962 resultados para MONOLAYER COVERAGE


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We have investigated the role of bone sialoprotein (BSP), a secreted glycoprotein normally found in bone, in breast cancer progression. To explore functions for BSP in human breast cancer invasion and metastasis, the full-length BSP cDNA was transfected into the MDA-MB-231-BAG human breast cancer cell line under the control of the CMV promoter. Clones expressing BSP and vector control clones were isolated. BSP producing clones showed increased monolayer wound healing, a faster rate of stellate outgrowth in Matrigel and increased rate of invasion into a collagen matrix when compared to control clones. Clones were also examined in models of breast cancer growth and metastasis in vivo. BSP transfected clones showed an increased rate of primary tumor growth following mammary fat pad injection of nude mice. BSP transfected clones and vector control clones metastasized to soft organs and bone at a similar rate after intra-cardiac injection as determined by real-time PCR and X-ray analysis. Although these organs were targets for both BSP transfected and non-transfected cells, the size of the metastatic lesion was shown to be significantly larger for BSP expressing clones. This was determined by real-time PCR analysis for soft organs and by X-ray analysis of bone lesions. For bone this was confirmed by intra-tibial injections of cells in nude mice. We conclude that BSP acts to drive primary and secondary tumor growth of breast cancers in vivo.


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Frizzled (FZD) receptors have a conserved N-terminal extracellular cysteine-rich domain that interacts with Wnts and co-expression of the receptor ectodomain can antagonize FZD-mediated signalling. Using the ectodomain as an antagonist we have modulated endogenous FZD7 signalling in the moderately differentiated colon adenocarcinoma cell line, SK-CO-1. Unlike the parental cell line, which grows as tightly associated adherent cell clusters, the FZD7 ectodomain expressing cells display a spread out morphology and grow as a monolayer in tissue culture. This transition in morphology was associated with decreased levels of plasma membrane-associated E-cadherin and β-catenin, localized increased levels of vimentin and redistribution of α6 integrin to cellular processes in the FZD7 ectodomain expressing cells. The morphological and phenotype changes induced by FZD7 ectodomain expression in SK-CO-1 cells is thus consistent with the cells undergoing an epithelial-to-mesenchymal-like transition. Furthermore, initiation of tumor formation in a xenograft tumor growth assay was attenuated in the FZD7 ectodomain expressing cells. Our results indicate a pivotal role for endogenous FZD7 in morphology transitions that are associated with colon tumor initiation and progression.


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The microenvironment plays a key role in the cellular differentiation of the two main cell lineages of the human breast, luminal epithelial, and myoepithelial. It is not clear, however, how the components of the microenvironment control the development of these cell lineages. To investigate how lineage development is regulated by 3-D culture and microenvironment components, we used the PMC42-LA human breast carcinoma cell line, which possesses stem cell characteristics. When cultured on a two-dimensional glass substrate, PMC42-LA cells formed a monolayer and expressed predominantly luminal epithelial markers, including cytokeratins 8, 18, and 19; E-cadherin; and sialomucin. The key myoepithelial-specific proteins α-smooth muscle actin and cytokeratin 14 were not expressed. When cultured within Engelbreth-Holm- Swarm sarcoma-derived basement membrane matrix (EHS matrix), PMC42-LA cells formed organoids in which the expression of luminal markers was reduced and the expression of other myoepithelial-specific markers (cytokeratin 17 and P-cadherin) was promoted. The presence of primary human mammary gland fibroblasts within the EHS matrix induced expression of the key myoepithelial-specific markers, α-smooth muscle actin and cytokeratin 14. Immortalized human skin fibroblasts were less effective in inducing expression of these key myoepithelial-specific markers. Confocal dual-labeling showed that individual cells expressed luminal or myoepithelial proteins, but not both. Conditioned medium from the mammary fibroblasts was equally effective in inducing myoepithelial marker expression. The results indicate that the myoepithelial lineage is promoted by the extracellular matrix, in conjunction with products secreted by breast-specific fibroblasts. Our results demonstrate a key role for the breast microenvironment in the regulation of breast lineage development.


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Blood vascular cells and lymphatic endothelial cells (BECs and LECs, respectively) form two separate vascular systems and are functionally distinct cell types or lineages with characteristic gene expression profiles. Interconversion between these cell types has not been reported. Here, we show that in conventional in vitro angiogenesis assays, human BECs of fetal or adult origin show altered gene expression that is indicative of transition to a lymphatic-like phenotype. This change occurs in BECs undergoing tubulogenesis in fibrin, collagen or Matrigel assays, but is independent of tube formation per se, because it is not inhibited by a metalloproteinase inhibitor that blocks tubulogenesis. It is also reversible, since cells removed from 3D tubules revert to a BEC expression profile upon monolayer culture. Induction of the lymphatic-like phenotype is partially inhibited by co-culture of HUVECs with perivascular cells. These data reveal an unexpected plasticity in endothelial phenotype, which is regulated by contact with the ECM environment and/or cues from supporting cells.


