944 resultados para Micropollutants removal
This study evaluated in vitro the capacity of debris removal from the apical third of flattened root canals, using different final irrigation protocols. Thirty human mandibular central incisors with a mesiodistal flattened root were prepared using rotary instrumentation by Endo-Flare 25.12 and Hero 642 30.06, 35.02, 40.02 files, irrigated with 2 mL of 1% NaOCl after each file. The specimens were randomly distributed into 5 groups according to the final irrigation of root canals: Group I: 10 mL of distilled water (control), Group II: 10 mL of 1% NaOCl for 8 min, Group III: 2 mL of 1% NaOCl for 2 min (repeated 4 times), Group IV: 10 mL of 2.5% NaOCl for 8 min, and Group V: 10 mL of 2.5% NaOCl for 2 min (repeated 4 times). The apical thirds of the specimens were subjected to histological processing and 6-μm cross-sections were obtained and stained with hematoxylin-eosin. The specimens were examined under optical microscopy at ×40 magnification and the images were subjected to morphometric analysis using the Scion image-analysis software. The total area of root canal and the area with debris were measured in square millimeters. Analysis of variance showed no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) among the groups GI (2.39 ± 3.59), GII (2.91 ± 2.21), GIII (0.73 ± 1.36), GIV (0.95 ± 0.84) and GV (0.51 ± 0.22). In conclusion, the final irrigation protocols evaluated in this study using the Luer syringe presented similar performance in the removal of debris from the apical third of flattened root canals.
OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated in vitro the influence of an eugenol-based sealer (EndoFill) on the retention of stainless steel prefabricated posts cemented with zinc phosphate and resin-based (Panavia F) cements after different periods of root canal obturation, using the pull-out test. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixty upper canines were decoronated and the roots were embedded in resin blocks. The specimens were distributed into 3 groups, according to the period elapsed between canal obturation and post cementation: Group I - immediately; Group II - 72 h and Group III - 4 months. The groups were subdivided according to the type of cement used for post cementation: A - zinc phosphate and B - Panavia F. Following the experimental periods, specimens were subjected to pullout test in an Instron machine with application of tensile force at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min until post dislodgement. The maximum forces required for post removal were recorded (kN) and means were subjected to statistical analysis by 2-way ANOVA and Tukey-Kramer test (α=0.001) RESULTS: There were statistically significant differences (p<0.01) between the posts cemented with zinc phosphate cement (0.2112 kN) and Panavia F (0.0501 kN). However, no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) were found between the three post cementation periods, regardless of the cement. CONCLUSIONS: It was concluded that the eugenol-based sealer influenced the tensile strength of the posts cemented with the resin cement, but had no influence on the time waited between root canal obturation and post space preparation/post cementation.
This study investigated the influence of cervical preflaring with different rotary instruments on determination of the initial apical file (IAF) in mesiobuccal roots of mandibular molars. Fifty human mandibular molars whose mesial roots presented two clearly separated apical foramens (mesiobuccal and mesiolingual) were used. After standard access opening and removal of pulp tissue, the working length (WL) was determined at 1 mm short of the root apex. Five groups (n=10) were formed at random, according to the type of instrument used for cervical preflaring. In group 1, the size of the IAF was determined without preflaring of the cervical and middle root canal thirds. In groups 2 to 5, preflaring was performed with Gates-Glidden drills, ProTaper instruments, EndoFlare instruments and LA Axxes burs, respectively. Canals were sized manually with K-files, starting with size 08 K-files, inserted passively up to the WL. File sizes were increased until a binding sensation was felt at the WL and the size of the file was recorded. The instrument corresponding to the IAF was fixed into the canal at the WL with methylcyanoacrylate. The teeth were then sectioned transversally 1 mm short of the apex, with the IAF in position. Cross-sections of the WL region were examined under scanning electron microscopy and the discrepancies between canal diameter and the diameter of IAF were calculated using the tool "rule" (FEG) of the microscope's proprietary software. The measurements (µm) were analyzed statistically by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's tests at 5% significance level. There were statistically significant differences among the groups (p<0.05). The non-flared group had the greatest discrepancy (125.30 ± 51.54) and differed significantly from all flared groups (p<0.05). Cervical preflaring with LA Axxess burs produced the least discrepancies (55.10 ± 48.31), followed by EndoFlare instruments (68.20 ± 42.44), Gattes Glidden drills (68.90 ± 42.46) and ProTaper files (77.40 ± 73.19). However, no significant differences (p>0.05) were found among the rotary instruments. In conclusion, cervical preflaring improved IAF fitting to the canals at the WL in mesiobuccal roots of maxillary first molars. The rotary instruments evaluated in this study did not differ from each other regarding the discrepancies produced between the IAF size and canal diameter at the WL.
