990 resultados para Kit Embrapa


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Sample preparation and DNA extraction protocols for DNA amplification by PCR, which can be applied in human fecal samples for taeniasis diagnosis, are described. DNA extracted from fecal specimens with phenol/chloroform/isoamilic alcohol and DNAzol® reagent had to be first purified to generate fragments of 170 pb and 600 pb by HDP2-PCR. This purification step was not necessary with the use of QIAmp DNA stool mini kit®. Best DNA extraction results were achieved after eggs disruption with glass beads, either with phenol/chloroform/isoamilic alcohol, DNAzol® reagent or QIAmp DNA stool mini kit®.


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The basidiomycetous yeast Cryptococcus neoformans is an important fungal pathogen mainly in immunocompromised patients. In this study, 47 clinical isolates of C. neoformans from regions of São Paulo State were studied serologically by using the Crypto Check Iatron RM 304-K kit, their genetic diversity was estimated by PCR-fingerprinting with a microsatellite-specific sequence (GACA)4, RAPD with primer 6 (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech), PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the phospholipase B gene (PLB1) digested with AvaI and mating type analysis by PCR. All 47 strains isolated from HIV positive patients included in this study were serotype A and MATalpha. The majority of the isolates (45/47) were VNI and only two were VNII by PCR-fingerprinting and PCR-RFLP analysis. High degree of homogeneity was observed when (GACA)4 was used, being highly correlated (> 0.9). In contrast, the RAPD analysis was more heterogeneous with higher number of molecular profiles. By PCR-RFLP, no new molecular type was found, enhancing the suggestion that the differences based on conserved gene as PLB1, can be resultant of ongoing divergent evolution within the C. neoformans complex, into the current eight subtypes. Our results furnish new information on the molecular epidemiology of C. neoformans in the southeast region of Brazil.


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A seroprevalence study to detect total antibodies against Hepatitis A Virus was done with 220 samples from 589 Native Indians from Xingu National Park, Brazil, in five Kaiabi and Kuikuro villages, the most populous ethnic groups. Using a commercial immunoassay kit we detected 97.7% positive samples (95% Confidence Interval: 95%-99%). We noticed a precocious seroconversion, before the age of six years, when the disease is usually asymptomatic. These results are similar to those found in the literature in non-Indian population studies of the Northern, Northeastern and West Central regions of Brazil. They suggest that it is not necessary to introduce vaccination against Hepatitis A in these highly endemic populations.


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Cryptococcus neoformans is an encapsulated yeast, etiological agent of cryptococcosis. The species is commonly associated with pigeon droppings and plant materials. The aim of the present work was to verify the presence of the yeast in pigeon droppings, and to identify the isolates obtained in serotypes and mating types (MAT). Ten samples of pigeon droppings were collected in the rural area of the city of Alfenas, Brazil. Samples were inoculated in agar Niger medium for fungal isolation and 22 isolates with characteristics of C. neoformans were obtained. The serotypes and MAT were determined by multiplex PCR using specific primers. Serotypes were also determined by using the Kit Crypto Check. Among the 22 samples evaluated, eight were identified as C. neoformans by classic identification tests. These samples were characterized as serotype A by the Kit Crypto check and as serotype A MAT alpha by the multiplex PCR. The present study reinforces the evidence that pigeon droppings are a reservoir for C. neoformans and confirms the prevalence of C. neoformans var. grubii (Aalpha) among environmental isolates. It also demonstrates that multiplex PCR is an acceptable alternative for serotype analysis because it reduces the costs for each reaction and analyses serotype and MAT simultaneously.


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Os autores apresentam as recomendações para a análise mutacional de GISTs, aprovadas por unanimidade por um grupo multidisciplinar em 20 de Julho de 2012. O estado mutacional de genes como o KIT e o PDGFRA permite identificar alvos terapêuticos para inibidores da tirosinacínase (ITKs) e, por isso, a boa prática clínica nas decisões bioterapêuticas de doentes com GISTs deve incluir a análise do estado mutacional. A análise mutacional da doença primária não é recomendada na rotina diagnóstica da generalidade dos GISTs; no entanto, pode ter valor prognóstico e ser útil na seleção de doentes, após ressecção completa de GIST primário e é considerada experimental na doença progressiva sob tratamento com ITKs. A análise mutacional deve considerar-se nos casos selecionados descritos neste texto e ser realizada em laboratórios em conformidade com padrões elevados de garantia de qualidade, atendendo ao seu elevado impacto sobre as decisões clínicas.


