside of the insect body. An exterior reservoir also is present between the fourth and fifth sternite. The complex structure of the sternal gland suggests multicomponents for the trail pheromone in the worker of C gestroi. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The present study reveals that the excretory system of Glossoscolex paulistus is formed by open holonephridia (exonephridia). It is noticed that different zones are recognized in the nephridial canal, with defined histological and histochemical characteristics: 1) primary canal; 2) lobed canal; 3) first rounded segment; 4) afferent thin segment; 5) efferent thin segment; 6) second rounded segment; 7) ciliary tube; 8) clear canal; 9) pigmented canal; 10) intermediate canal; 11) bladder; 12) terminal canal; 13) nephridiopore. All these regions are intercellular and cilia are found in regions 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 and 13. The connections between afferent and efferent capillary of the vascular supply of the nephridium are made of capillary loops and dilatations which we call glomeruli in this paper. Filtering functions are suggested for the glomerulus. The response of the lobed canal and the first and second rounded segments to Gomori's reaction is strongly positive and this is found to coincide with the largest concentration of glomeruli in the main loops 1 and II, that suggests a higher filtration capacity for the canal and segments.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O desenvolvimento e implantação de sistemas de gestão da qualidade e o uso de programas e ferramentas da qualidade são algumas das opções mais utilizadas pelos gestores para aumentar a competitividade de suas empresas. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste artigo é apresentar o resultado de uma pesquisa tipo survey em que se verificaram e analisaram as principais características do processo de certificação ISO 9001, seus benefícios, suas dificuldades e quais programas e ferramentas da qualidade são utilizados em 236 empresas do interior do Estado de São Paulo. A pesquisa revelou que a certificação ISO 9001 gera benefícios significativos às organizações, tais como: melhoria dos processos internos e nos seus produtos; aumento da satisfação dos clientes; diminuição do número de não conformidades e de devoluções; aumento da produtividade e do lucro; melhoria no gerenciamento dos recursos e valorização da imagem da empresa no mercado. Ela também ratificou a importância da utilização dos programas e ferramentas da qualidade como forma de as empresas se adequarem melhor aos requisitos da norma ISO 9001. As dificuldades de desenvolvimento e implantação desses sistemas não se confirmaram para a amostra pesquisada. Apenas a resistência à mudança, dentre todas apresentadas, mereceu destaque para os pesquisados.


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O modelo evidencia que as atividades de qualquer tipo de empresa, inclusive a de serviços, podem ser organizadas em quatro grupos (produção, atendimento, apoio e planejamento) e que essa organização é aplicável à empresa como um todo, a qualquer órgão (departamento, seção) e a qualquer célula de trabalho, inclusive a constituída por apenas um funcionário. O modelo, por mergulhar, como nenhum outro, nas profundezas da empresa, complementa outros modelos (Tavistock, Katz & Kahn, Kast & Rosenzweig). A comparação com o modelo da Cadeia de Valores de Porter e as vantagens apontadas no texto permitem concluir que o modelo é bastante adequado para a proposição de mudanças na empresa que melhorem sua posição competitiva.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Aim: The apical sealing ability of three different endodontic sealers was evaluated in extracted teeth using dye penetration. Methodology: The root canals of 99 extracted human maxillary central incisors were prepared sequentially 2 mm beyond the apical foramen with a size 55 Nitiflex file. The teeth were divided into three experimental groups and obturated by lateral condensation of cold gutta-percha and one of the following sealers: group 1, zinc oxide and eugenol sealer (Fill Canal); group 2, glass ionomer sealer (Ketac-Endo) and group 3, epoxy resin sealer (AH Plus). The teeth were covered with nail varnish to within 1 mm of the apical foramen and immersed in 2% methylene blue in a reduced pressure environment for 24h. After this period, the teeth were washed and cut longitudinally for apical leakage analysis. The values were obtained from the maximum depth of leakage as well as the average between the maximum and minimum values observed for each group. Results: Statistical evaluation of the results showed no significant difference in the leakage between Fill Canal and Ketac-Endo (P > 0.05). Leakage with AH Plus was significantly less (P < 0.01) than with the other sealers. Conclusions: All three sealers allowed some leakage to occur. Leakage with AH Plus was significantly different than with Fill Canal or Ketac-Endo.


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The criteria for the occurrence of roll wave phenomenon in the supercritical and turbulent Newtonian and non-Newtonian flows from the engineering point of view was analyzed. Imposing a constant discharge at the upstream of the canal and superposing a small perturbation, it was observed that roll waves can be developed more easily for small wave numbers and for high cohesions. Moreover, from the mathematical model used, it was demonstrated that the numerical viscosity was 10 times the physical viscosity.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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The objective of this work was to analyze the consumption, electric energy cost, and economic results of irrigated citrus (Citrus sinensis). The treatments consisted of a dripping irrigation system with one and two lateral distribution lines, a micro sprinkler irrigation system and a treatment without irrigation. For each irrigation system, three water depths were used: 100%, 75% and 50% of Etc (citrus evapotranspiration). The electric energy cost for two tariff groups, Group A and Group B, was studied. For Group A, the expenses with energy were determined for the Conventional Binomial Structure tariff, the Hour-seasonal tariff (green and blue) and the special tariff for nocturnal irrigation. The kWh cost for the tariff systems were obtained from the website of CPFL (São Paulo State Power and Light Company, Brazil). The best relation between the electric energy consumption (kWh.ha -1) and productivity (t.ha -1) occurred in the treatment irrigated with 50% of the Etc. The irrigated treatments increased productivity. The biggest productivity was observed in the irrigation treatments with 50% of the Etc when compared to the ones with 100% of the Etc. The blue and green Hour-seasonal tariff system of Group A (nocturnal irrigation) was the best option. A biggest economic turnover occurred in the treatments irrigated with 50% of the Etc.


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Objective: To evaluate and compare the fracture strength of different composite resins used for core buildup. Method: Thirty-six bovine teeth were decoronated at the cervical third to standardize the length of specimens at 20 mm. Under constant irrigation, the canals were prepared with #5 Largo drills corresponding to the size and diameter of #3 Reforpost fiberglass post. The posts were cemented with Enforce resin sealer, being 16 mm inside the root canal and 4 mm outside the root canal, and the material was light-activated for 30 seconds at each side. The specimens were divided into 3 groups (n=12), in which cores (4 mm diameter and 5 mm high) were prepared from a prefabricated standard with three types of composite resins: Group 1: Z100 (3M), Group 2: Z250 (3M) and Group 3: P60 (3M). The specimens were fixed in a cylindrical device with an adaptor at 45o inclination. This device was adapted to a universal testing machine (EMIC) to simulate the force until fracture of the specimen. Data were subjected to ANOVA (p<0.05). Results: The Z250 resin cores presented the highest mean fracture strength (45.453 kgf), while the mean fracture strengths in Group 1 and Group 3 were 38.014 and 39.506 kgf, respectively. P60 caused the largest number of root fractures. Conclusion: Considering the characteristics and properties of the tested resins, Z250 appears as the most indicated for core buildup.