940 resultados para Itiquira basin
Heat flow in the Central Basin of the Indian Ocean and the northern part of the Afanasy Nikitin Rise
Heat flux data obtained during Cruise 20 of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in the Central Basin of the Indian Ocean and northern part of the Afanasy Nikitin Rise are presented. Thermal conditions on the rise are not associated with an anomalous zone of the large tectonic deformation block north of it. Geothermal data indicate that the Afanasy Nikitin Rise has formed near an ancient spreading axis. Distribution of measured heat flux values indicates an additional source of heat in the Central Basin resulting from dissipative heating of the crust in the two-stage plate tectonics model.
Central European marine to brackish ostracod and benthic foraminiferal phenetic similarities between seven areas have been calculated (Jaccard index) for the early Chattian, late Chattian (Late Oligocene) and Aquitanian (Early Miocene) time slices. The results demonstrate the existence of three (micro-) faunal palaeobiogeographic units: a northern unit, the Upper Rhine Subprovince (URSP for Ostracoda; or Upper Rhine Area, URA for Foraminifera; encompassing the Mainz Basin, northern Upper Rhine Graben and Hanau Basin/Wetterau) and the Western Paratethys. Progressive isolation of the URSP is indicated by reduced indices that bottomed in the basal Miocene, when connections appear to be completely interrupted (Ostracoda) or reduced to a few cosmopolitan species (Foraminifera). The interpretations are, to a large extent, in agreement with other palaeontological data (e.g. molluscs, fish). The general isolation trend is not always continuous for ostracod or foraminiferal assemblages.
The clay mineral composition at IODP Exp. 323 Site U1343 in the Bering Sea was analyzed so as to unravel their provenance over glacial-interglacial cycles for the last 2.4 Ma. Smectite was negatively correlated with the sum of illite and chlorite; therefore, their ratio [S/(I + C)] was used as an indicator of clay mineral composition changes. In general, the S/(I + C) ratio was rather similar for glacial and interglacial periods during most of the last 2.4 Ma. In addition, these results overlap with those of surface sediments in the modern East Aleutian Basin, which suggests that smectite-rich clay particles are delivered from the Aleutians by the northward Bering Slope Current (BSC) rather than from rivers in western Alaska. However, some clay mineral compositions of the glacial periods after the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT: 1.25-0.7 Ma) were characterized by low illite and relatively high smectite. During this period, extensive ice-rafting might have transported the smectite-rich clay particles to Site U1343 from the glacial shelf off Alaska and/or from glacial rivers from that area.
This paper concentrates on the Early Oligocene palaeoclimate of the southern part of Eastern and Central Europe and gives a detailed climatological analysis, combined with leaf-morphological studies and modelling of the palaeoatmospheric CO2 level using stomatal and d13 C data. Climate data are calculated using the Coexistence Approach for Kiscellian floras of the Palaeogene Basin (Hungary and Slovenia) and coeval assemblages from Central and Southeastern Europe. Potential microclimatic or habitat variations are considered using morphometric analysis of fossil leaves from Hungarian, Slovenian and Italian floras. Reconstruction of CO2 is performed by applying a recently introduced mechanistic model. Results of climate analysis indicate distinct latitudinal and longitudinal climate patterns for various variables which agree well with reconstructed palaeogeography and vegetation. Calculated climate variables in general suggest a warm and frost-free climate with low seasonal variation of temperature. A difference in temperature parameters is recorded between localities from Central and Southeastern Europe, manifested mainly in the mean temperature of the coldest month. Results of morphometric analysis suggest microclimatic or habitat difference among studied floras. Extending the scarce information available on atmospheric CO2 levels during the Oligocene, we provide data for a well-defined time-interval. Reconstructed atmospheric CO2 levels agree well with threshold values for Antarctic ice sheet growth suggested by recent modelling studies. The successful application of the mechanistic model for the reconstruction of atmospheric CO2 levels raises new possibitities for future climate inference from macro-flora studies.
New data are reported on the major- and trace-component compositions of acidic and weakly acidic low-concentration wetland waters and other water types. Special attention was given to dissolved organic compounds: fulvic and humic acids, bitumens, and hydrocarbons. The first comprehensive data are presented for organic trace components in the wetland waters of western Siberia: alkanes, pentacyclic terpenoids, steranes, alkylbenzenes, naphthalenes, phenanthrenes, tetraarenes, etc.
The Athabasca Basin (Canada) contains the highest grade unconformity-type uranium deposits in the world. Underlying the Athabasca Group sedimentary rocks of the Dufferin Lake zone are variably graphitic pelitic schists (VGPS), altered to chlorite and hematite (Red/Green Zone: RGZ), and locally bleached near the unconformity during paleoweathering and/or later fluid interaction, leading to a loss of graphite near the unconformity. Fluid inclusions were examined in different generations of quartz veins, using microthermometry and Raman analysis, to characterize and compare the different fluids that interacted with the RGZ and the VGPS. In the VGPS, CH4-, N2- and CO2-rich fluids circulated. CH4- and N2-rich fluids could be the result of the breakdown of graphite to CH4/CO2, whereas N2-rich fluid is interpreted to be the result of breakdown of feldspars/micas to NH4+/N2. In the RGZ, highly saline fluids interpreted to be basinally derived have been recorded. The circulation of the two types of fluids (carbonic and brines) occurred at two different distinct events: 1) during the retrograde metamorphism of the basement rocks before the deposition of the Athabasca Basin for the carbonic fluids, and 2) after the deposition of the Athabasca Basin for the brines. Thus, in addition to possibly be related to graphite depletion in the RGZ, the brines can be linked to uranium mineralization.