999 resultados para Mineral waters.


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A qualidade dos frutos é o resultado da somatória da ação de vários fatores, em especial do efeito individual e combinado dos nutrientes. O adequado atendimento das exigências nutricionais faz com que as plantas frutíferas possam expressar todo seu potencial genético. Sendo assim, nas fruteiras tropicais, têm sido feitas pesquisas para avaliar os efeitos dos nutrientes minerais sobre a qualidade dos frutos; porém as mesmas aparecem dispersas. O objetivo desta revisão foi compilar e apresentar informações sobre os efeitos dos nutrientes minerais na qualidade dos frutos da goiabeira, da mangueira, da bananeira e do mamoeiro. Assim, são apresentadas informações sobre a influência dos elementos essenciais na cor, aroma, forma, tamanho, aparência, resistência à penetração, incidência de doenças, desordens fisiológicos, características físico-químicas e vida útil da pós-colheita dos frutos.


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Vários fatores influenciam a produtividade e a qualidade dos frutos do abacaxizeiro e do maracujazeiro, dentre os quais se destacam: o clima, o solo e as práticas de adubação e de irrigação. A nutrição mineral é essencial para elevar a produtividade e melhorar a qualidade dos frutos; no entanto, há poucas informações sobre o efeito da adubação nestas duas frutíferas, especialmente sob condições tropicais. O objetivo desta revisão foi compilar e apresentar os principais resultados de pesquisas, nas quais foi avaliada a influência da nutrição mineral sobre a qualidade destas duas frutíferas. Consideraram-se as informações publicadas recentemente em revistas científicas, sendo as mesmas apresentadas para os macronutrientes de forma individual, em seguida para N-P-K e, por último, para os micronutrientes. A revisão da literatura mostrou que é difícil afirmar que algum elemento favorece ou não determinada característica dos frutos do abacaxizeiro e do maracujazeiro, já que os resultados são variáveis ou existe pouca informação. Em função disso, mais do que deixar estabelecidos os efeitos dos elementos minerais sobre a qualidade dos frutos, o que chama a atenção é a necessidade de pesquisar sobre este tema.


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Entre os fatores edáficos, os ligados à acidez são os que mais interferem na produtividade, especialmente nas regiões tropicais. Para a cultura das anonáceas, não há resultados de pesquisa que indiquem a adequada saturação por bases, nem tão pouco a determinação de doses, épocas, modos de aplicação e fontes de nutrientes para pomares de anonáceas em formação e produção, a fim de promover sustentabilidade e elevadas produtividades. Tendo em vista a importância e o potencial de exploração comercial das anonáceas no Brasil e, considerando-se a escassa informação científica disponível sobre calagem, adubação e nutrição dessa família de plantas frutíferas, algumas pesquisas têm urgência de serem realizadas em função dos efeitos dos nutrientes sobre a produtividade, a qualidade dos frutos, a pós-colheita, a tolerância a pragas e doenças e, etc.


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RESUMOO objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos dos sistemas de manejo convencional e orgânico sobre a composição mineral, sanidade e qualidade de maçãs das cultivares Royal Gala e Fuji. O estudo foi realizado em São Joaquim-SC, nas safras de 2008/2009 e 2009/2010, em um Cambissolo Húmico. O manejo orgânico, em ambas as cultivares, aumentou a área foliar média e específica e os teores foliares de K e Cu, e em ‘Royal Gala’ aumentou o Ca foliar.Na maturação comercial, frutos orgânicos apresentaram maiores valores de percentual de cor vermelha na epiderme, firmeza de polpa, danos por mosca-das-frutas, teores de Cu e relações K/Ca, Mg/Ca e (K+Mg)/Ca na polpa, em ambas as cultivares, e de teor de K na polpa em ‘Royal Gala’. As plantas no sistemaorgânico apresentaram valores inferiores de teores foliares de clorofila e N, rendimento, incidência de frutos comsarna da macieira, bem como frutos com menores teores de sólidos solúveis e de Ca na polpa, em ambas as cultivares, menores danos por queimadura de sol em ‘Royal Gala’ e menor teor de K na casca dos frutos em‘Fuji’. A produção orgânica de maçãs pode ser viável, porém necessita da adoção de tecnologia eficaz para o controle de danos por mosca-das-frutas.


