890 resultados para Literatures of Germanic languages


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In the context of computer numerical control (CNC) and computer aided manufacturing (CAM), the capabilities of programming languages such as symbolic and intuitive programming, program portability and geometrical portfolio have special importance -- They allow to save time and to avoid errors during part programming and permit code re-usage -- Our updated literature review indicates that the current state of art presents voids in parametric programming, program portability and programming flexibility -- In response to this situation, this article presents a compiler implementation for EGCL (Extended G-code Language), a new, enriched CNC programming language which allows the use of descriptive variable names, geometrical functions and flow-control statements (if-then-else, while) -- Our compiler produces low-level generic, elementary ISO-compliant Gcode, thus allowing for flexibility in the choice of the executing CNC machine and in portability -- Our results show that readable variable names and flow control statements allow a simplified and intuitive part programming and permit re-usage of the programs -- Future work includes allowing the programmer to define own functions in terms of EGCL, in contrast to the current status of having them as library built-in functions


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A description is given of the structure of, theoretical background of, and experiences gained from, a course in legal English-Spanish translation taught at the University of Alicante.


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Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Comunicação, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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Se describe el uso de tecnología en forma de presentaciones de multimedia para facilitar la enseñanza de las Normas para el Aprendizaje de una Lengua Extranjera del Concilio Americano para la Enseñanza de Lenguas extranjeras. Las normas abarcan las comunicaciones, las culturas, las conexiones, las comparaciones y las comunidades. El estudiantado universitario aprende a crear, con multimedia, presentaciones sobre un tema cultural en la lengua meta. El componente de aprendizaje por servicio comunitario se fundamenta en las presentaciones creadas para estudiantes de colegio, quienes tienen acceso a las presentaciones en un sitio web de la universidad.A description is provided of how the use of technology in the form of multimedia presentations enhances the teaching of the Five C Standards for Foreign Language Learning of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages: communications, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities. University students learn to create multimedia presentations on a cultural topic in the target language. The service-learning component provides the multimedia presentations for middle-school students who access them from the university website.


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Se hace un planteo de la situación general de las poblaciones indígenas en Costa Rica, en relación con la situación específica de sus lenguas y las gestiones llevadas a cabo en instituciones académicas y entidades del Estado. Se analizan factores sociales y pedagógicos implicados en el complejo proceso de la interculturalidad; caso particular es el de la educación bilingüe.An overview is given of the general situation of indigenous populations in Costa Rica, specifically with relation to that of their languages and the actions being taken by academic institutions and the government. An analysis is provided of social and pedagogical factors implied in the complex process of interculturality; one particular case is that of bilingual education.


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En Costa Rica hay seis lenguas indígenas reconocidas oficialmente. Cada una de ellas disfruta de una condición diferente en cuanto a sus tradiciones y números de hablantes, entre otras. A pesar de los esfuerzos del gobierno de Costa Rica y otros investigadores desde 1995, las lenguas han enfrentado dificultades a nivel interno y externo, las cuales han resultado en el debilitamiento o inclusive pérdida de las mismas. Esto nos lleva al caso de boruca, una de las lenguas de Costa Rica que puede ahora ser considerada una lengua extinta. Este artículo presenta una descripción general del pueblo boruca, sus tradiciones y sus principales características, y a la vez ofrece al lector una descripción tipológica general de la lengua en la cual se discuten brevemente los rasgos generales de su gramática.In Costa Rica there are six officially recognized indigenous languages. Each enjoys a different condition in terms of its traditions and number of speakers, among others. Despite efforts of the Costa Rican government and other researchers since 1995, the languages have met endogenous and exogenous difficulties that have resulted in the weakening and even loss of the languages. This leads us to what happened to Boruca, one of the indigenous languages of Costa Rica which can now be considered an extinct language. This article presents a general description of the Boruca people, their traditions and main characteristics, and it also introduces the reader to a general typological description of the language where the main features of its grammar are briefly discussed.


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Designed as a quick and easy tool to help assess the essential traits of the social and therapeutic atmosphere in forensic psychiatric settings (subsequently expanded for use in correctional facilities), the Essen Climate Evaluation Schema (EssenCES) was originally developed and first published in Germany. It has since been translated into a number of other languages and been included in a considerable number of studies, among them a broad validation study in the UK. Following this study andthe UK Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) initiating the regular use of the scale in forensic psychiatric services in the UK, we have received a large number of enquiries regarding support in using the scale and interpreting its findings. In particular, many researchers and clinicians have requested reference norms that would allow them to compare the EssenCES scores obtained in their particular unit/service with the scores obtained in other settings. This manual aims to respond to these enquiries. It outlines the background and the concept of the instrument and discusses the variety of ways in which the EssenCES might be used to support research and practice within forensic services.It also includes considerations regarding the limitations of previous studies that have utilised the concept of social climate and a discussion of how the contribution of climate evaluations might be further improved in the future.


