903 resultados para LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender)
Contient : 1 Lettre d'ÉTIENNE « BOUCHER [évêque de Quimper]... à la royne, mere du roy... De Rome, ce premier jour de juillet 1560 » ; 2 Lettre du « cardinal STROZZI,... alla regina, madre del re... Di Roma, il primo di gennaro nel M.D.LX ». En italien ; 3 Lettre de « J[EAN], cardinal DU BELLAY,... à la royne, mere du roy... De Rome, ce XX novembre 1559 » ; 4 Lettre de « J[EAN], cardinal DU BELLAY,... à la royne... De Rome, le jour de Noël » ; 5 Lettre de « J[EAN], cardinal DU BELLAY », à Catherine de Médicis. « Du conclave, ce Xe de novembre 1559 » ; 6 Lettre de « BARTOLOMEO CAMERARIO, conservateur de Naples... alla Maesta christianissima della regina di Francia... Da Roma, li 15 di novembre 1559 ». En italien ; 7 Lettre de « PANDOLPHO STUPHA,... alla serenissima regina madre di Francia... Di Fiorenza, alli 30 di maggio M.D.LX ». En italien ; 8 Lettre d'ÉTIENNE « BOUCHER,... à la royne... De Rome, ce VIIe octobre 1557 » ; 9 Lettre d'ÉTIENNE « BOUCHER,... à la royne... De Rome, ce XIIe jour de septembre 1557 » ; 10 « Sommaire de la depesche » de PHILIBERT BABOU DE LA BOURDAISIERE, évêque d'Angoulême, « venue de Rome depuis le partement de la royne mere » ; 11 « Don faict par la royne [CATHERINE DE MEDICIS] à Me Estienne Mauguin : tout ce à quoy peuvent monter les lotz et ventes qui luy pourroient appartenir pour l'acquisition d'une maison, du VIIIe jour de novembre V.C.LVII ». Minute ; 12 Lettre de CATHERINE DE MEDICIS « à monseigneur le doyen de la Roue, du XIIIe octobre 1557 ». Minute ; 13 Lettre de CATHERINE DE MEDICIS « à monseigneur de St Ferme,... De St Germain en Laye, ce XVe jour de decembre 1557 » ; 14 Lettre de CATHERINE DE MEDICIS « à monseigneur le cardinal Strossy,... De St Germain en Laye, ce XIIe jour d'octobre 1557 » ; 15 Donation faite par « CATHERINE » DE MEDICIS à Hippolyte, « cardinal de Ferrare », des territoires situés en Italie entre les villes de Terracine, Piperne et Sezzi. Copie ; 16 Lettre de « CATERINE [DE MEDICIS]... à monseigneur le cardinal Du Bellay,... De St Germain en Laye, ce XVe jour de decembre 1557 ». Minute ; 17 Lettre de « J[EAN DE] MONLUC, e[vêque] de Valance... à monsieur de Fizes, secretaire des finances... De Lyon, le XVIIIe apvril 1561 » ; 18 Lettre de « J[EAN DE] MONLUC, e[vêque] de Valance... à monsieur de Fizes,... De Molins, ce XIIe apvril 1561 » ; 19 Lettre du marquis « DE MONTE-SARCHIO,... alla serenissima et christianissima reina di Francia... Di Roma, el di XVI di novembre M.D.LIX ». En italien ; 20 Lettre d'ÉTIENNE « BOUCHER,... à la royne, mere du roy... De Rome, ce XVIe jour de juin 1560 » ; 21 Lettre de « J[EAN], cardinal DU BELLAY,... à la royne... De Rome, ce XVIIIe novembre 1557 » ; 22 Lettre d'ÉTIENNE « BOUCHER,... à la royne, mere du roy... De Rome, ce XXVe jour de novembre 1557 » ; 23 Lettre de CATHERINE DE MEDICIS « à monseigneur l'evesque de Forly, du XIIIe octobre 1557 ». Minute ; 24 Lettre de CATHERINE DE MEDICIS « à monseigneur le conte de Paliane ». Minute ; 25 Lettre de « PIERO CAPPONI, consule... a la regina, madre del re... Di Lyone, alli VI d'agosto 1559 » ; 26 Lettre du « duque DE ALVA,... à la royne tres chrestienne... De Tolede, le XXIXe decembre 1559 » ; 27 Lettre du duc de Ferrare « ALFONSO D'ESTE,... alla serenissima regina, madre del re... Di Ferrara ». En italien ; 28 Lettre de SEBASTIANO GUALTERIO, « vescovo de Viterbo... alla regina, madre del re... Da Roma, il di X di novembre 1559 ». En italien ; 29 Lettre du « cardinal STROZZI,... alla regina, madre del re... Del conclave, alli 9 di novembre del M.D.LVIII ». En italien ; 30 Lettre de « PEDRO MONTEMERLO » et « AMBROSIO DA FIRENZA ». En italien ; 31 Lettre de « PEDRO MONTEMERLO » et « AMBROSIO DA FIRENZA,... allo illmo... mons. lo admiraglio... 