946 resultados para LIPIDS
La neurogenèse est présente, dans le cerveau adulte, dans la zone sous-ventriculaire (ZSV) encadrant les ventricules latéraux et dans le gyrus dentelé (GD) de l’hippocampe, permettant l’apprentissage, la mémoire et la fonction olfactive. Ces micro-environnements possèdent des signaux contrôlant l’auto-renouvellement des cellules souches neurales (CSN), leur prolifération, leur destin et leur différenciation. Or, lors du vieillissement, les capacités régénératives et homéostatiques et la neurogenèse déclinent. Les patients atteints de la maladie d’Alzheimer (MA), comme le modèle animal reproduisant cette maladie (3xTg-AD), montrent une accélération des phénotypes liés au vieillissement dont une diminution de la neurogenèse. Notre hypothèse est que la découverte des mécanismes affectant la neurogenèse, lors du vieillissement et de la MA, pourrait fournir de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques pour prévenir le déclin cognitif. Les études sur l’âge d’apparition et les mécanismes altérant la neurogenèse dans la MA sont contrastées et nous ont guidé vers deux études. L’examen des changements dans les étapes de la neurogenèse lors du vieillissement et du développement de la neuropathologie. Nous avons étudié la ZSV, les bulbes olfactifs et le GD de souris femelles de 11 et 18 mois, et l’apparition des deux pathologies associées à la MA : les plaques amyloïdes et les enchevêtrements neurofibrillaires. Nous avons découvert que les souris 3xTg-AD possèdent moins de cellules en prolifération, de progéniteurs et de neuroblastes, induisant une diminution de l’intégration de nouvelles cellules dans le GD et les bulbes olfactifs. Notons que le taux de neurogenèse chez ces souris de 11 mois est similaire à celui des souris de phénotype sauvage de 18 mois, indiquant une accélération des changements liés au vieillissement dans la MA. Dans la ZSV, nous avons aussi démontré une accumulation de gouttelettes lipidiques, suggérant des changements dans l’organisation et le métabolisme de la niche. Enfin, nous avons démontré que le déficit de la neurogenèse apparait lors des premières étapes de la MA, avant l’apparition des plaques amyloïdes et des enchevêtrements neurofibrillaires. A l’examen des mécanismes inhibant la neurogenèse lors de la MA, nous voyons que chez des souris de 5 mois, le déficit de la neurogenèse dans la ZSV et le GD est corrélé avec l’accumulation de lipides, qui coïncide avec l’apparition du déclin cognitif. Nous avons aussi découvert que dans le cerveau humain de patients atteints de la MA et dans les 3xTg-AD, des gouttelettes lipidiques s’accumulaient dans les cellules épendymaires, représentant le principal soutien des CSN de la niche. Ces lipides sont des triglycérides enrichis en acide oléique qui proviennent de la niche et pas d’une défaillance du système périphérique. De plus, l’infusion locale d’acide oléique chez des souris de phénotype sauvage permet de reproduire l’accumulation de triglycérides dans les cellules épendymaires, comme dans la MA. Ces gouttelettes induisent un dérèglement de la voie de signalisation Akt-FoxO3 dans les CSN, menant à l’inhibition de leur activation in vitro et in vivo. Ces résultats permettent une meilleure compréhension de la régulation de la neurogenèse par le métabolisme lipidique. Nous avons démontré un nouveau mécanisme par lequel l’accumulation des lipides dans la ZSV induit une inhibition des capacités de prolifération et de régénération des CSN lors de la MA. Les travaux futurs permettront de comprendre comment et pourquoi le métabolisme lipidique du cerveau est altéré dans la MA, ce qui pourrait offrir de nouvelles voies thérapeutiques pour la prévention et la régénération.
