914 resultados para Lichen taxonomy


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异毛虫科(Paraonidae)和海稚虫科(Spionidae)是环节动物门(Annelida),多毛纲(Polychaeta)中两个常见的科,其成体在海洋生态系统尤其是海洋底栖动物群落中占有重要地位。中国近海异毛虫科和海稚虫科种类极为常见,在潮间带和潮下带均有分布。但由于此两科种类个体小,采集和鉴定困难,在中国一直没有系统的分类学研究。 本论文选择异毛虫科和海稚虫科为研究对象,以中国科学院海洋研究所海洋生物标本馆馆藏的3000余号成体标本为主要研究材料,结合攻读博士学位期间对全国各海域的补充采集标本和从其它单位借用的标本,在认真阅读相关文献和比对某些种类模式标本的基础上,首次对此两科的中国种类进行了全面系统的分类学和地理分布研究。结果如下: 1. 本文记述了中国海域异毛虫科4属18种,其中包括3新纪录种;海稚虫科16属39种,包括7新种,10新纪录种。各鉴定种类均进行了详细的分类学特征描述,并附有形态学结构图。对罕见种类的标本和保存状况较差、光学显微镜无法获得可靠分类学信息的标本进行了扫描电镜观察,并拍摄有电镜照片。 2. 对中国海域有关异毛虫科和海稚虫科种类记录进行了系统的分类学修订,澄清了部分种类特别是一些常见种类分类学研究中存在的错误和混淆。(1)通过大量阅读文献和反复比较检查标本,认为以前我国文献记录的海稚虫科奇异稚齿虫属的奇异稚齿虫Paraprionospio pinnata (Ehlers, 1901)实际包括3种,即扭鳃奇异稚齿虫Paraprionospio inaequibranchia (Caullery, 1914)、枫香树奇异稚齿虫Paraprionospio coora Wilson, 1990和冠奇异稚齿虫Paraprionospio cristata sp. nov.,其中扭鳃奇异稚齿虫和枫香树奇异稚齿虫在中国海属首次记录,冠奇异稚齿虫为一新种。枫香树奇异稚齿虫主要分布于黄海,其分布南界为121°30′ E, 34°30′ N, 扭鳃奇异稚齿虫分布于南海,其分布北界为114°00′ E, 21°45′ N,冠奇异稚齿虫分布区域较广,从长江口到南海的沿岸水域均有分布。奇异稚齿虫是分布在智利、南加利福尼亚、西墨西哥(可能还有安哥拉)的种,在我国海域未见分布。(2)将在我国北方沿海非常常见但长期被记录为鳞腹钩虫Scolelepis (Scolelepis) squamata (Müller, 1806)(海稚虫科)的标本重新鉴定为一个新种,即红纹腹钩虫Scolelepis (Scolelepis) daphoinos sp. nov.;鳞腹钩虫分布于北大西洋和地中海沿岸水域,在我国海域未见分布。(3)明确了中国海Prionospio steenstrupi复合体种类。此复合体所包含的种类在形态上十分相似,分类学研究时极易混淆。在已有的文献记录中,该复合体中国种类包括两种,玛氏稚齿虫Prionospio (Prionospio) malmgreni Claparède, 1870和西沙稚齿虫Prionospio (Prionospio) sishaensis Wu & Chen, 1964。本文将该复合体中国种类修正为5种,分别是包氏稚齿虫Prionospio (Prionospio) bocki Söderström, 1920、开普敦稚齿虫Prionospio (Prionospio) dubia Maciolek, 1985、太平洋稚齿虫Prionospio (Prionospio) pacifica sp. nov.、欢乐稚齿虫Prionospio (Prionospio) paradisea Imajima, 1990和西沙稚齿虫Prionospio (Prionospio) sishaensis Wu & Chen, 1964。现在大多数分类学者认为玛氏稚齿虫是一个不可鉴定种,该种的原始描述可能包括数种,且模式标本已丢失。(4)将中国海记录的矮小离稚齿虫Apoprionospio pygmaea (Hartman, 1961)更正为卡米拉离稚齿虫Apoprionospio kirrae Wilson, 1990;将中国海记录的科氏光稚虫Spiophane kroyeri Grube, 1860更正为深蓝光稚虫Spiophanes fuscatus sp. nov.。 3. 比较研究了中国海域异毛虫科和海稚虫科的区系特点,详细分析了两科中国海种类的组成。认为中国种类在区系组成上属于印度-马来区系,异毛虫科中国海特有种较少,仅2种,占该科中国种数的11%;而海稚虫科中国海特有种较多,共9种,占该科中国种数的23%。中国海异毛虫科种类组成和日本、俄罗斯附近水域的组成较为相似,中国海海稚虫科种类组成和日本、澳大利亚附近水域的组成较为相似。


