970 resultados para Liver - Diseases


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Adult and 3-week-old juvenile Fasciola hepatica were examined for the presence of the cytoskeletal protein actin. Techniques of direct fluorescence using fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-phalloidin and of indirect immunofluorescence using a monoclonal anti-actin antibody (MAA) demonstrated actin in the testes, sub-tegumental and gut musculature, tegumental cell bodies and tegumental spines. In contrast, polyclonal anti-actin antibody (PAA) revealed immunostaining only in the vitellaria. Effective removal of the tegument with 1% (w/v) sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and this enabled immunoblotting of whole fluke and tegumental fractions with and without spines. Whole fluke fractions produced three bands corresponding to molecules exhibiting relative molecular weights of 43, 28 and 15 kDa, respectively, whereas the tegumental fraction with spines revealed a single band corresponding to 15 kDa in size. The fraction without spines displayed no bands. The present study localised actin in a number of different tissue types within the liver fluke. Using MAA, three forms of actin have been identified in the whole fluke and a single one in the tegumental spines.


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We have shown that Fasciola hepatica expresses at least six ß-tubulins in the adult stage of its life cycle, designated F.hep-ß-tub1-6 (Ryan et al., 2008). Here we show that different complements of tubulin isotypes are expressed in different tissues and at different life cycle stages; this information may inform the search for novel anthelmintics. The predominant (as judged by quantitative PCR) isotype transcribed at the adult stage was F.hep-ß-tub1 and immunolocalisation studies revealed that this isotype occurred mainly in mature spermatozoa and vitelline follicles. Quantitative PCR indicated that changes occurred in the transcription levels of ß-tubulin isotypes at certain life cycle stages and may be of importance in the efficacy of benzimidazole-based anthelmintic drugs, but there were no significant differences between the triclabendazole (TCBZ)-susceptible Leon isolate and the TCBZ-resistant Oberon isolate in the transcription levels of each of the isotypes. When three well-characterised isolates with differing susceptibilities to TCBZ were compared, only one amino acid change resulting from a homozygous coding sequence difference (Gly269Ser) in isotype 4 was observed. However, this change was not predicted to alter the overall structure of the protein. In conclusion, these findings indicate that there is tissue-specific expression of tubulin isotypes in the liver fluke but the development of resistance to TCBZ is not associated with changes in its presumed target molecule.


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In most complex diseases, much of the heritability remains unaccounted for by common variants. It has been postulated that lower-frequency variants contribute to the remaining heritability. Here, we describe a method to test for polygenic inheritance from lower-frequency variants by using GWAS summary association statistics. We explored scenarios with many causal low-frequency variants and showed that there is more power to detect risk variants than to detect protective variants, resulting in an increase in the ratio of detected risk to protective variants (R/P ratio). Such an excess can also occur if risk variants are present and kept at lower frequencies because of negative selection. The R/P ratio can be falsely elevated because of reasons unrelated to polygenic inheritance, such as uneven sample sizes or asymmetric population stratification, so precautions to correct for these confounders are essential. We tested our method on published GWAS results and observed a strong signal in some diseases (schizophrenia and type 2 diabetes) but not others. We also explored the shared genetic component in overlapping phenotypes related to inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn disease [CD] and ulcerative colitis [UC]) and diabetic nephropathy (macroalbuminuria and end-stage renal disease [ESRD]). Although the signal was still present when both CD and UC were jointly analyzed, the signal was lost when macroalbuminuria and ESRD were jointly analyzed, suggesting that these phenotypes should best be studied separately. Thus, our method may also help guide the design of future genetic studies of various traits and diseases.


