905 resultados para Letteratura italiana contemporanea


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If the principle of legality operates to obscure from Parliament the common law (rights) backdrop against which it legislates, the clarity or rights-sensitivity of that legislation cannot be improved. This undercuts, rather than promotes, the democratic and rule of law values that underpin the modern conception of the principle and its contemporary normative justification. So the courts must strive to give Parliament the clearest possible picture as to the content of the fundamental common law rights it seeks to protect and, depending on the right, freedom, or principle in legislative play, the strength with which the principle will be applied in order to do so. Parliament (and parliamentary counsel) can only ‘squarely confront’ those fundamental rights the existence and content of which was known at the time of legislating. The proposition which, necessarily, follows is that the rule of contemporanea exposition est optima et fortissimo in lege must be revived when judges apply the principle of legality to the construction of statutes. If the courts are to maintain and take seriously the normative justification for the principle then its application to the construction of statutes can only operate to protect from legislative encroachment those fundamental rights existing at the time the statute was enacted.


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A relação entre as mulheres e o feminino no âmbito da língua portuguesa e da língua italiana provocou a promoção de vários encontros, jornadas e debates, que se desdobrou, por sua vez, na colaboração de vários investigadores para compor este livro que agora vem a lume.


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Os ovos de Broca das cucurbitáceas são postos nas flores, e sabe-se que as da abobrinha italiana exercem maior atração que as de pepino. Nos anos de 1988 e 1989, foram instalados dois experimentos, nos campos do CNF defesa da agricultura, em blocos casualisados com três repetições. Os experimentos tiveram o objetivo de testar o efeito da colocação de plantas de abobrinha entre as do pepino. Os tratamentos testados foram uma fileira de abobrinha; duas de pepino; uma fileira de abobrinha; quatro de pepino; uma fileira de abobrinha; seis fileiras de pepino; plantas de abobrinha colocadas ao acaso na parcela e testemunha sem abobrinha. A parcela útil consistiu de vinte e quatro plantas centrais de pepino, avaliando-se a porcentagem de frutos brocados e o numero de frutos produzidos. Não houve diferenças significativas, pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade, entre as respostas aos tratamentos, devido a livre passagem dos insetos entre as parcelas. No primeiro experimento, que teve de ser interrompido prematuramente devido a antracnose, ao tempo de avaliações as abobrinhas ainda não haviam entrado em florescimento, ao passo que no segundo experimento, todas as avaliações foram feitas com abobrinhas em florescimento. Observou-se que as porcentagens de frutos infestados foram menores no segundo experimento, para todos os tratamentos.


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Este estudo tem como objetivo comparar os fluxos migratórios que se dirigiram para o estado do Espírito Santo, situado no eixo principal de atração do país e para a Amazônia, situada fora da referida área, durante a segunda metade do século XIX e primeira metade do século XX. São comparados os contextos de destino dos imigrantes, as características sócio-demográficas dos fluxos e dos imigrantes, as motivações, as estratégias, trajetórias e os processos de inserção social dos imigrantes nos contextos de destino. O trabalho de reconstituição da migração é feito a partir de fontes de dados, estatísticas e documentos históricos recolhidos em diversos arquivos. O trabalho busca colocar em evidência, por meio de análise comparativa, as múltiplas facetas que o fenômeno migratório pode apresentar. A imigração destinada ao Espírito Santo, composta majoritariamente por imigrantes provenientes do norte da Itália, estabeleceu-se e permaneceu até meados do século XX na zona rural, nas colônias agrícolas, enquanto que na Amazônia, os imigrantes vindos do sul da Itália inseriram-se em atividades urbanas, sobretudo naquelas criadas pela expansão da exploração da borracha. Procura-se refletir sobre as semelhanças, diferenças e especificidades existentes no povoamento das regiões do país, sobre o processo de inserção dos imigrantes e sobre o papel da imigração como fator de transformações sociais, econômicas, políticas e culturais nas sociedades de destino.