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Designed as a quick and easy tool to help assess the essential traits of the social and therapeutic atmosphere in forensic psychiatric settings (subsequently expanded for use in correctional facilities), the Essen Climate Evaluation Schema (EssenCES) was originally developed and first published in Germany. It has since been translated into a number of other languages and been included in a considerable number of studies, among them a broad validation study inthe UK. Following this study andthe UK Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) initiating the regular use of the scale in forensic psychiatric services inthe UK, we have received a large number of enquiries regarding support in using the scale and interpreting its findings. In particular, many researchers and clinicians have requested reference norms that would allow them to compare the EssenCES scores obtained in their particular unit/service with the scores obtained in other settings. This manual aims to respond to these enquiries. It outlines the background and the concept of the instrument and discusses the variety of ways in which the EssenCES might be used to support research and practice within forensic services.It also includes considerations regarding the limitations of previous studies that have utilised the concept of social climate and a discussion of how the contribution of climate evaluations might be further improved in the future.


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Previously, in Victoria, Intercultural Understanding was embedded in the context area ofLanguages Other than English' and taught by LOTE specialist teachers. Positioned in the new National Curriculum as a ‘General Capability' it will become the shared responsibility of all Australian teachers and so directly impact on them and their pedagogical practices. This prioritizing of Intercultural Understanding acknowledges the role of pedagogical practice in developing national and international social cohesion as well as meeting national economic imperatives (MCEETYA 2008, Banks 2011). The diverse social context of schooling is one in which many students experience negative intercultural experiences (Mansouri et al 2010) and yet it is also a site rich with potential for positive intercultural experiences and development of cosmopolitan dispositions (Noble, 2013 Rizvi 2009; Lo Bianco 2006); particularly ‘vernacular' cosmopolitanism (Robbins, 1998; Turner 2010). Drawing on case studies from two primary schools participating in an ARC-funded national research project, this presentation considers the impact on teachers' attitudes and pedagogies as they reflect on and enact teaching to promote intercultural understanding. With a focus on critical engagement with texts (including student, teacher and community multimodal texts) the teachers design pedagogies to support the three key areas recognising culture and developing respect; Interacting and empathising with others; and reflecting on intercultural experiences and taking responsibility (ACARA, 2012). Vicarious, virtual and face-to-face opportunities for enhancement of self-awareness and cultural acknowledgment; experiencing and exploring cultural difference; and for critical reflection on cultural encounters (Bredella, 2003) will be explored. Of interest is teacher and student agency (Fielding, 2001; 2004) in the selection of resources, development of knowledge, critical reflection and approaches to dealing with sensitive issues.


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Literature is not generally considered as a coherent branch of the curriculum in relation to language development in either native or foreign language teaching. As teachers of English in multicultural Indian classrooms, we come across students with varying degrees of competence in English language learning. Although language learning is a natural process for natives, students of other languages put in colossal efforts to learn it. Despite their sincere efforts, they face challenges regarding pronunciation, spelling, and vocabulary. Indian classrooms are a microcosm of the larger society, so teaching English language in a manner that equips the students to face the cutthroat competition has become a necessity and a challenge for English language teachers. English today has become the key determinant for being successful in their careers. The hackneyed and stereotypical methods of teaching are not acceptable now. Teachers are no longer arbitrary dispensers of knowledge, but they are playing the role of a guide and facilitator for the students. Teachers of English are using innovative ideas to make English language teaching and learning interesting and simple. Teachers have started using literary texts and their analyses to explore and ignite the imagination and creative skills of the students. One needs to think and rethink the contribution of literature to intelligent thinking as well as its role in the process of teaching/learning. This article is, therefore, an attempt at exploring the nature of the literary experience in the present-day classrooms and the broader role of literature in life.