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Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) catalyses one of the two steps in glycolysis which generate the reduced coenzyme NADH. This reaction precedes the two ATP generating steps. Thus, inhibition of GAPDH will lead to substantially reduced energy generation. Consequently, there has been considerable interest in developing GAPDH inhibitors as anti-cancer and anti-parasitic agents. Here, we describe the biochemical characterisation of GAPDH from the common liver fluke Fasciola hepatica (FhGAPDH). The primary sequence of FhGAPDH is similar to that from other trematodes and the predicted structure shows high similarity to those from other animals including the mammalian hosts. FhGAPDH lacks a binding pocket which has been exploited in the design of novel antitrypanosomal compounds. The protein can be expressed in, and purified from Escherichia coli; the recombinant protein was active and showed no cooperativity towards glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate as a substrate. In the absence of ligands, FhGAPDH was a mixture of homodimers and tetramers, as judged by protein-protein crosslinking and analytical gel filtration. The addition of either NAD(+) or glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate shifted this equilibrium towards a compact dimer. Thermal scanning fluorimetry demonstrated that this form was considerably more stable than the unliganded one. These responses to ligand binding differ from those seen in mammalian enzymes. These differences could be exploited in the discovery of reagents which selectively disrupt the function of FhGAPDH.


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PET-computed tomography (PET-CT) is a useful staging imaging modality in colorectal liver metastases (CRLM). This study aimed to determine whether PET-CT parameters, standardized uptake value (SUV) and reconstructed tumour volume (RTV), are predictors of prognosis and survival.

A study of all resectable CRLM patients in the regional HPB unit from 2007–2009 was performed. Preoperative PET-CT scans were retrospectively reviewed; SUV, diameter and RTV for each lesion was recorded. Correlation analysis was performed with other pathological and biochemical parameters, by Pearson’s correlation analysis. Survival analysis was performed using Cox regression hazard model. A P value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

A total of 79 patients were included. SUV moderately correlated with tumour diameter, both PET-CT (r=0.4927; P<0.0001) and histology (r=0.4513; P=0.0003); RTV (r=0.4489; P<0.001), preoperative carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) (r=0.4977; P=0.0001), and postoperative CEA (r=0.3727; P=0.004). Multivariate analysis found that an independent predictor of SUVmax was preoperative CEA (P=0.03). RTV strongly correlated with preoperative CEA (r=0.9389; P<0.0001). SUV and RTV had a negative effect on survival.

PET-CT, in the setting of CRLM, may have a prognostic role in assessing survival. Although no definite conclusions can be drawn regarding the prognostic role of SUV and RTV, it acts to reinforce the need for further prospective studies to validate these findings.


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Alcohol-induced liver injury is the most common liver disease in which fatty acid metabolism is altered. It is thought that altered NAD+/NADH redox potential by alcohol in the liver causes fatty liver by inhibiting fatty acid oxidation and the activity of tricarboxylic acid cycle reactions. β-Lapachone (βL), a naturally occurring quinone, has been shown to stimulate fatty acid oxidation in an obese mouse model by activating adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK). In this report, we clearly show that βL reduced alcohol-induced hepatic steatosis and induced fatty acid oxidizing capacity in ethanol-fed rats. βL treatment markedly decreased hepatic lipids while serum levels of lipids and lipoproteins were increased in rats fed ethanol-containing liquid diets with βL administration. Furthermore, inhibition of lipolysis, enhancement of lipid mobilization to mitochondria and upregulation of mitochondrial β-oxidation activity in the soleus muscle were observed in ethanol/βL-treated animals compared to the ethanol-fed rats. In addition, the activity of alcohol dehydrogenase, but not aldehyde dehydrogenase, was significantly increased in rats fed βL diets. βL-mediated modulation of NAD+/NADH ratio led to the activation of AMPK signaling in these animals. Conclusion: Our results suggest that improvement of fatty liver by βL administration is mediated by the upregulation of apoB100 synthesis and lipid mobilization from the liver as well as the direct involvement of βL on NAD+/NADH ratio changes, resulting in the activation of AMPK signaling and PPARα-mediated β-oxidation. Therefore, βL-mediated alteration of NAD+/NADH redox potential may be of potential therapeutic benefit in the clinical setting.


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Aims: To build a population pharmacokinetic model that describes the apparent clearance of tacrolimus and the potential demographic, clinical and genetically controlled factors that could lead to inter-patient pharmacokinetic variability within children following liver transplantation.

