946 resultados para Literatura religiosa vasca s.XIX


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Wydział Neofilologii: Instytut Filologii Rosyjskiej. Zakład Ukrainistyki


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A proposta realizada neste traballo fai de altovolante dalgunhas reflexións que creo fundamentais para seguir camiño na investigación da literatura oral. A miña perspectiva é a da antropoloxía sociocultural, pero afecta nun sentido máis amplo ao conxunto das disciplinas sociais e humanísticas que abordan o tema da literatura oral e da oralidade en xeral. É evidente que a literatura aporta datos sobre a organización social, o estilo de vida e a Cultura dunha sociedade no pasado e no presente (1). En particular a literatura oral, é dicir, a que se transmite oralmente aínda que ás veces a encontremos escrita, é un vector privilexiado para captar os imaxinarios colectivos do grupo humano que a crea, os seus valores, as súas moralidades e crenzas. The paper presents some lines of thought considered to be fundamental in the study of oral literature. The perspective followed is one marked by socio/cultural anthropology, but one that is also related to all of those Social Sciences and Humanities that analyse oral traditions. Literature gives us data on social organization, on the life style and culture of a social group, both past and present. Oral literature, in particular, is a extremely suitable vehicle for reaching the collective imaginary of the group that creates it. (1) Fribourg, J.(1995): "Literatura oral y antropología", en Lisón Tolosana, C. (comp.): Antropología y Literatura. Zaragoza: Gobierno de Aragón, p. 37.


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A finales del siglo XVIII, en Europa el conocimiento científico se había desarrollado extraordinariamente. Surgen los nombres de Lavoisier, Ritcher, Coulomb y Celsius entre otros muchos. Se enuncian leyes en química y física; junto a ellas también florece la matemática de la mano de Euler, Lagrange, D«Alambert, Monge, por citar sólo unos cuantos. Mientras tanto, el atraso de las matemáticas españolas se debía, entre otras causas, al pobre estado en que se encontraban las universidades: aún de tipo medieval y de carácter eclesiástico. Esto lo evidencia Fray Benito Jerónimo Feijoo en la carta titulada Causas del atraso que se padece en España en orden a las ciencias naturales, y el Marqués de la Ensenada quien, en 1748, se lo expresa al rey Fernando VI. Las deficiencias de las universidades tenían que ver con la enseñanza memorística, textos anticuados e interés primordial por disciplinas como derecho, teología y filosofía en detrimento de las matemáticas y las ciencias.


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Algunos problemas nos atraen independientemente de la dificultad de su resolución. El que vamos a presentar lleva como título ¿CÓMO SE LLAMA EL PROFE? Y lo hemos encontrado en el libro de Agustín Fonseca: “El rompecocos” (Ed. Temas de Hoy).


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Tomando como inicio el contexto de la Matemática para su enseñanza, encontramos que existen múltiples relaciones entre ella y diferentes ramas del Arte. El tema que presentamos en este taller es ilimitado. Presentaremos algunos “matemáticos-escritores”, algunos autores del género “Matemática Recreativa” y otros ejemplos de famosos científicos que incursionaron en la Literatura o famosos literatos que incursionaron en la Matemática. En definitiva, se trata de mostrar, brevemente, algunos vínculos entre la Matemática y la Literatura, ya que estos textos pueden utilizarse como disparador para la introducción de nuevos contenidos.


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A partir de la novela El curioso incidente del perro a medianoche de Mark Haddon, en la que se plantean diversos temas matemáticos, proponemos una serie de actividades para el alumno. A través de este trabajo se trata de demostrar que la literatura no es ajena a las matemáticas, además de animar a la lectura y enseñar temas matemáticos de interés en la actualidad como la criptografía de clave pública, la teoría de la probabilidad y la teoría del caos, que son aplicables a problemas del mundo real.


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Siempre me ha interesado la historia de las matemáticas cuando la resolución de problemas ha sido su columna vertebral. Ahora que estamos en el 2000, tenemos muy presente aquella famosa lista de 23 problemas dados por Hilbert hace 100 años.