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褐虾总科包括褐虾科和镰虾科,是重要的底栖生物类群,而且很多褐虾种为常见的经济种,其中中国北方海域最常见的为日本褐虾Crangon hakodatei Rathbun, 1902,另外黄海褐虾Crangon uritai Kim & Hayashi, 1999在黄渤海也较为常见。在东海和南海,污泥疣褐虾Pontocaris pennata (Bate, 1888)和拉氏爱琴虾Aegaeon lacazei (Gourret, 1887)在底栖生物拖网时常可采到,有很大的经济价值。我国对褐虾总科的研究很少,亟需对我国海域的褐虾进行全面的系统分类学和地理分布研究。 本论文所依据的标本主要为中国科学院海洋研究所海洋生物标本馆馆藏的约1600号褐虾类标本,标本主要采自渤海、黄海、东海、南海四大海域,也有部分标本采自日本海、南极和北极等海域,并得到国外同行专家惠赠的褐虾类标本约100号,同时也检查了其它单位保藏的少量标本。 本论文主要采用传统的形态学方法进行分类学研究,共鉴定出褐虾科14属25种,其中1个新种,6个新记录种,镰虾科1属7种,其中2个新种,3个新记录种。参照历史文献与现在研究结果,中国海域的褐虾类至少有2科11属44种。 本文通过对约1700号标本的详细检查,总结了各个属和种的分类学特征和地理分布特点,对各属的分种均附有详细系统的检索表,对鉴定的32种褐虾均附有详细的背面整体图和侧面整体图以及附肢等的局部形态图,并对各种进行了中文名称的考订。 本研究是我国首次关于褐虾总科的系统分类学和动物地理学研究,研究结果将改变我国在褐虾总科研究报道方面的薄弱现状,并为此动物类群的多样性等研究提供重要的基础资料。研究结果澄清了分类学上存在争议的疑难种,发现了3个新种,报道了9个新记录种,阐明了我国褐虾总科的区系特点。


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Magnetotactic bacteria are a heterologous group of motile prokaryotes, ubiquitous in aquatic habitats and cosmopolitan in distribution. Here, we studied the diversity of magnetotactic bacteria in a seawater pond within an intertidal zone at Huiquan Bay in the China Sea. The pond is composed of a permanently submerged part and a low tide subregion. The magnetotactic bacteria collected from the permanently submerged part display diversity in morphology and taxonomy. In contrast, we found a virtually homogenous population of ovoid-coccoid magnetotactic bacteria in the low tide subregion of the pond. They were bilophotrichously flagellated and exhibited polar magnetotactic behaviour. Almost all cells contained two chains of magnetosomes composed of magnetite crystals. Intriguingly, the combination of restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (RFLP) and sequencing of cloned 16S rDNA genes from the low tide subregion samples as well as fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) revealed the presence of a homogenous population. Moreover, phylogenetic analysis indicated that the Qingdao Huiquan low tide magnetotactic bacteria belong to a new genus affiliated with the alpha-subclass of Proteobacteria. This finding suggests the adaptation of the magnetotactic bacterial population to the marine tide.


