937 resultados para Microemulsão. Petróleo. Recuperação avançada. Arenito


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O aproveitamento da serapilheira e do banco de sementes de remanescentes florestais tem se mostrado uma técnica alternativa promissora na restauração de áreas degradadas. O objetivo desse projeto foi avaliar o potencial do banco de sementes e serapilheira de um fragmento Florestal localizado no Município de Guará, SP, visando à restauração de áreas degradadas. Parcelas de 0,5 X 0,5m foram alocadas ao acaso em 40 pontos amostrais, sendo 20 na faixa mais externa (primeiros 5m dos limites do fragmento) e 20 no interior do fragmento. Dentro dos limites de cada parcela (0,25m2) foram coletados a serapilheira e a camada superficial do solo, numa profundidade aproximada de 10 cm. Após a coleta, essa amostra foi transferida para um viveiro, onde o material de cada uma das 40 parcelas foi homogeneizado e dividido em duas porções. Uma porção foi disposta em canteiros expostos a pleno sol e a outra em canteiros sob sombreamento artificial de 70%. Após 8 meses de acompanhamento do projeto, em 5 avaliações, foram registrados 137 morfoespécies pertencentes a 35 famílias. A forma de vida herbácea foi a mais abundante com 61,31 % dos indivíduos, a arbustivo-arbórea representou 12,40%, as lianas 8,03% e as indeterminadas 18,24%. A espécie arbórea Cecropia pachystachya (Urticaceae) foi a mais abundante dentre todas as formas de vida, com 27,36% do total. Os tratamentos apresentaram diferenças sutis em relação à riqueza das diferentes formas de vida. No geral, o material das áreas de borda e interior não apresentaram diferenças significativas em relação ao número de indivíduos germinados. Porém, diferenciaram-se em relação as porcentagens de indivíduos germinados nas diferentes formas de vida, com destaque para gramíneas, ciperáceas e lianas nas parcelas de borda. É possível utilizar o banco de...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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O estudo do conteúdo de foraminíferos de 8 amostras de sedimentos superficiais coletados em manguezal do norte da Ilha do Cardoso, sul do Estado de São Paulo, no verão (período chuvoso) de 2001, ao longo de um transecto no sentido da Baía de Trapandé para o interior, revelou dois segmentos distintos: a) uma planície inferior lamosa, com menor tempo de exposição sub-aérea e maior diversidade específica, dominada por Ammotiumcassis, A.salsum, Arenoparrella mexicana e Trochamminainflata, com abundância expressiva de Caroniaexilis na parte mais baixa e de Miliammina fusca na parte mais alta; b) uma planície superior arenosa, com maior tempo de exposição sub-aérea e menor diversidade, dominada por M. fusca e com abundância expressiva de T. inflatana parte mais baixa. Os sedimentos investigados são colonizados por foraminíferos exclusivamente aglutinantes, representados por 21 espécies de 16 gêneros. Dados de abundância relativa, riqueza, diversidade e equitatividade das espécies ao longo do transecto são apresentados, bem como os valores de salinidade, pH, oxigênio dissolvido e temperatura, medidos a partir da água intersticial dos sedimentos no momento da coleta das amostras. São feitas comparações com um estudo anterior, similar, que focalizou amostras coletadas, nos mesmos pontos, no inverno (período seco) de 2002. Os resultados obtidos interessam às análises de sistemas estuarinos modernos e antigos, bem como a projetos envolvidos com o diagnóstico do estado de conservação de áreas litorâneas, sendo úteis ao Setor de Petróleo e Gás


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Brazil is nowadays the greatest bet of investors for the future due to its stable economy growth. The country has grown side by side with the greatest demand for electrical energy. The international appeal for renewable sources is causing a change in the Brazilian energetic matrix, raising the amount of energy generated by thermoelectric power plants. The construction of new power plants, running on biomass, requires a crescent number of capacitated personnel to run them. The Faculdade de Engenharia de Guaratinguetá – UNESP – has a steam laboratory; witch is deactivated, which has a thermoelectric plant of small capacity. The laboratory reactivation and the return of its activities can be an important tool in order to graduate engineer able to operate on such units. This paper proposes four new experiments to be simulated on the Collage’s Energy Dep. Steam Lab when it gets back to its educational activities


