940 resultados para L71 - Mining, Extraction, and Refining:


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本论文由四章组成。第一、二和三章分别报道了双花千里光、川芎和宽叶羌活的化学成分研究。从三种药用植物中共分离和鉴定了40 个化学成分,其中8个为新化合物。第四章概述了藳本属植物及日本川芎的化学成分研究进展。 第一章包括三个部分。第一部分报道双花千里光(Senecio dianthus Franch.)地上部分乙醇提取物的化学成分。采用正、反相硅胶柱层析等各种分离方法,从中共分离出8 个艾里莫酚型倍半萜内酯,其中5 个是新化合物,并且有1 个为首次发现的连接了含氮原子取代基的艾里莫酚型倍半萜内酯。它们的结构经MS、IR、NMR及X-单晶衍射等解析方法确定为2b-angeloyloxy-10b-hydroxyeremophil-7(11)-en-8a,12-olide (1)、6b-angeloyloxy-10b-hydroxyeremophil-7(11)-en-8a,12-olide (2)、2b-angeloyloxy-8b,10b- dihydroxyeremophil-7(11)-en-8a,12-olide (3)、2b-angeloyloxy-8a-hydroxyeremophil-7(11),9(10)-dien-8b,12-olide (4)和8b-amino-10b- hydroxyleremophil-7(11)-en-8a,12-olide (5)。这8 个倍半萜内酯经体外生物活性测试表明均具有通过抑制巨噬细胞增殖抵制破骨细胞增生的活性。第二部分对艾里莫酚型倍半萜内酯的质谱裂解规律进行了初步探讨。第三部分报道双花千里光茎、和叶花的挥发油成分分析。采用传统水蒸气蒸馏法分别提取了双花千里光茎、叶和花的挥发油,用气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)技术分别分离鉴定了其化学成分,从茎、叶和花挥发油中各分离和鉴定出70、80 和73 种化学成分,分别占挥发油总量的91.2%、85.7%及93.4%。 第二章包括两个部分。第一部分报道川芎(Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort.)根茎乙醇提取物的化学成分。通过正、反相硅胶柱层析等分离纯化和MS、NMR及X-单晶衍射等解析方法,共分离鉴定了21 个化合物,结构类型分属于苯酞、二聚苯酞、香豆素和脂肪酸类。其中2 个为结构比较新颖的二聚苯酞类化合物:chuanxiongnolide A (19)和chuanxiongnolide B (20),化合物19 的结构经X-单晶衍射得到确证。第二部分报道川芎挥发油的化学成分。采用不同的提取方法(溶剂萃取法、水蒸气蒸馏法、CO2 超临界流体萃取法)提取川芎挥发油,同时采集不同产地(四川彭县、四川郫县、云南鹤庆)及不同品质(川芎、奶芎、苓子)的川芎产品,利用GC-MS 技术分离鉴定其挥发油的化学成分,计算各成分的相对含量,并对比分析其中的异同。 第三章报道宽叶羌活(Notopterygium forbesii Boiss.)根茎化学成分的分离纯化和结构鉴定。通过正、反相硅胶柱层析等分离纯化和MS、NMR 等解析方法,共分离鉴定了13 个化合物,结构类型分属于香豆素、二氢异香豆素、甾体和羧酸类。其中1 个新二氢异香豆素类成分鉴定为6-methoxy-hydrangenol (37)。 第四章概述了藳本属植物及日本川芎化学成分的研究进展。 This dissertation consisted of four chapters. The former three chaptersrespectively elaborated the phytochemical investigation of three herbal medicines:Senecio dianthus Franch., Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort. and Notopterygium forbesiiBoiss.. Forty compounds, including eight new ones, were isolated and identified byspectral and chemical evidence. The fourth chapter elaborated the study progress ofchemical constituents of Ligusticum genus and Cnidium offcinale. The first chapter consisted of three parts. The first part is about the chemicalconstituents of ethanol extraction and essential oils from the aerial parts of S. dianthu.Eight eremophilenolides were isolated and identified. Among them, five ones are newcompounds and one of them is a novel eremophilenolide attched with an amino group.The structures of the new compounds were identified as 2b-angeloyloxy-10b-hydroxyeremophil-7(11)-en-8a,12-olide (1),6b-angeloyloxy-10b-hydroxyeremophil-7(11)-en-8a,12-olide (2),2b-angeloyloxy-8b,10b-dihydroxyeremophil-7(11)-en-8a,12-olide (3),2b-angeloyloxy-8a-hydroxyeremophil-7(11),9(10)-dien-8b,12-olide (4) and8b-amino-10b-hydroxyeremophil-7(11)-en-8a,12-olide (5) by spectral evidence andX-ray crystallography analysis. All the compounds were evaluated for theiranti-osteoclstogenesis activity using a proliferation inhibit assay with microphagecells. The second part elementarily discussed the characteristic fragmentation oferemophilenolides isolated from S. dianthus in ESI-MS.The latter part is about thechemical constituents of essential oil extracted from stems, leaves and flowers of S.dianthus with steam distillation. By the GC-MS analysis, 70, 80 and 73 compoundswere respectively isolated and identified which accounted for more than 91.2%, 85.7% and 93.4% of total essential oil. The second chapter, including two parts, is about the the chemical constituents ofethanol extraction and essential oils from rhizomes of L. chuanxion. In the first part, twenty-one compounds were isolated and iedntified. Two ones are novel dimericphthalides and the structures were suggested as chuanxiongnolide A (19) andchuanxiongnolide B (20) by spectral evidence and confirmed by X-raycrystallography analysis. In the second part, the samples were collected from differentextract techniques (solvent extraction, steam distillation and supercriticalfluid extraction), different habitats (Peng and Pi counties, Sichuan province; Heqing,Yunnan province) and different qualities (Chuanxiong, Naixiong and Lingzi). Thechemical constituents of essential oil from L. chuanxiong were analyzed by GC-MS and were compared each other. The third chapter is about the chemical constituents of rhizomas of N. forbesii,which belongs to a endemic genus of China. Thirteen compounds were isolated andidentified. One of them is a new dihydroisocoumarin and the structure was identifiedas 6-methoxy-hydrangenol (37) by spectral evidence. The fourth chapter is a review on study progress of chemical constituents ofLigusticum species and Cnidium offcinale.