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Il Consiglio di Amministrazione (CdA) è il principale organo di governo delle aziende. La letteratura gli attribuisce tre ruoli: controllo, indirizzo strategico e collegamento con l’ambiente (networking). Precedenti studi empirici hanno analizzato se un Consiglio di Amministrazione è attivo o meno in tutti e tre i ruoli in un dato momento. Nel presente lavoro, invece, si propone un approccio «contingente» e si analizzano i ruoli svolti dal CdA al variare delle condizioni interne (aziende in crisi o di successo) ed esterne (aziende in settori competitivi o regolamentati).. L’indagine empirica è stata condotta su un campione di 301 imprese italiane di grandi dimensioni. I risultati supportano la tesi iniziale secondo cui le condizioni interne ed esterne incidono sul ruolo svolto dal CdA. In particolare i risultati evidenziano che il CdA non svolge sempre tutti e tre i ruoli nello stesso momento, ma esso si concentra sul ruolo o sui ruoli che assumono grande importanza nella situazione in cui si trova l’azienda. Con riferimento alle condizioni interne, nelle imprese in crisi il CdA è attivo in tutti e tre i ruoli, mentre in quelle di successo prevale un orientamento verso la funzione strategica. Nelle aziende che operano in settori competitivi il ruolo di controllo è più pressante mentre nei settori regolamentati prevale una funzione di networking.


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Textual cultural heritage artefacts present two serious problems for the encoder: how to record different or revised versions of the same work, and how to encode conflicting perspectives of the text using markup. Both are forms of textual variation, and can be accurately recorded using a multi-version document, based on a minimally redundant directed graph that cleanly separates variation from content.


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Steady state entanglement in ensembles of harmonic oscillators with a common squeezed reservoir is studied. Under certain conditions the ensemble features genuine multipartite entanglement in the steady state. Several analytic results regarding the bipartite and multipartite entanglement properties of the system are derived. We also discuss a possible experimental implementation which may exhibit steady state genuine multipartite entanglement.


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Over the past 10 years, the use of saliva as a diagnostic fluid has gained attention and has become a translational research success story. Some of the current nanotechnologies have been demonstrated to have the analytical sensitivity required for the use of saliva as a diagnostic medium to detect and predict disease progression. However, these technologies have not yet been integrated into current clinical practice and work flow. As a diagnostic fluid, saliva offers advantages over serum because it can be collected noninvasively by individuals with modest training, and it offers a cost-effective approach for the screening of large populations. Gland-specific saliva can also be used for diagnosis of pathology specific to one of the major salivary glands. There is minimal risk of contracting infections during saliva collection, and saliva can be used in clinically challenging situations, such as obtaining samples from children or handicapped or anxious patients, in whom blood sampling could be a difficult act to perform. In this review we highlight the production of and secretion of saliva, the salivary proteome, transportation of biomolecules from blood capillaries to salivary glands, and the diagnostic potential of saliva for use in detection of cardiovascular disease and oral and breast cancers. We also highlight the barriers to application of saliva testing and its advancement in clinical settings. Saliva has the potential to become a first-line diagnostic sample of choice owing to the advancements in detection technologies coupled with combinations of biomolecules with clinical relevance.


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In the present study, variation in the morphology of the lower pharyngeal element between two Sicilian populations of the rainbow wrasse Coris julis has been explored by the means of traditional morphometrics for size and geometric morphometrics for shape. Despite close geographical distance and probable high genetic flow between the populations, statistically significant differences have been found both for size and shape. In fact, one population shows a larger lower pharyngeal element that has a larger central tooth. Compared to the other population, this population also has medially enlarged lower pharyngeal jaws with a more pronounced convexity of the medial-posterior margin. The results are discussed in the light of a possible more pronounced durophagy of this population.


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The microstructure of the anterior region of the scales in several species of the genus Aphanius was studied by SEM with the aim of determining whether scale morphology could be used to discriminate between the species of this genus. The characters examined concern the morphology of lepidonts, or “scale‐teeth”, their distribution and mode of implantation on the circuli. These characters were also subjected to UPGMA cluster analysis. Results from phenetic analysis of scale‐teeth characters agree overall with those of previously published morphological and biogeographical studies and in part with molecular analysis of the phylogenetic relationships between species of Aphanius. An affinity between A. danfordii and A. mento (found previously in studies based on osteological observations) was seen. The separation of A. apodus from the other species of the fasciatus group, which had also been noticed from molecular observations, was also observed, as well as the affinity of A. ginaonis with the group of A. dispar+A. sirhani. This study demonstrates that scale morphology can provide useful information on the relationships among species of the genus Aphanius encouraging the use of scale characters, combined with other traits, in phylogenetic analyses.