L'obésité est une maladie associée à de nombreuses complications comme le diabète de type 2, l'hypertension et le cancer. De nos jours, les modifications au mode de vie, tels l’alimentation et le niveau d’activité physique, ne sont pas suffisants pour combattre les effets délétères de l'obésité. La pharmacothérapie est un traitement alternatif bien que les effets bénéfiques soient temporaires et ne peuvent être maintenus à long terme. Le besoin pour un traitement bénéfique à long terme sans effet secondaire n'est pas comblé. Mieux connu pour son rôle dans la régulation de la pression artérielle, le système rénine-angiotensine favorise l'entreposage du gras. Le récepteur à la prorénine et à la rénine est une composante du système rénine-angiotensine. Ainsi, le récepteur qui amplifie l'activation de celui-ci pourrait avoir un rôle clé dans le gain de masse grasse. Le but de ce projet de thèse est d'évaluer le rôle du récepteur à la prorénine et à la rénine dans le développement de l'obésité et de ses complications chez la souris et ce, en utilisant une combinaison de diète riche en gras et en hydrates de carbone et du handle region peptide, un bloqueur du récepteur à la prorénine à la rénine. Après une période de 10 semaines, nous avons constaté que l'expression et la protéine du récepteur à la prorénine et à la rénine augmentent spécifiquement dans le tissu adipeux sous-cutané et viscéral des souris obèses. Lorsqu'administré en concomitance avec une diète riche en gras et en hydrates de carbone, le handle region peptide favorise chez la souris des diminutions des gains des masses corporelles et adipeuses viscérales. Une diminution de l'expression de l'enzyme catalysant la dernière étape de la lipogenèse pourrait être responsable de la réduction de gras viscéral. Chez les mêmes animaux, l'expression de plusieurs adipokines est également diminuée dans le tissu adipeux suggérant une réduction de la résistance à l'insuline, de l'inflammation et de l'infiltration des macrophages localement dans le gras sous-cutané et viscéral. L'augmentation de l'expression d’un marqueur de l'adipogenèse dans le tissu adipeux sous-cutané pourrait suggérer un plus grand nombre d'adipocytes. Cela pourrait tamponner l'excès d'acides gras libres circulants puisque nous avons constaté une diminution de ce paramètre chez les souris ayant une diète riche en gras et en hydrates de carbone et traitées avec le peptide. Nous avons émis l'hypothèse qu'un cycle futile pourrait être activé dans le gras sous-cutané car nous avons observé une augmentation de l'expression de plusieurs enzymes impliquées dans la lipogenèse et dans la lipolyse. Le ''brunissement'' du tissu adipeux est la présence de cellules similaires aux adipocytes bruns dans le tissu adipeux qui sont caractérisés par une grande densité mitochondriale et la thermogenèse. L'augmentation de l'expression des marqueurs de ''brunissement'' et de biogenèse de mitochondrie dans le gras sous-cutané suggère que le ''brunissement'' pourrait également être activé dans ce dépôt de gras. La sensibilité à l'insuline chez ces animaux pourrait être améliorée telle que suggérée en circulation par la diminution de l'insuline, par le glucose qui change peu, par l'augmentation du ratio glucose sur insuline ainsi que par un changement potentiel dans la corrélation entre le poids corporel de la souris et les niveaux d’adiponectine circulante. Nos travaux suggèrent que le handle region peptide pourrait augmenter la capacité du tissu adipeux sous-cutané à métaboliser les lipides circulants avec l'activation potentielle d'un cycle futile et le ''brunissement''. Cela préviendrait le dépôt ectopique de lipides vers les compartiments viscéraux comme le suggère la réduction de masse adipeuse viscérale chez les souris ayant une diète riche en gras et en hydrates de carbone et traitées avec le peptide. Utilisant un modèle de souris, cette étude démontre le potentiel pharmacologique du handle region peptide comme un nouveau traitement pour prévenir l'obésité.