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Over a two year period, the incidence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection was evaluated in 29 hemodialysis patients, aged between 15 and 75 years (mean ± SD: 45 ± 39.5 years), from the University Hospital Hemodyalisis Unit, Maracaibo, Zulia State, Venezuela. Anti-HCV antibodies were determined using a fourth generation ELISA (Innotest HCV Ab IV) kit and positive blood samples were tested using a recombinant assay kit (Inno-LIA HCV Ab III), both kits from Innogenetics N.V., Belgium. The findings indicate a lack of HCV seroconversion in the hemodialysis patients over the study period, confirmed by the recombinant assay. Risk factors for HCV infection were 0.3270 (95% confidence interval: 0.01323-8.080) in patients undergoing hemodialysis. The findings suggest a lack of significant sources for HCV infection due to the preventive measures to avoid its transmission in the hemodialysis unit.


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Based on the report for “Project IV” unit of the PhD programme on Technology Assessment. This thesis research has the supervision of António Moniz (FCT-UNL and ITAS-KIT) and Manuel Laranja (ISEG-UTL). Other members of the thesis committee are Stefan Kuhlmann (Twente University), Leonhard Hennen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology-ITAS), Tiago Santos Pereira (Universidade de Coimbra/CES) and Cristina Sousa (FCT-UNL).


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Based on the report for “Project IV” unit of the PhD programme on Technology Assessment (Doctoral Conference) at Universidade Nova de Lisboa (December 2011). This thesis research has the supervision of António Moniz (FCT-UNL and ITAS-KIT) and Michael Decker (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology-ITAS). Other members of the thesis committee are Carlos Alberto da Silva (University of Évora), José Maria de Albuquerque (Institute of Welding and Quality), Lotte Steuten (University of Twente), Mário Forjaz Secca (FCT-UNL) and Nelson Chibeles Martins (FCT-UNL).


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The present article is based on the report for the Doctoral Conference of the PhD programme in Technology Assessment, held at FCT-UNL Campus, Monte de Caparica, June 9th, 2011. The PhD thesis has the supervision of Prof. António Moniz (FCT-UNL and ITAS-KIT), and co-supervision of Prof. Manuel Seabra Pereira and Prof. Rosário Macário (both from IST-UTL).


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Introduction: Entamoeba histolytica infections were investigated in residents of the Ariquemes and Monte Negro municipalities in Rondônia State, Brazil. Methods: Stool samples of 216 individuals were processed by the spontaneous sedimentation method and analyzed by microscopy for detection of the E. histolytica/E. dispar complex, followed by the immunoassay method using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay-based kit for the E. histolytica stool antigen. Results: E. histolytica/E. dispar cysts were present in 61% (50/82) and 44% (59/134) of the samples from Ariquemes and Monte Negro respectively, with a significant difference in the occurrence of infection between the two populations [p < 0.05; χ2 = 5.2; odds ratio = 2.0 (1.1 - 3.6)]. The E. histolytica antigen detection rate was 36.6% (30/82) for stool samples from Ariquemes, and 19.4% (26/134) for stool taken from the residents of Monte Negro. The rate of the occurrence of amoebiasis was significantly higher in the population from Ariquemes [p < 0.05; χ2 = 7.8; odds ratio = 2.4 (1.2 - 4.7)]. Discussion: Due to the high occurrence of E. histolytica infected residents diagnosed in the region and the unavailability in local clinics of a test to distinguish between the two Entamoeba species, physicians should consider treating E. histolytica/E.dispar infections. Conclusion: The results indicate that E. histolytica infection is highly endemic in the studied areas.