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In the context of the International Society for Knowledge Organization, we often consider knowledge organization systems to comprise catalogues, thesauri, and bibliothecal classification schemes – schemes for library arrangement. In recent years we have added ontologies and folksonomies to our sphere of study. In all of these cases it seems we are concerned with improving access to information. We want a good system.And much of the literature from the late 19th into the late 20th century took that as their goal – to analyze the world of knowledge and the structures of representing it as its objects of study; again, with the ethos for creating a good system. In most cases this meant we had to be correct in our assertions about the universe of knowledge and the relationships that obtain between its constituent parts. As a result much of the literature of knowledge organization is prescriptive – instructing designers and professionals how to build or use the schemes correctly – that is to maximize redundant success in accessing information.In 2005, there was a turn in some of the knowledge organization literature. It has been called the descriptive turn. This is in relation to the otherwise prescriptive efforts of researchers in KO. And it is the descriptive turn that makes me think of context, languages, and cultures in knowledge organization–the theme of this year’s conference.Work in the descriptive turn questions the basic assumptions about what we want to do when we create, implement, maintain, and evaluate knowledge organization systems. Following on these assumptions researchers have examined a wider range of systems and question the motivations behind system design. Online websites that allow users to curate their own collections are one such addition, for example Pinterest (cf., Feinberg, 2011). However, researchers have also looked back at other lineages of organizing to compare forms and functions. For example, encyclopedias, catalogues raisonnés, archival description, and winter counts designed and used by Native Americans.In this case of online curated collections, Melanie Feinberg has started to examine the craft of curation, as she calls it. In this line of research purpose, voice, and rhetorical stance surface as design considerations. For example, in the case of the Pinterest, users are able and encouraged to create boards. The process of putting together these boards is an act of curation in contemporary terminology. It is describing this craft that comes from the descriptive turn in KO.In the second case, when researchers in the descriptive turn look back at older and varied examples of knowledge organization systems, we are looking for a full inventory of intent and inspiration for future design. Encyclopedias, catalogues raisonnés, archival description, and works of knowledge organization in other cultures provide a rich world for the descriptive turn. And researchers have availed themselves of this.


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Le début des années 2000 a constitué un tournant dans l’évolution de la situation sociolinguistique de l’Algérie, marqué notamment par une ouverture sur le plurilinguisme qui se manifeste aujourd’hui sur le terrain comme un fait établi. Cette dynamique appelle un regard renouvelé sur les représentations qu’ont les locuteurs algériens des différentes langues en contact. C’est l’objectif de cet article qui présente les résultats d’une enquête sur les représentations sociales des quatre langues en présence (arabe standard, arabe dialectal, berbère et français) chez une population d’étudiants universitaires. Cette recherche, qui se base sur la méthode d’analyse combinée (Maurer, 2013) a permis de mettre au jour la structure de la représentation sociale de chaque langue et de voir la prégnance des images qui circulent chez les locuteurs.


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This essay shows the reality of Costa Rican indigenous groups in terms of the mastery and promotion of their original tongue and the way this has been taken into account in the design of the curricula of their schools. In general, it is discussed that the educational process is developed disengaged of the idiomatic and cultural reality of these groups, even tough government efforts have been made in this direction. As a result of this educational deficiency, a cultural decline is generated that might end up with the loss of native languages.


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ResumenPresentamos en este artículo una reflexión sobre la producción de los significados y representaciones del espacio geográfico, a partir de una discusión sobre educación escolar en el componente curricular, Geografía en la Educación Básica. Proponemos una interrogación acerca de su aporte en la construcción de las percepciones espaciales, desencadenando este pensar especialmente sobre el uso, las limitaciones y las posibilidades reveladas en los mapas. De ese modo, invitamos a un cuestionamiento sobre las formas de utilización de ese recurso, que exige elecciones codificadas, simplificadas y representadas según criterios de escalas, símbolos y proyecciones cartográficas.Discutimos cómo la Geografía escolar utiliza los mapas y cómo propone los significados y representaciones de ese lenguaje en imagen, en la medida que son configuraciones producidas y cuyos contenidos son escogidos. Argumentamos que la educación escolar responde en gran parte a las representaciones construidas por las personas. Por eso, el presente texto es un ejercicio relevante para los educadores en general, una invitación al análisis de la utilización de los lenguajes específicos de cada área del conocimiento. Fortalecemos, de esa manera, el debate sobre las producciones de las representaciones, esenciales en los movimientos de la vida cotidiana de las personas que pasan por la escuela proyectando un currículo más abierto.Palabras clave: Aprendizaje escolar, significados, representaciones, Geografía escolar, mapa.AbstractWe present in this article a reflection on the production of meanings and representations in the geographical space, from a discussion on school education in the curriculum component, Geography in Basic Education. We propose a question about its contribution to the construction of spatial perceptions, triggering an analysis particularly about the use, limitations and opportunities revealed in the maps.Thus, we invite for discussion ways of utilizing that resource which requires encoded choices, simplified and represented according to criteria of scale, symbols and map projections. We discuss how the Geography student uses the maps and how the student applies the meanings and representations of that picture language in the settings as they are produced and whose contents are chosen.We argue that education is greatly due to the representations constructed by people. Therefore, this text is an important exercise for educators in general, an invitation to the analysis of the use of specific languages for each area of knowledge. In this way, we strengthen the debate over the production of essential representations in the movements of the daily life of the people passing through the school by projecting a more open curriculum.Key words: Elementary education, meanings, representations, school geography, maps.