29 maii 1571 ». En italien ; 32 Lettre de « TORQUATO CONTI,... alla regina, madre del re... Di Roma, a di X di novembre nel [MD]LIX ». En italien ; 33 Lettre de « LODOVICO ANTINORI,... alla regina, madre del re... Di Roma, alli XIIII di novembre del [MD]LIX ». En italien ; 34 Lettre de « J[EAN BERTRANDI], cardinal [archevêque] de Sens... à la royne... De Rome, ce premier jour de l'an 1559 » ; 35 Lettre de « RUBERTO STROZZI,... alla regina, madre del re... Di Roma, il primo di gennaro nel [MD]LIX ». En italien ; 36 Lettre de « BARTOLOMEO CAMERARIO, conservateur de Naples... alla regina, matre del re... Da Roma, il primo di gennaro 1560 ». En italien ; 37 Lettre d'«E[MMANUEL-]PHILIBERT [duc] DE SAVOYE,... à la royne, mere du roy... De Nice, ce XIIe jour de jung 1560 » ; 38 Lettre d'«E[MMANUEL-]PHILIBERT, [duc] DE SAVOYE,... à la royne, mere du roy... De Nice, ce XXIXme jour de juin 1560 » ; 39 Lettre de CATHERINE DE MEDICIS « au pape, du IXe septembre M.V.C.LVII ». Minute ; 40 Lettre de « CATERINE [DE MEDICIS]... au pape... Escript à St Germain en Laye, le XVe decembre 1557 ». Minute ; 41 Lettre de CATHERINE DE MEDICIS « au pape, du XIIIe octobre 1557 ». Minute ; 42 Lettre de « CATERINE [DE MEDICIS]... au pape... Escript à Compiegne, le VIIIe juillet 1557 ». Minute ; 43 Lettre d'ANTONIO ALTOVITI, « arcivescovo di Firenze... alla regina, madre del re... Di Roma, alli 30 di decembre 1559 ». En italien ; 44 Lettre de CHARLES DE COSSE, maréchal DE « BRISSAC,... à la royne... De Turin, le XXIme jour de juillet 1559 » ; 45 Lettre de « J[EAN], cardinal DU BELLAY,... à la royne, mere du roy... De La Ruffine pres Rome, le Xme jour d'aoust 1559 » ; 46 Lettre de JEAN-ANGE, « cardinale DE MEDICI,... alla regina madre di Francia... Di Roma, a XI di novembre 1559 ». En italien ; 47 Lettre des Srs « RAPHAELLO BARTHOLI, THOMMASO FORTINI, LUIGI GUIDICCIONI, GIROLAMO BONVISI,... deputati fiorentini e luchesi, creditori della Maesta del re, al gran partito... alla regina, madre del re... Di Lyone, addi X di luglio M.D.LX ». En italien ; 48 Lettre de « HIPPOLITO, cardinale DI FERRARA,... a la serenissima regina madre... Di Roma, li XV di giugno 1560 ». En italien ; 49 Lettre de CATHERINE DE MEDICIS « à monseigneur le conservateur de Naples, du XIIIe octobre 1557 ». Minute ; 50 Lettre de PHILIBERT « BABOU[DE LA BOURDAISIERE], e[vêque] d'Angoulesme... à la royne, mere du roy... De Romme, ce XIIe janvier 1560 » ; 51 Lettre de CESARE CIBO, « arcivescovo di Torino... alla serenissima reina matre... Da Roma, il XV di febrajo del 1560 ». En italien ; 52 Lettre de « J[EAN DE] MONLUC, e[vêque] de Valance... à la royne... De Molins, ce XIIe apvril 1561 » ; 53 Lettre de PHILIBERT « BABOU [DE LA BOURDAISIERE], e[vêque] d'Angoulesme... à la royne, mere du roy... De Romme, ce XXIe novembre 1559 » ; 54 Lettre des « gens tenans le parlement du roy... à la royne, mere du roy... Escript à Paris en parlement, soubz le signet d'icelluy, le vingtiesme juillet 1560 » ; 55 « Double des lettres de [JOACHIM], marquis DE BRANDEBOURG, à Mr l'admyral... Escript hastivement ce lundi apres la St Jehan... XXVIIe jung » de « l'an [MD]XIX » ; 56 Lettre de PHILIBERT « BABOU [DE LA BOURDAISIERE], e[vêque] d'Angoulesme... à la royne, mere du roy... De Rome, ce XXVIIe jour de feuvrier 1559 » ; 57 Lettre de JEAN-ANGE, « cardinale DE MEDICI,... alla serenissima et christianissima regina madre... Di Fiorenza, li VIIII di febraro MD5VIIII ». En italien ; 58 Lettre de « MARIO SFORZA,... alla regina... Di