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ABSTRACT Fertilization of temperate fruit trees, such as grapevine ( Vitis spp.), apple ( Malus domestica), and pear ( Pyrus communis) is an important tool to achive maximum yield and fruit quality. Fertilizers are provided when soil fertility does not allow trees to express their genetic potential, and time and rate of application should be scheduled to promote fruit quality. Grapevine berries, must and wine quality are affected principally by N, that regulate the synthesis of some important compounds, such as anthocyanins, which are responsible for coloring of the must and the wine. Fermenation of the must may stop in grapes with low concentration of N because N is requested in high amount by yeasts. An N excess may increase the pulp to peel ratio, diluting the concentration of anthocyanins and promoting the migration of anthocyanins from berries to the growing plant organs; a decrease of grape juice soluble solid concentration is also expected because of an increase in vegetative growth. Potassium is also important for wine quality contributing to adequate berry maturation, concentration of sugars, synthesis of phenols and the regulation of pH and acidity. In apple and pear, Ca and K are important for fruit quality and storage. Potassium is the most important component of fruit, however, any excess should be avoided and an adequate K:Ca balance should be achieved. Adequate concentration of Ca in the fruit prevents pre- and post-harvest fruit disorders and, at the same time, increases tolerance to pathogens. Although N promotes adequate growth soil N availability should be monitored to avoid excessive N uptake that may decrease fruit skin color and storability.


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Adolescence is an important time for acquiring high peak bone mass. Physical activity is known to be beneficial to bone development. The effect of estrogen-progestin contraceptives (EPC) is still controversial. Altogether 142 (52 gymnasts, 46 runners, and 42 controls) adolescent women participated in this study, which is based on two 7-year (n =142), one 6-year (n =140) and one 4-year (n =122) follow-ups. Information on physical activity, menstrual history, sexual maturation, nutrition, living habits and health status was obtained through questionnaires and interviews. The bone mineral density (BMD) and content (BMC) of lumbar spine (LS) and femoral neck (FN) were measured by dual- energy X-ray absoptiometry. Calcaneal sonographic measurements were also made. The physical activity of the athletes participating in this study decreased after 3-year follow-up. High-impact exercise was beneficial to bones. LS and FN BMC was higher in gymnasts than in controls during the follow-up. Reduction in physical activity had negative effects on bone mass. LS and FN BMC increased less in the group having reduced their physical activity more than 50%, compared with those continuing at the previous level (1.69 g, p=0.021; 0.14 g, p=0.015, respectively). The amount of physical activity was the only significant parameter accounting for the calcaneal sonography measurements at 6-year follow-up (11.3%) and reduced activity level was associated with lower sonographic values. Long-term low-dose EPC use seemed to prevent normal bone mass acquisition. There was a significant trend towards a smaller increase in LS and FN BMC among long-term EPC users. In conclusion, this study confirms that high-impact exercise is beneficial to bones and that the benefits are partly maintained even after a clear reduction in training level at least for 4 years. Continued exercise is needed to retain all acquired benefits. The bone mass gained and maintained can possibly be maximized in adolescence by implementing high-impact exercise for youngsters. The peak bone mass of the young women participating in the study may be reached before the age of 20. Use of low-dose EPCs seems to suppress normal bone mass acquisition.


