873 resultados para Level of education


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We investigate the impact of institutions on entrepreneurial entry, based on a large cross-country sample, combining working age population data generated by the GEM project with macro level indicators. Our four key findings indicate that: (a) institutional obstacles to entrepreneurship have different impact in rich countries compared to poor countries; (b) institutional obstacles have a stronger impact on 'opportunity entrepreneurship' than on 'necessity entrepreneurship'; (c) two institutional indicators - property right protection and access to finance - appear to have a dominant impact on entrepreneurship; (d) institutions have a long term impact. More than ten years after the Soviet system imploded in Central and Eastern Europe, these countries still experience significantly lower levels of entrepreneurship than economies coming from different legal traditions.


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By applying regulatory focus theory, this paper investigates the impact of both initial confidence and of exactness of growth expectations on subsequent financial performance of the small firms. Drawing on the unique data set based on the repeated survey design, we make one of the first attempts to explore the complexity of this relationship empirically. Overall the findings suggest that controlling for other relevant factors, including actual growth, the entrepreneurs having higher growth expectations perform significantly better later on in terms of profitability. In addition, education has a strong modifying effect: the impact of high growth expectations on subsequent profit performance is stronger for entrepreneurs with lower level of education.


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Grape is one of the world's largest fruit crops with approximately 67.5 million tonnes produced each year and energy is an important element in modern grape productions as it heavily depends on fossil and other energy resources. Efficient use of these energies is a necessary step toward reducing environmental hazards, preventing destruction of natural resources and ensuring agricultural sustainability. Hence, identifying excessive use of energy as well as reducing energy resources is the main focus of this paper to optimize energy consumption in grape production.In this study we use a two-stage methodology to find the association of energy efficiency and performance explained by farmers' specific characteristics. In the first stage a non-parametric Data Envelopment Analysis is used to model efficiencies as an explicit function of human labor, machinery, chemicals, FYM (farmyard manure), diesel fuel, electricity and water for irrigation energies. In the second step, farm specific variables such as farmers' age, gender, level of education and agricultural experience are used in a Tobit regression framework to explain how these factors influence efficiency of grape farming.The result of the first stage shows substantial inefficiency between the grape producers in the studied area while the second stage shows that the main difference between efficient and inefficient farmers was in the use of chemicals, diesel fuel and water for irrigation. The use of chemicals such as insecticides, herbicides and fungicides were considerably less than inefficient ones. The results revealed that the more educated farmers are more energy efficient in comparison with their less educated counterparts. © 2013.


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Misuse of biocides has encouraged the emergence of resistance and cross-resistance in certain strains. This study investigated resistance of triclosan-adapted Escherichia coli K-12 and E. coli O55 to antimicrobial agents and compared these to E. coli O157:H7. Cross-resistance in E. coli K-12 and E. coli O55 was observed however to a lesser extent than in E. coli O157:H7. Triclosan-adapted E. coli K-12 demonstrated cross-resistance to chloramphenicol, whereas triclosan-adapted E. coli O55 exhibited resistance to trimethoprim. In comparison, E. coli O157:H7 was resistant to chloramphenicol, tetracycline, amoxicillin, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, trimethoprim, benzalkonium chloride and chlorohexidine suggesting strain specific rather than general resistance mechanisms. © 2004 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Румен В. Николов - Статията анализира необходимостта от институционални промени в училищата и университетите с цел да се адаптират към съвременните изисквания на обществото на знанието. Паралелно се анализират феноменът на електронното обучение, глобалната образователна реформа и необходимостта от разработването и прилагането на нови педагогически модели. В статията е поставен акцент върху Уеб 2.0 технологиите и електронните инфраструктури, както и върху тяхното влияние върху образованието и научните изледвания в училищата и университетите. Професионална квалификация на учителите, която да е проектирана така, че да отговаря на новите предизвикателства, се разглежда като ключов фактор за успешното навлизане на новите технологии в училище. Важно е да се отбележи необходимостта от разработка на стратегия за обучение на учителите през целия живот, която да отчита съвременните научни постижения в технологично- обогатеното обучение и новите теории за ученето. Препоръчва се изграждането на социални умения и компетенции, които са подходящи за работа в една Уеб 2.0 базирана учебна среда и с глобалния социален софтуер, да се включи в учебните планове и програми както на учениците, така и в курсовете за подготовка на учители.


