941 resultados para Logic, Symbolic and mathematical


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Na Vila de Regência Augusta, às margens do Rio Doce no município de Linhares - ES, uma intricada dinâmica sócio-religiosa reveste de atribuições religiosas um herói cujo feito remonta os finais do século XIX. Bernardo José dos Santos, morador da vila, ficaria conhecido em âmbito nacional como o herói Caboclo Bernardo ao ser homenageado por Princesa Isabel, por realizar o salvamento de 128 dos 142 tripulantes do naufrágio do Navio de Guerra Imperial Marinheiro , próximo à foz do Rio Doce. O evento e suas conseqüências tornaram-se um marco na história da vila, inclusive o assassinato do herói nos meados da segunda década do século XX. Na continuidade narrativa, ritual e simbólica do ato heróico do Caboclo Bernardo esta investigação lança suas preocupações. Atualmente acontece na vila, todos os anos, a Festa de Caboclo Bernardo, uma festividade para onde convergem religiosos de diversas etnias tupiniquim, botocudo, negros e caboclos com o intuito de prestar homenagens ao herói na capela que leva seu nome. Neste sentido, esta etnografia pretende analisar o processo de construção da identidade étnico-religiosa na vila, pois, ele acontece concomitantemente e está umbilicalmente relacionado ao processo que eleva o herói ao patamar dos santos padroeiros das bandas de congo na região. Para isso, analisado será o contexto dramático onde a identidade da vila é construída; as confluências históricas, narrativas e simbólicas que contribuem para a atual configuração da identidade; e o contexto político-institucional organizado em torno do Caboclo Bernardo, paradigma central da construção da identidade. O método etnográfico, a antropologia interpretativa e a antropologia visual forneceram os contornos metodológicos desta investigação, que se constituiu como uma descrição densa.(AU)


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O tema desta pesquisa, Complexidade, Espiritualidade e Educação: por uma educabilidade do espírito humano, sugere que a problemática do conhecimento sobre o espírito e a espiritualidade humanos está enraizada não apenas nos redutos religiosos, mas também no próprio interstício da ciência e também no coração da sociedade moderna. Apostamos neste tema não apenas pela sua atualidade, mas porque vem assumindo nestes últimos anos o status de indispensável no conjunto dos saberes, das realizações e do ethos humanos. Mas, para nos infiltrarmos neste assunto, é preciso uma nova lente epistemológica capaz de fazer uma leitura crítica, complexa e multidimensional a respeito da espiritualidade humana. A gênese do problema levantada para esta pesquisa parte do conflito entre as várias percepções sobre a condição humana, que ocorre a partir mesmo da crise experimentada hoje por muitos matizes científicos. A aproximação entre a teoria da complexidade, a espiritualidade humana com a educação, nos permite criar um cenário enriquecedor que acrescenta qualidade aos discursos e práticas educacionais na escola, na família, nas pastorais, na educação religiosa e ainda, em outras atividades afins. A nossa pergunta nuclear e que servirá de norte para o esforço desta pesquisa, é a seguinte: o espírito humano existe e, se existe, é educável? Para um melhor aproveitamento e compreensão desta dissertação, a pesquisa foi dividida em três capítulos, sistematizados da seguinte forma: No primeiro capítulo fizemos a exposição de algumas dificuldades de infiltração na temática sobre o espírito e da espiritualidade humanos. Essa exposição foi feita em dois momentos: o primeiro discute alguns pressupostos conceituais e semânticos sobre o espírito humano e, em seguida, aponta a necessidade de superar o conhecimento fragmentado em favor da recomposição do cariz humano. No segundo momento, discorremos sobre a rasoura científica que tem deixado de lado algumas dimensões humanas, sob pesado ônus para a existência humana como um todo. No segundo capítulo discutimos a atualidade do tema, que também pode ser visto em duas partes: na primeira dialogamos com algumas teorias sobre a complexidade e a multidimensionalidade da condição humana. Em seguida, focamos a partir dos novos humores antropológicos a dimensão simbólica e espiritual do humano. Na segunda parte, pontuamos sobre o desencantamento e crise da sociedade prometéica e a emergência e interfaces dos assuntos sobre a espiritualidade humana nestas últimas décadas. No terceiro e último capítulo, discorremos sobre as funções do espírito e as possibilidades reais de uma educação para o espírito humano. Semelhantemente, dividimos o capítulo em dois momentos de discussão: no primeiro, fazemos uma abordagem sobre a dimensão do espírito e a expressão da consciência como função de sentido. No segundo e último momento, levantamos a questão da educação do espírito humano. Seguindo este raciocínio, propomos uma pedagogia voltada também para o espírito humano. Deixamos por fim algumas sugestões que sinalizam uma educação para a ecologia do humano.