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本学位论文由5 章组成。第1 章报道了两头尖中三萜皂苷类化合物的全扫描电喷雾多级质谱分析及银莲花素A 的电喷雾质谱裂解规律;第2 和3 章报道了两种银莲花属药用植物化学成分的研究结果;第4 章报道了银莲花素A 的化学结构修饰及其对一种蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酯酶(PTP-1B)的抑制活性;第5 章综述了电喷雾质谱在皂苷类化合物结构鉴定中的应用进展。 第1 章报道了运用全扫描电喷雾多级质谱对两头尖中三萜皂苷类化合物的快速定性检测,共检测出18 个准分子离子峰,根据多级质谱数据并结合文献报道,对其中的15 个准分子离子峰进行了归属,并区分了一些同分异构体;更有意思的是,发现了3 个未见文献报道的三萜皂苷类化合物。根据它们的多级质谱数据,对其结构分别进行了初步解析。本章同时对银莲花素A 特殊的质谱裂解途径通过衍生物制备及其质谱分析进行了确认。 第2 和3 章,分别报道了两头尖和打破碗花花中水溶性多糖苷的分离纯化和结构鉴定。采用D101 大孔树脂和反复硅胶柱层析等分离手段,从两头尖水溶性部分分离得到8 个三萜皂苷类化合物,通过红外、电喷雾质谱和核磁共振等现代谱学方法,并结合传统的化学手段鉴定了它们的结构,其中4 个化合物为新化合物,分别命名为多被银莲花皂苷19、多被银莲花皂苷20、多被银莲花皂苷21和多被银莲花皂苷22。从打破碗花花水溶性部位分离得到6 个三萜皂苷类化合物,通过现代谱学手段,并结合传统的化学方法对它们进行了鉴定,其中1 个为新化合物,命名为打破碗花花苷H。 第4 章报道了以银莲花素A 及其同系物为先导化合物,进行化学结构修饰并对修饰产物进行广泛的生物活性筛选,发现在银莲花素A 及其同系物的结构中引入一些酸性基团后,其生物活性发生了变化,一些修饰产物显示出很强的PTP-1B 抑制作用,提示这些化合物有可能用于治疗II 型糖尿病。 第5 章综述了电喷雾多级质谱用于皂苷类化合物结构鉴定的研究进展。 This dissertation composes of five chapters. The first chapter elaborates the detection and qualification of the triterpenoidal saponins in Anemone raddeana by positive and negative full scan ESI-MSn. This part also reports the special fragmentation pathway of Raddeanin A by ESI-MS/MS. The second and third chapters present the phytochemical investigation of two medicinal plants from Anemone. The fourth part dwells on the structure modification of Raddeanin A and their inhibitory activity against PTP-1B. The last part is a review on the progress in the application of ESI-MSn in the structure identification of saponins. The first chapter reports the application of full scan ESI-MSn for fast analysis of triterpenoid saponins in Anemone raddeana. Eighteen quasi- molecular ion peaks were detected in the positive full scan ESI-MS and fifteen of them were identified by analysis of their tandem mass spectral data in the negative ion mode. Several isomers were differentiated. More interesting, three unreported triterpenoid saponins in this medicinal plant were detected and their structures were deduced according to the dissociation pathway of the known triterpenoidal saponins. This chapter also confirms the special fragmentation pathway of Raddeanin A by its derivative and the mass spectral analysis. The second and third chapters expatiate on the isolation and identification of the chemical constituents from A. raddeana and A. hupehensis. Eight compounds were isolated from the roots and stems of A. raddeana by methanol extraction and repeated column chromatography (including D101 and silica gel), and their structures were determined on the basis of IR, ESI-MS, NMR and chemical methods (including acid hydrolysis and alkaline saponification). Among them, four are new triterpenoid saponins and named as Raddeanoside R19, Raddeanoside R20, Raddeanoside R21 and Raddeanoside R22. Six compounds were isolated from the whole plants of A. hupehensis by the same methods as above, and their structures were also determined with the same way. One of them was confirmed to be new triterpenoid saponins and named as hupehensis saponin H. In the fourth chapter, in order to look for new active compounds, the structure of Raddeanin A and its analogs were modified. It was found that the modified products exhibited obvious inhibitory activity against PTP-1B when several acid groups were introduced. The fifth chapter summarizes the progress on the application of ESI-MSn in the structure identification of saponins.


