980 resultados para Mononuclear
Tuberculosis is still increasing and was declared a worldwide sanitary emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1995. Its control is difficult due to long treatment duration and lack of markers of treatment success or failure. Cytokines such as IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha, a central factor in immune response against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, are responsible for the interaction between T lymphocytes and the infected macrophage and are also produced during this interaction. As proinflammatory cytokines have a close relationship with mycobacteria clearance, in fact even preceding it, they could be used as markers for inflammatory activity and response to treatment. Proinflammatory cytokines act in the liver and stimulate a strong local and systemic acute-phase response as a result of homeostatic and physiological responses also induced by them. Acute-phase proteins produced by cytokine activity are useful diagnostic markers that could also be used to monitor treatment response as they can be serially quantified. The objective of this study was to evaluate IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, IL-10 and TGF-beta production in supernatant of peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) and monocyte (MO) cultures, as well as serum acute-phase response through total protein, albumin, globulin, C-reactive protein (CRP), alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP), and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) as regression markers of inflammatory response during pulmonary tuberculosis treatment. Twenty blood donors (G1) from the Blood Bank at Botucatu School of Medicine's University Hospital (BSM-UH) were evaluated once and 28 pulmonary tuberculosis patients (G2): 13 from BSM-UH and 15 from the Bauru State Health Secretariat. Patients were evaluated at three moments of treatment: before (M1), at three months (M2), and at the end (M3). Cytokines were determined in 20ml of peripheral blood (ELISA), with or without activation: lipopolysaccharide (LPS) for MO culture and phytohemagglutinin (PHA) for PBMC culture. Acute-phase protein behavior in G2 throughout treatment was: Globulins: M1> M2, M1> M3 (rho < 0.001); CRP: M1> M2> M3 (.< 0.001); AGP for men: M1> M2, M1> M3 (rho < 0.001); ESR for men: M1> M2, M1> M3 (rho < 0.0016) and for women: M1> M2 (.< 0.025). Comparison between cytokine levels found in supernatant of MO and PBMC cultures, with and without stimulus, in G1 and G2 during treatment showed: TNF-alpha (with/ without LPS) at M1: G2> G1; at M2: G2> G1 (rho < 0.001); (without LPS) at M3: G2> G1 (rho < 0.001), (with LPS) at M3: G2> G1 (rho < 0.028); IFN-. (with and without PHA) at M1: G2> G1; at M2: G2> G1 (rho < 0.001); IL-10 (with and without LPS) at M1: G2> G1; at M2: G2> G1; at M3: G2> G1 (rho < 0.001); TGF-beta (with and without LPS) at M1: G2> G1; at M2: G2> G1 (rho < 0.001), (without LPS) at M3: G2> G1 (rho < 0.001). In G2, all cytokines in supernatant of MO and PBMC cultures, with and without stimulus, showed: M1> M2> M3 (rho < 0.01). Levels of globulins, CRP, AGP, and ESR in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis before treatment (M1) were significantly higher than reference values, suggesting their use as diagnostic markers and indicators of treatment. The CRP decreasing values along treatment could be taken as a marker of the regression of inflammatory process and of response to treatment in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.Regarding cytokines, there was significant increase in TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, IL-10, and TGF-alpha levels before and at three months treatment, with and without stimulus; in TNF-a and IL-10 lvels, with and without stimulus, as well as in TGF-alpha levels without stimulus at six months. Patients had higher levels of all studied cytokines than controls before treatment, and these values decreased along treatment. In this study, pulmonary tuberculosis patients showed a Th0 cytokine profile before treatment, with the production of both Th1 (IFN-gamma) and Th2 (IL-10) cytokines, in addition to TNF-alpha inflammatory and TGF-alpha regulatory and fibrosis-inducer cytokines. At the end of treatment, all had evolved to Th2 profile, probably in an attempt to reduce the harmful effects of the proinflammatory activity of the Th1 cytokine profile and of the still above-normal levels of TNF-alpha. The high levels of TGF-alpha, also found in these patients, are related to its important role in the extracellular matrix deposition and fibrosis induction that characterize tuberculosis healing process. IFN-gamma was the only cytokine reaching normal levels at the end of treatment, which suggests its use as a marker of response to treatment.
