1000 resultados para Keresztes, László: Development of Mordvin definite conjugation
The murine gut epithelium contains a large population of thymus-derived intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs), including both conventional CD4(+) and CD8alphabeta(+) T cells (expressing T-cell receptor alphabeta [TCRalphabeta]) and unconventional CD8alphaalpha(+) T cells (expressing either TCRalphabeta or TCRgammadelta). Whereas conventional IELs are widely accepted to arise from recirculation of activated CD4(+) and CD8alphabeta(+) T cells from the secondary lymphoid organs to the gut, the origin and developmental pathway of unconventional CD8alphaalpha IELs remain controversial. We show here that CD4-Cre-mediated inactivation of c-Myc, a broadly expressed transcription factor with a wide range of biologic activities, selectively impairs the development of CD8alphaalpha TCRalphabeta IELs. In the absence of c-Myc, CD4(-) CD8(-) TCRalphabeta(+) thymic precursors of CD8alphaalpha TCRalphabeta IELs are present but fail to develop on adoptive transfer in immunoincompetent hosts. Residual c-Myc-deficient CD8alphaalpha TCRalphabeta IEL display reduced proliferation and increased apoptosis, which correlate with significantly decreased expression of interleukin-15 receptor subunits and lower levels of the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2. Transgenic overexpression of human BCL-2 resulted in a pronounced rescue of CD8alphaalpha TCRalphabeta IEL in c-Myc-deficient mice. Taken together, our data support a model in which c-Myc controls the development of CD8alphaalpha TCRalphabeta IELs from thymic precursors by regulating interleukin-15 receptor expression and consequently Bcl-2-dependent survival.
The asphalt concrete (AC) dynamic modulus (|E*|) is a key design parameter in mechanistic-based pavement design methodologies such as the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) MEPDG/Pavement-ME Design. The objective of this feasibility study was to develop frameworks for predicting the AC |E*| master curve from falling weight deflectometer (FWD) deflection-time history data collected by the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT). A neural networks (NN) methodology was developed based on a synthetically generated viscoelastic forward solutions database to predict AC relaxation modulus (E(t)) master curve coefficients from FWD deflection-time history data. According to the theory of viscoelasticity, if AC relaxation modulus, E(t), is known, |E*| can be calculated (and vice versa) through numerical inter-conversion procedures. Several case studies focusing on full-depth AC pavements were conducted to isolate potential backcalculation issues that are only related to the modulus master curve of the AC layer. For the proof-of-concept demonstration, a comprehensive full-depth AC analysis was carried out through 10,000 batch simulations using a viscoelastic forward analysis program. Anomalies were detected in the comprehensive raw synthetic database and were eliminated through imposition of certain constraints involving the sigmoid master curve coefficients. The surrogate forward modeling results showed that NNs are able to predict deflection-time histories from E(t) master curve coefficients and other layer properties very well. The NN inverse modeling results demonstrated the potential of NNs to backcalculate the E(t) master curve coefficients from single-drop FWD deflection-time history data, although the current prediction accuracies are not sufficient to recommend these models for practical implementation. Considering the complex nature of the problem investigated with many uncertainties involved, including the possible presence of dynamics during FWD testing (related to the presence and depth of stiff layer, inertial and wave propagation effects, etc.), the limitations of current FWD technology (integration errors, truncation issues, etc.), and the need for a rapid and simplified approach for routine implementation, future research recommendations have been provided making a strong case for an expanded research study.
The objective of this work was to adapt the CROPGRO model, which is part of the DSSAT system, for simulating the cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) growth and development under soil and climate conditions of the Baixo Parnaíba region, Piauí State, Brazil. In the CROPGRO, only input parameters that define crop species, cultivars, and ecotype were changed in order to characterize the cowpea crop. Soil and climate files were created for the considered site. Field experiments without water deficit were used to calibrate the model. In these experiments, dry matter (DM), leaf area index (LAI), yield components and grain yield of cowpea (cv. BR 14 Mulato) were evaluated. The results showed good fit for DM and LAI estimates. The medium values of R² and medium absolute error (MAE) were, respectively, 0.95 and 264.9 kg ha-1 for DM, and 0.97 and 0.22 for LAI. The difference between observed and simulated values of plant phenology varied from 0 to 3 days. The model also presented good performance for yield components simulation, excluding 100-grain weight, for which the error ranged from 20.9% to 34.3%. Considering the medium values of crop yield in two years, the model presented an error from 5.6%.
