968 resultados para Morales Benítez, Otto, 1920- - Entrevistas
Este artigo analisa a atuação do clero no sentido de normalizar o comportamento das pessoas por meio da celebração do matrimônio na cidade de Goiás, no período de 1860 a 1920, sendo que as normas católicas tinham por objetivo implantar um catolicismo ultramontano tridentino. Assim, o clero ultramontano procurava moralizar a vida privada do fiel e também evitar a adesão deste ao casamento civil, sobretudo após a aprovação do Decreto n. 181, de 24 de janeiro de 1890, que o estabeleceu no País.
Objetivou-se estudar a morbidade referida pela população urbana amostrada, no Município de Botucatu, SP, Brasil, em 1983/84, segundo sexo, idade, escolaridade e renda per capita. O método consistiu em entrevistas domiciliárias, com aplicação de dois formulários pré-codificados. Os entrevistadores eram leigos treinados e supervisionados, e a pessoa entrevistada foi quase sempre a mãe de família. O período recordatório estabelecido em relação aos eventos informados (queixas, sintomas, acidentes comuns e diagnósticos) foi de três semanas. Das 7.075 pessoas amostradas (12% da população), 56% apresentaram episódios mórbidos, totalizando 6.649 episódios. As mulheres, bem como o grupo etário de 50 e mais anos apresentaram maior freqüência de queixas. A escolaridade e a renda per capita não diferenciaram os entrevistados quanto à ocorrência maior ou menor de episódios. A prevalência de episódios mórbidos foi de 939/1.000 entrevistados. Predominaram queixas do aparelho respiratório (20% do total de queixas), principalmente as infecções respiratórias agudas. em segundo lugar, os sinais e sintomas mal definidos (19%) e, a seguir, as doenças do sistema osteo-muscular, do sistema nervoso e do sistema circulatório, com proporções similares (ao redor de 9%) e, finalmente, as do sistema digestivo e as lesões e envenenamentos (ao redor de 8%). Foram estimados os coeficientes de prevalência por grupos de doença (pela CID), segundo as variáveis estudadas. São comentadas as dificuldades de comparação dos resultados obtidos com os de trabalhos congêneres, face às diferenças nos métodos usados, apontando-se para a necessidade de uma padronização metodológica dos estudos de morbidade referida, cuja importância epidemiológica e para o planejamento em saúde vem sendo amplamente reconhecida.
The karyotypes of 12 species of Psittacidae of the genus Amazona were studied: A. aestiva, A. amazonica, A. brasiliensis, A. autumnalis, A. farinosa, A, festiva, A. kawalli, A. ochrocephala, A. pretrei, A. rhodocorytha, A. vinacea and A. xanthops. The metaphases were obtained using a short term culture of leather pulp. Eleven of the twelve analyzed species were karyotypically homogeneous, with only a few divergences in chromosomes 2 and 3. The species A. xanthops showed large karyotypic differences compared to the genus Amazona. Consequently, the genus Salvatoria (Ribeiro, Rev. Mus. Paul. 12: 1-82, 1920) was confirmed, and A. xanthops renamed Salvatoria xanthops. The study showed the chromosomic conservation of the genus Amazona and the need for further taxonomic studies of the karyotype of the Psittacidae.
Brazil takes pride in its alleged lack of racial discrimination. These idealized racial relations are a construction of enlightened elites. This article analyzes one of the main cultural publications in the country in order to establish how European anthropological theories were interpreted by Brazilian intelectuals. In the reappraisal of the country proposed in the journal, the ethnic question was intensely discussed. A whitening of the population was generally perceived as a sort of magic solution to the contradictions in a multiracial, heterogeneous and rigidly hierarchic society. This natural process might be accelerated by an inflow of European immigration. The many expectations and tensions surrounding immigration were expressed in the construction of categories of desirable and undesirable immigrants. Thereof an ideal white country emerged, far away from the myth of racial democracy, which has not materialized in Brazilian society today.
The text analyzes the debates put forward in the defense for a humanist curriculum in the Brazilian secondary schools me the period from 1920 and 1960. Basing on the articles published in the periodic of national circulating and texts by educators who problematize the question f humanism as the orientation guide for the curriculum, the text highlights the positions of the intellectuals connected to the Catholic Churcho beside the thoughts of the secondary school teachers and the intellectuals of the progressive tendency. The analyses also show how the humanism notion is going to be transformed along the twentieth century and how this notion was enrooted in the Brazilian culture.
La recopilación incluye materiales existentes tanto en la Biblioteca CEPAL/ILPES como en otras bibliotecas de Santiago y Argentina, así como también en la Sección Archivos de CEPAL.
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Ceraeochrysa paraguaria do not has its life history well known, despite its description do not be recent. The present work aimed to evaluate morphometric aspects of C. paraguaria larvae were feeding on Diatraea saccharalis, Sitotroga cerealella e Anagasta kuehniella eggs with the objective to determine the mandibule length, head capsule length, torax + head length, and larvae weight. By the results it was possible to conclude: to the morphometrical parameters, only larvae weight was influenced by the food consumed by the predator, being the nymphal development shorter.
Objective: To estimate the intra-examiner reproducibility of the Dental Anxiety Scale (DAS) when applied by phone and personal interviews and to evaluate the association between the level of anxiety and the factors of interest. Method: The participants were 50 individuals (n=38 females) with mean age of 23.9±8.9 years, living in the city of Araraquara, SP, Brazil. The volunteers answered the DAS by means of two phone interviews with one-week interval between them. After 30 days, the DAS was applied to the same participants by means of personal interviews at two moments with one-week interval between them. Intra-examiner reproducibility was determined using Kappa (K) statistics by point and by confidence interval. Results: The intra-examiner agreement for the level of anxiety was 0.82 (0.75-0.90) for the phone interview and 0.69 (0.60-0.79) for the personal interview. Two of the DAS questions presented statistically significant difference in the intra-examiner reproducibility, with better agreement for the answers given by the participants during phone calls. The prevalence of dental anxiety in the sample was 92.0%, in such a way that 70.0%, 18.0% and 4.0% of them presented low, moderate and exacerbated anxiety. Conclusion: The classification of the individuals according to the anxiety level performed by means of phone and personal interviews presented statistically similar agreement. However, there was better agreement with phone calls for the questions referring to anxiety in the dental office's waiting room and during preparation of the motor for use in the dental treatment.
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El proyecto de investigacion, base para un estudio a nivel nacional, pretende conocer algunas variables tales como la edad, sexo, profesion, alfabetismo, caracteristicas de la familia, legitimidad y edad de la migracion para varios grupos de migrantes en momentos y lugares diferentes. La principal fuente de informacion son los 7 censos publicados entre 1854 y 1920. Su analisis solo entrega respuestas generales que deben ser completadas con estimaciones de migracion neta calculadas mediante tasas de supervivencia. Utilizando un escaso numero de manuscritos de censos disponibles, se ha podido configurar las caracteristicas basicas del migrante en algunas provincias, pero no su evolucion. Otra fuente de informacion cuantitativa importante son los registros matrimoniales de las parroquias, aunque presentan datos muy parciales. Cada una de las fuentes anteriores entrega informacion sobre distintos grupos de migrantes. Un analisis de sus diferentes resultados para una misma region permitira calificar los meritos de cada una.