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Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2016


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Feature selection is important in medical field for many reasons. However, selecting important variables is a difficult task with the presence of censoring that is a unique feature in survival data analysis. This paper proposed an approach to deal with the censoring problem in endovascular aortic repair survival data through Bayesian networks. It was merged and embedded with a hybrid feature selection process that combines cox's univariate analysis with machine learning approaches such as ensemble artificial neural networks to select the most relevant predictive variables. The proposed algorithm was compared with common survival variable selection approaches such as; least absolute shrinkage and selection operator LASSO, and Akaike information criterion AIC methods. The results showed that it was capable of dealing with high censoring in the datasets. Moreover, ensemble classifiers increased the area under the roc curves of the two datasets collected from two centers located in United Kingdom separately. Furthermore, ensembles constructed with center 1 enhanced the concordance index of center 2 prediction compared to the model built with a single network. Although the size of the final reduced model using the neural networks and its ensembles is greater than other methods, the model outperformed the others in both concordance index and sensitivity for center 2 prediction. This indicates the reduced model is more powerful for cross center prediction.


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Az integrációt, mint folyamatot, valamint állapotot (integráltság), az integráció „intenzitását” az irodalomban nagyszámú mutatóval mérik. A mérési kísérletek a globális és regionális integrációk feltérképezésére és elemzésére egyaránt kiterjednek. A mérés kérdésének különös jelentősége van a gazdaságpolitikai kihívások és a hatékony válaszok kidolgozása szempontjából. / === / Many methods exist in the literature to measure the level and intensity of integration both as a process and as a state. These measurement exercises can be used to assess both global and regional integration. The most important goal of measurement is to provide inputs for effective policy making. The paper provides a review on the various approaches used in the context of the European Union.