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OBJETIVO: Estudar a intercambiabilidade dos resultados de densidade mineral óssea entre máquinas de absortimetria de raios-x em duas energias (DEXA) Hologic® e de absortimetria computadorizada de raios-x convencionais em duas energias (CDEXA) Cromox®. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Para 38 casos de quadril e 31 casos de coluna lombar avaliados em 43 pacientes atendidos em um centro de diagnóstico por imagem, medidas de densidade mineral óssea foram realizadas em ambas as máquinas. A máquina Cromox® foi calibrada usando-se o phantom Cromox® de referência para absortimetria óssea. RESULTADOS: Forte correlação entre os resultados obtidos nas duas máquinas foi encontrada para cada sítio do esqueleto. O coeficiente de correlação linear medido para o colo femoral direito foi r = 0,920, p < 0,0001, e r = 0,923, p < 0,0001 para as vértebras L2-L4 da coluna lombar. Como o resultado expresso em Tscore é importante na prática clínica em densitometria óssea, a diferença média em Tscore entre as máquinas foi calculada, resultando em média aritmética de DTscore = 0,191 para o quadril e média aritmética de DTscore = 0,228 para a coluna. Estado esquelético é estabelecido de acordo com a definição da Organização Mundial da Saúde como normal, osteopenia ou osteoporose. A concordância de estado esquelético entre as máquinas foi superior a 76% para o quadril e superior a 77% para a coluna, e superior a 96% quando se considerou concordância em ao menos um dos dois sítios. CONCLUSÃO: Os coeficientes de correlação linear obtidos são muito próximos das referências internacionais entre máquinas padrão-ouro, reportados como r > 0,95. Para ambos os sítios, a diferença média aritmética em Tscore entre as máquinas é pequena, menor que a menor variação significativa.


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Ultrafiltration (UF) is widely applied in different separation processes in the pulp and paper industry. The growing need to protect the environment, a lack of pure water and an interest in producing high-value chemicals from compounds present in process waters will probably lead to an increase in the use of UF in the pulp and paper industry. The efficiency and cost-effectiveness of a UF process depends on the applied membrane. The membrane should have a high and stable filtration capacity, a particular selectivity and a long operational lifetime. To meet these requirements a membrane should have a low fouling tendency. In addition, it should withstand the prevailing operational and chemical conditions. This thesis evaluates the performance and applicability of the regenerated cellulose (RC) membranes 00030T and C2 in the treatment of pulp and paper mill process waters based on the requirements above. The results demonstrated that both the tested RC membranes fulfilled well the requirement of high filtration capacity. In addition, in the filtration of a paper mill clear filtrate (CF) the RC membranes were not as greatly affected by variations in the CF quality as a polysulphone membrane. Furthermore, due to their extreme hydrophilicity and weak charge the fouling tendency of the membranes can be expected to be low in pulp and paper mill filtration applications. It is, however, known that fouling cannot be totally avoided even when the membrane is chosen very carefully. This study indicated that carbohydrates influenced negatively on permeability and caused fouling in the filtration of groundwood mill circulation water. Thus, a pre-treatment effectively reducing the amount of carbohydrates might help to maintain a stable capacity. However, the results of the thesis also showed that the removal of some of the possible foulants might just increase the harmful effect of others. Multivariate examination was useful in the understanding of the complicated factors causing the unstable capacity. The thesis also revealed that the 00030T and C2 membranes can be used at high pressure (max. tested pressure 12 bar). The C2 membrane, having a sponge-like substructure, was more pressure resistant, and its performance was more stable at high pressure compared to the UCO30T membrane containing macrovoids in its substructure. Both tested membranes can, according to the results, also be used at temperatures as high as 70°C in acidic, neutral and alkaline conditions. However, the use at extreme conditions might cause faster ageing of the membranes compared to ageing in neutral conditions. The thesis proved that both the tested RC membranes are very suitable for pulp and paper mill applications and that the membranes can be utilised in processes operating in challenging conditions. Thus, they could be used in more demanding applications than supposed earlier.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a variabilidade da densidade mineral óssea em pacientes com lúpus eritematoso sistêmico, antes do início e após 30 e 60 dias do início de glicocorticoterapia. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo efetuado em 15 mulheres em pré-menopausa com lúpus eritematoso sistêmico encaminhadas para realização de densitometria óssea e que fariam uso de corticosteróides logo após o exame. RESULTADOS: Demonstrou-se que a densidade mineral óssea, em g/cm², na coluna lombar reduziu-se significativamente entre a análise prévia ao uso e a análise em 60 dias de uso da medicação, mas no colo femoral não houve diferença significativa. CONCLUSÃO: Concluiu-se que o uso de corticoterapia em pacientes com lúpus eritematoso sistêmico, em curto prazo, reduz significativamente a densidade mineral óssea na coluna lombar, não somente em longo prazo como descrito anteriormente por outros autores.