In this project, an attempt has been made to study the stability of erythrocyte and lysosomal membranes biochemically. Erythrocytes were chosen for the study because of their ready availability and relative simplicity. Biological membranes forming closed boundaries between compartments of varying composition consist mainly of proteins and lipids. They are asymmetric, fluid structures that are thermodynamically stable and metabolically active. Normal cellular function begins with normal membrane structure and any variation in it may upset the normal functions. The degree of fluidity of a membrane depends on the chain length of its lipids and degree of unsaturation of constituent fatty acids. In response to environmental changes, many cells can regulate composition of their membranes to maintain the overall semi fluid environment necessary for many membrane associated functions. The assembly and Maintenance of membrane structures in cells is a dynamic process. The components are not only synthesized and inserted into a growing membrane but are also continuously degraded at a slower rate. This turnover process varies with each individual molecule.Lysosomes are important in the catabolic processes occurring in the cell. Lysosomes contain hydrolytic enzymes and are stable under normal conditions. In certain pathological conditions, the lysosomal membrane may rupture, releasing the hydrolytic enzymes into the cell and digestion of cell takes place as a whole. This is very dangerous. In normal life processes of multi cellular organisms, lysosomes rupture following the death of a cell and it may have some value as a built in mechanism for selfremoval of dead cells.An attempt has also been made in this project towards developing lysosome membrane stability as an index of fish spoilage during storage. Different membranes within the cell and between cells have different compositions as reflected in the ratio of protein to lipid. The difference is not surprising given the very different functions of membranes
The present study indicate that prior administration of taurine is effective in minimizing all the deleterious effects induced by isoproterenol, thereby justifying its use as a potent cytoprotective agent. The overall cardioprotective effect of taurine is probably related to its antioxidant property evidenced by its ability to reduce lipid peroxidation and to maintain the activities of free radical enzymes and nonenzymatic antioxidants, its membrane stabilizing action and to its hypolipidemic property.
Fulminant hepatic failure (FHF) is a dramatic and challenging syndrome in clinical medicine. Although an uncommon disorder, it is usually fatal and occurs in previously healthy person. While the causes of FHF remain unclear, viral hepatitis and drug-induced liver injury account for the majority of cases. Hepatitis E causes large-scale epidemics of hepatitis in the Indian subcontinent, involving hundreds of thousands of cases with high mortality. FHF is associated with several clinical features like jaundice, shrunken liver, easy bruising, low levels of serum proteins, fatigue, multi-organ failure etc and metabolic derangements like hypoglycemia, hyperlipidemia, hyponatremia, defective protein synthesis, reduced energy production, decreased rate of urea production etc. These disturbances are predominantly attributed to oxidative stress, membrane destabilization and osmolytic imbalances. The options available for these patients are quite minimal with liver transplantation being one of them. But the procedure is ridden with issues causing it to find less favor among the patients and the caregivers. Use of hepatoprotective and cytoprotective drugs, is being considered to be a more acceptable alternative as a strategy to enhance liver regeneration. In this regard use of taurine a naturally occurring amino acid that plays a crucial role in many physiological processes would prove to be effective. In the present study, hepatoprotective effect of taurine on a rat model of induced FHF was studied. Taurine supplementation has effectively counteracted the metabolic and structural aberrations in the liver caused by D-galactosamine intoxication.
Methylparathion (MP) is an organophosphorus insecticide used world wide in agriculture due to its high activity against a broad spectrum of insect pests. The aim of the study is to understand the effect of methylparathion on the lipid peroxidation, detoxifying and antioxidant enzymes namely catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione Stransferase (GST), total reduced glutathione (GSH), lipid peroxidation (LPO), acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and disease diagnostic marker enzymes in liver, sarcoplasmic (SP) and myofirbirllar (MF) proteins in muscles, lipids and histopathlogical changes in various organs of Labeo rohita of size 75 i 6g at lethal and sublethal level of exposure. The probit analysis showed that the lethal concentration (LC 50%) for 24, 48, 72 and 96h were 15.5mg/L, 12.3mg/L, 11.4mg/L and 10.2mg/L respectively which is much higher compared to the LC50 for juvenile fish. The LPO level and GST activity increased five folds and two folds respectively on exposure to methylparathion at 10.2 mg/L and the level of the enzymes increased, on sub lethal exposure beyond 0.25mg/L. AChE activity was inhibited by 74% at a concentration of 1.8mg/L and 90% at 5.4mg/L. The disease diagnostic marker enzymes AST, ALT, ALP and LDH increased by about 2, 3 ,3 and 2 folds respectively at pesticide concentration of 10.2mg/L when compared to control. On sub lethal exposure, however the enzymes did not show any significant changes up to 0.5mg/L. At a concentration of 10.2 mg/L, there was a three fold increase in myofibrillar proteins while the increase in sarcoplasmic protein was above 1.5 fold. On sub lethal exposure, significant alteration was noticed up to 30 days up to 1mg/L of methylparathion concentration. Further exposure up to 45 days increased sarcoplasmic proteins (upto 0.5mg/L). ln the case of myofibrillar proteins, noticeable changes were observed at 1mg/L concentration right from 15th day. The cholesterol content in brain tissues increased by about 27% at methylparathion concentration of 5.4 mglL. However at 0.25mg/L sub lethal concentration, no significant alteration was observed in enzyme activity, muscle proteins, lipids and histopathology of the tissues. The results suggest that methylparathion has the potential to induce oxidative stress in fish, and that liver, muscle and brains are more sensitive organs of Labeo rohita, with poor antioxidant potentials at higher concentrations of the pesticide. The various parameters studied in this investigation can also be used as biomarkers of methylparathion exposure.