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Este estudo verifica a eficácia de intervenções lúdicas junto a crianças abrigadas com problemas de aprendizagem e quadros de depressão, analisando a influência do brincar em seu bem-estar e qualidade de vida. Realiza-se através de metodologia clínica-interventiva, junto a oito crianças de ambos os sexos, de 8 anos, de classe de baixa renda, abrigadas há dois anos, cursando a 1ª. série de escola pública, com queixa escolar. Após caracterização da instituição, avalia-se individualmente o nível cognitivo das crianças através das Matrizes Progressivas Coloridas de Raven, das Provas Piagetianas de conservação, classificação e seriação e verifica o material escolar. Aplica a seguir o Inventário de Depressão Infantil CDI, normatizado para o Brasil. Com base nesses dados, realiza oito sessões lúdicas grupais, semanais, de noventa minutos cada, através de estratégias sensório-motoras, simbólicas e sociais, com espaço para atividades espontâneas. Após as intervenções lúdicas, reavalia as crianças com os mesmos instrumentos da avaliação anterior. Os resultados indicam melhora no desempenho escolar e diminuição dos sintomas depressivos, com aumento da auto-estima e da segurança emocional, com reflexos em sua vida em geral, inclusive na escolar. As experiências vivenciadas nas situações lúdicas contribuíram para uma auto-avaliação subjetiva mais positiva pelas crianças, assim como para uma avaliação escolar melhor, em seus aspectos cognitivos e afetivo-emocionais integrados. Os dados apontam a importância da equipe técnica ao reconhecer precocemente os sintomas depressivos para realização de programas interventivos, utilizando o lúdico como facilitador para superação das dificuldades cognitivas e afetivas das crianças abrigadas


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Synthesis of a sharp switching characteristic is experimentally demonstrated by concatenation of nonlinear optical loop mirrors. A novel configuration has been used which results in three terminal operation of the device. This device can be used as a logic gate and for pulse shaping to produce square pulses.


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The rapid global loss of biodiversity has led to a proliferation of systematic conservation planning methods. In spite of their utility and mathematical sophistication, these methods only provide approximate solutions to real-world problems where there is uncertainty and temporal change. The consequences of errors in these solutions are seldom characterized or addressed. We propose a conceptual structure for exploring the consequences of input uncertainty and oversimpli?ed approximations to real-world processes for any conservation planning tool or strategy. We then present a computational framework based on this structure to quantitatively model species representation and persistence outcomes across a range of uncertainties. These include factors such as land costs, landscape structure, species composition and distribution, and temporal changes in habitat. We demonstrate the utility of the framework using several reserve selection methods including simple rules of thumb and more sophisticated tools such as Marxan and Zonation. We present new results showing how outcomes can be strongly affected by variation in problem characteristics that are seldom compared across multiple studies. These characteristics include number of species prioritized, distribution of species richness and rarity, and uncertainties in the amount and quality of habitat patches. We also demonstrate how the framework allows comparisons between conservation planning strategies and their response to error under a range of conditions. Using the approach presented here will improve conservation outcomes and resource allocation by making it easier to predict and quantify the consequences of many different uncertainties and assumptions simultaneously. Our results show that without more rigorously generalizable results, it is very dif?cult to predict the amount of error in any conservation plan. These results imply the need for standard practice to include evaluating the effects of multiple real-world complications on the behavior of any conservation planning method.