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On the grounds of the great advances achieved over recent years, the process HF/ERW (High-Frequency/Electric Resistance Welding)welded pipe have played an active role in the oil and gas industry for deep water applications, at high and extremely low temperatures, under high pressure and in highly corrosive environments, gradually replacing manufactured pipes by other processes. However, studies have shown that defects in the welded joints are a the leading causes of pipelines failures, which has required the determination of toughness values in this region, in compliance with the strict recommendations of the codes and standards with manufacturers and construction companies, on the oil and gas sector. As part of the validation process required toughness values, this research project focuses on a microstructural analysis in HF / ERW tubes microalloyed, steel grade API 5CT P110, designed to explore oil and gas in deep waters, the subject of strategic relevance to the country because of the recent discoveries in the Santos mega fields: Tupi and Libra (pre-salt). In this scientific work will be presented and discussed the results of mechanical tensile and Charpy, a few CTOD tests curves (showing the trend of toughness values to be obtained), and the microstructures of the base material obtained by optical microscopy, with special emphasis on the formation of nonmetallic inclusions in the welded joint


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In order to enable the reuse of the large surplus volume of petroleum produced water for irrigation of crops inedible, the quality evaluation of this water is very important. This work aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the diffusive gradient in thin films technique (DGT) for the determination of labile Cu (II), Mn (II) and Zn (II) in petroleum produced water destined to reuse in agriculture. Samples were collected at the exit of the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) (after separation oil/water and flotation) of a Petrobrás onshore production region. Basically, the laboratory experiments with DGT devices involved the evaluation of the behavior of the main variables of the technique for determination of analytes in the samples (diffusion coefficients, immersion time, fractionation of organic and inorganic species, and performance of diffusion gels with different porosities, among others). Also, experiments were conducted based on the solid phase extraction (SPE) protocol with Chelex- 100 resin using previously established protocols to support the study. During the project the possibility of in situ immersions in water treatment plants was evaluated. The DGT technique presented satisfactory results for determination of Mn in produced water, and can be used for in situ determinations. However, the results obtained for Cu and Zn show the need of additional studies


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Os efluentes de indústrias, como refinarias e petroquímicas, frequentemente contém elevadas concentrações de substâncias tóxicas, dentre elas, os compostos fenólicos. Estas substâncias, mesmo em pequenas quantidades, afetam as propriedades organolépticas da água, além de que durante o processo de cloração da água potável, podem ser transformadas em clorofenóis e policlorofenóis, pela reação com o cloro, formando substâncias com características carcinogênicas. Neste sentido, o refino do petróleo produz grande variedade de poluentes cujas propriedades modificam-se em função dos processos utilizados. Os fenóis são compostos tóxicos, com características fungicida e desinfetante, sendo tóxico para a maioria dos microrganismos, além de apresentarem ação de carcinogenicidade, mutagenicidade e serem recalcitrantes, acumulam-se nos corpos receptores, gerando danos à saúde e à vida aquática. No entanto, embora o fenol possua ação bactericida, alguns microrganismos adquiriram a habilidade de se adaptar e utilizar este composto como fonte de carbono e energia. O presente trabalho pretendeu selecionar linhagens bacterianas, a partir do efluente de uma refinaria de petróleo, da região de Paulínia – SP, que sejam capazes de utilizar altos teores de fenóis como fonte de carbono e energia para seu crescimento e desenvolvimento, a fim de serem aplicadas nas estações de tratamento de efluentes industriais, com foco nas refinarias de petróleo. Foram isoladas 3 linhagens a partir das amostras enriquecidas do efluente da refinaria e, após os ensaios, constatou-se que 1 linhagem apresentou resistência à concentração de fenol de 1.000 mg.L-1. Os ensaios de biodegradação e crescimento em fenol como única fonte de carbono, demonstraram que estas linhagens são capazes de biodegradar aproximadamente 20% do fenol disponível no meio, no período de 24 horas. A quantificação do fenol residual foi realizada em...