With a seacoast of 8,1 18 km, an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of 2 million square km, and with an area of about 30,000 square km under aquaculture, lndia produces close to six million tonnes of fish, over 4 per cent of the world fish production. While the marine waters upto 50m depth have been fully exploited, those beyond, remain unexplored. There is an ever increasing demand for fishery resources as food. The coastal fishery resources of the country are dwindling at a rapid pace and it becomes highly imperative that we search for alternate fishery resources for food. The option we have is to hunt for marine fishery resources. Studies pertaining to proximate composition, amino acid and fatty acid composition are essential to understand the nutraceutical values of these deep sea fishery resources. The present study was aimed to carry out proximate composition of deep sea fishery resources obtained during cruises onboard the FORV Sarise Sampada, to identify fishery resources which have appreciable lipid content and thereby analyse the bioactive potentials of marine lipids, to study the amino acid profile of these fishery resources, to understand the contents of SPA, MUFA and PUFA and to calculate the n3/n6 fatty acid contents. Though the presence of nutraceuticals was identified in the marine fishery resources their use as potential food resources deserve further investigation. So the study were carried out to calculate the hepatosomatic indices of sharks & chimaeras and conduct biochemical characterisation of liver oils of Apristurus indicus, Cenlrophorus scalprams, Centroselachus crepidater, Neoharriotta raleighana, and Harriotta pinnata obtained during cruises onboard the FORV Sugar Sampada.Therapeutic use of shark liver oil is evident from its use for centuries as a remedy to heal wounds and fight flu (Neil er al. 2006). Japanese seamen called it 'samedava' or "cure all". Shark liver oil is being promoted worldwide as a dietary supplement to boost the immune system, fight infections, to treat cancer and to lessen the side effects of conventional cancer treatment. These days more emphasis is laid on the nutritive benefits of shark liver oils especially on the omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids ( PUFAs) (Anandan er al. 2007) and alkylglycerols (AKGs) (Pugliese er al. I998) contained in them due to the high rise of inflammatory disorders such as arthritis, asthma and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Schizophrenia. So the present study also evaluate the pharmacological properties with respect to analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti pyretic and anti-ulcer effects of four different liver oils of sharks belonging to the Indian EEZ and to identify the components of oil responsible for these activities.The analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of liver oils from Neoharriotra raleighana (NR), Centrosymnus crepidater (CC), Apristurus indicus (AI), and Centrophorus sculpratus (CS) sharks caught from the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean were compared. The main objectives also include determination of the cholesterol lowering effects of liver oils of Neoharriotra raleighana (NR) and Centrophorus sculpratus (CS) on the high fat diet induced dyslipidemia and to compare the impact of four isolipidemic diets, on levels of serum diagnostic marker enzymes, on lipid profile of blood and liver and antioxidant status of heart in male Albino rats. And also to study the efficacy of Centrophorus sculpratus (CS) liver oil against Complete Freund’s Adjuvant-induced arthritis and to compare the anti-inflammatory activity of this oil with a traditionally used anti-inflammatory substance gingerol (oleoresin extracted from ginger.). The results of the present study indicated that both (Centrophorus sculpratus liver oils as well as gingerol extracts proved to be effective natural remedies against CFA-induced arthritis in Albino rats.