Santa Fiora, li XXV de giugno 1560 ». En italien ; 59 Lettre de « HIPPOLITO, cardinale DI FERRARA,... a la serenissima regina madre... Di Roma, li 2 di luglio 1560 ». En italien ; 60 Lettre de FRANCESCO BANDINI, « arcivescovo di Siena... a la christianissima regina, madre del re... Di Viterbo, il di XXII di novembre 1559 ». En italien ; 61 Lettre de « J[EAN DE] MONLUC, e[vêque] de Valance », et de M. de « RANDAN,... à la royne, mere du roy... De Lislebourg, ce IX juillet 1560 » ; 62 « Revocation fecte par la royne [CATHERINE DE MEDICIS] du don par elle cy devant faict à monseigneur le cardinal Ferneze de sa vigne de Rome... A St Germain en Laye, octobre » 1557. Minute ; 63 « Roolle et estat des officiers de l'ostel du roy [François Ier], que ledict Sr a ordonné estre paiez pour l'année commançant le premier jour de janvier mil cinq cens vingt six et finissant le dernier jour de decembre ensuyvant mil cinq cens vingt et sept, par Me Guillaume Tertreau ». Copie ; 64 et 65 « Roolle et estat des officiers de l'hostel du roy » François Ier, pour l'année 1524. Copie double ; 66 « Ordonnances et despartement fait par le roy pour le fait de sa maison et de ses officiers domesticques, lesquelz ledict Sr veult et entend qui le serve dorezenavant par cartiers ». Copie ; 67 « Roolle et estat des officiers de l'hostel du roy [François Ier], pour le quartier de janvier, fevrier et mars MV.C.XXVI ». Copie ; 68 « Estat fait par NICOLAS DE PARIS, marchant et bourgeois de Paris, à cause des deniers par luy receuz des bourgeois et habitans du quartier des Halles, dont est quartinier Nicolas Bourbon, presenté et affermé au bureau par ledit DE PARIS,... le IIIe jour de juillet M.V.C.IIII.XX.XII ». Copie ; 69 « Estat au vray de la recepte et despense faicte par Me BENJAMYN LE RICHE, receveur du taillon en l'ellection de Paris cy devant et en l'année mil V.C.IIII.XX. cinq » ; 70 Requête adressée par « BENJAMIN LE RICHE, receveur du taillon en l'election de Paris... à nosseigneurs des comptes », pour demander le remboursement des frais de sa charge. Le 12 septembre 1592. Copie ; 71 « Estat au vray de la recepte et despence faicte par PIERRE COCQUART, l'un des six dixiniers au quartier de sire Blaise par l'an cy devant... Cloz au bureau, le dernier jour d'aoust M.V.C.???IIII.XX.XII ; 72 « Estat au vray des recepte et despence faictes par CLAUDE DU PRE, commis au quartier de Saincte Geneviefve de la ville de Paris es mois de novembre et decembre mil V.C.IIII.XX.IX », pour le duc de Mayenne ; 73 « Estat au vray de la recepte et despence faicte par NICOLAS BRICART, l'un des six dixiniers au quartier de sire Blaise par l'an cy devant... Cloz au bureau, le dernier jour d'aoust M.V.C.IIII.XX.XII » ; 74 « Extraict faict en la chambre des comptes... à Paris... d'une partie de recepte emploiée soubz le nom de Me Pierre Le Gay, tresorier de l'extraordinaire des guerres en Piedmont », en 1554 ; 75 « Estat abbregé de la recepte et despence faicte par Me FRANÇOIS PASCAL, tresorier ordinaire des guerres, en l'année finye en decembre 1565 » ; 76 « Estat au vray de la recepte et despense faicte par sire GEOFFROY CHAILLOU, commis et depputté en cinq dixaines du quartier de sire Nicollas Bourlon,... Cloz le dernier jour d'aoust M.V.C.IIII.XX.XII » ; 77 Mémoire pour « Me Robert Marteau, tresorier des officiers domesticques de la maison du roy », contre « Me Jehan Berot », receveur général de Toulouse. 