This study compared the coronal and apical leakage of AH Plus with gutta-percha to that of Epiphany with Resilon. Twenty-four single rooted teeth were instrumented and divided into 2 groups according to the solutions for smear layer removal and the obturation materials employed: Group A - 17% EDTA-T and AH Plus with gutta-percha; Group B - primer and Epiphany with Resilon. The Group B specimens were light-cured in the coronal area for 20 s. The external root surfaces were covered with a double layer of ethyl cyanoacrylate, except for the apical foramen and the cavity access. The teeth were immersed in 0.5% methylene blue for 48 h. The specimens were rinsed, dried and axially split for dye penetration measurement with the ImageLab 2.3 software. The t-test showed no significant differences for coronal leakage between the groups, but there were significant differences for apical leakage between the groups (P < 0.05). AH Plus with gutta-percha and Epiphany with Resilon provided the same coronal seal, whereas Epiphany with Resilon provided the best apical seal.
Osteochondroma of the mandibular condyle has been found in the oral and maxillofacial region rarely. This paper describes a case of osteochondroma of the mandibular condyle in a 20-year-old woman, who was referred to our service with facial asymmetry, prognathic deviation of chin, cross-bite to the contralateral side, changes in condylar morphology, limited mouth opening, and malocclusion. Computed tomography (CT) was performed for better evaluation to the pathological conditions on the temporomandibular joint. Based on the clinical examination, patient history, and complementary exams, the hypothesis of osteochondroma was established. Condylectomy was performed using a preauricular approach with total removal of the lesion. After 3 years of postoperative follow up and orthodontic therapy, the patient is symptom-free, and has normal mouth opening with no deviation in the opening pattern.
PURPOSE: To develop an experimental surgical model in rats for the study of craniofacial abnormalities. METHODS: Full thickness calvarial defects with 10x10-mm and 5x8-mm dimensions were created in 40 male NIS Wistar rats, body weight ranging from 320 to 420 g. The animals were equally divided into two groups. The periosteum was removed and dura mater was left intact. Animals were killed at 8 and 16 weeks postoperatively and cranial tissue samples were taken from the defects for histological analysis. RESULTS: Cranial defects remained open even after 16 weeks postoperatively. CONCLUSION: The experimental model with 5x8-mm defects in the parietal region with the removal of the periosteum and maintenance of the integrity of the dura mater are critical and might be used for the study of cranial bone defects in craniofacial abnormalities.
Secondary caries has been reported as the main reason for restoration replacement. The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the performance of different methods - visual inspection, laser fluorescence (DIAGNOdent), radiography and tactile examination - for secondary caries detection in primary molars restored with amalgam. Fifty-four primary molars were photographed and 73 suspect sites adjacent to amalgam restorations were selected. Two examiners evaluated independently these sites using all methods. Agreement between examiners was assessed by the Kappa test. To validate the methods, a caries-detector dye was used after restoration removal. The best cut-off points for the sample were found by a Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) analysis, and the area under the ROC curve (Az), and the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the methods were calculated for enamel (D2) and dentine (D3) thresholds. These parameters were found for each method and then compared by the McNemar test. The tactile examination and visual inspection presented the highest inter-examiner agreement for the D2 and D3 thresholds, respectively. The visual inspection also showed better performance than the other methods for both thresholds (Az = 0.861 and Az = 0.841, respectively). In conclusion, the visual inspection presented the best performance for detecting enamel and dentin secondary caries in primary teeth restored with amalgam.
The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd:YAG) laser irradiation on intracanal dentin surface by SEM analysis and its interference in the apical seal of filled canals. After endodontic treatment procedures, 34 maxillary human incisors were randomly assigned to 2 groups. In the negative control group (n=17), no additional treatment was performed and teeth were filled with vertically condensed gutta-percha; in the laser-treated group (n=17), the root canals were irradiated with Nd:YAG laser (1.5 W, 100 mJ, 15 Hz) before filling as described for the control group. Two specimens of each group were prepared for SEM analysis to evaluate the presence and extent of morphological changes and removal of debris; the other specimens were immersed in 0.5% methylene blue dye (pH 7.2) for 24 h for evaluation of the linear dye leakage at the apical third. SEM analysis of the laser-treated group showed dentin fusion and resolidification without smear layer or debris. The Student’s t-test showed that the laser-treated group had significantly less leakage in apical third than the control group. Within the limitations of this study, it may be concluded that the morphological changes on the apical intraradicular dentin surface caused by Nd:YAG laser resulted in less linear dye apical leakage.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar três casos de urolitíase canina por cistina, atendidos no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Estadual de Londrina entre o período de 2007 a 2009. O diagnóstico de urolitíase foi baseado na anamnese, no exame físico e nos exames laboratoriais e radiográficos, e a confirmação do tipo de urólito envolvido foi realizada no Centro de Urólitos de Minnesota-USA, por meio de análise quantitativa, revelando cálculos puros de cistina. A terapia instituída incluiu a remoção cirúrgica dos urólitos e a prevenção de recidivas, por meio do aumento da solubilidade da cistina na urina com dieta comercial própria, aumento da ingestão hídrica e alcalinização medicamentosa da urina.