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Introdução: A urticária ao frio (UF), habitualmente considerada como benigna e autolimitada, é muitas vezes não diagnosticada nem devidamente valorizada. No entanto, pode ser causa de reacção sistémica grave, potencialmente fatal. Objectivos e Métodos: De forma a aprofundar o conhecimento sobre esta patologia, avaliámos 16 doentes com UF, caracterizando a clínica, etiologia e duração da doença. Resultados: A média etária foi de 18,3 anos (7-54 anos), com predomínio de crianças com menos de 18 anos (63%) e do sexo masculino (62,5%). O início dos sintomas ocorreu entre os 3 e os 46 anos. Em 5 doentes foi adquirida tolerância, variando a duração da doença entre 2 e 7 anos (média de 3,8 anos). Nos 11 doentes que mantinham sintomas, o tempo médio da doença foi de 4,3 anos (1-9 anos). As queixas eram do tipo imediato em todos os doentes, ocorrendo sobretudo no decurso de actividades aquáticas, mas também com exposição a ar frio, chuva, neve, ingestão de alimentos frios e manipulação de objectos frios. O padrão clínico foi do tipo I (urticária/angioedema localizado) em 4 doentes, do tipo II (urticária/angioedema generalizado, sem hipotensão) em 6, e do tipo III (reacção sistémica grave) em 6 (dos quais 5 eram crianças). O teste do cubo de gelo foi positivo em todos os casos, à excepção de 2 casos de UF atípica. Na maioria dos doentes com padrão clínico tipo III, o teste foi positivo com ≤ 3 minutos de estimulação. A maioria dos casos(81%) correspondeu a UF adquirida idiopática, destacando-se 3 casos de UF adquirida secundária: 1 criança com crioglobulinémia primária e 2 com uma forma secundária a infecção por vírus Epstein-Barr. Nenhum doente tinha história familiar de UF. Em 3 doentes a UF associava-se a outra urticária física: urticária colinérgica (2) e urticária aquagénica (1). A melhoria sintomática foi obtida em todos os doentes com anti histamínicos (isoladamente ou em associação). Foi prescrito kit de adrenalina nos casos com padrão clínico tipo III. Conclusões: A UF adquirida idiopática foi o tipo mais frequente, destacando-se 3 casos raros de UF secundária, um a crioglobulinémia primária e dois a mononucleose infecciosa. A quantificação do resultado do teste do cubo de gelo revelou-se importante para a avaliação da gravidade da doença e para o seguimento do doente. A UF manifestou-se, num elevado número de doentes, por reacção sistémica grave, particularmente em crianças e durante actividades aquáticas, realçando a importância do reconhecimento desta entidade clínica.


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Na sociedade atual, a preocupação com o ambiente, por um lado, e com o conforto e a segurança, por outro, faz com que a sustentabilidade energética se assuma como uma forma de intervenção adequada às exigências de qualidade de vida e à eficiência no âmbito da economia. Nesta conformidade, é incontornável a mais-valia do Smart Panel, um quadro elétrico inteligente criado com vista à consecução daqueles desideratos, o que motivou o tema do presente trabalho. Assim, pretende-se demonstrar as potencialidades do Smart Panel, um novo conceito de quadro elétrico que visa a otimização da sua funcionalidade na gestão dinâmica e pragmática das instalações elétricas, nomeadamente no que respeita ao controlo, monitorização e atuação sobre os dispositivos, quer in loco quer, sobretudo, à distância. Para a consecução deste objetivo, concorrem outros que o potenciam, designadamente a compreensão do funcionamento do quadro elétrico (QE) tradicional, a comparação deste com o Smart Panel e a demonstração das vantagens da utilização desta nova tecnologia. A grande finalidade do trabalho desenvolvido é, por um lado, colocar a formação académica ao serviço de um bom desempenho profissional futuro, por outro ir ao encontro da tendência tecnológica inerente às necessidades que o homem, hoje, tem de controlar. Deste modo, num primeiro momento, é feita uma abordagem geral ao quadro eléctrico tradicional a fim de ser compreendido o seu funcionamento, aplicações e potencialidades. Para tanto, a explanação inclui a apresentação de conceitos teóricos subjacentes à conceção, produção e montagem do QE. São explicitados os diversos componentes que o integram e funções que desempenham, bem como as interações que estabelecem entre si e os normativos a que devem obedecer, para conformidade. Houve a preocupação de incluir imagens coadjuvantes das explicações, descrições e procedimentos técnicos. No terceiro capítulo é abordada a tecnologia Smart Panel, introduzindo o conceito e objetivos que lhe subjazem. Explicita-se o modo de funcionamento deste sistema que agrupa proteção, supervisão, controlo, armazenamento e manutenção preventiva, e demonstra-se de que forma a capacidade de leitura de dados, de comunicação e de comando do quadro elétrico à distância se afigura uma revolução tecnológica facilitadora do cumprimento das necessidades de segurança, conforto e economia da vida moderna. Os capítulos quarto, quinto e sexto versam uma componente prática do trabalho. No capítulo quarto é explanado um suporte formativo e posterior demonstração do kit de ensaio, que servirá de apoio à apresentação da tecnologia Smart Panel aos clientes. Além deste suporte de formação, no quinto capítulo é elaborada uma lista de procedimentos de verificação a serem executados aos componentes de comunicação que integram o Smart Panel, para fornecimento ao quadrista. Por fim, no sexto capítulo incluem-se dois casos de estudo: o estudo A centra-se na aplicação da tecnologia Smart Panel ao projeto de um QE tradicional, que implica fazer o levantamento de toda a aparelhagem existente e, de seguida, proceder à transposição para a tecnologia Smart Panel por forma a cumprir os requisitos estabelecidos pelo cliente. O estudo de caso B consiste na elaboração de um projeto de um quadro eléctrico com a tecnologia Smart Panel em função de determinados requisitos e necessidades do cliente, por forma a garantir as funções desejadas.