1574 ; 78 « Estat au vray de la recepte et despence faicte par PHILLIPPES PASSART, l'un des six dixiniers du quartier de sire Blaise par l'an cy devant... Cloz et arresté le dernier jour d'aoust M.V.C.IIII.XX.XII » ; 79 « Estat au vray de la recepte et despence faicte par PIERRE DE LASSUS, commis au quartier de Jacques Huot,... Cloz au bureau, le 7e septembre M.V.C.IIII.XX.XII » ; 80 « Estat au vray de la recepte et despence faicte par feu RAOUL MUTEAU, vivant l'un des six dixiniers au quartier de sire Blaise par l'an ci devant... Cloz au bureau, le dernier jour d'aoust » 1592 ; 81 « Estat des recepte et despence faictes par feu FRANÇOIS PREDESEIGLE, luy vivant commis à la recepte des deniers provenus des cottisations faictes par les bourgeois des quatorze dizaines du quartier de Saincte Geneviefve... Cloz au bureau, le quatriesme jour de febvrier » 1592 ; 82 « Estat des ordonnances faictes à Jehan de Gilles, commis par Mr de Martigues, gouverneur et lieutenant general pour le roy en Bretaigne, à l'extraordinaire des guerres à sa suitte, pour le payement et solde des gens de guerre, qu'il a amenez dudict pays... durant les moys de novembre et decembre derniers et present moys de janvyer 1568 » ; 83 « Estat du paiement de la solde et entretenement de douze galeres et une fregate... » pour le premier quartier de l'année 1560. « Faict à Orleans, le XIIIIe jour de janvier, l'an mil V.C. soixante ». Copie
Comprend : Correspondance
Few teachers would question that teaching is a contextual and situational process, yet as Gay (2000) reminds us, too few teachers have sufficient knowledge of how teaching practices reflect dominant cultural values. This qualitative study explored whiteness in the EFL classroom and the relation between teacher identity and pedagogy. This research was shaped by the overarching research questions: How does being white influence teachers' educational practices? How can teachers successfully negotiate crosscultural teaching? Data included open-ended interviews, a content analysis of EFL training materials, and my research and personal journals. The experiences of five EFL teachers form the central focus of this study. My personal story, as a white EFL teacher, is also included throughout this thesis. This study offers a detailed description of the complex and dynamic ways in which these five teachers understood their racial identities, and the classroom decisions they made in response to their understandings. Included in the discussion are the strategies that my participants and I used to subtly resist the notion and exploration of racial privilege. Implications for teacher education programs and possible directions for further study are offered.
This dissertation investigates the practice of leadership in collaboratively designed and funded research in a university setting. More specifically, this research explores the meaning of leadership as experienced by researchers who were, or still are, engaged on Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) funded collaborative research projects in a university setting. This qualitative study (Gay & Airasian, 2003) is situated within a social constructivist paradigm (Kezar, Carducci, & Contreras-McGavin, 2006) and involves an analysis of the responses from 12 researchers who answered 11questions related to my overarching research question: What is the impact of leadership on university based collaborative research projects funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council based on the experiences of researchers involved? The data that emerged supported and enhanced the existing literature related to leadership and collaborative groups in academia. The type of preferred leadership that emerged as a result of this research seemed to indicate that the type of leader that appeared to be optimal in this context might be described as a functional collaborative expert.