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Two small, alluvial-lacustrine subbasins developed during the early restraining overstep stages of the Oligocene-Miocene As Pontes strike-slip Basin (NW Spain). Later, the basin evolved into a restraining bend stage and an alluvial-swamp-dominated depositional framework developed. The palaeobiological record demonstrates that the Oligocene-Miocene palaeoclimate in NW Spain was subtropical, warm and humid to subhumid.


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Combining headspace (HS) sampling with a needle-trap device (NTD) to determine priority volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in water samples results in improved sensitivity and efficiency when compared to conventional static HS sampling. A 22 gauge stainless steel, 51-mm needle packed with Tenax TA and Carboxen 1000 particles is used as the NTD. Three different HS-NTD sampling methodologies are evaluated and all give limits of detection for the target VOCs in the ng L−1 range. Active (purge-and-trap) HS-NTD sampling is found to give the best sensitivity but requires exhaustive control of the sampling conditions. The use of the NTD to collect the headspace gas sample results in a combined adsorption/desorption mechanism. The testing of different temperatures for the HS thermostating reveals a greater desorption effect when the sample is allowed to diffuse, whether passively or actively, through the sorbent particles. The limits of detection obtained in the simplest sampling methodology, static HS-NTD (5 mL aqueous sample in 20 mL HS vials, thermostating at 50 °C for 30 min with agitation), are sufficiently low as to permit its application to the analysis of 18 priority VOCs in natural and waste waters. In all cases compounds were detected below regulated levels


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Bottom ash has been used as raw material to glass and glass ceramic production because it is a source of SiO2 and Al2O3. However, the high concentration of iron (about 10% wt.) difficulty the control of the nucleation and the crystallization processes. The iron content was reduced by magnetic process, where the magnetite phase was mainly removed. In order to compare glass ceramics obtained from original and low iron bottom ashes, microstructural and dilatometric characterizations were performed.


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In this work, using the EPR spectroscopy, we analysed the thermal stability of some organic-mineral compounds found in a Gleysoil from Rio Janeiro. It was observed a complete disappearance of the EPR signal around 600 °C for the < 2 µm fraction and a residual EPR signal of semiquinone free radical for the 2-20 µm and 20-53 µm fractions at the same temperature. Also, the experiments showed that the 2-20 µm fraction had a larger concentration of semiquinone free radical per g of carbon and a smaller line width indicated a larger humification of this fraction. This is an evidence that the soil organic matter of this fraction (2-20 µm) is more stable than the other ones.


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A flow system coupled to a tungsten coil atomizer in an atomic absorption spectrometer (TCA-AAS) was developed for As(III) determination in waters, by extraction with sodium diethyldithiocarbamate (NaDDTC) as complexing agent, and by sorption of the As(III)-DDTC complex in a micro-column filled with 5 mg C18 reversed phase (10 µL dry sorbent), followed by elution with ethanol. A complete pre-concentration/elution cycle took 208 s, with 30 s sample load time (1.7 mL) and 4 s elution time (71 µL). The interface and software for the synchronous control of two peristaltic pumps (RUN/ STOP), an autosampler arm, seven solenoid valves, one injection valve, the electrothermal atomizer and the spectrometer Read function were constructed. The system was characterized and validated by analytical recovery studies performed both in synthetic solutions and in natural waters. Using a 30 s pre-concentration period, the working curve was linear between 0.25 and 6.0 µg L-1 (r = 0.9976), the retention efficiency was 94±1% (6.0 µg L-1), and the pre-concentration coefficient was 28.9. The characteristic mass was 58 pg, the mean repeatability (expressed as the variation coefficient) was 3.4% (n=5), the detection limit was 0.058 µg L-1 (4.1 pg in 71 µL of eluate injected into the coil), and the mean analytical recovery in natural waters was 92.6 ± 9.5 % (n=15). The procedure is simple, economic, less prone to sample loss and contamination and the useful lifetime of the micro-column was between 200-300 pre-concentration cycles.