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本论文由三章组成。 第一章是关于厚朴中具有α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制活性成分的研究。凹叶厚朴的乙醇提取物显示了较强的α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制活性。为了确定其活性成分,在活性测试的指导下,通过溶剂萃取、树脂吸附和反复硅胶柱层析等分离方法从凹叶厚朴乙醇提取物中分离得到6 个生物碱,并用质谱和核磁共振等波谱方法分别鉴定为:木兰箭毒碱,木兰花碱,鹅掌楸碱,蕃荔枝碱,罗默碱和Lysicamine。应用小肠α-葡萄糖苷酶模型测定了它们对α-葡萄糖苷酶的抑制作用。其中,番荔枝碱和木兰箭毒碱对α-葡萄糖苷酶相对抑制活性最好,分别为60%和62%;其它四个生物碱成分对α-葡萄糖苷酶的抑制活性几乎相当,鹅掌楸碱为46%,罗默碱为51%,Lysicamine 为49%,木兰花碱为51%。 第二章报道了厚朴酚的衍生物及其对α-葡萄糖苷酶的抑制活性。根据糖苷酶抑制剂的结构特点,设计合成了一系列厚朴酚的衍生物。厚朴酚经过Mannich 反应和环氧化及开环反应制备了一系列衍生物,经活性测试发现衍生物活性与取代基关系较大,其中5,5′-diallyl-3-((bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino)methyl)biphenyl-2,2′-diol 的抑制活性最高,为72%。 第三章综述了厚朴的化学成分及药理活性两个方面的研究进展。 The dissertation consists of three chapters. The first chapter is about the study on the constituents with α-glycosidase inhibitory activity from Magnolia officinalis. The EtOH extracts of M. officinalis Rehd. et Wils showed good inhibitory activity against α-Glucosidase. In order to determine the active compounds, bio-assay was used to guide the isolation. Six known alkaloids were isolated by solvent extraction and repeated silica gel column chromatography, and their structures were identified as liriodenine, anonaine, roemerine, lysicamine, magnoflorine and magnocurarine by spectroscopic methods. The inhibitory activity against α-Glucosidase of these alkaloids was measured with alvine screening model of α-glucosidase. Among them, lysicamine and liriodenine have the best inhibitory activity at 60% and 62%, respectively. The other four alkaloids have close inhibitory activity, from 46% to 51%. The second chapter is about the derivation of magnolol and the inhibitory a ctivity of the derivatives. Seven derivatives of magnolol were prepared by Manni-ch reaction, epoxidation followed by ring-opening reaction. Biological activity as say indicated the inhibitory activity was related to substituting groups. Among them, 5,5′-diallyl-3-((bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino)methyl)biphenyl-2,2′-diol had the highest activity at 72%. The third chapter is a review on the progress of M. officinalis including chemical constituents and pharmacological activity.