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Recent research advances in understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie the processes of hypertrophy and atrophy. This may contribute to development of effective therapeutic strategies to attenuate or block the loss of muscle tissue associated with aging and pathological conditions. In this context, myogenic factors that control the activity of satellite cells have been studied to better understand the events involved in the recovery of muscle mass. Among them, we highlight the Myogenic Regulatory Factors (MRFs), which have been described as potential mediators of muscle growth. The objectives of this study evaluated the morphofunctional adaptations and gene expression of MRFs (MyoD and myogenin) in skeletal muscle (soleus) subjected to an atrophic stimulus followed by physical training. It was used 64 male Wistar rats (80 days, 250 to 300 g), divided into 8 groups (n = 8): C: control animals a week, I: Animals immobilized a week, C3: control animals 3 days; R3: Animals immobilized and recovered for 3 days, T3: Animals immobilized and submitted to exercise for 3 days; C7: Animals controls 7 days; R7: Animals immobilized and subsequently recovered by 7 days, T7: Animals immobilized and subsequently subjected to exercise for 7 days. Initially, the animals in groups I, R3, R7, T3 and T7, were submitted to 7 days of immobilization of the hind limb. Muscle atrophy was confirmed after a direct statistical comparison of the values of cross-sectional area (CSA) of muscle fibers studied in animals in groups I and C, sacrificed immediately after the immobilization period. Then, the groups T3 and T7 were submitted a rehabilitation program with muscle aerobic exercise (swimming) for 3 and 7 days respectively. The groups C, C3 and C7 were kept without stimulus atrophic and were not subjected to exercise. At the end of the experiment, the animals were sacrified and the soleus muscle removed. The quantitative analysis of gene expression ...


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The erosion is a natural process of detachment, transport and deposition of soil and rock particles from one place to another. Human activities with no previous planning may accelerate this process, causing several damages to the environment and to society. In order to control the acceleration of these erosion processes caused by humans, prevention and improvement initiatives emerge. Regarding works which interfere directly in some of the natural resources, these initiatives must respect the intrinsic physical properties of the area of interest, if they aim to obtain effective results. Based on this scenario, this work proposes a few methods of accelerated linear erosion prevention, control and recovery in a specific area of the municipal district of Ipeúna (SP). For that matter, this study is based on a method of physiographic compartmentalization of the area, considering and integrating soil, relief, geology and the use and land cover properties of the study area. Plus, a flowchart with general orientations regarding management of eroded areas was produced, focused on the control and recovery of linear erosion. The result demonstrates the importance of careful erosion control, respecting the physical properties of each physiographic unit. The vegetative and mechanical conservationists methods, and the discipline of water flow, have found wide applicability in the study area.


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Devido à ação antrópica e consequente fragmentação e degradação do bioma Cerrado, as Unidades de Conservação cada vez mais se inserem como importantes locais de retenção da biodiversidade. A Estação Ecológica de Itirapina apresenta-se como um dos poucos locais do Estado de São Paulo que conservam as diversas fitofisionomias comuns nesse domínio. No intuito de contribuir com informações que auxiliem na conservação e restauração desse bioma, este trabalho traz como questões: as “Ilhas” de Vegetação facilitam o processo de sucessão no Campo Cerrado da Estação Ecológica de Itirapina, SP? Há diferença na regeneração em função da cobertura de copa condicionada pelas espécies formadoras das ilhas estudadas? Para isso, foram selecionadas ilhas com predomínio de Dalbergia miscolobium Benth. (Fabaceae), de Hancornia speciosa Gomes (Apocynaceae) e “Ilhas” Mistas, nas quais levantaram-se todos os indivíduos lenhosos e sublenhosos em parcelas montadas sob sua cobertura de copa e no seu entorno, além de amostrada a cobertura do estrato herbáceo, em função da aplicação do Método do Toque. Comparando-se o entorno e o interior das ilhas analisadas através do uso do Teste t pareado, foram relacionados os componentes diversidade, densidade, riqueza, cobertura do estrato herbáceo, além dos parâmetros de estrutura de habitat: temperatura, luminosidade, umidade do ar e do solo, e biomassa de serrapilheira. Utilizando-se a análise de ANOVA foram usados os mesmos parâmetros para a comparação das ilhas entre si. Alguns resultados nas Mistas, como a diversidade e cobertura do estrato herbáceo (t=5,113; p=0,00373/ t=-3,51; p=0,017, respectivamente), e nas ilhas de Dalbergia miscolobium, como a densidade e a riqueza (t=3,264; p=0,0223/ t=2,850; p=0,0463, respectivamente), associados com análises de estrutura de habitat (para p≤0,06), indicaram... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The oil market is not a common market, and its complexity increases dramatically when considering the strategic and geopolitical involved, thus resulting in large uncertainties and concerns. The attempt to control prices has always been a challenge for the major world powers, since the increase in oil prices benefits the exporting countries, but harms importers, especially those regarded as less developed. Understand and try to predict some strategies adopted up the oil crises is one of the main points of the research, in order to demonstrate how economics can be used as an instrument of power and domination between nations, and how plans and strategies and rearrangements of supply and demand favor the growth of this economy, especially in the current period, with the new Brazilian oil era, beginning with the discovery of pre-salt, amid a context of growing need for the use of oil and its derivatives