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Although robotics research has seen advances over the last decades robots are still not in widespread use outside industrial applications. Yet a range of proposed scenarios have robots working together, helping and coexisting with humans in daily life. In all these a clear need to deal with a more unstructured, changing environment arises. I herein present a system that aims to overcome the limitations of highly complex robotic systems, in terms of autonomy and adaptation. The main focus of research is to investigate the use of visual feedback for improving reaching and grasping capabilities of complex robots. To facilitate this a combined integration of computer vision and machine learning techniques is employed. From a robot vision point of view the combination of domain knowledge from both imaging processing and machine learning techniques, can expand the capabilities of robots. I present a novel framework called Cartesian Genetic Programming for Image Processing (CGP-IP). CGP-IP can be trained to detect objects in the incoming camera streams and successfully demonstrated on many different problem domains. The approach requires only a few training images (it was tested with 5 to 10 images per experiment) is fast, scalable and robust yet requires very small training sets. Additionally, it can generate human readable programs that can be further customized and tuned. While CGP-IP is a supervised-learning technique, I show an integration on the iCub, that allows for the autonomous learning of object detection and identification. Finally this dissertation includes two proof-of-concepts that integrate the motion and action sides. First, reactive reaching and grasping is shown. It allows the robot to avoid obstacles detected in the visual stream, while reaching for the intended target object. Furthermore the integration enables us to use the robot in non-static environments, i.e. the reaching is adapted on-the- fly from the visual feedback received, e.g. when an obstacle is moved into the trajectory. The second integration highlights the capabilities of these frameworks, by improving the visual detection by performing object manipulation actions.


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Tutkielman aiheena on ekfrasis Gabriele D'Annunzion romaanissa Il Piacere (1889). Lähtökohtana on selvittää, millaisissa muodoissa ekfrasis esiintyy romaanissa sekä miten ekfrasis vaikuttaa teoksen tulkintatradition esille tuomaan tematiikkaan. Pyrkimyksenä on myös selkeyttää ekfrasiksen käsitettä, jonka ongelmana ovat sanaan eri aikakausina liitetyt eri merkitykset. Tärkeimpiä lähdeteoksia ovat James A.W. Heffernanin Museum of Words (1993) ja W.J.T. Mitchellin Picture Theory (1994), Marinella Cantelmon Il Piacere dei leggitori: D'Annunzio e la comunicazione letteraria (1996) sekä John Hollanderin artikkeli "The Poetics of Ekphrasis" (1988). Tutkielman avainkäsitteenä on Heffernanin määritelmä, jonka mukaan ekfrasis on sanallinen esitys kuvallisesta esityksestä. Määritelmää sovellettaessa on otettu huomioon representaatiokäsityksen avautuminen, jolloin vastaanottaja, ympäristö etc. ovat osa esitystä. Korpuksen muodostavat tapahtumaympäristöä, taideteoksia, esineistöä ja henkilöhahmoja kuvaavat ekfrastiset katkelmat. Luokittelussa toimivat alakäsitteinä Valerie Robillardin kuvaileva, attributiivinen ja assosiatiivinen ekfrasis sekä Tamar Yacobin ekfrastinen vertaus. Analyysi osoittaa, että kuvaileva ekfrasis on yleisin, mutta vain kuvitteellisten teosten yhteydessä. Katkelmissa on näkyvissä ekfrasikselle luonteenomainen kerronnallinen impulssi. Ekfrasis osallistuu tunnetun ja uuden elementin vuoropuheluun ankkuroimalla kuvitteelliset taideteokset lukijalle tuttuun ympäristöön, jolloin myös uusi tulee toden kaltaiseksi. Attributiivinen ekfrasis takaa välittömän tunnistettavuuden. Henkilöhahmot, erityisesti keskeiset naishahmot, on määritelty ekfrastisten vertausten kautta. Ekfrasis ilmentää osaltaan naishahmojen vaihdettavuuden tematiikkaa. Kyseessä on myös toiseuden haltuunotto. Kuvallisen viittaussuhteen ansiosta ekfrasis toimii tehokeinona. Tekstuaalisena strategiana ekfrasis luo siteitä tapahtumien välille ja rytmittää teoksen vaiheita. Ekfrastiset katkelmat tarjoavat myös väylän vaihtoehtoiselle tulkinnalle haastamalla tekstin totuuskäsityksen. Kuvallinen ja sanallinen esitys tuovat tekstiin omat merkityksensä, jolloin merkityskenttä laajenee. Il Piacere on intertekstuaalinen kollaasi, jossa kokonaiskuva muodostuu eri elementtien vuorovaikutuksesta. D'Annunzion mielestä kauneus on taiteen ensisijainen tarkoitus, ja ekfrasis retorisena keinona on osa pyrkimystä tavoittaa täydellinen muoto.