There has been an increasing concern among researchers and the general population of our culture's increasing emphasis on "ideal" physical attractiveness-for both females and males. Despite this growing concern, research on body image has focused primarily on women and girls, with little research aimed specifically for males. Prior research (Grogan & Richards, 2002; Hargreaves & Tiggemann, 2006) stated that body image was a "feminine" or a "gay" issue, according to men and boys. The present study investigates this issue, particularly within the theoretical framework of multiple selves and gender theories. This exploratory case study involved semi-structured interviews with six male adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18 years. Researcher's fieldnotes were taken after the interviews. Content analysis of the interviews and fieldnotes revealed that for these six male adolescents, body image is not relevant to them, as they think about and discuss their issues of physical appearance with family and close peers. Traditional stereotypic notions of masculinity and what it means to be an adolescent male for the participants are discussed within the context of developmentally appropriate and gender-inclusive curriculum.
Charles Larned (1791-1834) was a lawyer and American military officer who served during the War of 1812. He was the son of Simon Larned (1753-1817), who served as a captain in the Revolutionary War and was a member of the United States Congress from Massachusetts from 1804-1805. Charles studied law in the office of Henry Clay in Kentucky, and was dining with a group of prominent citizens when word was received that General William Henry Harrison could soon be overpowered by General Henry Proctor. Colonel Owen, a member of the group, organized a regiment to reinforce Harrison’s troops. Larned became a member and subsequently survived the River Raisin Massacre and was later present at the Battle of the Thames. He was also part of a group of men who learned of General William Hull’s plan to surrender Detroit to the British and planned to overtake him should this occur. However, the plan failed, Hull did surrender and the men became prisoners of the British. After the war, Larned became a lawyer, and served as Attorney General of Michigan Territory during the Black Hawk War. During the cholera epidemic of 1834, he worked tirelessly to assist others, but was stricken with the disease and died. Letter Transcription: Pittsfield, April 8, 1813 I think that by this time my dear Charles you will allow I have some reason to give you a gentle reprimand for breach of duty—but I will not censure you upon suspicion maybe you have substantial reasons—at any rate one cannot very graciously reproach the other for negligence I for one am healthy as ham & that we have so seldom exchanged letters during your absence & on my honor promise to be a better girl in future—but the truth is my Dear Charles I am secretary for the Family—Mama you know never writes & James but seldom & they are all dispersed in different directions, consequently I have many calls upon my time—this to be sure is a pleasant duty & I urge it only as a slight palliation for my remissness if you should consider it as such—now I have finished my preface—I will try to be more interesting & doubtless I succeed. Our dear Father we hope & trust is now in Green Bush, where he will probably remain a month perhaps & from thence he expects to go to Sacket’s harbor—at which place you know our troops are fast collecting-- We shall hope to see him either here or there before he goes. Brother George I believe is [still] at Plattsburgh but expects soon to be removed to some other military part perhaps with Papa (I hope so at least). We have just got letters from Brothers Sylvester & Joseph at Middlebury—they are in good health. Mama has for some weeks been afflicted with an inflammation in her eyes but seems now to be convalescing. Sister Martha has been somewhat unwell for a few weeks but is now tolerably recovered. James & myself are both in our usual good health & at this time seated by the same stand, one reading, the other writing. Thus my Dear Charles have I given you an abstract history of our Family—but here indeed is a wonderful omission; not a word about Miss Harriet Hunt, who in truth ought to have been noted first but the last she’s not the least in my memory. She is much grown since you saw her, but does not speak as fluently as we could wish—a few word she can say. Probably before this you have been informed of the great loss your friend Sherrill has sustained in the death of his mother—also of the revolution that has taken place in Hackbridge as it respects the religion & morality of the place that more than one hundred on the plain have become religious converts & c—indeed I am at a loss what to say that will afford your pleasure—a narrative at this time must be gloomy indeed. The distressing situation of our country at this time would make almost any recital melancholy. The prevailing epidemic has swept off many of your acquaintance no doubt. Mrs. Dewey of Williamstown, the sister of Mrs. Danforth, has left a Husband, Children & many Friends sincerely to lament her loss—some few have died in our village, but we have escaped astonishingly –it has raged in every town about us--If we are unwilling to acknowledge a God in his mercies. I fear she shall be compelled to do it in the awfulness of his judgments.--------I am much [pleased] with our new neighbors the Parsons Wife & a Miss Woodward her cousin is a fine girl, I think, Mrs. Allen has not a handsome face but something in her manner that interests one her person I think the handsomest I ever saw & the Parson seems well pleased with his selection—Mrs. Ripley is with them this winter & will probably remain thro the summer—Her husband at [Sackett’s Harbor] little or no alteration is apparent since her marriage—she seems as gay & fond of company as ever.-------Mrs. [McKnight] it is expected will commence housekeeping in about three weeks in the house formerly occupied by Mr…. [Report] says that Mr. Goodman & Clarissa Weller are soon to be married & many other things that I must omit to mention for Mama wants a… PS reserved--now my Dear Charles remember you are considerably… & I am confident you have as much leisure as I have –… be ceremonious but write whenever I find time not & I beg… the same – I tell James I shall not send his love for he must write himself. I shall anxiously expect you to write & do not disappoint your affectionate, sister--H One word my Dear Charles from your affectionate Mother who longs to see Her Dear son Charles—but being deprived of that rich blessing at present—begs Him so to conduct that she may hope for it ere long—do you search the Scriptures and keep the Sabbath holy unto the Lord—and all the sacred Commandments of God—it is my ardent desire…He would protect, support and provide for your soul and body and believe me your affectionate friend and Mother. R Larned.