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Acoustic communication is essential in mammals and has three main functions: acquisition of information about the environment, intraspecific communication and detection of predators and prey. Studies indicate that the introduction of sounds produced by anthropogenic activities such as military exercises, use of sonar and activities related to the extraction of oil and natural gas can cause interference in cetacean communication. Recently, the discovery of pre-salt tends to increase these activities. After a decade since the launch date of IBAMA`s licensing and before the imminent increase in exploration activities in Brazil, it is essential to conduct studies to monitor closely the impact of this type of activity on the marine ecosystem. Thus, this study aims to identify potential impacts that the process of oil and natural gas exploration and production might have on the communication of baleen whales. Data from literature on bioacoustics and ecology of these animals were linked with technical-scientific data regarding this type of activity. 310 documents related to the topic were analyzed. Among them only 81 documents are of academic origin, and the others mostly action plans and reports from government agencies. 80% of the documents do not have any species as a focus, and in the remaining 20%, 17% were focused on the Greenland Whale (Balaena mysticetus) and 22% on the gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus). The main impacts identified in this study were the increased frequency and amplitude of vocalization, reduction or cessation of more elaborate songs and masking problems


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The treatment of domestic and industrial effluents through Wastewater Treatment Plants (WTPs) generates a residue termed sewage sludge, rich in organic matter, high-volume, occasionally containing pathogens and heavy metals. The sludge generation can minimize the benefits brought by the treatment of sewage, because this residue does not always receive appropriate treatment before final disposal. The disposal is another problem related to sludge. Landfills generally does not have physical space and alternatives such as the use in agriculture requires an intense treatment that could be in many cases operational or economic unfeasible. The objective of this work is the theoretical research about the processes of stabilization of the sludge by anaerobic digestion and the methanogenic activity during the process. Through analysis of each step and contemplating each relevant factor in anaerobic digestion process in order to optimize them, we proposed a theoretical model of reactors capable of stabilize the sludge, reduce its volume and eliminate pathogens. The obtained configuration consists of two anaerobic reactors connected in series. The first one operates in the range mesophilic temperature (35 ° C) and has higher hydraulic retention time (25 days) working primarily in the stabilization of organic matter present in the sludge and producing biogas, whereas the second one operates in the thermophilic range (55 ° C) in order to eliminate pathogens, and to reduce the volume. The hydraulic retention time in the second reactor is lower (10 days). Both mesophilic and thermophilic processes were efficient in what was proposed, promoting the stabilization of organic matter present in the sludge and significant reduction of pathogens. As a final step with the sludge previously digested, it is indicated a final dehydration... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Ensuring availability of quality water for human consumption causes becomes an increasing number of studies for the analysis of effluent before and after treatment, so that its release into receiving bodies do not cause significant changes in the river water and on the biological communities related to them. The biomarkers of toxicity have long been used to verify the potential toxic effluent and its correlation with the treatment efficiency of them. In this context, the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia dubia stands out because it is a benthic aquatic organism highly sensitive to environmental changes. In this study, to evaluate the interference of the release of treated wastewater of oil refinery in Rio Atibaia, we sought to determine the toxicity on population dynamics of Ceriodaphnia dubia microcrustacean in water samples upstream and downstream from the launch site, compared with samples from Rio Jaguarí at the point of capture by the company itself and treated effluent. We have studied the number of offspring produced in 10 replicates, each starting with a test individual of up to 24 hours for each sample and correlated the results with physical-chemical and microbiological tests performed by a laboratory technician. For most tests, the results indicate that the treated effluent gives sub-lethal toxicity to the microcrustacean, as delay the onset of the reproductive cycle of the same