998 resultados para Meisonier, Jean Louis Ernest, 1815-1891.
A high-resolution deuterium profile is now available along the entire European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica Dome C ice core, extending this climate record back to marine isotope stage 20.2, ~800,000 years ago. Experiments performed with an atmospheric general circulation model including water isotopes support its temperature interpretation. We assessed the general correspondence between Dansgaard-Oeschger events and their smoothed Antarctic counterparts for this Dome C record, which reveals the presence of such features with similar amplitudes during previous glacial periods. We suggest that the interplay between obliquity and precession accounts for the variable intensity of interglacial periods in ice core records. Temperature was estimated after correction for sea-water isotopic composition (Bintanja et al, 2005) and for ice sheet elevation (Parrenin et al, 2007) on EDC3 age scale (Parrenin et al, 2007).
Nd isotopes are useful tracers for paleoceanography due to the short Nd residence time in seawater and the large differences between the isotopic signatures of various geological reservoirs. Therefore, ?Nd variations reflect the geological history of individual oceanic basins. Using a differential dissolution technique, which extracts Nd isotopes of seawater trapped in MnO2 coatings and carbonates in marine sediment, we measured almost two hundred samples from ODP Sites 758 and 757 in the Northern Bay of Bengal covering the last 4 Ma. For the first time, we have shown a covariation between epsilon-Nd and d18O over at least the last 800 ka. We also show that from 4 Ma to 2.6 Ma, epsilon-Nd is almost constant and starts to fluctuate at 2.6 Ma when northern glaciations increased. From 2.6 Ma to 1 Ma the fluctuation period is close to 40 ka while from 1 Ma to present it is dominantly 100 ka. We attribute these findings to mixing between Himalayan river water (that ultimately originates as Indian summer monsoon rain) and normal Bay of Bengal seawater. Previous studies on seawater, using epsilon-Nd, d18O analyzed on planktonic foraminifera and sedimentary data, can be integrated into this model. A simple quantitative binary mixing model suggests that the summer monsoon rain was more intense during interglacial than glacial periods. During last glacial episode, the monsoon trajectory was deviated to the east. At a large scale, the Indian monsoon is fully controlled by the variations in Northern Hemisphere climate but with a complex response function to this forcing. Our study clearly establishes the large potential of Nd isotope data to evaluate the hydrological river regime during the Quaternary and its relationship with climate fluctuations, particularly when the sediment archive is sampled close to sediment sources.
Alteration products of basalts from the four holes drilled during Leg 81 were studied and found to be characterized by the widespread occurrence of trioctahedral clay minerals (Mg smectite to chlorite). In some cases zeolites (analcite, chabazite) are associated with the saponite. A more oxidizing stage is marked by a saponite-celadonite association, presenting the geochemical characteristics of hydrothermal processes. Later stages of alteration are represented by palagonitization and subaerial weathering at two sites. These different alteration processes of basalts from Leg 81 record the paleoenvironment during the first opening stages of the Northeast Atlantic Ocean in the Paleocene-Eocene periods.
The Leg 80 basalts drilled on the Porcupine Abyssal Plain 10 km southwest of Goban Spur (Hole 550B) and on the western edge of Goban Spur (Hole 551), respectively, are typical light-rare-earth-element- (LREE-) depleted oceanic tholeiites. The basalts from the two holes are almost identical; most of their primary geochemical and mineralogical characteristics have been preserved, but they have undergone some low-temperature alteration by seawater, such as enrichment in K, Rb, and Cs and development of secondary potassic minerals of the "brownstone facies." K/Ar dating fail to give realistic emplacement ages; the apparent ages obtained become younger with alteration (causing an increase in K2O). Hole 551 basalts are clearly different from the continental tholeiites emplaced on the margins of oceanizing domains during the prerift and synrift stages.
The upper part of the basaltic substratum of the Atlantic abyssal plain, approaching subduction beneath the Barbados Ridge and thus presumably beneath the Lesser Antilles island arc, is made of typical LREE-depleted oceanic tholeiites. Mineralogical (microprobe) and geochemical (X-ray fluorescence, neutron activation analyses) data are given for 12 samples from the bottom of Hole 543A, which is 3.5 km seaward of the deformation front of the Barbados Ridge complex. These basalts are overlain by a Quaternary to Maestrichtian-Campanian sedimentary sequence. Most of the basalts are relatively fresh (in spite of the alteration of olivine and development of some celadonite, clays, and chlorite in their groundmass), and their mineralogical and geochemical compositions are similar to those of LREE-depleted recent basalts from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The most altered samples occur at the top of the basaltic sequence, and show trends of enrichment in alkali metals typical of altered oceanic tholeiites.