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This paper presents a Decision Support System framework based on Constrain Logic Programming and offers suggestions for using RFID technology to improve several of the critical procedures involved. This paper suggests that a widely distributed and semi-structured network of waste producing and waste collecting/processing enterprises can improve their planning both by the proposed Decision Support System, but also by implementing RFID technology to update and validate information in a continuous manner. © 2010 IEEE.


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This research explores the conceptual basis in adopting a skills approach to management development. The literature reveals a number of development approaches but only a limited appreciation of how the manager does his job i.e. of the skills that he needs. An investigation of managerial skills was conducted with 10 manager s mainly occupying middle and senior positions. The principal source of evidence was the manager's thoughts on what he did and how he did it, although the interviews were supplemented by formal and informal observation. There was also a dialectic value from discussions with other analysts/managers and empathy between analyst and practitioner also played a part. Each manager was invited to comment upon his own skills analysis as a check upon validity. The study supports the view that the manager similar to other skilled practitioners, is conceptually a model builder and operationally a navigator (Singleton 1978b) . The manager variously holds enactive, pictorial, symbolic and hybrid models that enable him to understand his world and act in it. The universal managerial function is decision making and the study presents a preliminary nomenclature in classifying decision processes or perceptual skills. Managerial skills are also reflected in interpersonal interaction where the hallmark is mutual construction and attribution and in 'self-management’ where the requirement is to cope with the inner rather than the outer world. Differences between the managers are most evident in perceptual skills, the more senior manager requiring increasing ability to process abstract information and take account of environmental uncertainty. He will also make greater use of 'off- line’ information. The practical purpose in studying managerial skills is to facilitate the improvement of managerial performance and the implications of the research for training, selection and appraisal are explored.


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We analyze pulse propagation in an optical fiber with a periodic dispersion map and distributed amplification. Using an asymptotic theory and a momentum method, we identify a family of dispersion management schemes that are advantageous for massive multichannel soliton transmission. For the case of two-step dispersion maps with distributed Raman amplification to compensate for the fiber loss, we find special schemes that have optimal (chirp-free) launch point locations that are independent of the fiber dispersion. Despite the variation of dispersion with wavelength due to the fiber dispersion slope, the transmission in several different channels can be optimized simultaneously using the same optimal launch point. The theoretical predictions are verified by direct numerical simulations. The obtained results are applied to a practical multichannel transmission system.


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We analyze the steady-state propagation of optical pulses in fiber transmission systems with lumped nonlinear optical devices (NODs) placed periodically in the line. For the first time to our knowledge, a theoretical model is developed to describe the transmission regime with a quasilinear pulse evolution along the transmission line and the point action of NODs. We formulate the mapping problem for pulse propagation in a unit cell of the line and show that in the particular application to nonlinear optical loop mirrors, the steady-state pulse characteristics predicted by the theory accurately reproduce the results of direct numerical simulations.


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We study solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) with gain, describing optical pulse propagation in an amplifying medium. We construct a semiclassical self-similar solution with a parabolic temporal variation that corresponds to the energy-containing core of the asymptotically propagating pulse in the amplifying medium. We match the self-similar core through Painlevé functions to the solution of the linearized equation that corresponds to the low-amplitude tails of the pulse. The analytic solution accurately reproduces the numerically calculated solution of the NLSE.