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To investigate the hot electrons in highly charged electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma, Bremsstrahlung radiations were measured on two ECR ion sources at the Institute of Modern Physics. Used as a comparative index of the mean energy of the hot electrons, a spectral temperature, Tspe, is derived through a linear fitting of the spectra in a semi-logarithmic representation. The influences of the external source parameters, especially the magnetic configuration, on the hot electrons are studied systematically. This study has experimentally demonstrated the importance of high microwave frequency and high magnetic field in the electron resonance heating to produce a high density of hot electrons, which is consistent with the empirical ECR scaling laws. The experimental results have again shown that a good compromise is needed between the ion extraction and the plasma confinement for an efficient production of highly charged ion beams. In addition, this investigation has shown that the correlation between the mean energy of the hot electrons and the magnetic field gradient at the ECR is well in agreement with the theoretical models.中文摘要:ECR(电子回旋共振)离子源是产生稳定的强流多电荷态离子束流最有效装置。全永磁 ECR 离子源因其独特的特点为很多中小型多电荷态离子束流实验平台与离子注入机等系统所采用,为后者产生重复性好、稳定性强的多电荷态离子束流。本文着重论述了中国科学院近代物理研究所研制的几台全永磁多电荷态ECR离子源及其特性与典型性能,如能产生强流高电荷态离子束流的高性能全永磁离子源LAPECR2,能产生强流中低电荷态离子束流的LAPECR1,能产生多电荷态重金属离子束流的LAPECR1-M等。这些性能稳定的离子源为提高近代物理研究所相关试验平台的性能提供了关键的束流品质保障。


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A Superconducting ECR ion source with Advanced design in Lanzhou (SECRAL) was successfully built to produce intense beams of highly charged ions for Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL). The ion source has been optimized to be operated at 28GHz for its maximum performance. The superconducting magnet confinement configuration of the ion source consists of three axial solenoid coils and six sextupole coils with a cold iron structure as field booster and clamping. For 28GHz operation, the magnet assembly can produce peak mirror fields on axis 3.6T at injection, 2.2T at extraction and a radial sextupole field of 2.0T at plasma chamber wall. A unique feature of SECRAL is that the three axial solenoid coils are located inside of the sextupole bore in order to reduce the interaction forces between the sextupole coils and the solenoid coils. During the ongoing commissioning phase at 18GHz with a stainless steel chamber, tests with various gases and some metals have been conducted with microwave power less than 3.2kW and it turned out the performance is very promising. Some record ion beam intensities have been produced, for instance, 810e mu A of O7+, 505e mu A of Xe20+, 306e mu A of Xe27+, 21e mu A of Xe34+, 2.4e mu A of Xe38+ and so on. To reach better results for highly charged ion beams, further modifications such as an aluminium chamber with better cooling, higher microwave power and a movable extraction system will be done, and also emittance measurements are being prepared.


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There has been increasing demand to provide higher beam intensity and high enough beam energy for heavy ion accelerator and some other applications, which has driven electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source to produce higher charge state ions with higher beam intensity. One of development trends for highly charged ECR ion source is to build new generation ECR sources by utilization of superconducting magnet technology. SECRAL (superconducting ECR ion source with advanced design in Lanzhou) was successfully built to produce intense beams of highly charged ion for Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL). The ion source has been optimized to be operated at 28 GHz for its maximum performance. The superconducting magnet confinement configuration of the ion source consists of three axial solenoid coils and six sextupole coils with a cold iron structure as field booster and clamping. An innovative design of SECRAL is that the three axial solenoid coils are located inside of the sextupole bore in order to reduce the interaction forces between the sextupole coils and the solenoid coils. For 28 GHz operation, the magnet assembly can produce peak mirror fields on axis of 3.6 T at injection, 2.2 T at extraction, and a radial sextupole field of 2.0 T at plasma chamber wall. During the commissioning phase at 18 GHz with a stainless steel chamber, tests with various gases and some metals have been conducted with microwave power less than 3.5 kW by two 18 GHz rf generators. It demonstrates the performance is very promising. Some record ion beam intensities have been produced, for instance, 810 e mu A of O7+, 505 e mu A of Xe20+ 306 e mu A of Xe27+, and so on. The effect of the magnetic field configuration on the ion source performance has been studied experimentally. SECRAL has been put into operation to provide highly charged ion beams for HIRFL facility since May 2007.