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In 2008, Matt Ottley’s Requiem for a Beast: A Work for Image, Word and Music was awarded the Book of the Year: Picture Book by the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA). Ottley’s book is challenging in its form and content: it uses words, illustrations, and music to tell a sustained, multi-layered narrative about one young man’s attempts to reconcile his family’s and his nation’s shameful history of violence against Aboriginal Australians, while also coming to terms with his own attempts to commit suicide. Given the ways in which the CBCA’s annual book awards are used by teachers, librarians, and parents to select the “best” books for young readers, it is unsurprising that the prizing of Requiem for a Beast stirred up controversy. Responses to the book proliferated across professional and popular outlets—it even received coverage on an Australian tabloid television program—and initiated a variety of conversations about what constitutes appropriate reading for young people. Perhaps more significantly, the controversy over Requiem winning picture book of the year forced the CBCA, teacher librarians, and caregivers to examine (and, often, defend) their roles and responsibilities in the circulation and promotion of children’s literature. This paper reads the Requiem controversies as a case study for understanding the complementary and contradictory roles of institutions and individuals in the ethical circulation of children’s literature in contemporary Australia and beyond.


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This paper evaluates the performances of prediction intervals generated from alternative time series models, in the context of tourism forecasting. The forecasting methods considered include the autoregressive (AR) model, the AR model using the bias-corrected bootstrap, seasonal ARIMA models, innovations state space models for exponential smoothing, and Harvey’s structural time series models. We use thirteen monthly time series for the number of tourist arrivals to Hong Kong and Australia. The mean coverage rates and widths of the alternative prediction intervals are evaluated in an empirical setting. It is found that all models produce satisfactory prediction intervals, except for the autoregressive model. In particular, those based on the biascorrected bootstrap perform best in general, providing tight intervals with accurate coverage rates, especially when the forecast horizon is long.


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A simple, effective, and innovative approach based on ion-assisted self-organization is proposed to synthesize size-selected Si quantum dots (QDs) on SiC substrates at low substrate temperatures. Using hybrid numerical simulations, the formation of Si QDs through a self-organization approach is investigated by taking into account two distinct cases of Si QD formation using the ionization energy approximation theory, which considers ionized in-fluxes containing Si3+ and Si1+ ions in the presence of a microscopic nonuniform electric field induced by a variable surface bias. The results show that the highest percentage of the surface coverage by 1 and 2 nm size-selected QDs was achieved using a bias of -20 V and ions in the lowest charge state, namely, Si1+ ions in a low substrate temperature range (227-327 °C). As low substrate temperatures (≤500 °C) are desirable from a technological point of view, because (i) low-temperature deposition techniques are compatible with current thin-film Si-based solar cell fabrication and (ii) high processing temperatures can frequently cause damage to other components in electronic devices and destroy the tandem structure of Si QD-based third-generation solar cells, our results are highly relevant to the development of the third-generation all-Si tandem photovoltaic solar cells.


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It has been well established that organic compounds with adjacent hydroxyl groups in Bayer process liquor can inhibit gibbsite precipitation by acting as seed poisons. The degree of inhibition is a function of the number and stereochemistry of the hydroxyl groups. Seed poisons generally adsorb strongly onto hydrate surfaces, implying that surface coverage is the mechanism for yield inhibition. There are examples however of organics that strongly adsorb but do not lead to yield inhibition. There is a possibility that this apparent contradiction may be an artifact of differences in conditions between the adsorption and precipitation experiments. The present work investigates the adsorption and inhibition effects of a range of compounds under strictly similar conditions to clarify the role of adsorption on yield inhibition.


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The routine cultivation of human corneal endothelial cells, with the view to treating patients with endothelial dysfunction, remains a challenging task. While progress in this field has been buoyed by the proposed existence of progenitor cells for the corneal endothelium at the corneal limbus, strategies for exploiting this concept remain unclear. In the course of evaluating methods for growing corneal endothelial cells, we have noted a case where remarkable growth was achieved using a serial explant culture technique. Over the course of 7 months, a single explant of corneal endothelium, acquired from cadaveric human tissue, was sequentially seeded into 7 culture plates and on each occasion produced a confluent cell monolayer. Sample cultures were confirmed as endothelial in origin by positive staining for glypican-4. On each occasion, small cells, closest to the tissue explant, developed into a highly compact layer with an almost homogenous structure. This layer was resistant to removal with trypsin and produced continuous cell outgrowth during multiple culture periods. The small cells gave rise to larger cells with phase-bright cell boundaries and prominent immunostaining for both nestin and telomerase. Nestin and telomerase were also strongly expressed in small cells immediately adjacent to the wound site, following transfer of the explant to another culture plate. These findings are consistent with the theory that progenitor cells for the corneal endothelium reside within the limbus and provide new insights into expected expression patterns for nestin and telomerase within the differentiation pathway.


