933 resultados para Japanese acupuncture
A atividade esterilizante das pastilhas de paraformaldeído reutilizadas foi avaliada por meio do monitoramento microbiológico, segundo a técnica da Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC), exigida no Brasil para o registro desta categoria de saneastes junto à Vigilância Sanitária do Ministério da Saúde. Preliminarmente aos testes ulometria iodométrica segundo a Society of Japanese Pharmacopeia que permitiram a construção de uma curva de concentração de formaldeído gasoso liberado por ciclo de esterilização, em relação ao número de reutilizações, subsidiando, desta forma, a escolha do momento da realização das análises microbiológicas. As pastilhas de paraformaldeído mantiveram atividade esterilizante na concentração de 3% (3g/100 cm³) num período de exposição de 4 h à temperatura de 50ºC sob umidade relativa máxima, após 12 ciclos de reutilizações de um mesmo grupo de pastilhas.
Aquest treball consisteix en el desenvolupament d'una aplicació mòbil per facilitar l'aprenentatge de l'idioma japonès per a estudiants catalanoparlants. Aquest aprenentatge es fa bastant-se en el mètode de les llistes d'estudi i les flashcards, de manera que els coneixements de l'idioma es van consolidant progressivament. Es tracta d'una aplicació mòbil feta en HTML5 i que es connecta per internet a un servidor J2EE que conté el diccionari complet i la lògica de les operacions de l'aprenentatge.
El nostre objectiu principal és el disseny i implementació d'una aplicació web adaptada als dispositius mòbils (tablets, smartphones) que disposin de navegador.
Selenoproteins contain the amino acid selenocysteine which is encoded by a UGA Sec codon. Recoding UGA Sec requires a complex mechanism, comprising the cis-acting SECIS RNA hairpin in the 3′UTR of selenoprotein mRNAs, and trans-acting factors. Among these, the SECIS Binding Protein 2 (SBP2) is central to the mechanism. SBP2 has been so far functionally characterized only in rats and humans. In this work, we report the characterization of the Drosophila melanogaster SBP2 (dSBP2). Despite its shorter length, it retained the same selenoprotein synthesis-promoting capabilities as the mammalian counterpart. However, a major difference resides in the SECIS recognition pattern: while human SBP2 (hSBP2) binds the distinct form 1 and 2 SECIS RNAs with similar affinities, dSBP2 exhibits high affinity toward form 2 only. In addition, we report the identification of a K (lysine)-rich domain in all SBP2s, essential for SECIS and 60S ribosomal subunit binding, differing from the well-characterized L7Ae RNA-binding domain. Swapping only five amino acids between dSBP2 and hSBP2 in the K-rich domain conferred reversed SECIS-binding properties to the proteins, thus unveiling an important sequence for form 1 binding.
We explore and investigate Japanese dairy markets. We first provide an overview of consumer demand and how it evolved after World War II. Using historical data and econometric estimates of Japanese dairy demand, we identify economic, cultural, and demographic forces that have been shaping consumption patterns. Then we summarize the characteristics of Japanese milk production and dairy processing and policies affecting them. We next describe the import regime and trade flows in dairy products. The analysis of the regulatory system of the dairy sector shows how its incentive structure affects the long-term prospects of various segments of the industry. The paper concludes with policy recommendations of how to reform the Japanese dairy sector.
The price-wedge method yields a tariff-equivalent estimate of technical barriers to trade (TBT). An extension of this method accounts for imperfect substitution between domestic and imported goods and incorporates recent findings on trade costs. We explore the sensitivity of this revamped TBT estimate to its key determinants (substitution elasticity, preference for home good, and trade cost). We use the augmented approach to investigate the ongoing US-Japan apple trade dispute and find that removing the Japanese TBT would yield limited export gains to the United States. We then draw policy implications of our findings.
Computed tomography (CT) is used increasingly to measure liver volume in patients undergoing evaluation for transplantation or resection. This study is designed to determine a formula predicting total liver volume (TLV) based on body surface area (BSA) or body weight in Western adults. TLV was measured in 292 patients from four Western centers. Liver volumes were calculated from helical computed tomographic scans obtained for conditions unrelated to the hepatobiliary system. BSA was calculated based on height and weight. Each center used a different established method of three-dimensional volume reconstruction. Using regression analysis, measurements were compared, and formulas correlating BSA or body weight to TLV were established. A linear regression formula to estimate TLV based on BSA was obtained: TLV = -794.41 + 1,267.28 x BSA (square meters; r(2) = 0.46; P <.0001). A formula based on patient weight also was derived: TLV = 191.80 + 18.51 x weight (kilograms; r(2) = 0.49; P <.0001). The newly derived TLV formula based on BSA was compared with previously reported formulas. The application of a formula obtained from healthy Japanese individuals underestimated TLV. Two formulas derived from autopsy data for Western populations were similar to the newly derived BSA formula, with a slight overestimation of TLV. In conclusion, hepatic three-dimensional volume reconstruction based on helical CT predicts TLV based on BSA or body weight. The new formulas derived from this correlation should contribute to the estimation of TLV before liver transplantation or major hepatic resection.