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Some superconducting magnets research at IMP (Institute of Modern Physics, CAS, Lanzhou) will be described in this paper. Firstly, a superconducting electron cyclotron resonance ion source (SECRAL) was successfully built to produce intense beams of highly charged heavy ions for Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL). An innovation design of SECRAL is that the three axial solenoid coils are located inside of a sextupole bore in order to reduce the interaction forces between the sextupole coils and the solenoid coils. For 28 GHz operation, the magnet assembly can produce peak mirror fields on axis of 3.6 T at injection, 2.2 T at extraction, and a radial sextupole field of 2.0 T at plasma chamber wall. Some excellent results of ion beam intensity have been produced and SECRAL has been put into operation to provide highly charged ion beams for HIRFL since May 2007. Secondly, a super-ferric dipole prototype of FAIR Super-FRS is being built by FCG (FAIR China Group) in cooperation with GSI. Its superconducting coils and cryostat is made and tested in the Institute of Plasma Physics (IPP, Hefei), and it more 50 tons laminated yoke was made in IMP. This super-ferric dipole static magnetic field was measured in IMP, it reach to the design requirement, ramping field and other tests will be done in the future. Thirdly, a 3 T superconducting homogenous magnetic field solenoid with a 70 mm warm bore has been developed to calibrate Hall sensor, some testing results is reported. And a penning trap system called LPT (Lanzhou Penning Trap) is now being developed for precise mass measurements.


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Melatonin is a highly conserved molecule that not only exists in animals, but also is present in bacteria, unicellular organisms and in plants. Since melatonin is an antioxidant, in plants melatonin was speculated to protect them from intrinsic and environmental oxidative stress. More importantly, melatonin in edible plants inevitably enters animals and human through feed and food. In this study, more than 100 Chinese medicinal herbs were analyzed using the methods of solid phase extraction and HPLC-FD on-line with MS to determine whether melatonin is present in these commonly used herbs. Melatonin was detected in majority of these plants. Sixty-four of them contain melatonin in excess of 10 ng per gram dry mass. Melatonin levels in several herbs are in excess of 1000 ng/g. It is well known that normal average physiological plasma levels of melatonin are only 10-60 pg/mL. These high level-melatonin containing plants are traditionally used to treat diseases which presumably involve free radical damage. The current study provides new information concerning one potentially effective constituent present in a large number of medicinal herbs. The results suggest that these herbs should be reevaluated in reference to their nutritional and medicinal value. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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基于全国 1:10 0万的栅格数字高程模型 ( DEM)数据 ,在 ARC/ INFO的 GRID模块支持下 ,利用窗口分析方法 ,经过采样统计 ,确定中国水土流失地形起伏度的最佳分析窗口大小为 5 km× 5 km;基于 5 km× 5 km的分析窗口 ,提取了中国水土流失地形起伏度 ,完成了中国水土流失地形起伏度制图 ;最后对中国水土流失地形起伏度进行了适用性分析 ,并将其初步应用于中国潜在水土流失评价


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Compared with other existing methods, the feature point-based image watermarking schemes can resist to global geometric attacks and local geometric attacks, especially cropping and random bending attacks (RBAs), by binding watermark synchronization with salient image characteristics. However, the watermark detection rate remains low in the current feature point-based watermarking schemes. The main reason is that both of feature point extraction and watermark embedding are more or less related to the pixel position, which is seriously distorted by the interpolation error and the shift problem during geometric attacks. In view of these facts, this paper proposes a geometrically robust image watermarking scheme based on local histogram. Our scheme mainly consists of three components: (1) feature points extraction and local circular regions (LCRs) construction are conducted by using Harris-Laplace detector; (2) a mechanism of grapy theoretical clustering-based feature selection is used to choose a set of non-overlapped LCRs, then geometrically invariant LCRs are completely formed through dominant orientation normalization; and (3) the histogram and mean statistically independent of the pixel position are calculated over the selected LCRs and utilized to embed watermarks. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can provide sufficient robustness against geometric attacks as well as common image processing operations. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Kinetics and mechanism of stripping of yttrium(III) previously extracted by mixtures of bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl)phosphinic acid (Cyanex 272, HA), and 2-ethylhexyl phosphonic acid mono-2-ethylhexl ester (P507, HB) dissolved in heptane have been investigated by constant interfacial-area cell by laminar flow. The corresponding equilibrium stripping equation and equilibrium constant were obtained. The studies of effects of the stirring rate and temperature on the stripping rate show that the stripping regime is dependent on the stripping conditions. The plot of interfacial area on the rate has shown a linear relationship. This fact together with the strong surface activity of mixtures of Cyanex 272 and P507 at heptane-water interfaces makes the interface the most probable locale for the chemical reactions. The stripping rate constant is obtained, and the value is compared with that of the system with Cyanex 272 and P507 alone. It is concluded that the stripping ability with the mixtures is easier than that of P507 due to lower the activation energy of the mixtures. The stripping rate equation has also been obtained, and the rate-determining steps are the two-step interfacial chemical reactions as predicted from interfacial reaction models.