OBJECTIVES: In 2002, the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland, implemented a coordinated pharmaceutical care service in nursing homes to promote rational drug use. In the context of this service, a project was conducted to develop recommendations for the pharmacological management of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) in nursing home residents. DESIGN AND METHODS: Selected evidence-based guidelines and meta-analysis sources related to the management of depression, insomnia, and agitation in dementia patients were systematically searched and evaluated. Evidence and controversies regarding the pharmacological treatment of the most common BPSD symptoms were reviewed, and treatment algorithms were developed. RESULTS: Ten evidence-based guidelines and meta-analyses for BPSD management were identified, with none specifically addressing issues related to nursing home residents. Based on this literature, recommendations were developed for the practice of pharmacological management of depression, sleep disturbances, and agitation in nursing home residents. For depression, SSRIs are considered the first choice if an antidepressant is required. No clear evidence has been found for sleep disturbances; the underlying conditions need to be investigated closely before the introduction of any drug therapy. Many drugs have been investigated for the treatment of agitation, and if necessary, antipsychotics could be used, although they have significant side effects. Several areas of uncertainty were identified, such as the current controversy about typical and atypical antipsychotic use or the appropriateness of cholinesterase inhibitors for controlling agitation. Treatment algorithms were presented to general practitioners, pharmacists, and medical directors of nursing homes in the canton of Fribourg, and will now be implemented progressively, using educational sessions, pharmaceutical counseling, and monitoring. CONCLUSION: Based on existing evidence-based studies, recommendations were developed for the practice of pharmacological management of depression, sleep disturbances, and agitation in nursing home residents. It should be further studied whether these algorithms implemented through pharmaceutical care services will improve psychotropic drug prescriptions and prevent drug-related problems in nursing home residents
Background: C-reactive protein (CRP) is associated with risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Whether CRP is causally associated with CHD or merely a marker of underlying atherosclerosis is uncertain. Methods: We used a Mendelian randomisation design to investigate the causal relationship of CRP with CHD. We identified three genetic variants in the CRP locus (rs7553007, rs1130864 and rs1205) which influence CRP levels. We tested the three SNPs for association with CHD amongst 28,112 CHD cases and 100,823 controls. We then compared the observed relationship between the SNPs and CHD, with that predicted from the association of SNPs with CRP levels, and of CRP levels with CHD. Results: SNPs in the CRP locus were not associated with CHD: rs7553007, OR 0.98 (95% CI, 0.94-1.01); rs1130864, OR 1.00 (95% CI, 0.86-1.15); rs1205, OR 1.03 (95% CI, 0.99-1.07); combined OR for all three SNPs, 1.00 (95% CI, 0.97-1.02), per 20% lower CRP (figure). In contrast, the predicted OR for CHD from a 20% lower CRP level is 0.94 (95% CI, 0.94- 0.95), based on meta-analysis of observational studies. Conclusions: Though CRP variants are associated with CRP levels, and CRP levels with risk of CHD, we observed that CRP variants are not associated with CHD risk. Our Mendelian randomisation experiment strongly argues against a causal association of CRP with CHD.
The patterns of development of the vestibular nuclei (VN) and their main connections involving glutamate neurotransmission offer a good model for studying the function of the glial-derived neuromodulator D-serine in synaptic plasticity. In this study we show that D-serine is present in the VN and we analyzed its distribution and the levels of expression of serine racemase and D-amino acid oxidase (D-AAO) at different stages of postnatal (P) development. From birth to P21, high levels of D-serine were detected in glial cells and processes in all parts of the VN. This period corresponded to high expression of serine racemase and low expression of D-AAO. On the other hand, in the mature VN D-serine displayed very low levels and was mainly localized in neuronal cell bodies and dendrites. This drop of D-serine in adult stages corresponded to an increasing expression of D-AAO at mature stages. High levels of glial D-serine during the first 3 weeks of postnatal development correspond to an intense period of plasticity and synaptogenesis and maturation of VN afferents, suggesting that D-serine could be involved in these phenomena. These results demonstrate for the first time that changes in D-serine levels and distribution occur during postnatal development in the central nervous system. The strong decrease of D-serine levels and the glial-to-neuronal switch suggests that D-serine may have distinct functional roles depending on the developmental stage of the vestibular network.
Research Project HR-124, "Development of a Laboratory Durability Test for Asphalts," was initiated in 1966 as a long-range comprehensive program. Its ultimate objective was to develop a simple, rapid laboratory test that could be used by highway engineers to select paving asphalt according to quality, to identify inferior asphalts, and to reasonably predict the useful life of asphalts once they were incorporated in the pavements.