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Az amerikai történelemben a paradigmaváltások meglehetősen nagyszabású és alapvető hatásokkal jártak, míg Japánban mintha hosszú távon is a Tudományos vezetés (gyártás-orientált) paradigmájánál maradtak volna, mely aztán módosult valamennyit a többi paradigma megjelenésének hatására. A tanulmány ebből az elméleti megállapításból kiindulva vizsgálja meg mind szakirodalmi alapon, mind egy kérdőíves kutatás segítségével, a japán társadalom „reakcióidejét”: attitűdjeit a változással, az alkalmazkodással szemben. Alapfeltételezése, hogy a tartós versenyképesség fenntartásához elengedhetetlen a külső körülményekhez való folyamatos alkalmazkodás, ami időről időre a múlt gyakorlatainak megkérdőjelezését eredményezi. Rövid elemzésünk azon az előfeltevésen alapult, hogy egy vagy több, a számát és / vagy társadalmi befolyását tekintve jelentős társadalmi csoport továbbra is erősen támogatja a hagyományos japán vezetési gyakorlatot. A hipotézist sikeresen bebizonyítottuk: a hagyományos menedzsmentet szignifikánsan támogatta két olyan klaszter, melyek száma jelentősen meghaladta a panel fennmaradó részét és amelyek nagyobb fokú társadalmi befolyást is képviseltek. Megállapítottuk, hogy a régi rendszert valószínűleg azok a rangidős japán férfiak támogatják, akik állandó dolgozóként vagy vezetőként dolgoznak meglehetősen nagy vállalatoknál, hosszú távú foglalkoztatásban. Egy másik csoportot is azonosítottunk az előzővel szemben, mely fiatalabb tagokból áll, változatosabb és magasabb iskolai végzettség jellemzi. Még nem egyértelmű, hogy a második csoport tagjai életkoruk előrehaladtával betagozódnak majd a japán rendszerbe és vállalatokba, ahogy az a múltban is történt, vagy továbbra is küzdenek majd a hagyományos módszerek ellen. Mindenesetre célszerűnek látszik az eredmények alapján a kutatás továbbgondolása és magyarországi megvalósítása is, ami által a magyar gazdasági és kormányzati elit a versenyképesség szempontjából értékes információkhoz juthat, nevezetesen az elavultnak számító gyakorlatok beazonosításán és az ennek fennmaradásáért felelős csoportok leírásán keresztül. _________ In the American history, change between paradigms implied rather large-scale and deep effects, whereas the Japanese seem to keep the focus on the Scientific Management (or production-oriented) paradigm which was only party altered by the others (HR, etc.). Based on this affirmation, our study examines the reactivity of Japanese society both in a theoretical and in a practical sense. We assumed first that continuous adaptation to the external conditions is an essential element of long-term competitiveness, which implies the regular questioning of old management practices. We presumed that one or several group(s) of people is (are) still strongly supporting traditional Japanese management practices and they must be important in terms of number and/or social influence. We have found evidence for our hypothesis: two significantly supportive clusters which largely outnumbered the rest of the panel and represented a higher level of social influence as well. We stated that the old system is probably supported by senior Japanese males who work as regular (core) employees or managers in rather large companies and enjoy long-term employment. Another group was also identified as a contrast to the former one, with younger members, more diversity and a higher level of education. As they grow older, the second group may become socialized into the Japanese system as happened in the past, or continue to reject traditional methods. Based on our observations, it seems useful to broaden the focus of our research and carry out a similar study in Hungary as well. This will bring valuable information on competitiveness to the business and political elite, enabling them to identify inefficient old practices and to better target the groups responsible for maintaining those practices.


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Az Európai Unión belül az elmúlt időszakban megerősödött a vita arról, vajon a Közösség versenyképességének javításához milyen módon és mértékben járulhat hozzá az ipari és lakossági fogyasztók számára kedvező áron elérhető villamos energia. Az uniós testületek elsődlegesen a verseny feltételeinek további javításában látják a versenyképesség javításának fő eszközét, ám egyesek az aktívabb központi szabályozás mellett érvelnek. A jelenleg alkalmazott európai szabályozási gyakorlat áttekintése, a szabályozási modellek és a piaci árak alakulásának vizsgálata hozzásegíthet, hogy következtetéseket vonjunk le a tagállami gyakorlatok tekintetében, vajon sikeresebb-e a központi ármegállapításon alapuló szabályozói mechanizmus, mint a liberalizált piacmodell. ______ There is a strengthening debate within the European Union in recent years about the impact of the affordable industrial and household electricity prices on the general competitiveness of European economies. While the European Institutions argues for the further liberalization of the energy retail sector, there are others who believe in centralization and price control to achieve lower energy prices. Current paper reviews the regulatory models of the European countries and examines the connection between the regulatory regime and consumer price trends. The analysis can help to answer, whether the bureaucratic central regulation or the liberalized market model seems more successful in supporting the competitiveness goals. Although the current regulatory practice is heterogeneous within the EU member states, there is a clear trend to decrease the role of regulated tariffs in the end-user prices. Our study did not find a general causal relationship between the regulatory regime and the level of consumer electricity prices in a country concerned. However, the quantitative analysis of the industrial and household energy prices by various segments detected significant differences between the regulated and free-market countries. The first group of member states tends to decrease the prices in the low-consuming household segments through cross-financing technics, including increased network tariffs and/or taxes for the high-consuming segments and for industrial consumers. One of the major challenges of the regulatory authorities is to find the proper way of sharing these burdens proportionally with minimizing the market-distorting effects of the cross-subsidization between the different stakeholder groups.