991 resultados para Mathematics(all)


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Resumen: Partiendo del antiguo debate acerca de cuál es la clave de lectura más adecuada para comprender el Cantar de los Cantares –literal o alegórica, y en qué sentido cada una de ellas–, se vuelve sobre el texto en cuanto literatura poética, dejándolo hablar por sí mismo. Allí aparece inmediatamente el rol protagónico de la metáfora como recurso expresivo que permite referir a una realidad pluridimensional. Estudiando el uso de la metáfora en el Cantar, a partir de algunos ejemplos, se reconoce en el poema un grado muy elaborado de metaforización, donde las imágenes se acumulan e interactúan generando varios niveles de sentido simultáneos, que no se eliminan sino que se enriquecen mutuamente. Detrás de este complejo entramado de metáforas, emerge el referente principal del libro y la metáfora se revela como lenguaje especialmente adecuado para decir tanto lo humano como lo divino.


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Dynamics of single curved fiber sedimentation under gravity are simulated by using the lattice Boltzmann method. The results of migration and rotation of the curved fiber at different Reynolds numbers are reported. The results show that the rotation and migration processes are sensitive to the curvature of the fiber. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Resumen: Se aplicó el Modelo de Crédito Parcial (MCP) de la Teoría de Respuesta al Ítem (TRI) al análisis de ítems de una escala que mide Afecto hacia la Matemática. Esta variable describe el interés de los estudiantes de Psicología por involucrarse en actividades vinculadas a la matemática y los sentimientos asociados al uso de sus conceptos. La prueba consta de 8 ítems con formato de respuesta Likert de 6 opciones. Participaron 1875 estudiantes de Psicología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) de los cuales un 82% fueron mujeres. El análisis de la consistencia interna brindó un índice altamente satisfactorio (Alfa = .91). Se verificó la condición de unidimensionalidad requerida por el modelo mediante un análisis factorial exploratorio. Todos los análisis basados sobre la TRI se realizaron con el programa Winsteps. La estimación de los parámetros del modelo se efectuó por Máxima Verosimilitud Conjunta. El ajuste del MCP fue satisfactorio para todos los ítems. La Función de Información del Test fue elevada en un rango amplio de niveles del rasgo latente. Un ítem presentó una inversión en dos parámetros de umbral. Como consecuencia, 1 de las 6 categorías del ítem no fue máximamente probable en ningún intervalo de la escala del rasgo latente. Se analizan las implicancias de este hallazgo en la evaluación de la calidad psicométrica del ítem. Los resultados de este estudio permitieron profundizar el análisis del constructo y aportaron evidencias de validez basadas en las estructura interna de la escala


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The hydrodynamic interaction between two vertical cylinders in water waves is investigated based on the linearized potential flow theory. One of the two cylinders is fixed at the bottom while the other is articulated at the bottom and oscillates with small amplitudes in the direction of the incident wave. Both the diffracted wave and the radiation wave are studied in the present paper. A simple analytical expression for the velocity potential on the surface of each cylinder is obtained by means of Graf's addition theorem. The wave-excited forces and moments on the cylinders, the added masses and the radiation damping coefficients of the oscillating cylinder are all expressed explicitly in series form. The coefficients of the series are determined by solving algebraic equations. Several numerical examples are given to illustrate the effects of various parameters, such as the separation distance, the relative size of the cylinders, and the incident angle, on the first-order and steady second-order forces, the added masses and radiation-damping coefficients as well as the response of the oscillating cylinder.


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In this paper, we study the issues of modeling, numerical methods, and simulation with comparison to experimental data for the particle-fluid two-phase flow problem involving a solid-liquid mixed medium. The physical situation being considered is a pulsed liquid fluidized bed. The mathematical model is based on the assumption of one-dimensional flows, incompressible in both particle and fluid phases, equal particle diameters, and the wall friction force on both phases being ignored. The model consists of a set of coupled differential equations describing the conservation of mass and momentum in both phases with coupling and interaction between the two phases. We demonstrate conditions under which the system is either mathematically well posed or ill posed. We consider the general model with additional physical viscosities and/or additional virtual mass forces, both of which stabilize the system. Two numerical methods, one of them is first-order accurate and the other fifth-order accurate, are used to solve the models. A change of variable technique effectively handles the changing domain and boundary conditions. The numerical methods are demonstrated to be stable and convergent through careful numerical experiments. Simulation results for realistic pulsed liquid fluidized bed are provided and compared with experimental data. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Resumen: Aunque de innegable utilidad, el énfasis cientificista en el estudio de la consciencia tal como lo ha desarrollado la filosofía de la mente contemporánea ha obnubilado otras perspectivas. Hoy resulta imperativo retrotraernos a ellas en el estudio de tesis sobre la consciencia. En aras de contribuir al debate actual, el presente trabajo se propone una interpretación de las tesis de Friedrich Nietzsche sobre la consciencia. Se analizarán, además, los presupuestos epistemológicos nietzscheanos involucrados en su crítica de la consciencia. Finalmente, se estudiará la interpretación de Paul Katsafanas sobre cómo debemos entender el concepto “consciencia” en Nietzsche


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In this paper, the effect of the surface tension is considered carefully in the study of non-propagating solitary waves. The parameter plane of the surface tension and the fluid depth is divided into three regions; in two of them a breather soliton can be produced. In literature the parameters of breather solitons are all in one of the parameter regions. The new region reported here has been confirmed by our experiments. In the third region, the theoretical solution is a kink soliton, but a kind of the non-propagating solitary wave similar to the breather soliton was found in our experiments besides the kink soliton.


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The hierarchial structure and mathematical property of the simplified Navier-Stokesequations (SNSE) are studied for viscous flow over a sphere and a jet of compressible flu-id. All kinds of the hierarchial SNSE can be divided into three types according to theirmathematical property and also into five groups according to their physical content. Amultilayers structure model for viscous shear flow with a main stream direction is pre-sented. For the example of viscous incompressible flow over a flat plate there existthree layers for both the separated flow and the attached flow; the character of thetransition from the three layers of attached flow to those of separated flow is elucidated.A concept of transition layer being situated between the viscous layer and inviscidlayer is introduced. The transition layer features the interaction between viscous flow andinviscid flow. The inner-outer-layers-matched SNSE proposed by the present author inthe past is developed into the layers matched (LsM)-SNSE.


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Ten kinds of the simplified Navier-Stokes equations (SNSE) are reviewed and also used to calculate the Jeffery-Hamel flow as well as to analyze briefly the seven kinds of flows to which the exact solutions of the complete Navier-Stokes equations (CNSE) have been found. Analysis shows that the actual differences among the solutions of the different SNSE can go beyond the range of the order of magnitude of Re-1/2 and result even in different flow patterns, therefore, how to choose the viscous terms included in the SNSE is worthy of notice where Re=S∞u∞ L/μ∞ is the Reynolds numbers. For the aforesaid eight kinds of flows, the solutions to the inner-outer-layer-matched SNSE and to the thin-layer-2-order SNSE agree completely with the exact solutions to CNSE. But the solutions to all the other SNSE are not completely consistent with the exact solutions to CNSE and not a few of them are actually the solutions of the classical boundary layer theory. The innerouter-layer-matched SNSE contains the shear stress causing angular displacement of the inormal axis with respect to the streamwise axis and the normal stress causing expansion-contraction in the direction of the normal axis and the viscous terms being of the order of magnitude of the normal stress; and it can also reasonably treat the inertial terms as well as the relation between the viscous and inertial terms. Therefore, it seems promising in respects of both mechanics and mathematics.