Leprosy is a complex infectious disease influenced by genetic and environmental factors. The genetic contributing factors are considered heterogeneous and several genes have been consistently associated with susceptibility like PARK2, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), lymphotoxin-alpha (LTA) and vitamin-D receptor (VDR). Here, we combined a case-control study (374 patients and 380 controls), with meta-analysis (5 studies; 2702 individuals) and biological study to test the epidemiological and physiological relevance of the interleukin-10 (IL-10) genetic markers in leprosy. We observed that the -819T allele is associated with leprosy susceptibility either in the case-control or in the meta-analysis studies. Haplotypes combining promoter single-nucleotide polymorphisms also implicated a haplotype carrying the -819T allele in leprosy susceptibility (odds ratio (OR) = 1.40; P = 0.01). Finally, we tested IL-10 production in peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimulated with Mycobacterium leprae antigens and found that -819T carriers produced lower levels of IL-10 when compared with noncarriers. Taken together, these data suggest that low levels of IL-10 during the disease outcome can drive patients to a chronic and unprotective response that culminates with leprosy.
OBJETIVO: Analisar o padrão de citocinas pró- e antiinflamatórias e da resposta de fase aguda (RFA) como marcadores de resposta ao tratamento da tuberculose pulmonar. MÉTODOS: Determinação dos níveis de interferon-gama (IFN-γ), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α, fator de necrose tumoral-alfa), interleucina-10 (IL-10) e transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β, fator transformador de crescimento-beta), pelo método ELISA, em sobrenadante de cultura de células mononucleares do sangue periférico e monócitos, assim como dos níveis de proteínas totais, albumina, globulinas, alfa-1-glicoproteína ácida (AGA), proteína C reativa (PCR) e velocidade de hemossedimentação (VHS) em 28 doentes com tuberculose pulmonar, em três tempos: antes (T0), aos três meses (T3) e aos seis meses (T6) de tratamento, em relação aos controles saudáveis, em um único tempo. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes apresentaram valores maiores de citocinas e RFA que os controles em T0, com diminuição em T3 e diminuição (TNF-α, IL-10, TGF-β, AGA e VHS) ou normalização (IFN-γ e PCR) em T6. CONCLUSÕES: PCR, AGA e VHS são possíveis marcadores para auxiliar no diagnóstico de tuberculose pulmonar e na indicação de tratamento de indivíduos com baciloscopia negativa; PCR (T0 > T3 > T6 = referência) pode também ser marcador de resposta ao tratamento. Antes do tratamento, o perfil Th0 (IFN-γ, IL-10, TNF-α e TGF-β), indutor de e protetor contra inflamação, prevaleceu nos pacientes; em T6, prevaleceu o perfil Th2 (IL-10, TNF-α e TGF-β), protetor contra efeito nocivo pró-inflamatório do TNF-α ainda presente. O comportamento do IFN-γ (T0 > T3 > T6 = controle) sugere sua utilização como marcador de resposta ao tratamento.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJETIVOS: Comparar em coelhos três modelos experimentais de destruição das células germinativas (CG) do limbo corneano quanto a aspectos morfológicos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 54 coelhos, 108 olhos, subdivididos em 3 grupos experimentais: (G1), (G2) e (G3), formados por 18 coelhos cada, que tiveram o OE submetido às técnicas experimentais (T1), (T2) e (T3), respectivamente, e um grupo controle, formado por 54 olhos contralaterais (OD) dos coelhos do G1, G2 e G3. Quatro parâmetros morfológicos foram estudados: epitélio, resposta inflamatória, vascularização e resposta fibroblástica. RESULTADOS: Com a T1 não houve remoção da totalidade do epitélio límbico, com a T2 houve remoção da quase totalidade do epitélio límbico, com a T3 houve remoção da totalidade do epitélio límbico. A reparação da superfície corneana foi feita por epitélio