Methods: The present study retrospectively examined tacrolimus whole blood pre-dose concentrations (n = 628) of 43 children during their first year post-liver transplantation. Population pharmacokinetic analysis was performed using the non-linear mixed effects modelling program (nonmem) to determine the population mean parameter estimate of clearance and influential covariates.

Results: The final model identified time post-transplantation and CYP3A5*1 allele as influential covariates on tacrolimus apparent clearance according to the following equation:

TVCL=12.9×(Weight /13.2)0.75×EXP(-0.00158×TPT)×EXP(0.428×CYP3A5)

where TVCL is the typical value for apparent clearance, TPT is time post-transplantation in days and the CYP3A5 is 1 where*1 allele is present and 0 otherwise. The population estimate and inter-individual variability (%CV) of tacrolimus apparent clearance were found to be 0.977 l h kg (95% CI 0.958, 0.996) and 40.0%, respectively, while the residual variability between the observed and predicted concentrations was 35.4%.

Conclusion: Tacrolimus apparent clearance was influenced by time post-transplantation and CYP3A5 genotypes. The results of this study, once confirmed by a large scale prospective study, can be used in conjunction with therapeutic drug monitoring to recommend tacrolimus dose adjustments that take into account not only body weight but also genetic and time-related changes in tacrolimus clearance. © 2013 The British Pharmacological Society.


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Background There has been an explosion in research into possible associations between periodontitis and various systemic diseases and conditions. Aim To review the evidence for associations between periodontitis and various systemic diseases and conditions, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia, chronic kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, cognitive impairment, obesity, metabolic syndrome and cancer, and to document headline discussions of the state of each field. Periodontal associations with diabetes, cardiovascular disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes were not discussed by working group 4. Results Working group 4 recognized that the studies performed to date were largely cross-sectional or case-control with few prospective cohort studies and no randomized clinical trials. The best current evidence suggests that periodontitis is characterized by both infection and pro-inflammatory events, which variously manifest within the systemic diseases and disorders discussed. Diseases with at least minimal evidence of an association with periodontitis include COPD, pneumonia, chronic kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, cognitive impairment, obesity, metabolic syndrome and cancer. The working group agreed that there is insufficient evidence to date to infer causal relationships with the exception that organisms originating in the oral microbiome can cause lung infections. Conclusions The group was unanimous in their opinion that the reported associations do not imply causality, and establishment of causality will require new studies that fulfil the Bradford Hill or equivalent criteria. Precise and community-agreed case definitions of periodontal disease states must be implemented systematically to enable consistent and clearer interpretations of studies of the relationship to systemic diseases. The members of the working group were unanimous in their opinion that to develop data that best inform clinicians, investigators and the public, studies should focus on robust disease outcomes and avoid surrogate endpoints. It was concluded that because of the relative immaturity of the body of evidence for each of the purported relationships, the field is wide open and the gaps in knowledge are large. © 2013 European Federation of Periodontology and American Academy of Periodontology.


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The objective of Integrated Care Pathways for Airway Diseases (AIRWAYS-ICPs) is to launch a collaboration to develop multi-sectoral care pathways for chronic respiratory diseases in European countries and regions. AIRWAYS-ICPs has strategic relevance to the European Union Health Strategy and will add value to existing public health knowledge by: 1) proposing a common framework of care pathways for chronic respiratory diseases, which will facilitate comparability and trans-national initiatives; 2) informing cost-effective policy development, strengthening in particular those on smoking and environmental exposure; 3) aiding risk stratification in chronic disease patients, using a common strategy; 4) having a significant impact on the health of citizens in the short term (reduction of morbidity, improvement of education in children and of work in adults) and in the long-term (healthy ageing); 5) proposing a common simulation tool to assist physicians; and 6) ultimately reducing the healthcare burden (emergency visits, avoidable hospitalisations, disability and costs) while improving quality of life. In the longer term, the incidence of disease may be reduced by innovative prevention strategies. AIRWAYSICPs was initiated by Area 5 of the Action Plan B3 of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. All stakeholders are involved (health and social care, patients, and policy makers).