This thesis Entitled Haematological responses of penaeus monodon to environmental alterations and pathogenic invasion. Thesis concluded from the present study that stress is accompanied by alterations in haemolymph metabolic variables and immune responses that influences the susceptibility of P. monodon to infection. Acute salinity variations were proved to be a stress condition that enhances the susceptibility of P. monodon to V. harveyi and WSSV infection. Ambient Cu at 0.1 mg 1" and ambient Zn at 1.0 mg 1" proved immunostimulatory in increasing the immunocompetence of P. monodon to WSSV infection and higher concentrations of Cu and Zn proved immunosuppressive. Haemolymph total protein, total carbohydrates and total lipids showed the highest relation with immune responses. THC, PO, ACP and ALP that greatly correlated with the survival rate proposed as reliable biomarkers of health in P. monodon. The study highlights the need for proper management practices and regular health monitoring to be adopted to avoid mass mortality in shrimp culture ponds.
The present work is focussed mainly on the utilization of this weed-biomass on a biochemical and biotechnological basis. Before designing scientific and systematic utilization of any given biomass, the detailed analysis of its chemical componets is essential. Hence, as the preliminary part of the experimental works, samples of Salvinia were analysed for its chemical constituents.Before designing scientific and systematic utilization of any given biomass, the detailed analysis of its chemical componets is essential .The composition of the substrate contributes much to the nutritive value of mushrooms. Hence, alterations in the nutritive value of mushrooms (in terms of total carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and minerals) in response to Salvinia as substrate were analyzed.Substrate after mushroom harvest (spent substrate) can be utilized for various purposes such as cattle feed, as a source of degradative enzymes, as a substrate for other mushrooms and as garden manure. But studies are limited with regard to the utilization of Pleurotus spent substrate as garden manure. So the value of spent substrate as an organic supplement and its multidimensional impacts on soil chemical status, soil microbial population dynamics and plant growth (Amhurium andreanum) were carried out.Major findings of this work have got much relevance in designing measures to utilize different types of plant biomass, especially aquatic weeds, with the aid of a powerful biological tool, the lignocellulolytic fungus, Pleurorus
The objective of the study isto determine the average quantity of certain biochemical constituents of the haemolymph of Penaeus indicus and to verify the importanceof the simple correlation between the quantity or content of the biochemical constituents in the haemolymph and the size of the species, sex, moult and reproductive stages. The biochemical constituents studied are protein, free amino acids, glucose, total lipids, cholesterol, calcium, zinc, iron and manganese. The study Identifies the species specific haemolymph protein pattern by electrophoresis and determines the qualitative variations of haemolymph proteins with respect to sex, size, moult and reproductive stages. Major protein components such as hemocyanin and female specific protein are determined with a view to understand their function. The thesis also identifies the circulating haemocytes with a view to understand their specific role in the various physiological functions of the species. The thesis is presented in three chapters. Each chapter has an introduction to the particular aspect of study which includes a review of literature, methodology adopted for the study, the results obtained and discussion on the subject. The first Chapter deals with the biochemical constituents of the haemolymph, the second includes electrophoretic characterization of proteins in the haemolymph and the third Chapter deals with haemocyte identification and classification. A summary of the thesis and literature cited in the text are listed at the end.
During the last couple of decades, the oil palm has emerged as the second largest source of edible oil in the world. Recently oil palm has been introduced commercially in India to augment edible oil supply in the country. Currently, about 10,000 hectares are under oil palm cultivation in India, and it is envisaged to cover about 6 lakh hectares in the coming years. Though oil palm is a major commercial oil crop, not much basic information on the lipids of the fruit (the source of palm oil) is available even where oil palm is cultivated in a very large scale. Being a new crop to India, it is of paramount importance to understand the basic chemistry/biochemistry of the lipids, which in turn, may find practical applications in the area of processing and product development. The present investigation entitled "Studies on the Composition and Structure of Palm Oil Glycerides" was designed with a view to elucidate the lipid composition and structure under conditions such as fruit development and processing.