We performed whole genome sequencing in 16 unrelated patients with autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa (ARRP), a disease characterized by progressive retinal degeneration and caused by mutations in over 50 genes, in search of pathogenic DNA variants. Eight patients were from North America, whereas eight were Japanese, a population for which ARRP seems to have different genetic drivers. Using a specific workflow, we assessed both the coding and noncoding regions of the human genome, including the evaluation of highly polymorphic SNPs, structural and copy number variations, as well as 69 control genomes sequenced by the same procedures. We detected homozygous or compound heterozygous mutations in 7 genes associated with ARRP (USH2A, RDH12, CNGB1, EYS, PDE6B, DFNB31, and CERKL) in eight patients, three Japanese and five Americans. Fourteen of the 16 mutant alleles identified were previously unknown. Among these, there was a 2.3-kb deletion in USH2A and an inverted duplication of ∼446 kb in EYS, which would have likely escaped conventional screening techniques or exome sequencing. Moreover, in another Japanese patient, we identified a homozygous frameshift (p.L206fs), absent in more than 2,500 chromosomes from ethnically matched controls, in the ciliary gene NEK2, encoding a serine/threonine-protein kinase. Inactivation of this gene in zebrafish induced retinal photoreceptor defects that were rescued by human NEK2 mRNA. In addition to identifying a previously undescribed ARRP gene, our study highlights the importance of rare structural DNA variations in Mendelian diseases and advocates the need for screening approaches that transcend the analysis of the coding sequences of the human genome.
When nine million foreigners visited Japan in 2013, the federal government set a goal to attract an additional two and a half million visitors including medical tourists by 2020. This research investigates the attitudes and concerns of Japanese nurses when they are in a situation dealing with foreign patients. The data were collected from March through September 2010, from 114 nurses at three hospitals, in close proximity to popular tourist destinations in Hiroshima. A questionnaire was developed for this research, named Mari Meter, which included a section to write answers to an open question for the nurses to express their opinions. These responses were examined statistically and by word analysis using Text Mining Studio. Japanese nurses expressed greatest concern about payment options, foreign language skills, and issues of informed consent, when dealing with foreigners. The results confirm that, in order to provide a high quality of patient care, extra preparation and a greater knowledge of international workers and visitors are required by nursing professionals in Japan.
A critical feature of cooperative animal societies is the reproductive skew, a shorthand term for the degree to which a dominant individual monopolizes overall reproduction in the group. Our theoretical analysis of the evolutionarily stable skew in matrifilial (i.e., mother-daughter) societies, in which relatednesses to offspring are asymmetrical, predicts that reproductive skews in such societies should tend to be greater than those of semisocial societies (i.e., societies composed of individuals of the same generation, such as siblings), in which relatednesses to offspring are symmetrical. Quantitative data on reproductive skews in semisocial and matrifilial associations within the same species for 17 eusocial Hymenoptera support this prediction. Likewise, a survey of reproductive partitioning within 20 vertebrate societies demonstrates that complete reproductive monopoly is more likely to occur in matrifilial than in semisocial societies, also as predicted by the optimal skew model.
Objective To identify the understanding of the healthcare professionals in relation to the role of complementary therapies in primary health care. Method Systematic review by way of the following information sources: PubMed, CINAHL, PeriEnf, AMED, EMBASE, Web of Science, Psicoinfo and Psicodoc, using the keyword Primary Health Care alone, and associated with the following keywords: Medicinal Plants, Herbal Medicine, Homeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Anthroposophical Medicine. Results Twenty-two studies from 1986 to 2011 were included. We identified three styles of practice: conventional medicine, complementary therapies and integrative medicine. Positioning professional practices within these three styles may facilitate discussion of concepts of health care, enhancing the health care provided as a result. Conclusion The work process in primary care presents difficulties for conducting integrative and holistic health care, but this practice has been introduced over time by professionals who integrate conventional medicine and complementary therapies, concerned with the care and well-being of patients.