Brain spectrin, a membrane-related cytoskeletal protein, exists as two isoforms. Brain spectrin 240/235 is localized preferentially in the perikaryon and axon of neuronal cells and brain spectrin 240/235E is found essentially in the neuronal soma and dendrites and in glia (Riederer et al., 1986, J. Cell Biol., 102, 2088 - 2097). The sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia, devoid of any dendrites, make a good tool to investigate such differential expression of spectrin isoforms. In this study expression and localization of both brain spectrin isoforms were analysed during early chicken dorsal root ganglia development in vivo and in culture. Both isoforms appeared at embryonic day 6. Brain spectrin 240/235 exhibited a transient increase during embryonic development and was first expressed in ventrolateral neurons. In ganglion cells in situ and in culture this spectrin type showed a somato - axonal distribution pattern. In contrast, brain spectrin 240/235E slightly increased between E6 and E15 and remained practically unchanged. It was localized mainly in smaller neurons of the mediodorsal area as punctate staining in the cytoplasm, was restricted exclusively to the ganglion cell perikarya and was absent from axons both in situ and in culture. This study suggests that brain spectrin 240/235 may contribute towards outgrowth, elongation and maintenance of axonal processes and that brain spectrin 240/235E seems to be exclusively involved in the stabilization of the cytoarchitecture of cell bodies in a selected population of ganglion cells.
Psoriasis is a common T cell-mediated autoimmune inflammatory disease. We show that blocking the interaction of alpha1beta1 integrin (VLA-1) with collagen prevented accumulation of epidermal T cells and immunopathology of psoriasis. Alpha1beta1 integrin, a major collagen-binding surface receptor, was exclusively expressed by epidermal but not dermal T cells. Alpha1beta1-positive T cells showed characteristic surface markers of effector memory cells and contained high levels of interferon-gamma but not interleukin-4. Blockade of alpha1beta1 inhibited migration of T cells into the epidermis in a clinically relevant xenotransplantation model. This was paralleled by a complete inhibition of psoriasis development, comparable to that caused by tumor necrosis factor-alpha blockers. These results define a crucial role for alpha1beta1 in controlling the accumulation of epidermal type 1 polarized effector memory T cells in a common human immunopathology and provide the basis for new strategies in psoriasis treatment focusing on T cell-extracellular matrix interactions.
In newborn kittens, cortical auditory areas (including AI and AII) send transitory projections to ipsi- and contralateral visual areas 17 and 18. These projections originate mainly from neurons in supragranular layers but also from a few in infragranular layers (Innocenti and Clarke: Dev. Brain Res. 14:143-148, '84; Clarke and Innocenti: J. Comp. Neurol. 251:1-22, '86). The postnatal development of these projections was studied with injections of anterograde tracers (wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase [WGA-HRP]) in AI and AII and of retrograde tracers (WGA-HRP, fast blue, diamidino yellow, rhodamine-labeled latex beads) in areas 17 and 18. It was found that the projections are nearly completely eliminated in development, this, by the end of the first postnatal month. Until then, most of the transitory axons seem to remain confined to the white matter and the depth of layer VI; a few enter it further but do not appear to form terminal arbors. As for other transitory cortical projections the disappearance of the transitory axons seems not to involve death of their neurons of origin. In kittens older than 1 month and in normal adult cats, retrograde tracer injections restricted to, or including, areas 17 and 18 label only a few neurons in areas AI and AII. Unlike the situation in the kitten, nearly all of these are restricted to layers V and VI. A similar distribution of neurons projecting from auditory to visual areas is found in adult cats bilaterally enucleated at birth, which suggests that the postnatal elimination of the auditory-to-visual projection is independent of visual experience and more generally of information coming from the retina.
The objective of this work was to evaluate root and nodule soybean lipoxygenases in Doko cultivar and in a near isogenic line lacking seed lipoxygenases, inoculated and uninoculated with Bradyrhizobium elkanii. The lipoxygenase activities from roots collected at 3, 5, 9, 13, 18 and 28 days post-inoculation and from nodules collected at 13, 18 and 28 days post-inoculation were measured. The pH-activity profiles from root and nodules suggested that the lipoxygenases pool expressed in these organs from Doko cultivar and triple-null near isogenic lines are similar. The root lipoxygenase activity of Doko and triple-null lines, inoculated and uninoculated, reduced over time. The highest lipoxygenase activity observed at the beginning of root formation suggests the involvement of this enzyme in growth and development of this organ. However, for nodules an expressive increase of lipoxygenase activity was noticed 28 days post-inoculation. Root and nodule showed, at least, two mobility groups for lipoxygenases in immunoblottings, with approximately 94 and 97 kDa.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) mandated utilizing the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) approach for all new bridges initiated in the United States after October 1, 2007. To achieve part of this goal, a database for Drilled Shaft Foundation Testing (DSHAFT) was developed and reported on by Garder, Ng, Sritharan, and Roling in 2012. DSHAFT is aimed at assimilating high-quality drilled shaft test data from Iowa and the surrounding regions. DSHAFT is currently housed on a project website (http://srg.cce.iastate.edu/dshaft) and contains data for 41 drilled shaft tests. The objective of this research was to utilize the DSHAFT database and develop a regional LRFD procedure for drilled shafts in Iowa with preliminary resistance factors using a probability-based reliability theory. This was done by examining current design and construction practices used by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) as well as recommendations given in the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) LRFD Bridge Design Specifications and the FHWA drilled shaft guidelines. Various analytical methods were used to estimate side resistance and end bearing of drilled shafts in clay, sand, intermediate geomaterial (IGM), and rock. Since most of the load test results obtained from O-cell do not pass the 1-in. top displacement criterion used by the Iowa DOT and the 5% of shaft diameter for top displacement criterion recommended by AASHTO, three improved procedures are proposed to generate and extend equivalent top load-displacement curves that enable the quantification of measured resistances corresponding to the displacement criteria. Using the estimated and measured resistances, regional resistance factors were calibrated following the AASHTO LRFD framework and adjusted to resolve any anomalies observed among the factors. To illustrate the potential and successful use of drilled shafts in Iowa, the design procedures of drilled shaft foundations were demonstrated and the advantages of drilled shafts over driven piles were addressed in two case studies.