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The results of studies on the growth of high-aspect nanostructures in low-temperature non-equilibrium plasmas of reactive gas mixtures with or without hydrogen are presented. The results suggest that the hydrogen in the reactive plasma strongly affects the length of the nanostructures. This phenomenon is explained in terms of selective hydrogen passivation of the lateral and top surfaces of the surface-supported nanostructures. The theoretical model describes the effect of the atomic hydrogen passivation on the nanostructure shape and predicts the critical hydrogen coverage of the lateral surfaces necessary to achieve the nanostructure growth with the pre-determined shape. Our results demonstrate that the use of a strongly non-equilibrium plasma is very effective in significantly improving the shape control of quasi-one-dimensional single-crystalline nanostructures.


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Strong electromagnetic field enhancement that occurs under conditions of the surface plasmon excitation in metallic nanoparticles deposited on a semiconductor surface is a very efficient and promising tool for increasing the optical absorption within semiconductor solar cells and, hence, their photocurrent response. The enhancement of the optical absorption in thin-film silicon solar cells via the excitation of localized surface plasmons in spherical silver nanoparticles is investigated. Using the effective medium model, the effect of the nanoparticle size and the surface coverage on that enhancement is analyzed. The optimum configuration and the nanoparticle parameters leading to the maximum enhancement in the optical absorption and the photocurrent response in a single p-n junction silicon cell are obtained. The effect of coupling between the silicon layer and the surface plasmon fields on the efficiency of the above enhancement is quantified as well.


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The kinetics of saturation of Ni catalyst nanoparticle patterns of the three different degrees of order, used as a model for the growth of carbon nanotips on Si, is investigated numerically using a complex model that involves surface diffusion and ion motion equations. It is revealed that Ni catalyst patterns of different degrees of order, with Ni nanoparticle sizes up to 12.5 nm, exhibit different kinetics of saturation with carbon on the Si surface. It is shown that in the cases examined (surface coverage in the range of 1-50%, highly disordered Ni patterns) the relative pattern saturation factor calculated as the ratio of average incubation times for the processes conducted in the neutral and ionized gas environments reaches 14 and 3.4 for Ni nanoparticles of 2.5 and 12.5 nm, respectively. In the highly ordered Ni patterns, the relative pattern saturation factor reaches 3 for nanoparticles of 2.5 nm and 2.1 for nanoparticles of 12.5 nm. Thus, more simultaneous saturation of Ni catalyst nanoparticles of sizes in the range up to 12.5 nm, deposited on the Si substrate, can be achieved in the low-temperature plasma environment than with the neutral gas-based process.


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The paper presents an investigation of self-organizational and -assembly processes of nanostructure growth on surfaces exposed to low-temperature plasmas. We have considered three main growth stages-initial, or sub-monolayer growth stage, separate nanostructure growth stage, and array growth stages with the characteristic sizes of several nm, several tens of nm, and several hundreds of nm, respectively, and have demonstrated, by the experimental data and hybrid multiscale numerical simulations, that the plasma parameters can strongly influence the surface processes and hence the kinetics of self-organization and -assembly. Our results show that plasma-controlled self-organization is a promising way to assemble large regular arrays of nanostructures. © 2008 IUPAC.


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Many properties of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) arrays are determined by the size and surface coverage of the metal catalyst islands from which they are nucleated. Methods using thermal fragmentation of continuous metal films frequently fail to produce size-uniform islands. Hybrid numerical simulations are used to propose a new approach to controlled self-assembly of Ni islands of the required size and surface coverage using tailored gas-phase generated nanocluster fluxes and adjusted surface temperatures. It is shown that a maximum surface coverage of 0.359 by 0.96-1.02 nm Ni catalyst islands can be achieved at a low surface temperature of 500 K. Optimized growth of Ni catalyst islands can lead to fabrication of size-uniform SWCNT arrays, suitable for numerous nanoelectronic applications. This approach is deterministic and is applicable to a range of nanoassemblies where high surface coverage and island size uniformity are required.


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The controlled growth of ultra-small Ge/Si quantum dot (QD) nuclei (≈1 nm) suitable for the synthesis of uniform nanopatterns with high surface coverage, is simulated using atom-only and size non-uniform cluster fluxes. It is found that seed nuclei of more uniform sizes are formed when clusters of non-uniform size are deposited. This counter-intuitive result is explained via adatom-nanocluster interactions on Si(100) surfaces. Our results are supported by experimental data on the geometric characteristics of QD patterns synthesized by nanocluster deposition. This is followed by a description of the role of plasmas as non-uniform cluster sources and the impact on surface dynamics. The technique challenges conventional growth modes and is promising for deterministic synthesis of nanodot arrays.