The aim of this study was to estimate the additional cost of treatment of a group of nosocomial infections in a tertiary public hospital. A retrospective observational cohort study was conducted by means of analyzing the medical records of 34 patients with infection after total knee arthroplasty, diagnosed in 2006 and 2007, who met the criteria for nosocomial infection according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. To estimate the direct costs of treatment for these patients, the following data were gathered: length of hospital stay, laboratory tests, imaging examinations, and surgical procedures performed. Their costs were estimated from the minimum values according to the Brazilian Medical Association. The estimated cost of the antibiotics used was also obtained. The total length of stay in the ward was 976 days, at a cost of US$ 18,994.63, and, in the intensive care unit, it was 34 days at a cost of US$ 5,031.37. Forty-two debridement procedures were performed, at a cost of US$ 5,798.06, and 1965 tests (laboratory and imaging) were also performed, at a cost of US$ 15,359.25. US$ 20,845.01 was spent on antibiotics and US$ 1,735.16 on vacuum assisted closure therapy, microsurgical flaps, implant removal, spacer use, and surgical revision. The total additional cost of these cases of hospital infection in 2006 and 2007 was of US$ 91,843.75. Based on that, we demonstrate that the high cost of treatment for hospital infections emphasizes the importance of taking measures to prevent and control hospital infection.
The capacity of natural zeolites and its host rock (dacite) to remove Pb2+ and Cr3+ from aqueous solutions has been investigated. Results showed that both samples prefer to remove Pb2+ instead of Cr3+. Almost 100% of Pb2+ was removed from solutions with concentration until 50 mg L-1 and 100 mg L-1 of this metal, respectively by dacite and zeolite. The equilibrium of metals adsorption process was reached during the first 30 min by both materials. Na+ can be used to recover Pb2+, but not to remove Cr3+ from the treated samples. The Sips model showed a good fit for experimental data of this study.
Electrochemical removals of color and organic load from solutions containing the dye reactive orange 16 (RO16) were performed in an electrochemical flow-cell, using a platinum working electrode. The influence of the process variables flow-rate, such as NaCl concentration, applied potential and solution pH, were studied. The best color removal achieved was 93% (λ = 493 nm) after 60 min at 2.2 V vs. RHE electrolysis, using 1.00 g L-1 NaCl as supporting electrolyte. The rises in the concentration of NaCl and applied potential increased the color removal rate. The best total organic carbon removal (57%) was obtained at 1.8 V, without the separating membrane, indicating that the ideal conditions for the color removal are not necessarily the same as those to remove the total organic carbon. The degradation efficiency decreased with the solution pH decrease.
Cellulose acetate polymeric membranes had been prepared by a procedure of two steps, combining the method of phase inversion and the technique of hydrolysis-deposition. The first step was the preparation of the membrane, and together was organomodified with tetraethylortosilicate and 3-aminopropyltrietoxysilane. Parameters that exert influence in the complexation of the metallic ion, as pH, time of complexation, metal concentration, had been studied in laboratory using tests of metal removal. The membranes had presented resistance mechanics and reactivity to cations, being able to be an alternative for the removal, daily pay-concentration or in the study of the lability of metals complexed.
The aim of this study was to verify the influence of the apparent molecular size of aquatic humic substances on the effectiveness of coagulation with ferric chloride. Coagulation-filtration tests using jar test and bench-scale sand filters were carried out on samples of water with true color of approximately 100 Hazen units, prepared with aquatic humic substances of different molecular sizes (F1: < 0.45 µm, F2: 100 kDa - 0.45 µm, F3: 30 - 100 kDa and F4': < 30 kDa). For the water samples with lower apparent molecular size fractions, greater dosages of coagulant was needed to remove the color around 5.0 Hanzen units, mainly because these water samples contain higher concentrations of fulvic acids, which exhibited a larger number of negatively-charged groups.
Three technologies were tested (TiO2/UV, H2O2/UV, and TiO2/H2O2/UV) for the degradation and color removal of a 25 mg L-1 mixture of three acid dyes: Blue 9, Red 18, and Yellow 23. A low speed rotating disc reactor (20 rpm) and a H2O2 concentration of 2.5 mmol L-1 were used. The dyes did not significantly undergo photolysis, although they were all degraded by the studied advanced oxidation processes. With the TiO2/H2O2/UV process, a strong synergism was observed (color removal reached 100%). Pseudo first order kinetic constants were estimated for all processes, as well as the respective apparent photonic efficiencies.