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The Iowa Conservation and Preservation Consortium, Iowa Museum Association, the State Historical Society of Iowa and the State Library requested the IMLS CTC grant funds so we could develop a statewide plan to help the stewards of cultural property plan for protection and disaster recovery of collections. We are very pleased with the results of our grant activities. Thanks to the IMLS CTC grant over 200 Iowa collection care takers have received basic training in disaster preparedness and response, 24 care takers have signed up to become cultural collection first responders, a dozen disaster planning/response trainers are available upon request, and over 40 institutions have ReAct Paks. We have created a variety of training tools ranging from basic awareness to in-depth training, established a website of disaster resources, and geo-referenced hundreds of cultural collection sites around Iowa. In addition, the IMLS grant was just the motivator we needed to participate in other national/international efforts which in turn strengthened our IMLS grant project.
Monthly newsletter of State Library
Monthly newsletter of State Library
Monthly newsletter of State Library
Monthly newsletter of State Library
Monthly newsletter of State Library
Pieces of Iowa’s Past, published by the Iowa State Capitol Tour Guides weekly during the legislative session, features historical facts about Iowa, the Capitol, and the early workings of state government. All historical publications are reproduced here with the actual spelling, punctuation, and grammar retained THIS WEEK:Controlling Noise and Dust During the 1956 Replacement of the Old Floor Tile on First Floor of Capitol BACKGROUND:This article was copied from the Capitol Building Newspaper Clippings Scrapbook. The scrapbook contains clippings from 1906 to the 1970s and was compiled by the State Library of Iowa—Law Library.
Monthly newsletter of State Library
Monthly newsletter of State Library
A constitutional convention convened in Iowa City on January 19, 1857 ending on March 5, 1857. The convention drafted and approved the Constitution of Iowa. This constitution is the still in use today by the State of Iowa. It has been amended many times from 1868 thru 2010. NOTE: A .tiff file version of this document is available. The file is very large. Contact the State Library of Iowa to inquire about receiving this version.
Monthly newsletter of State Library
This video details the digital scanning of the 1857 State of Iowa Constitution which was done in partnership by the Secretary of State's Office and the State Library of Iowa on August 13, 2014. (Time 14:48) NOTE: this is a large file (267MB) and may take a long time to download.
Monthly newsletter of State Library
Monthly newsletter of State Library
Monthly newsletter of State Library