Often, road construction causes the need to create a work zone. In these scenarios, portable concrete barriers (PCBs) are typically installed to shield workers and equipment from errant vehicles as well as prevent motorists from striking other roadside hazards. For an existing W-beam guardrail system installed adjacent to the roadway and near the work zone, guardrail sections are removed in order to place the portable concrete barrier system. The focus of this research study was to develop a proper stiffness transition between W-beam guardrail and portable concrete barrier systems. This research effort was accomplished through development and refinement of design concepts using computer simulation with LS-DYNA. Several design concepts were simulated, and design metrics were used to evaluate and refine each concept. These concepts were then analyzed and ranked based on feasibility, likelihood of success, and ease of installation. The rankings were presented to the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) for selection of a preferred design alternative. Next, a Critical Impact Point (CIP) study was conducted, while additional analyses were performed to determine the critical attachment location and a reduced installation length for the portable concrete barriers. Finally, an additional simulation effort was conducted in order to evaluate the safety performance of the transition system under reverse-direction impact scenarios as well as to select the CIP. Recommendations were also provided for conducting a Phase II study and evaluating the nested Midwest Guardrail System (MGS) configuration using three Test Level 3 (TL-3) full-scale crash tests according to the criteria provided in the Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware, as published by the American Association of Safety Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).
The goal of this project was to provide an objective methodology to support public agencies and railroads in making decisions related to consolidation of at-grade rail-highway crossings. The project team developed a weighted-index method and accompanying Microsoft Excel spreadsheet based tool to help evaluate and prioritize all public highway-rail grade crossings systematically from a possible consolidation impact perspective. Factors identified by stakeholders as critical were traffic volume, heavy-truck traffic volume, proximity to emergency medical services, proximity to schools, road system, and out-of-distance travel. Given the inherent differences between urban and rural locations, factors were considered, and weighted, differently, based on crossing location. Application of a weighted-index method allowed for all factors of interest to be included and for these factors to be ranked independently, as well as weighted according to stakeholder priorities, to create a single index. If priorities change, this approach also allows for factors and weights to be adjusted. The prioritization generated by this approach may be used to convey the need and opportunity for crossing consolidation to decision makers and stakeholders. It may also be used to quickly investigate the feasibility of a possible consolidation. Independently computed crossing risk and relative impact of consolidation may be integrated and compared to develop the most appropriate treatment strategies or alternatives for a highway-rail grade crossing. A crossing with limited- or low-consolidation impact but a high safety risk may be a prime candidate for consolidation. Similarly, a crossing with potentially high-consolidation impact as well as high risk may be an excellent candidate for crossing improvements or grade separation. The results of the highway-rail grade crossing prioritization represent a consistent and quantitative, yet preliminary, assessment. The results may serve as the foundation for more rigorous or detailed analysis and feasibility studies. Other pertinent site-specific factors, such as safety, maintenance costs, economic impacts, and location-specific access and characteristics should be considered.
Background: This paper aimed to use the Delphi technique to develop a consensus framework for a multinational, workplace walking intervention. Methods: Ideas were gathered and ranked from eight recognized and emerging experts in the fields of physical activity and health, from universities in Australia, Canada, England, the Netherlands, Northern Ireland, and Spain. Members of the panel were asked to consider the key characteristics of a successful campus walking intervention. Consensus was reached by an inductive, content analytic approach, conducted through an anonymous, three-round, e-mail process. Results: The resulting framework consisted of three interlinking themes defined as “design, implementation, and evaluation.” Top-ranked subitems in these themes included the need to generate research capacity (design), to respond to group needs through different walking approaches (implementation), and to undertake physical activity assessment (evaluation). Themes were set within an underpinning domain, referred to as the “institution” and sites are currently engaging with subitems in this domain, to provide sustainable interventions that reflect the practicalities of local contexts and needs. Conclusions: Findings provide a unique framework for designing, implementing, and evaluating walking projects in universities and highlight the value of adopting the Delphi technique for planning international, multisite health initiatives.