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Activation of the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) pathway is a critical step in the transcriptional response to hypoxia. Although many of the key proteins involved have been characterised, the dynamics of their interactions in generating this response remain unclear. In the present study, we have generated a comprehensive mathematical model of the HIF-1a pathway based on core validated components and dynamic experimental data, and confirm the previously described connections within the predicted network topology. Our model confirms previous work demonstrating that the steps leading to optimal HIF-1a transcriptional activity require sequential inhibition of both prolyl- and asparaginyl-hydroxylases. We predict from our model (and confirm experimentally) that there is residual activity of the asparaginyl-hydroxylase FIH (factor inhibiting HIF) at low oxygen tension. Furthermore, silencing FIH under conditions where prolyl-hydroxylases are inhibited results in increased HIF-1a transcriptional activity, but paradoxically decreases HIF-1a stability. Using a core module of the HIF network and mathematical proof supported by experimental data, we propose that asparaginyl hydroxylation confers a degree of resistance upon HIF-1a to proteosomal degradation. Thus, through in vitro experimental data and in silico predictions, we provide a comprehensive model of the dynamic regulation of HIF-1a transcriptional activity by hydroxylases and use its predictive and adaptive properties to explain counter-intuitive biological observations.


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Synthesis of a sharp switching characteristic is experimentally demonstrated by concatenation of nonlinear optical loop mirrors. A novel configuration has been used which results in three terminal operation of the device. This device can be used as a logic gate and for pulse shaping to produce square pulses. © 1993 Taylor and Francis Ltd.


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We study solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) with gain, describing optical pulse propagation in an amplifying medium. We construct a semiclassical self-similar solution with a parabolic temporal variation that corresponds to the energy-containing core of the asymptotically propagating pulse in the amplifying medium. We match the self-similar core through Painlevé functions to the solution of the linearized equation that corresponds to the low-amplitude tails of the pulse. The analytic solution accurately reproduces the numerically calculated solution of the NLSE.


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We analyze the steady-state propagation of optical pulses in fiber transmission systems with lumped nonlinear optical devices (NODs) placed periodically in the line. For the first time to our knowledge, a theoretical model is developed to describe the transmission regime with a quasilinear pulse evolution along the transmission line and the point action of NODs. We formulate the mapping problem for pulse propagation in a unit cell of the line and show that in the particular application to nonlinear optical loop mirrors, the steady-state pulse characteristics predicted by the theory accurately reproduce the results of direct numerical simulations. © 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.


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This chapter introduces activity theory as an approach for studying strategy as practice. Activity theory conceptualizes the ongoing construction of activity as a product of activity systems, comprising the actor, the community with which that actor interacts and those symbolic and material tools that mediate between actors, their community and their pursuit of activity. The focus on the mediating role of tools and cultural artefacts in human activity seems especially promising for advancing the strategy-as-practice agenda, for example as a theoretical resource for the growing interest in sociomateriality and the role of tools and artefacts in (strategy) practice (for example, Balogun et al. 2014; Lanzara 2009; Nicolini 2009; Spee and Jarzabkowski 2009; Stetsenko 2005). Despite its potential, in a recent review Vaara and Whittington (2012) identified only three strategy-as-practice articles explicitly applying an activity theory lens. In the wider area of practice-based studies in organizations, activity theory has been slightly more popular (for example, Blackler 1993; 1995; Blackler, Crump and McDonald 2000; Engeström, Kerosuo and Kajamaa 2007; Groleau 2006; Holt 2008; Miettinen and Virkkunen 2005). It still lags behind its potential, however, primarily because of its origins as a social psychology theory developed in Russia with little initial recognition outside the Russian context, particularly in the area of strategy and organization theory, until recently (Miettinen, Samra-Fredericks and Yanow 2009). This chapter explores activity theory as a resource for studying strategy as practice as it is socially accomplished by individuals in interaction with their wider social group and the artefacts of interaction. In particular, activity theory’s focus on actors as social individuals provides a conceptual basis for studying the core question in strategy-as-practice research: what strategy practitioners do. The chapter is structured in three parts. First, an overview of activity theory is provided. Second, activity theory as a practice-based approach to studying organizational action is introduced and an activity system conceptual framework is developed. Third, the elements of the activity system are explained in more detail and explicitly linked to each of the core SAP concepts: practitioners, practices and praxis. In doing so, links are made to existing strategy-as-practice research, with brief empirical examples of topics that might be addressed using activity theory. Throughout the chapter, we introduce key authors in the development of activity theory and its use in management and adjacent disciplinary fields, as further resources for those wishing to make greater use of activity theory.