Studies that have used mostly self-reported height have found that men with a same-sex orientation and women with an other-sex orientation are shorter, on average, than men with an other-sex orientation and women with a same-sex orientation, respectively. This thesis examined whether an objective height difference exists or whether a psychosocial account (e.g., distortion of self-reports) may explain these putative height differences. Also, this thesis examined whether certain individual differences (e.g, gender roles and socially desirable responding) predict height distortion. Eight hundred and thirteen participants, recruited at Brock University, the Niagara Community and through surrounding LGBT events, completed self-reported height, measures of gender roles and socially desirable responding, and had their height measured. Using hierarchical linear regressions, it was found that Same-Sex/Both-Sex Oriented men were shorter, on average, than predominantly Other-Sex Oriented men; however, there was no difference in objective height between Same-Sex/Both-Sex Oriented women and predominantly Other-Sex Oriented women. These findings contribute to existing biological theories of men's sexual orientation development and do not contribute to biological theories of women's sexual orientation development. Height distortion was not related to sexual orientation and only marginally related to sex. Predictors of height distortion were Impression Management, in both men and women, and Unmitigated Agency, in men. These findings highlight the complexity of sexual orientation development in men and women. These findings also highlight the role of certain psychosocial factors in how people perceive their bodies and/or how they want their bodies to be perceived by others.
Letter Transcription: Pittsfield, April 8, 1813 I think that by this time my dear Charles you will allow I have some reason to give you a gentle reprimand for breach of duty—but I will not censure you upon suspicion maybe you have substantial reasons—at any rate one cannot very graciously reproach the other for negligence I for one am healthy as ham & that we have so seldom exchanged letters during your absence & on my honor promise to be a better girl in future—but the truth is my Dear Charles I am secretary for the Family—Mama you know never writes & James but seldom & they are all dispersed in different directions, consequently I have many calls upon my time—this to be sure is a pleasant duty & I urge it only as a slight palliation for my remissness if you should consider it as such—now I have finished my preface—I will try to be more interesting & doubtless I succeed. Our dear Father we hope & trust is now in Green Bush, where he will probably remain a month perhaps & from thence he expects to go to Sacket’s harbor—at which place you know our troops are fast collecting-- We shall hope to see him either here or there before he goes. Brother George I believe is [still] at Plattsburgh but expects soon to be removed to some other military part perhaps with Papa (I hope so at least). We have just got letters from Brothers Sylvester & Joseph at Middlebury—they are in good health. Mama has for some weeks been afflicted with an inflammation in her eyes but seems now to be convalescing. Sister Martha has been somewhat unwell for a few weeks but is now tolerably recovered. James & myself are both in our usual good health & at this time seated by the same stand, one reading, the other writing. Thus my Dear Charles have I given you an abstract history of our Family—but here indeed is a wonderful omission; not a word about Miss Harriet Hunt, who in truth ought to have been noted first but the last she’s not the least in my memory. She is much grown since you saw her, but does not speak as fluently as we could wish—a few word she can say. Probably before this you have been informed of the great loss your friend Sherrill has sustained in the death of his mother—also of the revolution that has taken place in Hackbridge as it respects the religion & morality of the place that more than one hundred on the plain have become religious converts & c—indeed I am at a loss what to say that will afford your pleasure—a narrative at this time must be gloomy indeed. The distressing situation of our country at this time would make almost any recital melancholy. The prevailing epidemic has swept off many of your acquaintance no doubt. Mrs. Dewey of Williamstown, the sister of Mrs. Danforth, has left a Husband, Children & many Friends sincerely to lament her loss—some few have died in our village, but we have escaped astonishingly –it has raged in every town about us--If we are unwilling to acknowledge a God in his mercies. I fear she shall be compelled to do it in the awfulness of his judgments.