In the present thesis , observations on the ecology of seaweed flora of Kerala, their distribution and zonation pattern, monthly/seasonal density of seaweeds at each station, frequency of occurrence, standing crop, monthly/seasonal/place-wise data on physico—chemical characters of ambient waters at the stations and their influence on seaweed density have been made. This data will help us in the farming of economically important seaweeds, by providing information on the ideal conditions of seaweed biomass production. Biochemical observations on protein, carbohydrate and lipid contents of different species of nutritive value. Seaweeds with high content of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids can be recommended for food and feed formulations after subjecting them to toxicological studies. The study on monthly/seasonal/placewise variation in biochemical composition of seaweeds will provide necessary information on the appropriate time and place of harvesting the algal species for exploiting its constituents .
Recent studies with prawns indicate that their growth, metamorphosis, maturation and moulting are affected by the typo and level of lipids supplied in the diets. Despite the recognition of the importance of lipids in the diets of prawns there is no information on the essentiality and quantitative lipid requirements of Indian penaeid prawns. Therefore during the present study about 24 laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the essentiality and dietary requirements of total lipids, phoapholipida, fatty acids cholestrol, and to ascertain the nutritional value of natural lipid sources for the larvae, post-larvae tad juveniles of one of the most suitable cultivable species of panaeid prans. All the experiments were conducted in the laboratory following standard procedures, using isonitrogen and approaximately isocaloric purified diets. Changes were made in tha ingridients as required for specific requirements. For the larvae diets of particle size < 37) were fed, For the postlarvae and juveniles pellet feed was given. while data on survival and growth of larvae and pout-larvae 1-10 were recorded, data were collected on the survival, growth, food conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio and biochemical composition at the body for post-larva 11-25 and juveniles. The influence ot fatty acid pattern of dietary lipid sources on the fatty acids profile of prawns were also studied in the case of juvenile prawns. Analysis of variance andleast significant differences test were employed to determine the significant differences between treatments in the observed parameters with the help of a newlett Packard master computer.
Aquaculture is the dynamic pursuit of production of organisms from water a process analogous to agriculture on land. The field of aquaculture is an emerging bioindustry, based upon the culture and husbandry of economically utilizable aquatic organisms. Of late, there has been a global upsurge for aquaculture, the main reasons for which include the requirement of protein source for the increasing world population, the decision by various world nations to increase the fish yield by developing unutilized or partially utilized water bodies and depletion of natural stock which is evident in recent years due to excessive exploitation .The present study has been taken up on the reproductive physiology of the female grey mullet, M. cephalus. The thesis is presented in seven chapters. In the present study, variations in the major biochemical parameters namely, moisture, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates cholesterol, carotenoid, ash, calcium and iron in four tissues E. muscle, liver, ovary and bloodserum of cephalus have been analysed at different maturity stages.
Most tropical aquatic environments are naturally fertile and their natural fertility is renewed very rapidly. Natural food for many cultivable organisms can be grown to the maximum by proper management. However, enrichment of the environment can be done through rational fertilization. Still further increase in stocking rates, can yield increased crop if adequate feeding is done. Thus fish and shellfish nutrition is an important aspect of the multidisciplinary subject of aquaculture. The oldest and most classical studies in physiology have investigated the nutritional needs of the species of interest to aquaculture. The alimentary requirements for proteins, lipids, mineral salts and vitamins have been established for some temperate species. But, the nutritional requirements of only few tropical species have been studied. Before formulating a diet, a thorough knowledge of the nutrient requirement of the species is essential. It is against this background that the present area of investigation has been identified. "Nutritional requirements of the fry of gold-spot mullet Liza parsia" is a comprehensive attempt to quantify the nutritional factors that are essential for producing healthy fingerlings for stocking the farms. Aspects such as the protein and lipid requirements of the fry, the vitamin essentiality, nutritive evaluation of protein and lipid sources suitable for compounding diets were covered in this research project. The ultimate aim has been to evolve practical diets which could be applied in the nursery phase for juvenile production.