de fenótipo conjuntival (conjuntivalização) com as três técnicas, havendo aparecimento de células caliciformes a partir do 14º dia, sendo a densidade maior no 28º dia. A resposta inflamatória com a T3 foi mais intensa que com a T1 e T2. A regressão foi mais rápida com a T1 e similar com a T2 e T3. Contribuiu para a turvação corneana principalmente no 14º e 28º dia, concentrando-se, principalmente, na metade estromal anterior, sendo poupada a metade posterior. Foi maior até o 28º dia, decrescendo a partir desse momento. Caracterizou-se, no início, por infiltrado com predomínio de polimorfonucleares e sofreu mudança no 56º dia para infiltrado com predomínio de mononucleares. Os neovasos apareceram a partir do 7º dia, a princípio permearam o estroma do terço médio para cima, progredindo para a superficialização com a regressão do edema estromal. A vascularização com as três técnicas, ao final do experimento, foi superficial no estroma, porém não houve a formação de tecido fibro-escleroso denso ou cicatriz propriamente dita distinta do estroma corneano. CONCLUSÕES: Ocorreu conjuntivalização e neovascularização nas três técnicas experimentais. As T2 e T3 mostraram-se adequadas como possíveis modelos de ampla remoção das CG límbicas, levando a resultados similares nos diversos parâmetros estudados. A T1 se mostrou adequada como modelo de remoção parcial do epitélio límbico.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
An L-amino acid oxidase (BjarLAAO-I) from Bothrops jararaca snake venom was highly purified using a stepwise sequential chromatography on Sephadex G-75, Benzamidine Sepharose and Phenyl Sepharose. Purified BjarLAAO-I showed a molecular weight around 60,000 under reducing conditions and about 125,000 in the native form, when analysed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and gel filtration, respectively. BjarLAAO-I is a homodimeric acidic glycoprotein, pI similar to 5.0, and N-terminal sequence showing close structural homology with other snake venom LAAOs. The purified enzyme catalysed the oxidative deamination of L-amino acids, the most specific substrate being L-Phe. Five amino acids, L-Ser, L-Pro, L-Gly, L-Thr and L-Cys were not oxidized, clearly indicating a significant specificity. BjarLAAO-I significantly inhibited Ehrlich ascites tumour growth and induced an influx of polymorphonuclear cells, as well as spontaneous liberation of H(2)O(2) from peritoneal macrophages. Later, BjarLAAO-I induced mononuclear influx and peritoneal macrophage spreading. Animals treated with BjarLAAO-I showed higher survival time.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper describes the case of a horse treated in a Teaching Veterinary Hospital. The sutures of the flexor apparatus associated with cell therapy, the stem cell, provided a rapid response of repair compared to other cases treated in routine of the Hospital. The association of conventional treatments with the mononuclear fraction of bone marrow significantly contributed to the reduction of the hyperextension of the metatarsophalangeal joint. Ultrasound images showed rapid fill cell and decrease in inflammation.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This report addresses an atypical transmissible venereal tumour in an 8-year-old bitch that was pluriparous and seropositive for leishmaniasis. There were ascites and a serosanguineous discharge from the vulva, but no lesions on the external genital mucosa. An aspirate of the peritoneal fluid showed mononuclear round cells characteristic of transmissible venereal tumour (TVT). Exploratory laparotomy revealed light red, granulomatous structures in the peritoneum, omentum, spleen, liver and uterine horns. Cytological and histopathological tests confirmed the diagnosis of intra-abdominal TVT. Dissemination of the TVT to several organs inside the abdominal cavity probably resulted from immunosuppression caused by leishmaniasis, which favoured the presence and aggressiveness of TVT.