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In this paper, the detailed morphology of Prorocentrum donghaiense Lu from both field samples and cultures was examined, and a taxonomic comparison was made between P donghaiense and some related Prorocentrum spp. using morphological and molecular data and other published information. There were distinct differences among these species in morphological characteristics that historically have been presented as conservative features. The discrepancies extended beyond that of individual variations within the same species due to environmental factors. Therefore, these morphological features may not be conservative but, rather, polymorphic depending on environmental conditions. Based on this analysis, we suggest that the high-biomass bloom-forming species in the East China Sea, previously reported as Prorocentrum dentatum Stein, is P donghaiense Lu. The species reported from the East China Sea and Japanese and Korean waters appear to be the same species. Molecular data also suggest that P. dentatum (CCMP1517) and P. donghaiense are genetically identical. Therefore, the geographic distribution of P. donghaiense may be much wider than expected. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The small mysid crustacean Neomysis awatschensis was collected in the west coast of Jiaozhou Bay, Qingdao, China in 1992 and acclimated and cultured in laboratory conditions since then. Standard acute toxicity tests using 4-6 d juvenile mysids of this species were conducted and the results were compared with Mysidopsis bahia, a standard toxicity test organism used in the US in terms of their sensitivities to reference toxins, as well as their taxonomy, morphology and geographic distributions. Because of its wide distribution along the Chinese coast, similar sensitivity to pollutants as M. bahia, short life history, small size and the case of handling, this study intended to use N. awatschensis as one of the standard marine organisms for toxicity testing in China. The species were applied to acute toxicity evaluations of drilling fluid and its additives I organotin TPT and toxic algae, and to chronic ( life cycle) toxicity assays of organotin TPT and a toxic dinofalgellate Alexandrium tamarense, respectively. Using N, awatschensis as a standard toxicity testing organism in marine pollution assessment in China is suggested.


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We describe a new species of gerreid fish, Gerres septemfasciatus, based on four specimens collected from the northern South China Sea. G septemfasciatus most closely resembles G limbatus in general appearance. However, G. septemfasciatus is distinguished from the latter and other congeners by having 3 to 3.5 scales between the base of. the fifth dorsal spine and lateral line. This species has a distinctive color pattern, including 7-8 regular, vertical, blue-grayish bands on its side. The distribution of this species is currently known to include the Chinese coastal waters of the South China Sea, but may be also include the coastal waters of southeastern Asia.


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This paper reports the occurrence of a marine brachyuran crab species Eucrate alcocki SerSne, in SerSne et al., 1973, of the family Euryplacidae Stimpson, 1871, for first time from India, based on a male specimen from Parangipettai fish landing centre in Bay of Bengal, Southeast Coast of India. Although morphologically corresponding with what is currently defined as E. alcocki, the color pattern of the carapace of the present specimen is rather different from that of the Chinese material-only the anterior fifth of the carapace is marked with scattered red spots, the rest of the surface is yellowish, with four unusually shaped red blotches which almost look like Sanskrit characters.


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Nine species of Prionospio complex are recorded front China's waters, including one new species and six newly recorded species. Prionospio (Prionospio) pacifica sp. nov., is characterized by having first and forth pairs of branchiae pinnate, second and third pairs of apinnate, ventral crest on Setiger 9 and dorsal crests on Setigers 10-25. Apoprionospio kirrae (Wilson, 1990), Prionospio (Aquilaspio) convexa Imajima, 1990, Prionospio (Minuspio) multibranchiata Berkeley, 1927, Prionospio (Prionospio) bocki Soderstrom, 1920, Prionospio (Prionospio) dubia Maciolek, 1985 and Prionospio (Prionospio) paradisea Imajima, 1990 are recorded for the first time from China's waters.


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Two marine urostylid ciliates, Holosticha hamulata n. sp. and Holosticha heterofoissneri Hu and Song, 2001, were investigated using live observation and protargol impregnation. Both species were isolated from Korean intertidal sediments of the Yellow Sea. Holosticha hamulata measures about 150 x 25 pro in vivo, and is characterized by a tripartite body shape with a narrow head, an inflated trunk, and a tail that distally projects ventrally forming a hook-like structure. It is the characteristic body shape that distinguishes H. hamulata distinctly from congeners. Holosticha hamulata differs from H. heterofoissneri, possibly the nearest relative, also by the location of the contractile vacuole (ahead of mid-body versus near posterior body third) and the configuration of the macronucleus (on average, 33 scattered nodules assuming a Y-shape versus 17 nodules that may form a U shape). The average number of the macronuclear nodules is a pronounced feature showing great consistency in populations of each species. However, their arrangement is variable in H. heterofoissneri where the nodules are basically scattered or connected by fine fibers forming an elongate U-shape. The location of the contractile vacuole as a taxonomic feature is discussed and a dichotomous key to the species of Holosticha sensu stricto is provided.