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An N-alpha-protected model tripeptide amide containing, in the central position, an alpha,beta-dehydrophenylalanine (Z-configurational isomer), Boc-L-Pro-DELTA-Z-Phe-Gly-NH2 (Boc, tert-butyloxycarbonyl), has been synthesized by solution methods and fully characterized. IR absorption and H-1 NMR studies provided evidence for the occurrence of a significant population of a conformer containing two consecutive, intramolecularly H-bonded (type II-III') beta-bends in solution. However, an X-ray diffraction analysis clearly indicates that only the type-II beta-bend structure survives in the crystal state.


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Analisi contrastiva delle modalità di traduzione in finnico dei Tempi verbali e delle perifrasi aspettuali dell italiano (Italian Philology) The topic of this research is a contrastive study of tenses and aspect in Italian and in Finnish. The study aims to develop a research method for analyzing translations and comparable texts (non-translation) written in a target language. Thus, the analysis is based on empirical data consisting of translations of novels from Italian to Finnish and vice versa. In addition to this, for the section devoted to solutions adopted in Finnish for translating the Italian tenses Perfetto Semplice and Perfetto Composto, 39 Finnish native speakers were asked to answer questions concerning the choice of Perfekti and Imperfekti in Finnish. The responses given by the Finnish informants were compared to the choices made by translators in the target language, and in this way it was possible both to benefit from the motivation provided by native speakers to explain the selection of a tense (Imperfekti/Perfekti) in a specific context compared with the Italian formal equivalents (Perfetto Composto/Perfetto Semplice), and to define the specific features of the Finnish verb tenses. The research aims to develop a qualitative method for the analysis of formal equivalents and translational changes ( shifts ). Although, as the choice of Italian and Finnish progressive forms is optional and related to speaker preferences, besides the qualitative analysis, I also considered it necessary to operate a quantitative one in order to find out whether the two items share the same degree of correspondence in frequency of use. In this study I explain translation choices in light of cognitive grammar, suggesting that particular translation relationships derive from so-called construal operations. I use the concepts of cognitive linguistics not only to analyze the convergences and divergences of the two aspectual systems, but also to redefine some general procedures related to the phenomenon of translation. For the practical analysis of the corpus were for the most part employed theoretical categories developed in a framework proposed by Pier Marco Bertinetto. Following this approach, the notions of aspect (the morphologic or morphosyntactic, subjective level) and actionality (the lexical aspect or objective level, traditionally Aktionsart) are carefully distinguished. This also allowed me to test the applicability of these distinctions to two languages typologically different from each other. The data allowed both the analysis of the semantic and pragmatic features that determine tense and aspect choices in these two languages, and to discover the correspondences between the two language systems and the strategies that translators are forced to resort to in particular situations. The research provides not only a detailed and analytically argued inventory about possible solutions for translating Italian tenses and aspectual devices in Finnish that could be of pedagogical relevance, but also new contributions about the specific uses of time-aspectual devices in the two languages in question.