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Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is one of the major causes of childhood seizures in developing countries including India and Latin America. In this study neurological pediatric cases presenting with afebrile seizures were screened for anti-Cysticercus antibodies (IgG) in their sera in order to estimate the possible burden of cysticercal etiology. The study included a total of 61 pediatric afebrile seizure subjects (aged one to 15 years old); there was a male predominance. All the sera were tested using a pre-evaluated commercially procured IgG-ELISA kit (UB-Magiwell Cysticercosis Kit ™). Anti-Cysticercus antibody in serum was positive in 23 of 61 (37.7%) cases. The majority of cases with a positive ELISA test presented with generalized seizure (52.17%), followed by complex partial seizure (26.08%), and simple partial seizure (21.73%). Headaches were the major complaint (73.91%). Other presentations were vomiting (47.82%), pallor (34.78%), altered sensorium (26.08%), and muscle weakness (13.04%). There was one hemiparesis case diagnosed to be NCC. In this study one child without any significant findings on imaging was also found to be positive by serology. There was a statistically significant association found between the cases with multiple lesions on the brain and the ELISA-positivity (p = 0.017). Overall positivity of the ELISA showed a potential cysticercal etiology. Hence, neurocysticercosis should be suspected in every child presenting with afebrile seizure especially with a radio-imaging supportive diagnosis in tropical developing countries or areas endemic for taeniasis/cysticercosis.


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There is a clear need to perform epidemiological studies to find the true prevalence of Entamoeba histolytica around the world. The evaluation of this prevalence has been hindered by the existence of two different species which are morphologically identical, but genetically different, namely E. histolytica, which causes amebiasis, and E. dispar, which is non-pathogenic. In Brazil, the E. dispar has been detected in communities in the Southeastern (SE) and Northeastern (NE) regions with poor sanitation. However, individuals infected with E. histolytica have been identified in other regions. There is an absence of reports on the prevalence of these parasites in the state of Paraíba, which also has areas with poor sanitary conditions where a high prevalence of the E. histolytica/E. dispar complex has been detected in children from urban slums. The present study evaluated the prevalence of E. histolytica and E. dispar in 1,195 asymptomatic children between two and 10 years of age, living in a sprawling urban slum in Campina Grande, in the state of Paraíba, in Northeastern Brazil. These children were examined and their feces samples were analyzed microscopically. A total of 553 children tested positive for the E. histolytica/E. dispar complex, and 456 of the positive samples were tested with the E. histolytica II® ELISA kit. All 456 samples were negative for the presence of the adhesin E. histolytica specific antigen. The evidence suggests that in this community E. histolytica is absent and E. dispar is the dominant species.


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The term “mastocytosis” denotes a heterogeneous group of disorders characterised by abnormal growth and accumulation of mast cells (MC) in one or more organ systems. Symptoms result from MC chemical mediator’s release, pathologic infiltration of neoplastic MC in tissues or both. Multiple molecular, genetic and chromosomal defects seem to contribute to an autonomous growth, but somatic c-kit D816V mutation is more frequently encountered, especially in systemic disease. We present a literature review of mastocytosis and a rare case report of an 18 month-old-girl with a bullous dermatosis, respiratory distress and anaphylaxis, as clinical manifestations of mastocytosis. The developments of accepted classification systems and novel useful markers allowed a re-evaluation and updating of the classification of mastocytosis. In paediatric age cutaneous forms of disease prevail and may regress spontaneously. SM is more frequently diagnosed in adults and is a persistent(clonal) disease of bone marrow. The clinical course in these patients is variable.Today diagnostic criteria for each disease variant are reasonably well defined. There are, however, peculiarities, namely in paediatric age, that makes the diagnostic approach difficult. Systemic disease may pose differential diagnostic problems resulting from multiple organ systems involvement. Coversly, the “unexplained” appearance of those symptoms with no skin lesions should raise the suspicion of MC disease. This case is reported in order to stress the clinical severity and difficult diagnostic approach that paediatric mastocytosis may assume.