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Two new urostylid ciliates, Metaurostylopsis songi n. sp. and Metaurostylopsis salina n. sp. and Metaurostylopsis marina (Kahl 1932) are investigated using live observation and protargol impregnation. These species were isolated in Korea from intertidal sediments, saline ponds, and coastal waters. Metaurostylopsis songi is in vivo about 120 pm x 25 mu m, has a slenderly ellipsoidal body, colorless cortical granules in rows on ventral and dorsal body sides, about 54 macronuclear nodules, 28-47 adoral membranelles, five frontal, two or three frontoterminal and six or seven transverse cirri, and 9-12 midventral cirral pairs followed posteriorly by 1-3 single cirri. In vivo M. salina is about 60 pin x 25 mu m, has a pyriform body, colorless cortical granules irregularly arranged, about 45 macronuclear nodules, 18-23 adoral membranelles, three frontal, three to five frontoterminal and two to five transverse cirri, and four or five midventral cirral pairs followed posteriorly by five to seven single cirri. Both species have three marginal cirral rows on each body side and 3 long dorsal kineties. The Korean specimens of M. marina match the Chinese population in all main features. Metaurostylopsis songi differs from M. marina by the more slender body, the number of frontal cirri (invariably five vs. four), and the arrangement of cortical granules (in rows on dorsal and ventral cortex vs. only along dorsal kinetics and anterior body margin). Metaurostylopsis salina differs from its congeners by the distinctly smaller size, the pyriform body shape, the scattered cortical granules (vs. in rows), and number of frontal cirri. It differs from M. marina also by the number of midventral cirral pairs (four or five vs. seven to 11).


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Protospathidium serpens (Kahl, 1930) is frequent in semiterrestrial and terrestrial habitats worldwide. Conventionally, all populations are considered as conspecific because they have very similar overall morphologies and morphometrics. We studied in detail not only the morphology of the vegetative cells but also the resting cysts using live observation, protargol impregnation, and scanning electron microscopy. These revealed a cryptic diversity and biogeographic pattern in details of the dorsal brush and cyst wall morphology. The cyst wall is spiny in the Austrian specimens, while smooth in the South African and Antarctic populations. Accordingly, P. serpens consists of at least two species: P. serpens (with spiny cyst wall) and P. fraterculum n. sp. (with smooth cyst wall); the latter is probably composed of two distinct taxa differing by the absence (South African)/presence (Antarctic) of a monokinetidal bristle tail in brush row 3, the number of dikinetids comprising brush row 1 (seven versus three), and the total number of brush dikinetids (29 versus 17). Protospathidium serpens is neotypitied with the new population from Austria. The significance of resting cyst morphology is discussed with respect to alpha-taxonomy and overall ciliate diversity.


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Thirty-four palaemonid species from the northern area of South China Sea are reported in the present paper, including two new species, Paranchistus lini, new species, and Periclimenes chacei, new species, and eight other species are reported for the first time from South China Sea: Leander tenuicornis (Say, 1818), Leandrites stenopus Holthuis, 1950, Palaemon debilis Dana, 1852, Urocaridella antonbrurnii (Bruce, 1967), Kemponia platycheles (Holthuis, 1952), Paraclimenes franklini (Bruce, 1990b), Paranchistus spondylis Suzuki, 1971, Periclimenes hirsutus Bruce, 1971.


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The present paper reports 8 pontoniine shrimp species, from Anambas and Natuna, Indonesia, i. e., Anchistus miersi (De Man, 1888), Conchodytes meleagrinae Peters, 1852, Hamodacotylus boschmai Holthuis, 1952, Jocaste japonica (Ortmann, 1890), Palaemonella pottsi (Borradaile, 1915), Periclimenes andamanensis Kemp, 1922, Periclimenes attenuatus Bruce, 1971, and Periclimenes grandis (Stimpson, 1860).


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A detailed study of materials from our herbarium shows the presence of two species of Gelidiella and three species of Pterocladiella, including two new records and a new species. Previously recorded species include G. acerosa and P. capillacea. G. bornetii and P. caerulescens are new records for China and P. yinggehaiensis is believed to be a new species. This new species is characterized by its small thalli, 1.5-2 cm high, that are more densely branched on the middle to upper parts for one half their lengths. These characteristics are so distinctive that they can be used to separate this species readily from other species now reported in this genus.