--------I am much [pleased] with our new neighbors the Parsons Wife & a Miss Woodward her cousin is a fine girl, I think, Mrs. Allen has not a handsome face but something in her manner that interests one her person I think the handsomest I ever saw & the Parson seems well pleased with his selection—Mrs. Ripley is with them this winter & will probably remain thro the summer—Her husband at [Sackett’s Harbor] little or no alteration is apparent since her marriage—she seems as gay & fond of company as ever.-------Mrs. [McKnight] it is expected will commence housekeeping in about three weeks in the house formerly occupied by Mr…. [Report] says that Mr. Goodman & Clarissa Weller are soon to be married & many other things that I must omit to mention for Mama wants a… PS reserved--now my Dear Charles remember you are considerably… & I am confident you have as much leisure as I have –… be ceremonious but write whenever I find time not & I beg… the same – I tell James I shall not send his love for he must write himself. I shall anxiously expect you to write & do not disappoint your affectionate, sister--H One word my Dear Charles from your affectionate Mother who longs to see Her Dear son Charles—but being deprived of that rich blessing at present— begs Him so to conduct that she may hope for it ere long—do you search the Scriptures and keep the Sabbath holy unto the Lord—and all the sacred Commandments of God—it is my ardent desire…He would protect, support and provide for your soul and body and believe me your affectionate friend and Mother. R Larned.
The album includes an illustration of a dog howling, by one of Eliza's friends. There is also a painting of roses. There is a poem signed Denison, that reads:" In truth it is not every book That's suited to the mind; In some forever you may look and no amusement find. But seldom does an album fail To please both grave and gay; It teams with many a merry tale and many a mournful day. Then reader know, whoever thou be Wise, witty, gay or sad; It's like the world in some degree Made up of good and bad". Another poem of eight verses is signed A. McNab. A poem and illustration are included by George Coventry. The illustration shows a man (presumed to be Coventry) looking at a book while others fish and work. Another poem initialed W.A.R. is thought to be by William Anthony Rooth, it is called "To Caroline". Also included in the album is a note from a Major who stayed at Eliza's home Christmas Day 1837. The note thanks Eliza for caring for him while he was ill at her home. A poem by Eliza's brother-in-law, Oliver T. Macklem is also included in the album. An illustration of two birds by Benjamin, Eliza's son, he was ten years old at the time. There is a poem written by L. D. Raymond with an attached newspaper clipping from Welland. The clipping is from L. D. Raymond's 79th birthday and is also a poem, "To the Old Barrister". There is a page of soldier autographs from 1866, those who fought in the Battle of Ridgeway during the Fenian Raid. (http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Ann_Eliza_Hepburne_Rooth%27s_1837_Album)
The meeting begins with an amendment to a banking by-law from February 1966. The amendment would allow Miss D.M. Harwood to sign cheques. The list of business is as follows: Valley Rouge Wines Limited Final Release, G & A Holdings Incorporated offer to purchase 40 Acres, F.L. Laundry Real Estate, Purchase of Shares of Bessy Barnes Barkley Gay, Date of Annual Meeting, Retirement of Miss Goffin, Salary of Vice-President and Managing Director, Term Insurance on Vice-President and General Manager, Appointment of Vice-President, Negotiation with Dr. Peller.
Although some are excited about the possibility of using current scientific research into the biological causes of sexual orientation to ground rights claims, I argue that basing rights claims on this research is unwise because this research, specifically the hormonal, genetic, and structural research, is organized around the inversion assumption, a conceptual scheme within which some aspect of the biology of gay men and lesbians is thought to be inverted along sex lines.While there are many reasons to worry about the use of the inversion assumption, I focus on problems that arise from a further set of claims that must be assumed in order to make the use of the inversion assumption coherent. This further set of assumptions includes the claims (1) that heterosexuality is the standard state and that (2) this standard state is sexually-dimorphic and (3) deterministic. I argue that this set of assumptions is problematic because it results in ideological consequences that are both sexist and heterosexist.