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Extraction and separation of Eu3+ and Zn2+ in sulfuric acid solution was investigated by hollow fiber membrane with cyanex 302 (bis (2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) monothiophosphinic acid) in counter-currently circulating operation. Reaction mechanism of membrane extraction and effect of extractant concentration and H+ concentration in aqueous phase on the mass transfer coefficient were discussed. It can be concluded that Zn2+ can be extracted completely from Eu3+ sulfate solution according to the kinetics competing difference. In one extractor process, extraction percentage of Zn2+ was not completely and Eu3+ was not extracted. Extraction percentage of Zn2+ reached 94.92%, but Eu3+ only reached 8.59% after 100 minutes extraction in two series connectors and that of Zn2+ and Eu3+ reached 99.9% and 6.53% respectively after 40 minutes extraction in three series connectors.


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The CIAC (Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry) Comprehensive information System of Rare Earths is composed of three subsystems, namely, extraction data, physicochemical properties, and reference data. This paper describes the databases pertaining to the extraction of rare earths and their physicochemical properties and discusses the relationships between data retrieval and optimization and between the structures of the extractants and the efficiency with which they are extracted. Expert systems for rare earth extraction and calculation of thermodynamic parameters are described, and an application of pattern recognition to the problems of classification of compounds of the rare earths and prediction of their properties is reported.


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生物柴油是绿色清洁可再生能源,大力发展生物柴油对解决影响我国经济可持续发展的能源危机和环境危机具有重要意义。 本文就海洋滩涂能源油料植物海滨锦葵油脂的提取和制备生物柴油技术进行了研究。 1、利用超临界CO2流体萃取技术提取海滨锦葵籽油。结果表明超临界CO2流体萃取技术提取海滨锦葵籽油的最佳工艺参数为:萃取压力25MPa,萃取温度45℃,CO2流量18kg.h-1,萃取时间为120min,在该工艺条件下萃取三次,海滨锦葵籽油萃取率达到19.35%。 2、以海滨锦葵籽仁为原料,利用水酶法提取海滨锦葵籽仁油。水酶法提取海滨锦葵籽油的最佳工艺参数为:酶用量0.024ml.g-1,提取温度63℃,固液比1/6,提取时间为230min,在该工艺条件下海滨锦葵籽油提取率达到24.28%。 3、海滨锦葵油制备生物柴油的最佳工艺参数为:搅拌强度为1800r.min-1,催化剂KOH用量为海滨锦葵油质量的1%,醇油摩尔比6/1,反应时间50min,反应温度65℃,在该工艺条件下,酯交换反应三次,酯交换率达到97.8%。 4、利用固定化脂肪酶Novo435催化海滨锦葵油酯交换制备生物柴油。结果表明海滨锦葵油固定化脂肪酶催化法制备制备生物柴油的最优工艺参数为反应温度47℃,反应时间31h,催化剂用量18%,搅拌强度900r.min-1,醇油摩尔比3.2/1。在该工艺条件下酯交换率达到92.68%。 5、利用超临界法制备生物柴油,结果表明海滨锦葵油超临界法制备生物柴油的最佳工艺条件为:反应温度为300℃,反应压力为12MPa,反应时间为9min,搅拌强度为300r.min-1,醇油摩尔比为30/1。在此条件下,酯交换反应三次,酯交换率可达97.62%。 6、利用超声波辅助法制备生物柴油。结果表明海滨锦葵油超声波辅助法制备生物柴油的最佳工艺参数为:超声波功率为180W,催化剂KOH用量为海滨锦葵油质量的0.6%,反应温度65℃,醇油摩尔比7/1,在该工艺条件下酯交换反应三次,酯交换率达到99.85%。