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El Ebro (1917-1936) was a magazine published in Barcelona by Aragonese emigrants at the beginning of the 20th century. It was the first experience of coexistence of different dialectal varieties of the Aragonese language in the same media. El Ebro was an experience that has gone virtually unnoticed in the recent history of one of the most minority languages, and with minor media presence, of Western Europe. In its pages El Ebro mixed dialects spoken in different regions of linguistic Aragonese area together with transcripts of medieval documents. At the same time, this newspaper raised debates about the language issue that they were truncated due to disappearance of the publication and the lack of theoretical realization


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The origins of Sephardic press date back to the mid-20th century, when the influence of the Western world spread across the Sephardim communities of the East. The content of these newspapers was diverse: pieces of general interest, but also scientific, literary and humorous works, with various political orientations. These papers were published in different languages, writing styles and alphabets. Those to be analysed here, however, were published in aljamiado Judeo-Spanish: three papers from Smyrna and one from Salonica. Throughout this work we will focus on the different obstacles and difficulties the editors and publishers of this Ottoman Sephardic press had to face to bring their publications to light.


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Reality shows are TV programs which represent a format used in television nowadays; however, the observation practices of individual and/or group intimacy dates from thousands years ago. Sometimes this was driven by voyeurism or morbid fascination, some others, by the purpose of guarding, supervising and maintaining status quo. This work offers an alternative answer to the explanation of this type of TV program emergence and relates this appearance to a government procedure bound up with modern State terrorism which began at the end of the eighteenth century and has been recalled by different regimes until present days.


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Greek literature was used from early times with educational purposes, Greek heroes presented were considered as paradigms to follow. However, human acts burst beyond reason and the stories told have little effect on the decisions of the receptor. The aim of this article is to review the character of Achilles in the Iliad, because for him to no avail gifts, friends, much less a narration by his preceptor Phoenix to depose his anger and return to the battlefield to assist his friends.


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Multiconfigurational Dirac-Fock calculations are reported for 656 energy levels and the 214 840 electric dipole (E I), electric quadrupole (E2) and magnetic dipole (M1) transition probabilities in oxygen-like Fe xix. The spectroscopic notations as well as the total transition probabilities from each energy level are provided. Good agreement is found with data compiled by NIST.


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Photoionization cross-sections out of the fine-structure levels (2S(2)2p(4) P-3(2,0,1)) of the O-like Fe ion Fe XIX have been reinvestigated. Data for photoionization out of each of these finestructure levels have been obtained, where the calculations have been performed with and without the inclusion of radiation damping on the resonance structure in order to assess the importance of this process. Recombination rate coefficients are determined using the Milne relation, for the case of an electron recombining with N-like Fe ions (Fe XX) in the ground state to form O-like Fe (Fe XIX) existing in each of the fine- structure ground-state levels. Recombination rates are presented over a temperature range similar to 4.0 less than or equal to log T-e less than or equal to 7.0, of importance to the modelling of X-ray emission plasmas.


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The study of the periodical press has long played an important role in understanding the transmission and reception of ideas in early modero history. This article explores different facets of the formation of one of Spanish America's most important early periodicals, the_Gazeta de Literatura de México, in order to deepen our understanding of the nature of Mexican periodical publications and in particular the work of José Antonio Alzate y Ramírez. It also seeks to place the Gazeta de Literatura firmly within the international republic of letters, linking it to contemporary periodicals in Mexico and Europe.


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Cooperatives, as a kind of firms, are considered by many scholars as an remarkable alternative for overcoming the economic crisis started in 2008. Besides, there are other scholars which pointed out the important role that these firms play in the regional economic development. Nevertheless, when one examines the economic literature on cooperatives, it is detected that this kind of firms is mainly studied starting from the point of view of their own characteristics and particularities of participation and solidarity. In this sense, following a different analysis framework, this article proposes a theoretical model in order to explain the behavior of cooperatives based on the entrepreneurship theory with the aim of increasing the knowledge about this kind of firms and, more specifically, their contribution to regional economic development.