It is sometimes argued that the central banks influence the private economy in the short run through controlling a specific component of high powered money, not its total amount. Using a structural VAR approach, this paper evaluates this claim empirically, in the context of the Japanese economy. I estimate a model based on the standard view that the central bank controls the total amount of high powered money, and another model based on the alternative view that it controls only a specific component. It is shown that the former yields much more sensible estimates than thelatter.
PURPOSE: The Gastro-Intestinal Working Party of the EORTC Radiation Oncology Group (GIWP-ROG) developed guidelines for target volume definition in neoadjuvant radiation of adenocarcinomas of the gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) and the stomach. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Guidelines about the definition of the clinical target volume (CTV) are based on a systematic literature review of the location and frequency of local recurrences and lymph node involvement in adenocarcinomas of the GEJ and the stomach. Therefore, MEDLINE was searched up to August 2008. Guidelines concerning prescription, planning and treatment delivery are based on a consensus between the members of the GIWP-ROG. RESULTS: In order to support a curative resection of GEJ and gastric cancer, an individualized preoperative treatment volume based on tumour location has to include the primary tumour and the draining regional lymph nodes area. Therefore we recommend to use the 2nd English Edition of the Japanese Classification of Gastric Carcinoma of the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association which developed the concept of assigning tumours of the GEJ and the stomach to anatomically defined sub-sites corresponding respectively to a distinct lymphatic spread pattern. CONCLUSION: The GIWP-ROG defined guidelines for preoperative irradiation of adenocarcinomas of the GEJ and the stomach to reduce variability in the framework of future clinical trials.
PURPOSE: To characterize the clinical, psychophysical, and electrophysiological phenotypes in a five-generation Swiss family with dominantly inherited retinitis pigmentosa caused by a T494M mutation in the Precursor mRNA-Processing factor 3 (PRPF3) gene, and to relate the phenotype to the underlying genetic mutation. METHODS: Eleven affected patients were ascertained for phenotypic and genotypic characterization. Ophthalmologic evaluations included color vision testing, Goldmann perimetry, and digital fundus photography. Some patients had autofluorescence imaging, Optical Coherence Tomography, and ISCEV-standard full-field electroretinography. All affected patients had genetic testing. RESULTS: The age of onset of night blindness and the severity of the progression of the disease varied between members of the family. Some patients reported early onset of night blindness at age three, with subsequent severe deterioration of visual acuity, which was 0.4 in the best eye after their fifties. The second group of patients had a later onset of night blindness, in the mid-twenties, with a milder disease progression and a visual acuity of 0.8 at age 70. Fundus autofluorescence imaging and electrophysiological and visual field abnormalities also showed some degree of varying phenotypes. The autofluorescence imaging showed a large high-density ring bilaterally. Myopia (range: -0.75 to -8) was found in 10/11 affected subjects. Fundus findings showed areas of atrophy along the arcades. A T494M change was found in exon 11 of the PRPF3 gene. The change segregates with the disease in the family. CONCLUSIONS: A mutation in the PRPF3 gene is rare compared to other genes causing autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP). Although a T494M change has been reported, the family in our study is the first with variable expressivity. Mutations in the PRPF3 gene can cause a variable ADRP phenotype, unlike in the previously described Danish, English, and Japanese families. Our report, based on one of the largest affected pedigree, provides a better understanding as to the phenotype/genotype description of ADRP caused by a PRPF3 mutation.
Se analiza información biológico-pesquera de atunes y especies afines, proveniente de la actividad extractiva de 6 atuneras palangreras de bandera japonesa que con licencias de pesca operaron en aguas jurisdiccionales del Perú, entre noviembre 1992 y octubre 1993. Las faenas de pesca se efectuaron de 0° a 14°S y desde las 30 hasta las 380 mn de la costa. Las especies capturadas fueron: atún ojo grande o patudo (Thunnus obesus), atún aleta amarilla (T. albacares) y atún aleta larga (T. alalunga). La captura total de los 6 buques palangreros fue 2.052 t, el 64% fue atún, 27% tiburones, 3% pez espada y 6% otras especies como el dorado, mantas, rayas, etc. T. obesus presentó rango de tallas entre 50 y 260 cm; T. albacares entre 50 y 170 cm y T. alalunga entre 84 y 121 cm. El índice de abundancia relativa de T. obesus se estimó en 21,2 k por cada 100 anzuelos, mientras que para T. albacares fue 18,4 k por cada 100 anzuelos, con los mayores valores en otoño e invierno.